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Spectral Analysis for Geophysical Data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

2010年冬季与2011年春夏季,采用样线法对位于豫鄂交界处的信阳南湾湖鸟类多样性进行调查。结合历史资料,南湾湖共记录到鸟类16目40科110种,其中4目5科9种均为国家重点Ⅱ级保护野生动物;特有种或主要分布在我国的鸟类2目2科2种。留鸟40种,夏候鸟38种,冬候鸟9种,旅鸟23种。古北界鸟类42种,东洋界鸟类35种,广布种33种。研究区具有古北界种与东洋界种混杂的特点,古北界种鸟类占优势,分布型以北方鸟类为主。基于科属水平上的G-F指数计算结果显示,南湾湖的F指数、G指数与F-G指数分别是29.26、4.57、0.84,低于邻近的伏牛山鸟类各指数,显示南湾湖在鸟纲科属水平上与伏牛山鸟类多样性相异,且具有相对较低的鸟类多样性。  相似文献   

Sample surveys are routinely used to gather primary data in human geography research. We highlight the difference between design-based analysis and model-based analysis of sample surveys and emphasize the advantages of using the design-based approach with these data. As an example, we demonstrate differences in results from model-based and design-based analyses of cancer prevalence in a population of predominantly minority women in North Carolina and South Carolina. The results from the two approaches reveal differences in population estimates of numerous variables and a different conclusion regarding the significance of an explanatory variable in a logistic regression model to explain colon cancer prevalence.  相似文献   

A quantitative valuation study has been made of Australian state surveys with the specific goals of (1) establishing the 'worth' of current programs upgrading state government geoscientific information infrastructure, and (2) considering the results of the valuation in terms of strategic planning. The study has been done from the perspective of the community as a whole and has been undertaken in two phases reflecting the different objectives of Australian state surveys in terms of the exploration industry and government policy-making. This paper reports on the second part of this valuation process, measuring the impact of upgraded survey data on government mineral policy decision processes. The valuation methodology developed is a comparative approach used to determine net benefit foregone by not upgrading information infrastructure. The underlying premise for the geological survey study is that existing and upgraded data sets will have a different probability that a deposit will be detected. The approach used in the valuation of geoscientific data introduces a significant technical component with the requirement to model both favorability of mineral occurrence and probability of deposit occurrence for two different generations of government data. The estimation of mineral potential uses modern quantitative methods, including the U.S. Geological Survey three-part resource-assessment process and computer-based prospectivity modeling. To test the methodology mineral potential was assessed for porphyry copper type deposits in part of the Yarrol Province, central Queensland. Results of the Yarrol case study supports the strategy of the state surveys to facilitate effective exploration by improving accuracy and acquiring new data, as part of resource management. It was determined in the Yarrol Province case study that in going from existing to upgraded data sets the area that would be considered permissible for the occurrence of porphyry type deposits almost doubled. The implication of this result is that large tracts of potentially mineralized land would not be identified using existing data. Results of the prospectivity modeling showed a marked increase in the number of exploration targets and in target rankings using the upgraded data set. A significant reduction in discovery risk also is associated with the upgraded data set, a conclusion supported by the fact that known mines with surface exposure are not identified in prospectivity modeling using the existing data sets. These results highlight the absence in the existing data sets of information critical for the identification of prospective ground.Quantitative resource assessment and computer-based prospectivity modeling are seen as complementary processes that provide the support for the increasingly sophisticated needs of Australian survey clients. Significant additional gains to the current value of geoscientific data can be achieved through the in-house analysis and characterization of individual data sets, the integration and interpretation of data sets, and the incorporation of information on geological uncertainty.  相似文献   

基于光谱混合分解的民勤生态治理效果评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
作为退化绿洲典型,甘肃民勤生态治理效果的评价对全球干旱区土地退化防治具有重要借鉴作用。使用Landsat系列遥感数据,基于光谱混合分解模型,采用土地覆被/利用分类后比较和端元丰度值差值的方法,对民勤生态工程第二阶段初期(2010—2015年)的治理效果进行了定性和定量研究。结果表明:民勤县土地退化面积为39 712.14hm^2,恢复面积为101 503.44hm^2,恢复面积大于退化面积,呈现出恢复的态势。沙地面积减少,沙地的沙化程度降低;盐碱地面积虽有增加,但盐碱地的盐渍化程度有所下降;林草地相较耕地、夏作耕地相较春作耕地成为当地优势植被地类;水域面积虽有减少,但水域的水含量有所增加。民勤经过近20年的生态修复治理,已经进入良性修复阶段。  相似文献   

论文探讨了沙坡头地区气候要素的年际、年内变化特征,并采用功能谱分析方法,定量分析了气温、降水的周期性变化规律,得出气温年际变化具有8.4 a、3.5 a和2.8 a的周期规律;降水年际变化具有8.4 a、5~6 a、3.5 a和3 a的周期性规律。采用交叉功能谱分析方法研究了气温与降水协同变化机制、周期性及其对人工植被的影响,得出降水和气温组合因子具有10.5 a、8.4 a、3.5~3.8 a的波动周期。为气候资源的利用与人工防护林的稳定发展提供了定量依据。  相似文献   

The first New Zealand vertical aerial survey was made almost 60 years ago in 1926 by the New Zealand Permanent Air Force (now the Royal New Zealand Air Force). Up to April 1984 at least 8500 surveys have been completed by a number of aerial survey organisations: these surveys comprise over 490,000 individual aerial photographs.  相似文献   

基于模糊集分析的土壤质量指标高光谱反演   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对横山县84个土样350~2 500 nm波段的光谱曲线分析,进行土壤质量12项指标的光谱反演。为获得有效光谱反演指标,利用单相关分析方法计算土壤质量指标与光谱反射率的相关系数并绘制相关系数曲线,根据极大相关性选择最佳波段作为光谱反演指标;剔除异常样本后,利用模糊识别理论建立土壤质量指标反演模型,通过优化得到模型的最佳参数。土壤质量12项指标光谱反演模型的平均检验误差均小于15%,说明模型的精度较高。  相似文献   

沙坡头地区气候变化特征及其功能谱分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周忠学  李文龙 《中国沙漠》1999,19(2):139-144
论文探讨了沙坡头地区气候要素的年际、年内变化特征,并采用功能谱分析方法,定量分析了气温、降水的周期性变化规律,得出气温年际变化具有8.4a、3.5a和2.8a的周期规律;降水年际变化具有8.4a、5 ̄6a、3.5a和3a的周期性规律。采用交叉功能谱分析方法研究了气温与降水协同变化机制、周期性及其对人工植被的影响,得出降水和气温组合因子具有10.5a、8.4a、3.5 ̄3.8a的波动周期。为气候资源  相似文献   

利用土壤光谱反射率预测海岸带典型土壤有机质含量.对莱州湾海岸带典型地区97个土壤样本的光谱反射率特性进行分析,把光谱曲线划分为4个区域,提取每个区域的代表性特征参数,与土壤有机质含量进行相关性分析,最终选用458~587.1 nm区间的挠度(相关系数达0.87)作为自变量进行模型回归,并利用均方根误差(RMSE)和预测残差(RPD)进行模型检验与评价.结果表明,以458~587.1nm区间的挠度作为自变量建立的对数函数预测模型具有较高的精度和稳定性,经验证计算出其RMSE为0.39,RPD为2.5,该模型应用效果较好.  相似文献   

内陆水体水质参数光谱特征与定量遥感   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文在分析内陆水体及其主要水质参数的光谱特征的基础上 ,讨论了水质遥感监测常用的遥感数据和方法 ,对近年来国内外遥感技术特别是高光谱技术在内陆水体水质监测中的应用研究现状和进展进行了综述 ,并提出未来此领域的发展方向及研究工作的重点  相似文献   

Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world ….

“The Second Coming,” W. B. Yeats 1921  相似文献   

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