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Data on drop size distribution and kinetic energy load of rainstorms are basic for rainfall erosivity indices. A simple and relatively inexpensive instrument was used to asses the instantaneous intensity and kinetic energy load of rainstorms in Hong Kong. Both the drop size and the instantaneous kinetic energy load of rainfall in Hong Kong are greater than in temperate and subtropical climates. The high kinetic energy results from the large size and greater number of raindrops falling per unit time. A high correlation between the kinetic energy of rainfall and the amount of rainfall allows for a convenient estimate of the energy load of storms from the amount of rainfall. Of more significance to the erosion process is the determination that about 74% of the total annual rainfall is erosive, containing about three‐quarters of the total annual energy load of the rains. The variability of rainfall parameters within a rainfall and from storm to storm is shown. The energy–intensity relationship, seasonal and annual distributions of rainfall erosivity are presented. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rainfall erosivity is defined as the potential of the rain to cause erosion, and it can be represented by rainfall kinetic power. At first in this paper, the raindrop size distributions (DSD) measured by an optical disdrometer located at Palermo in the period June 2006–March 2014 and aggregated for intensity classes, are presented. Then an analysis of raindrop size characteristics is carried out, and the reliability of Ulbrich's distribution, using both the maximum likelihood and momentum estimate parameter methods, is tested. The raindrop size measurements are used to determine the experimental rainfall kinetic power values, which are compared with the ones calculated by a theoretically deduced relationship. This analysis demonstrates that the kinetic power is strictly related to the median volume diameter of DSD. Finally, the reliability of the simplest Marshall and Palmer exponential DSD for estimating the rainfall kinetic power is demonstrated. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The relatively high cost of commercially available raindrop spectrometers and disdrometers has inhibited detailed and intensive research on drop size distribution, kinetic energy and momentum of rainfall which are important for understanding and modelling soil erosion caused by raindrop detachment. In this study, an approach to find the drop size distribution, momentum and kinetic energy of rainfall using a relatively inexpensive device that uses a piezoelectric force transducer for sensing raindrop impact response is introduced. The instrument continuously and automatically records, on a time‐scale, the amplitude of electrical pulses produced by the impact of raindrops on the surface of the transducer. The size distribution of the raindrops and their respective kinetic energy are calculated by analysing the number and amplitude of pulses recorded, and from the measured volume of total rainfall using a calibration curve. Simultaneous measurements of the instrument, a rain gauge and a dye‐stain method were used to assess the performance of the instrument. Test results from natural and simulated rainfalls are presented. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rainfall erosivity represents the primary driver for particle detachment in splash soil erosion. Several raindrop erosivity indices have been developed in order to quantify the potential of rainfall to cause soil erosion. Different types of rainfall simulators have been used to relate rainfall characteristics to soil detachment. However, rainfall produced by different rainfall simulators has different characteristics, specifically different relationships between rainfall intensity and rainfall erosivity. For this reason, the effect of rainfall characteristics produced by a dripper‐type rainfall simulator on splash soil erosion (Ds) has been investigated. The simulated rainfall kinetic energy (KE) and drop size distribution (DSD) were measured using piezoelectric transducers, modified from the Vaisala RAINCAP® rain sensor. The soil splash was evaluated under various simulated rainfall intensities ranging from 10 to 100 mm h?1 using the splash‐cup method. The simulated rainfall intensity (I) and kinetic energy relationship (IKE) was found to be different from natural rainfall. The simulated rainfall intensity and splash soil erosion relationship (IDs) also followed this same trend. The IKE relationship was found to follow the natural rainfall trend until the rainfall intensity reached 30 mm h?1 and above this limit the KE started to decrease. This emphasizes the importance of the IKE relationship in determining the IDs relationship, which can differ from one rainfall simulator to another. Ds was found to be highly correlated with KE (r = 0·85, P < 0·001), when data produced by the rainfall intensity ranged from 10 to 100 mm h?1. However, when the threshold rainfall intensity (30 mm h?1) was considered, the correlation coefficient further improved (r = 0·89, P = 0·001). Accordingly, to improve the soil splash estimation of simulated rainfall under various rainfall intensities the I–KE characterization relationship for rainfall simulators has to be taken into account. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The complex interactions between rainfall‐driven erosion processes and rainfall characteristics, slope gradient, soil treatment and soil surface processes are not very well understood. A combination of experiments under natural rainfall and a consistent physical theory for their interpretation is needed to shed more light on the underlying processes. The present study demonstrates such a methodology. An experimental device employed earlier in laboratory studies was used to measure downslope rain splash and ‘splash‐creep’, lateral splash, upslope splash and rainfall‐driven runoff transport (wash) from a highly aggregated clay‐rich oxisol exposed to natural rainfall in West Java, Indonesia. Two series of measurements were made: the first with the soil surface at angles of 0°, 5°, 15° and 40°; and the second all at an angle of 5° but with different tillage and mulching treatments. A number of rainfall erosivity indices were calculated from rainfall intensity measurements and compared with measured transport components. Overall storm kinetic energy correlated reasonably well with sediment transport, but much better agreement was obtained when a threshold rainfall intensity (20 mm h?1) was introduced. Rain splash transport measurements were interpreted using a recently developed theory relating detachment to sediment transport. Furthermore, a conceptually sound yet simple wash transport model is advanced that satisfactorily predicted observed washed sediment concentrations. The lack of replication precluded rigorous assessment of the effect of slope and soil treatment on erosion processes, but some general conclusions could still be drawn. The results stress the importance of experiments under conditions of natural rainfall. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Knowledge of rainfall characteristics such as drop-size distribution is essential for the development of erosion-mitigation strategies and models. This research used an optical disdrometer to elucidate the relationships between raindrop-size distribution, median volume drop diameter (D50), kinetic energy and radar reflectivity (dBz) of simulated rainfall of different intensities. The D50 values were higher for the simulated rain than for natural rain at almost all rainfall intensities, perhaps due to variations in rainfall types and the turbulence in natural rain that breaks up large drops. The kinetic energy ranged from 26.67 to 5955.51 J m?2 h ?1, while the median volume drop diameter (D50) was in the range 1.94–7.25 mm, for intensities between 1.5 and 202.6 mm h?1. The relationship between radar reflectivity (Z) and the intensity (R) of the simulated rain was best described by a power law function (Z = aRb), with a and b coefficients in the ranges 162–706 and 0.94–2.46, respectively, throughout the range of rainfall intensities (1.5–202.6 mm h?1).  相似文献   

Knowledge of rainfall characteristics is very important for the accurate estimation of rainfall kinetic energy and prediction of soil erosion. In this study, a reliable and efficient data collection and analysis system was developed to analyse the natural raindrop data collected in subtropical Taiwan. Both raindrop size distributions by number and volume were carefully analysed. The seasonal variations of the rainfall erosivity factor R, which is an index of the erosive potential of rainfall and a function of rainfall kinetic energy, was also discussed. An isoerodent map of Taiwan was also developed based on the rainfall data recorded by 158 automated rainfall‐measuring stations within 26 years. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Paolo Porto 《水文研究》2016,30(10):1551-1562
The rainfall erosivity factor R of the Universal Soil Loss Equation is a good indicator of the potential of a storm to erode soil, as it quantifies the raindrop impact effect on the soil based on storm intensity. The R‐factor is defined as the average annual value of rainfall erosion index, EI, calculated by cumulating the EI values obtained for individual storms for at least 22 years. By definition, calculation of EI is based on rainfall measurements at short time intervals over which the intensity is essentially constant, i.e. using so‐called breakpoint data. Because of the scarcity of breakpoint rainfall data, many authors have used different time resolutions (Δt = 5, 10, 15, 30, and 60 min) to deduce EI in different areas of the world. This procedure affects the real value of EI because it is strongly dependent on Δt. In this contribution, after a general overview of similar studies carried out in different countries, the relationship between EI and Δt is explored in Calabria, southern Italy. The use of 17 139 storm events collected from 65 rainfall stations allowed the calculation of EI for different time intervals ranging from 5 to 60 min. The overall results confirm that calculation of EI is dependent on time resolution and a conversion factor able to provide its value for the required Δt is necessary. Based on these results, a parametric equation that gives EI as a function of Δt is proposed, and a regional map of the scale parameter a that represents the conversion factor for converting fixed‐interval values of (EI30)Δt to values of (EI30)15 is provided in order to calculate R anywhere in the region using rainfall data of 60 min. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Knowledge of rainfall characteristics is important for estimating soil erosion in arid areas. We determined basic rainfall characteristics (raindrop size distribution, intensity and kinetic energy), evaluated the erosivity of rainfall events, and established a relationship between rainfall intensity I and volume-specific kinetic energy KEvol for the Central Rift Valley area of the Ethiopian highlands. We collected raindrops on dyed filter paper and calculated KEvol and erosivity values for each rainfall event. For most rainfall intensities the median volume drop diameter (D50) was higher than expected, or reported in most studies. Rainfall intensity in the region was not high, with 8% of rain events exceeding 30 mm h-1. We calculated soil erosion from storm energy and maximum 30-min intensity for soils of different erodibility under conditions of fallow (unprotected soil), steep slope (about 9%) and no cover and management practice on the surface, and determined that 3 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 is the threshold erosivity, while erosivity of >7 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 could cause substantial erosion in all soil types in the area.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate Editor Q. Zhang  相似文献   


Rainfall simulators have often been used to mimic natural rainfall for studies of various land-surface and water interaction processes. The characteristics of the simulated rainfall are the main indicators used to judge the performance of the rainfall simulators. The aim of this study is to investigate the potential of piezoelectric transducers for measuring and evaluating a dripper-type simulated rainfall drop-size distribution (DSD) and kinetic energy (KE). The directly measured KE was significantly correlated with the estimated KE using the drop-size distribution and empirical rain drop fall velocity relationships. This result emphasizes the potential use of the piezoelectric sensor to directly measure and evaluate rainfall kinetic energy. Also, the relationship between rainfall intensity and KE showed good patterns of agreement between simulated rainfall and natural rainfall.

Citation Abd Elbasit, M. A. M., Yasuda, H. & Salmi, A. (2011) Application of piezoelectric transducers in simulated rainfall erosivity assessment. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(1), 187–194.  相似文献   

The rainfall erosivity plays a fundamental role in water soil erosion processes and it can be expressed by its kinetic power. At first in this paper, the raindrop‐size distributions measured, in the period June 2006–March 2014, by an optical disdrometer installed at the Department of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences of University of Palermo are aggregated into rainfall intensity classes, having different ranges, and the measured kinetic power values are determined. Measured kinetic power values are initially used for testing the applicability of the kinetic power‐rainfall intensity relationships proposed by Wischmeier and Smith ( 1978 ), used in Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), Brown and Foster ( 1987 ) (RUSLE), and McGregor et al. ( 1995 ) (RUSLE2). Then, the reliability of a theoretical relationship for estimating the kinetic power by rainfall intensity and median volume diameter is verified. Finally, using the literature available datasets, corresponding to measurements carried out by different techniques and in different geographical sites, the analysis demonstrated that the rainfall intensity is not sufficient to determine the rainfall kinetic power. On the contrary, the theoretically deduced relationship allows to reproduce adequately the kinetic power of all available datasets, demonstrating that the knowledge of both rainfall intensity and median volume diameter allows a reliable estimate of the rainfall erosivity.  相似文献   


The modelling of soil loss and investigation of urban hydrology and wet weather pollution in Malaysia requires the definition of rainfall parameters for the region. In this study, an inexpensive method was applied to establish the influence of raindrop diameter on kinetics and rain intensity in Skudai, Peninsular Malaysia, as a prelude to wider regional research. Raindrop sizes vary from less than 1.2 mm to as big as 7.0 mm, with median raindrop diameters of 2.51 mm and a mean diameter of 2.56 mm. The median raindrop diameter–intensity relationship correlates strongly using power and exponential equations, with coefficients of determination of 0.75 and 0.73, respectively. The kinetic energy–intensity relationship fits an exponential function and also a linear equation with R2 values of 0.49 and 0.34, respectively. An average rain kinetic energy of 30 J m-2 mm-1 was recorded. This research leads to an objective reclassification of rainfall intensities in the region.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor not assigned  相似文献   

Soil erosion by water is one of the main environmental concerns in the drought‐prone Eastern Africa region. Understanding factors such as rainfall and erosivity is therefore of utmost importance for soil erosion risk assessment and soil and water conservation planning. In this study, we evaluated the spatial distribution and temporal trends of rainfall and erosivity for the Eastern Africa region during the period 1981–2016. The precipitation concentration index, seasonality index, and modified Fournier index have been analysed using 5 × 5‐km resolution multisource rainfall product (Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Stations). The mean annual rainfall of the region was 810 mm ranging from less than 300 mm in the lowland areas to over 1,200 mm in the highlands being influenced by orography of the Eastern Africa region. The precipitation concentration index and seasonality index revealed a spatial pattern of rainfall seasonality dependent on latitude, with a more pronounced seasonality as we go far from the equator. The modified Fournier index showed high spatial variability with about 55% of the region subject to high to very high rainfall erosivity. The mean annual R‐factor in the study region was calculated at 3,246 ± 1,895 MJ mm ha?1 h?1 yr?1, implying a potentially high water erosion risk in the region. Moreover, both increasing and decreasing trends of annual rainfall and erosivity were observed but spatial variability of these trends was high. This study offers useful information for better soil erosion prediction as well as can support policy development to achieve sustainable regional environmental planning and management of soil and water resources.  相似文献   

Impact of rainfall pattern on interrill erosion process   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The impact of rainfall pattern on the interrill erosion process is not fully understood despite its importance. Systematic rainfall simulation experiments involving various rainfall intensities, stages, intensity sequences, and surface cover conditions were conducted in this study to investigate their effects on the interrill erosion process. Five rainfall patterns designed with the same total kinetic energy/precipitation (increasing, decreasing, rising–falling, falling–rising and constant patterns) were randomly delivered to a pre‐wet clay loam soil surface at a 10° slope gradient. Significant differences in soil losses were observed among the different rainfall patterns and stages, but there was no obvious difference in runoff. Kinetic energy flux (KEr) was a governing factor for interrill erosion, and constant rainfall pattern (CST) produced nine times greater soil loss than runs with no KEr. Varied‐intensity patterns had a profound effect on raindrop‐induced sediment transport processes; path analysis results indicated that said effect was complex, interactive and intensity‐dependent. Low hydraulic parameter thresholds further indicated that KEr was the dominant factor in detaching soil particles, while overland flow mainly contributed to transporting the pre‐detached particles. This study not only sheds light on the mechanism of interrill sediment transport capacity and detachability, but also may provide a useful database for developing event‐based interrill erosion prediction models. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Simulator of Artificial RaInfall (SARI) rainfall simulator (RS) is a newly designed, constructed and calibrated, portable, two-nozzle RS with low water consumption, accurate measurement, easy management and low cost. The raindrop size distribution and velocity and mean rainfall intensity were measured. The best rainfall spatial distribution was achieved with nozzles separated by 50, 60 and 70 cm, and with oscillation angles of 30, 45 and 60°, at a pressure of 60 kPa. The uniformity coefficient varied from 57 to 61% and rainfall intensity from 48 to 101 mm h?1. The raindrop diameter varied from 0.2 to 9.9 mm. The raindrop velocity at the optimum pressure of 60 kPa, which was measured with high-speed photography, ranged from 1.1 to 7.1 m s?1. Comparison with other RSs shows that the SARI simulator is a suitable apparatus to research soil erosion and runoff generation under laboratory and field conditions.  相似文献   

An inexpensive, mobile field rainfall simulator and runoff plot frame were developed for use on hillside vineyards. The simulator framework and components were lightweight, readily available and easily manageable such that they can be handled by one person during transport, set–up and operation. The vineyard rainfall simulator was simpler than many of the machines in recent use for similar studies, yet offered equal or improved performance for small‐plot studies. The system developed consistent sized 2·58 mm raindrops at intensities ranging from 20 to 90 mm/h. The average distribution uniformity coefficient at an intensity of 60 mm/h was 91·7%, with a deviation of only 2·2%. This coefficient was similar to the range reported for a more complex rotating disk simulator, and was notably greater than that obtained for other similar devices. The system water capacity of 40 l allowed for 1‐h storm durations at 60 mm/h, usually sufficient time for commencement of erosion and runoff. The runoff plot frame was designed to be quickly installed, and to discourage sediment deposition in the routing of runoff to collect containers. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wei Wei  Liding Chen  Bojie Fu  Yihe Lü  Jie Gong 《水文研究》2009,23(12):1780-1791
Rainfall extremes (RE) become more variable and stochastic in the context of climate change, increasing uncertainties and risks of water erosion in the real world. Vegetation also plays a key role in soil erosion dynamics. Responses of water erosion to RE and vegetation, however, remain unclear. In this article, on the basis of the data measured on 15 plots (area: 10 m × 10 m and 10 m × 5 m) and the definition of World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on rainfall extremes, 158 natural rainfall events from 1986 to 2005 were analysed, and rain depth and maximal 30‐min intensity (MI30) were used to define RE. Then, water erosion process under RE and five vegetation types (spring wheat, alfalfa, sea buckthorn, Chinese pine, and wheatgrass) were studied in a key loess semiarid hilly area, NW China. The following findings were made: (1) The minimal thresholds of depth and MI30 for defining RE were determined as 40·11 mm and 0·55 mm/min, respectively. Among the studied rainfall events, there were four events with both the variables exceeding the thresholds (REI), five events with depths exceeding 40·11 mm (REII), and four events with MI30 exceeding 0·55 mm/min (REIII). Therefore, not only extreme rainstorm, but also events with lower intensities and long durations were considered as RE. Moreover, RE occurred mostly in July and August, with a probability of 46 and 31%, respectively. (2) Extreme events, especially REI, in general caused severer soil‐water loss. Mean extreme runoff and erosion rates were 2·68 and 53·15 times of mean ordinary rates, respectively. The effect of each event on water erosion, however, becomes uncertain as a result of the variations of RE and vegetation. (3) The buffering capacities of vegetation on RE were generally in the order of sea buckthorn > wheatgrass > Chinese pine > alfalfa > spring wheat. In particular, sea buckthorn reduced runoff and erosion effectively after 3–4 years of plantation. Therefore, to fight against water erosion shrubs like sea buckthorn are strongly recommended as pioneer species in such areas. On the contrary, steep cultivation (spring wheat on slopes), however, should be avoided, because of its high sensitivities to RE. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The decay of roughness is an important factor governing surface processes such as infiltration and soil erosion. Thus the decay of surface roughness under different surface conditions was investigated and related to quantitative amounts of soil loss, runoff and sediment concentration in a laboratory experiment. Rainfall with an intensity of 128 mm/h was applied to a bare or mulched surfaces of a sandy loam soil with known surface roughness at specified time intervals. The decay of roughness as expressed by roughness ratio, in this experiment, was better predicted when related to an exponential function of the square root of cumulative kinetic energy of rainfall rather than with the cumulative rainfall. The roughness decay equations in literature did not predict breakdown under mulched surfaces accurately. Thus the exponent parameters of the roughness decay equations were adjusted to reflect the reduced decay occurring under mulched surfaces. In a bare soil, regression equations expressing the dependent variables as a function of initial roughness index were significant, but with low coefficients of determination, being 0·39 for soil loss, 0·12 for runoff and 0·36 for sediment concentration. In addition to initial roughness index, cumulative kinetic energy of rainfall was further included in the regressions. This led to an increase in coefficients of determination, which was 0·81 for soil loss, 0·74 for runoff and 0·49 for sediment concentration. The coefficients of determination (0·87 for soil loss, 0·85 for runoff and 0·51 for sediment concentration) were further increased when the final roughness index was included in addition to initial roughness index and cumulative kinetic energy in the regressions. This work shows that soil loss and runoff could be predicted from bare soil surface provided the initial roughness and the energy of rainfall is known. However, field verifications of these relationships are needed under different tillage tools and under natural rainfall. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil hydrology was investigated in the Guadelperalón experimental watershed in order to determine the influence of land use and vegetation cover on runoff and infiltration within the Dehesa land system. Five soil–vegetation units were selected: (1) tree cover, (2) sheep trials, (3) shrub cover, (4) hillslope grass and (5) bottom grass. The results of the simulated rainfall experiments performed at an intensity of 56·6 mm h−1 during one hour on plots of 0·25 m2, and the water drop penetration time test indicate the importance of water repellency in the Dehesa land system under drought conditions. Low infiltration rates (c. 9–44 mm h−1) were found everywhere except at shrub sites and in areas with low grazing pressure. Soil water repellency greatly reduced infiltration, especially beneath Quercus ilex canopies, where fast ponding and greater runoff rates were observed. The low vegetation cover as a consequence of a prolonged drought and grazing pressure, in conjunction with the soil water repellency, induces high runoff rates (15–70 per cent). In spite of this, macropore fluxes were found in different locations, beneath trees, on shrub-covered surfaces, as well as at sites with a dominance of herbaceous cover. Discontinuity of the runoff fluxes due to variations in hydrophobicity causes preferential flows and as a consequence deeper infiltration, especially where macropores are developed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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