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A 31/2‐year succession of wharf‐pile fauna is described from communities of different known ages on piles at Lyttelton, New Zealand. Intertidal regions of the piles were initially colonised by the barnacle Elminius modestus; these populations developed to form a subclimax community which was subsequently replaced by a climax community of the mussel Modiolus neozelanicus after 21/2 years. The stability of this climax is discussed. In the infratidal region initial settlement of the tubicolous amphipod Corophium acherusicum and an erect bryozoan Bugula sp. was followed after 5 months by colonisation by solitary tunicates. These tunicates became dominant only after H years and provided numerous niches for superficial foulers, crevice dwellers, and motile organisms. This succession is compared and contrasted with a terrestrial succession of plants. Four vertical zones were recognised: supralittoral zone, midlittoral zone, in‐fralittoral fringe, and infralittoral zone. Species additional to those recorded by Skerman (1958) are appended.  相似文献   

在灵山岛东南水深大于25m海域的表层,发现大片砂砾、砾砂类沉积。根据对此类沉积物特征、成熟度、粒度分布、概率累积曲线、粒度参数、贝壳种类和沉积物展布特征的分析,发现此类沉积与现今海洋动力环境和海相沉积特征不相符合,推知此类沉积可能为残留沉积,其沉积环境为陆相洪积扇沉积。  相似文献   

康波  林宁  徐文斌  王娜  刘庆群 《海洋通报》2017,36(5):585-593
海岛不仅具有很高的资源、生态和经济价值,而且对维护国家海洋权益具有重大意义。本文基于遥感和GIS技术,利用1982、1995、2006和2015年的Landsat卫星遥感影像,分析了近30年来长岛南五岛海岸线的时空变化特征。结果表明:1982年以来,长岛南五岛近30年的海岸线长度增加了9.54 km,海岸线呈向海推进趋势,平均推进速度为0.54 m/a。海岸线变化主要受人为因素的影响,变化比较大的岸段主要分布在南长山岛和北长山岛的西部,以养殖开发、填海造陆与港口建设为主。研究认为,海岸线的变化,将会导致诸如岸线侵蚀等环境问题,应注意合理开发、利用海岸线资源。  相似文献   

采用地图软件MapInfo 7.0对1842~2004年10多幅海图资料数字化,并结合相关海岛调查资料,分析了长兴岛、横沙岛的形成演变过程及其对南港、北港分流的影响。研究结果表明:长兴岛由鸭窝沙经过160多年演变,与上、下游小沙岛合并或人工堵汊而形成,岛屿东南低而宽,西北高而窄;其东是横沙岛,由横沙通道相隔;沙洲群大致呈NW-SE走向,与长江口南支主流方向基本一致。长兴沙岛南坍北涨,横沙岛是东南蚀退、西北淤涨,两岛面积不断增大,并逐渐向西北方向移动,横沙岛更为显著。长兴沙岛群把长江口南支分为南港、北港,西北端的小沙洲成为南港、北港的分流点,沙岛的迁移演变对南港、北港分流及分流点的稳定产生很大影响,两者相互制约。  相似文献   

对位于海南岛南部滨岸测井地下水进行了大小潮周日取样及其化学测试。结果显示,化学要素含量及变化特征随潮期、测井位置而变化,由于所处环境的不同,QZ2和QZ5监测井的K+、Na+、Ca2+含量相近,而Mg2+的差异较明显,前者平均高出后者18.82%,表明QZ2监测井受到海水入侵。QZ2、QZ5监测井阳离子以Na+、阴离子以Cl-占优,Na+所占平均比例为83%~85%、Cl-为87%~88%,显示出海水的影响;QZ3监测井以HCO3-占优,比例为62%~63%,Ca2+也占据较大优势,为淡水所控制。QZ2、QZ5监测井SAR依次为57.95~63.24、57.20~63.13,QZ3监测井为2.17~4.42,前两者明显要高很多。QZ2、QZ5监测井地下水盐碱化风险程度很高,QZ3为一般。  相似文献   

This paper reports on results of the investigation of marine biofouling on offshore structures east of Hainan Island in the northern South China Sea. Two buoy investigation stations were deployed in Qiongdong (W1, 68 n miles offshore) and southern Qiongdong (J2, 23 n miles offshore) waters, respectively. At both sites, water depths were more than 100 meters. Test panels on iron frames were placed at 1, 10, 25, 50 and 100 m below the seawater surface, and exposed for 8 months from October 1989 to June 1990. The results indicated that hydroids, gooseneck barnacles and oysters were the most important fouling species in these offshore areas. Acorn barnacles were mainly found at Station J2. The maximum fouling accumulations were observed in near surface waters. Substantial reduction of biomass and species diversity occurred with increasing depth and distance from shore. Sources of fouling organisms and influences of environmental factors on the species distributions are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

南海北部东沙岛附近的内潮和余流特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
采用东沙岛附近的一个长达9个月的锚定潜标的观测资料对南海北部的正压潮、内潮和余流情况进行了分析,得到了当地正压潮和内潮的特征。此处正压潮流以全日潮为主,秋、冬季相对较大,春季相对较小;正压余流受海盆尺度环流和地形的限制,在潜标观测期间的秋、冬、春三季基本以偏西向的正压流为主。内潮同正压潮一样,也以全日分潮为主,潮流椭圆随水深发生旋转,在110—120m附近存在内潮非常弱的一层。斜压余流在2009年2—3月比较异常,这是由于在此其间有一个中尺度涡经过。对此潜标数据采用经验正交函数分解的方法进行分析,发现海流的各个主要EOF模态与内波的垂向模态结构有一定的关联。  相似文献   

The three north-west European species of Hydrobia are often partially segregated along salinity gradients and/or sympatric in the nontidal eastern Danish waters and Baltic Sea, but are rarely sympatric and are confined either to nontidal coastal lagoons ( Hydrobia ventrosa and Hydrobia neglecta ) or to the marine/estuarine intertidal zone ( Hydrobia ulvae ) along the macrotidal Atlantic and North Sea coasts. Significant interspecific competition has been found in Danish waters but not elsewhere in the Atlantic and North-Sea Europe. The two nontidal species and H. ulvae also possess contrasting reproductive strategies. The roles of life-history strategy, interspecific competition and between-habitat dispersal in restricting these mudsnails to their differing habitats are evaluated in the light of these and other findings. It is concluded that all are likely to be relevant, especially dispersal in maintaining and interspecific competition in opposing, mixed populations in the Kattegat-Baltic, and life-history strategy in maintaining the lagoonal versus intertidal dichotomy in the rest of north-west Europe. This dichotomy prevents segregation of species along common salinity gradients outside the Baltic region and restricts potential interspecific competition to within lagoons, where H. ulvae is at a recruitment disadvantage.  相似文献   

南长山岛地下水资源与环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过对南长山岛地质、水文地质资料的系统分析和水文地质钻探、抽水试验、水文地球化学补充调查等工作,对岛上的地质、构造条件、水文地质条件和基岩裂隙水水环境特征有了进一步认识。南长山岛岛屿连绵起伏,地貌类型较为复杂,出露的地层主要有蓬莱群变质岩、第四系松散岩类等。岛上构造裂隙特别是张性断裂裂隙发育,构造裂隙水富水性较强;松散岩类孔隙水富水性较差。南长山岛基岩水的水化学类型主要为Cl-Ca、Na型,矿化度为202~704 mg/L,水质较好。海水入侵和人为污染是影响基岩水水质的主要因素。科学、合理开发海岛基岩水资源尤为重要。  相似文献   

The Diep River estuary, a small estuary in suburban Cape Town, South Africa, has been subject to disturbance for centuries. Several earlier studies have documented conditions in the system, providing baselines against which to measure more recent changes. This study: (i) describes major physical and hydrological changes that have occurred within this estuary; (ii) documents faunistic changes subsequent to earlier biological surveys; and (iii) provides an up-to-date faunal list. Salinity measurements and both invertebrate and fish samples were taken at five stations along the estuary in summer and winter 2014. A census of sandprawn Callichirus kraussi densities was also undertaken to compare with earlier surveys. Developments within the Diep River catchment and estuary have resulted in extensive changes in flow and salinity regimes, causing marked reductions in summer salinity levels, changes in frequency of mouth closure, and deteriorations in water quality. These have resulted in major changes in faunal composition and distribution, including an increase in numbers of non-indigenous species. Surveys in the early 1950s recorded 47 invertebrate species, whereas only 23 were found in 1974. A total of 23 species were again recorded in 2014, but these included several freshwater forms not previously reported, which had entered the system due to lowered salinity values, as well as new alien introductions. Only six of the 69 taxa recorded were reported by all three surveys. There have been substantial declines in sandprawn abundance, from 40 million in 1998 to just over 12 million in 2014. In all, 12 fish species were recorded in the 1950s, nine in 1974, but only five in 2014, including the newly detected invasive mosquito fish Gambusia affinis and the translocated tilapia Tilapia sparrmanii. Thus, only three of the original native fish species remain. Contrary to these losses, the present bird fauna appear to be more abundant and diverse than previously. Regular monitoring is recommended to obtain a clearer understanding of ongoing changes, and major management interventions will be needed if further degradation is to be prevented.  相似文献   

海南岛东部海域生物污损研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
于1989年10月-1990年6月,在位于海南岛东部海域的琼 东和琼东南海区,分别布设W1和J2两个浮标站,进行生物污损的挂板试验。  相似文献   

南海暖池作为影响我国东南部地区气候变化的重要因素, 研究其多时间尺度变化特征及动力机制对于更加准确预报我国天气变化具有重要意义。结合海表面温度卫星观测资料和海表面再分析数据, 识别和研究了南海民都洛岛西南暖池的季节变化特征, 并利用数值模式探讨了其强迫机制。暖池位于民都洛岛西南方向约100 km范围内, 中心位置在120.5°E, 12.5°N。暖池整个季节变化过程可分为发展期(10~11月)、成熟期(12~2月)、衰退期(3~5月)、消失期(6~9月)4个阶段: 11月份暖池与南北两侧冷水温差达到0.5 ℃, 暖池结构初步形成; 2月份温差达到1.1 ℃ (南侧)和0.7 ℃ (北侧), 暖池最强; 3月份暖池开始衰退, 到6月份完全消失。进一步研究表明, 该暖池的形成与地形引起的民都洛岛附近海域潜热通量的空间差异有关: 冬季盛行的东北季风被民都洛岛上的高海拔山脉阻挡, 在民都洛岛西南背风侧形成低风速区, 而在南北两侧形成风激流(风速极大值区)。风速的空间差异引起了海表面潜热通量的差异, 导致民都洛岛背风侧的潜热通量较周围海域要小, 海表面温度较周围海域要高, 从而导致了暖池的形成。  相似文献   

为填补我国海洋地磁固定观测的空白,支撑科学研究、防灾减灾、海洋资源开发,维护国家的海洋权益和履行我国在南海海域负有的国际责任,急需在南海建设岛礁和海底地磁固定观测站。通过初步分析国外海洋地磁观测站案例、南海岛礁基础设施现状以及海底观测网计划实施情况,认为南海海洋地磁固定观测站建设的条件已经成熟。文中给出了合理空间布局、分步实施、因地制宜及智能化观测的建议。  相似文献   

Interannual variability of thermal front west of Luzon Island during the winter of 1993–2013 is examined with the method of singular value decomposition(SVD) and a suite of satellite measurements in this paper. It is found that both the area and intensity of the thermal front west of Luzon Island show apparent interannual variability.Further study based on SVD shows that the interannual variability of the thermal front is highly associated with El Ni?o and Southern Oscillation(ENSO), and the correlation coefficient between Ni?o3.4 index and the first Principal Component(PC1) of thermal front can reach –0.65. The mechanism can be described as follows. In El Ni?o(La Ni?a) years, the East Asian winter monsoon(EAWM) is weakened(enhanced), inducing weaker(stronger) local wind stress curl(WSC) west of Luzon Island, and resulting in weakened(enhanced) Luzon cold eddy, which finally leads to the weakening(enhancement) of the thermal front.  相似文献   

利用1987到2011年期间7个航次的调查数据揭示了夏季钓鱼岛东北海域存在冷涡的事实,首次将其命名为钓鱼岛东北冷涡,并初步分析了钓鱼岛东北冷涡特征及其生长消亡规律。结果表明:钓鱼岛东北冷涡是由底层海水涌升形成的中尺度冷涡,但其凸起的温盐等值线不能在海表面露头,不能从海表层水文特征识别该涡;该涡尺度在150km左右,其水团特征盐度为34.70—34.80,特征温度低于20°C;该涡是季节性冷涡,每年夏季都会出现,该涡5、6月份开始形成,到8月份强度最强,此时其向上涌升的趋势可以达到水深30m以浅,然后开始减弱,可以持续到10月份左右,其它时间则不存在;从50m层的温盐特征来看,不同年份夏季冷涡核心位置稍有不同,整体位置在123.2—124.2°E,26—27°N的范围内。  相似文献   

Global climatic oscillations have shaped the contemporary genetic structure of marine taxa in different ways. Previous demographic studies have indicated that various intertidal marine species display genetic signatures of demographic expansion that either pre- or postdate the Last Glacial Maximum. Such expansions and the ability of species to colonise new habitats will influence their genetic structure, but the link between scales of larval dispersal and the strength of phylogeographic structure is not always clear. We analysed a fragment of the mitochondrial COI gene of 11 sympatric species of intertidal southern African patellid limpets to investigate how ancient oceanographic dynamics have shaped and maintained their contemporary spatial genetic variation. Our data show that the patellid limpets investigated display congruent evidence of spatial expansion during the Late Pleistocene or Early Holocene, which corresponds with the establishment of the contemporary southern African shoreline. We argue that closely related and co-distributed southern African intertidal invertebrates responded to ancient climatic oscillations as a cohesive group. In contrast, contemporary oceanographic circulation has shaped the phylogeographic patterns of these limpets in different ways. We show close relationships between phylogeography and biogeography for some species, but not for others, despite the similarities in their life histories and exposure to the same climatic changes.  相似文献   

南乔治亚岛海域是南大洋初级生产力最高的区域之一,具有巨大的固碳潜力,但由于缺乏连续的上层海洋观测资料,该海域生物泵效率的强弱仍未有定论。本研究利用2017年至2020年期间位于南乔治亚岛附近海域的生物地球化学浮标(BGC-Argo)所获取的水文和生物化学参数,探讨了物理过程对生物地球化学过程的影响,并估算了该海域的南极夏季碳输出通量。结果显示:南乔治亚岛上游(南极半岛东北部)和下游(乔治亚海盆)海域Chl-a均呈现出很强的季节性特征,尤其是乔治亚海盆区浮游植物维持了4个月的旺发时间,表明该区域具有稳定持续的铁源供给;利用颗粒有机碳(POC)季节性输出量的时间变率,估算了上、下游的夏季POC输出通量分别为7.12±3.90 mmol·m-2·d-1和45.29±5.40 mmol·m-2·d-1,推测这种差异主要是由于混合层加深后促进了有机碳的向下输出导致的。研究发现该区域维持着较高的生物泵效率,与此前的乔治亚海盆存在“高生产力低输出效率”的结论不同,这可能是由于航次断面调查的即时性无法反映整个季节性特征所造成的。BGC-Argo能提供高时空分辨率的多参数观测数据,本研究结果表明其可以更准确地量化与评估海洋生物地球化学过程和固碳能力。  相似文献   

Plankton samples taken in the south‐western Pacific Ocean and the Tasman Sea have provided, for the first time in these waters, a series of individuals of the gonostomatid Diplophos rebainsi. Observations are presented on some of the prejuvenile and adult features and on the seasonal distribution of prejuveniles off New Zealand.  相似文献   

近惯性内波运动普遍存在于全球大洋中,影响大洋中的质量、动量和能量输送,是大气强迫与海洋混合之间的重要纽带。由于目前海洋深层观测资料的缺乏,对于深层近惯性内波生消演变特征研究甚少。利用2009-2012年的潜标观测资料,采用带通滤波和谱分析方法研究了南海西沙海域深层近惯性内波生成、传播和消亡等演变特征。通过研究发现,南海西沙海域深层存在较强的近惯性振荡,其生成源为台风过境能量输入,绝大部分时段内,近惯性振荡能量在海洋浅层耗散,不向海洋深层传播;仅在少部分时段内,近惯性振荡能量的80%~85%耗散在500 m以浅区域,有大概15%~20%继续向海洋深层传播。  相似文献   

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