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This study engaged key stakeholders in developing a recreation management plan for Abaco National Park. Using a stakeholder analysis and participatory mapping exercises, we determined current and desired future land uses of representatives from the tourism industry, hunters, teachers, business leaders, local community members, and environmentalists. Spatial information was analyzed using a geographic information system (GIS) for trends and overlap among recreational activities and between recreation needs and protection of an endangered parrot. Results indicate a diversity of activities occur in the park, each with a distinct spatial distribution. Stakeholder groups had varied priorities for future park uses; however, all groups desired ecotourism and infrastructure development. Overlap existed among recreational uses and between recreation and parrot protection, suggesting the use of spatial and/or temporal zoning to reduce potential conflict. These methods provided valuable data for integrated conservation and recreation planning and should be applicable to other areas lacking social information for planning and management.  相似文献   

精明增长政策下美国城市多中心治理研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
以美国城市多中心治理为研究对象,提出实践中多主体共同参与的网络化治理是美国城市空间得以精明化增长的根本原因。首先定义多中心网络主体包括政府、利益集团、社会公众及电子媒体,并指出各利益主体所占有的资源、利益诉求及价值规范。构建包括资金支撑、技术支撑及信息支撑的多中心治理的支撑体系,进而得出政府自上而下资金、指导“软控制”与公共秩序维持机制;利益集团与政府之间合作竞争的推动机制;社会公众依托公民权利的实施反馈监督机制及电子媒体为中心的全网络信息发布机制4方面的运作机制。最后,提出中国城市空间的集约型增量增长和存量空间更新相结合的“精明化”路径实施启示。  相似文献   

价值溢出能够有效地明确湿地公园建设的增值结构,在衡量湿地公园建设价值的基础上,对于厘清各种要素之间的价值关系和改善湿地公园资源再配置具有重要的现实意义。运用成本-收益分析方法,从生态、经济和社会角度,构建湿地公园价值溢出体系,以太湖国家湿地公园为研究对象,估算出2018年太湖国家湿地公园的价值溢出。研究结果表明,①太湖国家湿地公园建设总成本为3 223.749万元,总收益为67 781.711万元,综合价值溢出为64 557.962万元,湿地公园每公顷投入14.016万元,能获得294.703万元的收益和280.687万元的价值溢出;②在太湖国家湿地公园中,生态层面的成本占总成本的比例最低,为10.19%,但是其收益和价值溢出占各自总值的比例最高,分别为43.10%和44.74%,生态管理、水文调节和生物多样性是影响生态价值溢出的重要因素;③经济层面的成本占总成本的比例最高达56.09%,但是其收益和价值溢出占各自总值的比例则处于较低水平,仅为13.89%和11.78%,其中管理成本和直接经济收益是影响经济价值溢出的关键因素;④社会层面的成本、收益和价值溢出占各自总值的比例都较高,分别为33.72%、43.01%和43.48%,广告宣传费用和娱乐休闲收益是影响湿地公园社会价值溢出的主要因素;⑤湿地公园存在较大的价值溢出,生态环境的改善和社会服务功能的提升增强了价值溢出效应,在经济层面,由于湿地公园可到达性相对较弱和湿地保护的特殊性,限制了经济价值溢出的发展。基于成本收益视角,综合考虑生态、经济和社会效益估算湿地公园价值溢出,提高了湿地公园建设成效研究的综合性和可操作性,以期为湿地公园管理的建设提供理论支持和方法借鉴。  相似文献   

The opening up of Finnish forest policymaking to new interest groups and a change to more flexible forms of partnerships at multiple levels signals a transition to new governance relations. Drawing on the concept of institutional capacity, we analyze the governance potential of stakeholder forums, called Regional Forest Councils, to balance economic considerations with ecological ones in preparing Regional Forest Programs. More specifically, we look into knowledge resources that are produced and shared in the Regional Forest Program process, relational resources such as trust and reciprocity created and sustained in the Regional Forest Councils, and the capacity to mobilize resources and take action to implement the program. The two processes we have analyzed demonstrate various elements of institutional capacity for collective action, and illustrate the challenges that a traditional hierarchically organized and expert-driven sector can face in developing more inclusive forms of governance.  相似文献   

陈宇 《世界地理研究》2021,30(5):893-902
领土疆域是现代国家存在和发展的客观地理空间实体,对国家的长治久安和繁荣稳定具有根本现实意义。在人类社会发展的演进历程中,人类社会共同体在有着固定地理边界的领土上建立了现代国家,然而随着人类探索世界的范围因认知能力、科学技术及经济全球化等变化而扩展,国家地理疆域的形态也由此发生了深刻变化。现代国家的地理疆域已经从领土、近海和近空传统地理空间,向深海、远洋、太空、极地和信息等现代地理空间延展。总的来看,现代国家疆域的形态特征的变化主要表现为,由二维空间向多维空间的变化,从确定性空间向不确定空间延展,从地理空间迈向向利益空间发展,从主权空间向战略空间扩展。在现代国家的地理疆域已经发生变化的前提下,中国在构建人类命运共同体中提出了以和平、主权、普惠、共治为治理原则来治理国际关系新疆域,这不仅为治理国际关系新疆域贡献了中国智慧,也有效推动了中国疆域治理迈向更高台阶。  相似文献   

Environmental sociology and the sociology of natural resources constitute two research traditions regarding the interactions between societies and the natural world. While discussion of the relationships between these two fields is largely restricted to the United States, their implications for developing disciplines focused on environment and society issues in other countries have seldom been addressed. In this article we introduce the dialogue between environmental sociology and the sociology of natural resources into the context of China, where environmental sociology is being established as an important academic subdiscipline. We suggest that with a transdisciplinary orientation, environmental sociology in China holds promise for integrating environmental and natural resource sociologies in responding to China's strategic goal of building a “resource-efficient and environment-friendly” society.  相似文献   

Using in-depth interviews with women engaged in sustainable farming in the western United States, this project explores an unanticipated finding: migration from an urban area to rural “Prairie County” was necessary for these farmers to secure farm land and sustain their farming operations. This article interrogates the role of migration in women’s access to farmland as both an economic and cultural phenomenon. My findings highlight the necessity of migration for women’s participation in sustainable farming and suggest that women’s success in sustainable farming may align with the processes of rural gentrification, by which cultural and economic in-migrants amplify their social privilege and transform the values and economy of rural communities. This project, then, situates gender as a key structure to understanding both the classed dynamics of sustainable agriculture and rural gentrification.  相似文献   


In water governance, where problems are controversial and value laden, different forms of stakeholder involvement have become common and are frequently required. Stakeholder participation is often recognized as fundamental to the legitimacy and success of negotiated environmental decisions, but the intricacies of why stakeholders participate has received less attention. We examine factors that influenced stakeholder participation in the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement and Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement of 2010. The research draws on in-depth, semistructured interviews of a sample recruited from stakeholder organizations in the Klamath River Basin. Results indicate that previous negative experiences did not translate into nonparticipation; divisions within seemingly aligned stakeholder organizations encouraged some stakeholders to participate and others to actively oppose negotiations; stakeholders’ perceptions of power differentials encouraged both stakeholder participation and exclusion in negotiations; and concerns about relationship development during negotiations suggest that relationship building may be viewed as part of the negotiation process.  相似文献   


Environmental sociology and the sociology of natural resources have become two established research areas in the United States with distinct institutional origins, research themes, and theoretical roots, as well as associated professional networks, journals, and conferences. Existing discussions of the relationships between the two subdisciplines are largely based on personal reflections and exploratory analyses. However, there is still not a clear understanding of the overall picture of interdisciplinary sociological research on human–nature interactions. In this study we conduct a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of 8027 articles published in 30 selected academic journals during 1985–2017. Findings of this research provide a more complete view of the intellectual landscape of environmental and resource sociology. Overall, the study produces an empirically-based characterization of environmental sociology and the sociology of natural resources in terms of coauthorship and citation networks, and highlights the need for more sustained synthesis across different knowledge domains.  相似文献   


Water insecurity concerns drove San Antonio, Texas to pursue a controversial $3.4 billion groundwater transfer project from central Texas aquifers. The 228 km Vista Ridge Pipeline (VRP) would increase water supplies by 20%. Analysis through Q-Method revealed three social perspectives surrounding the VRP. Project Advocates offer particular views of urban water security, risk, and accountability. The creation of new hydro-social territories helps to explain Landowner Opposition, while Governance Failure offers a foundational criticism of the underlying assumptions and the institutional innovation of private-public partnership that advanced the VRP. Overall, our paper demonstrates that the VRP is differentiated according to views of risk, water law, and groundwater science. Policy deliberations on future urban water security should include these perspectives as a means to improve water governance, especially as policies and infrastructure for urban water security creates new hydro-social territories.  相似文献   

地理学方法论演变与价值判断   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
叶超  蔡运龙 《地理研究》2010,29(5):947-958
主观和客观是地理学方法论研究的一对重要范畴。价值判断是主客观问题争论的焦点。外在的科学或哲学理论和方法论等因素为客观范畴,地理学家的价值判断、目的等方面的因素为主观范畴。客观层面的分析表明:专业化和交叉化并行的整体科学发展特征,以及科学哲学理论发展多元化的趋势强烈影响了地理学方法论;交叉化的倾向使二战以后的地理学频繁地向其它学科借鉴理论和吸取方法,从而在范围上拓展了地理学方法论;而科学哲学理论从范式、研究纲领向多元主义的演替路径使地理学方法论也经历了单一范式向多元主义发展的过程;科学社会学理论的发展使地理学家深切认识到制度、社会文化背景和语言修辞对地理学的强烈影响。主观层面的分析表明:研究者不可能摆脱他的价值判断,价值判断也不可能中立于研究对象;在处理价值判断与研究对象之间关系时,研究者要持有审慎的态度和逻辑严整性的原则。在科学研究的目的论上,研究者最终应该具有一种人本主义的自向性,即从认识研究对象回复到认识自身。从客观和主观结合的角度看,方法论是科学发展的一般规则与研究者个性和目的相结合的产物。  相似文献   

Interest in obtaining a more accurate snapshot of irrigation management from a geographical perspective is increasingly relevant. This proposal is based on existing qualitative approaches in combination with an alternative method (the territorial irrigation management model) to identify and present key stakeholders attitudes and perceptions in the Segarra-Garrigues irrigation system in Spain. Advantages are (1) the focus on interrelations and context, (2) the applicability and extrapolation of the irrigation system, and (3) the irrigator-driven rather than researcher-driven perspective. Results revealed that there are conceptual and practical heterogeneities between the preferences of stakeholders' groups regarding water resources management, environmental protection, and agricultural challenges.  相似文献   

Women in the US have farmed for centuries, but have infrequently had the farmer title. Rural sociologists have explored women’s on-farm roles, as well as rural conceptualizations of gender that influence who can be a farmer. As the proportion of women claiming the farmer title increases, it is important to explore women farmers’ experiences. This article focuses on sixteen farmers in Colorado across the conventional-alternative spectrum. Through engagement with feminist and rural sociological theory, and based on analysis of semi-structured interviews, we contend that women in this study expand what it means to be a farmer by performing femininity through carework within their farming practice. This study demonstrates how some women farmers adapt a variety of predominantly feminine-coded work—such as education, customer support, and feeding work—to make agriculture a space of carework, and farming a role expanded beyond a masculine ideal.  相似文献   

Transboundary protected area governance is on the rise in Africa. There is still a scarcity of well-documented success stories on how to design and deliver institutionally consistent transboundary outcomes concerning biodiversity and sustainable livelihoods. This article focuses on institutional challenges of such governance at the local stakeholder level on Mt. Elgon in Uganda and Kenya. A stakeholder analysis was conducted in border communities to analyze institutional frameworks of different protected area regimes coordinating local people's forest resources access, focusing on rights, returns, relationships, and responsibilities at the local stakeholder level. On the basis of the analyses we find that institutional complexities constrain an ideal of joint transboundary protected area management regime with a joint approach to local livelihood improvements. If institutional complexities lead to a lower priority on other concerns than biodiversity conservation in transboundary protected area programs in Africa, there may be an erosion of future support for such programs.  相似文献   

中国是人类命运共同体理念的倡导者和建设者,其话语的国际传播需要坚实的理论支撑。新冠肺炎疫情给全球公共卫生安全带来了严峻挑战,也严重威胁着全球的政治、经济、社会等领域的安全。在全球抗击新冠肺炎疫情的关键时期,全社会亟需以人类命运共同体理念凝聚国际战疫共识,维护全球公共卫生安全。基于地缘政治学与共同体的视角,笔者从科学内涵、历史演进和时代价值方面,对人类命运共同体理念进行理论解析;采用案例分析法从国内抗疫实践、中国抗疫方案、西方抗疫实践方面,诠释人类命运共同体理念在抗疫中的应用,并论证其在传播与实践中的双重价值及困境问题;最后基于人类命运共同体理念的后疫情时代治理与担当,提出世界各国应当在诸如促进全球合作、维护世界公共卫生安全、防止全球衰退、消除疫情次生衍生灾害、变革全球治理以及重构国际关系等方面发挥巨大作用。  相似文献   


In this commentary, we highlight some of the strengths of the bibliometric analysis conducted by Qin et al. that examines the relationships between environmental and natural resource sociologies through citation networks, coauthorship, and keyword usage. We also suggest some ways that the analysis could be expanded or built upon, and ideas for further distinct, but related, inquiry. We also reflect on our own identification, training, and mentoring within the two subfields and draw upon responses from a small purposefully selected sample of other early/mid-career environmental and natural resource sociologists to start a conversation about what the relationship between the two fields might look like in the future.  相似文献   

Much of the debate in contemporary urban studies has surrounded the provision of affordable housing in capital and regional cities. Master planned estates (MPEs) have emerged as the dominant form of housing in Australia. Master planned estates often include private governance mechanisms to regulate resident behaviour and building designs, improving the sales potential and creating an enhanced living environment for residents. Using case studies of three MPEs this paper explores aspects of the building design codes (BDCs), including their rationale, contribution to initial engagement and resident experiences. It finds that while the BDCs are perceived as integral to improving estate sales and the long-term operation, the developer’s commitment declines over time. The BDCs help to attract new residents by creating predictability. The estate residents are largely supportive of the BDCs and some feel abandoned when the developer’s commitment declines. The results are interpreted through a commodity perspective, which considers how the moments of production, exchange and consumption are inflected through culturally derived notions of home and home-making processes.  相似文献   

深汕特别合作区协同共治型区域治理模式研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
伴随金融风暴引发了全球资本重组,资本的空间修复客观要求以新的跨界区域治理模式组织资本与劳动力关系,而中国传统跨界产业园区建设路径依赖于区域发展中“省-地方”分层设权治理模式。以珠三角地区的深汕特别合作区为例,通过深度访谈与文本分析法,发现深汕特别合作区形成的多主体共同参与、分工合作的协同共治型区域治理模式是在传统路径依赖基础上的一次制度创新。通过分析模式产生的产业经济背景、政策制度背景与现实发展概况,并解构深汕特别合作区行政组织架构、空间发展政策及利益分配机制,发现省政府的放松管制与资源注入,地方政府的优势互补、分工协同是协同共治型区域治理模式的本质特征,而这一区域治理模式的产生将会对中国区域产业政策与空间政策及政府职能转型提供新的经验与启示。  相似文献   

中国自然文化遗产的价值体系及保护利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈耀华  刘强 《地理研究》2012,31(6):1111-1120
对自然文化遗产价值的正确认识是处理遗产地保护和利用关系的基础,也是解决遗产地“城市化、商业化、人工化”的前提。本文在梳理国内外对自然文化遗产价值的诸多认识的基础上,依据系统论观点,提出了中国自然文化遗产价值是由“本底价值、直接应用价值和间接衍生价值”构成的“价值体系”。该体系具有明显的层次性,其中本底价值是所有价值存在的基础,这决定了遗产资源必须在保护的前提下才能合理利用;该体系也有空间性,三种价值主要分别存在于遗产地范围以内、遗产地及相邻区域、遗产地范围以外的更大的区域。于是,对自然文化遗产的保护和利用要坚持三个基本原则:严格保护本底价值,确保遗产的真实性和完整性不受损害;适度利用直接应用价值,做到功能综合利用、产品综合开发、产业综合发展;大力发展间接衍生价值,充分发挥其空间结构关联效应和产业发展乘数效应,从而达到带动遗产地所在区域社会、经济发展的目的。  相似文献   


It is widely recognized that stakeholder engagement processes produce advantages, but few studies acknowledge that they also can produce disadvantages. There is a global need to better assess stakeholder engagement processes by defining success and developing new methods to analyze stakeholder participation data. Our method of digitizing and coding stakeholder communications (1) produces a wide range of analyses, (2) tells the story of governance over time, (3) is comparable with other datasets, and (4) can be used wherever public documents exist. We demonstrate the utility of these integrated methods by examining statewide differences in public participation and success rates in Alaska’s Board of Fisheries’ (Board) proposal process. We determine that significantly different participation and success rates across the state indicate the existence of disadvantages and the need for further investigation into the equity, efficiency, and effectiveness of the Board process.  相似文献   

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