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We study the dynamical structure of a cooling dominated rotating accretion flow around a spinning black hole. We show that non-linear phenomena such as shock waves can be studied in terms of only three flow parameters, namely the specific energy     , the specific angular momentum (λ) and the accretion rate     of the flow. We present all possible accretion solutions. We find that a significant region of the parameter space in the     plane allows global accretion shock solutions. The effective area of the parameter space for which the Rankine–Hugoniot shocks are possible is maximum when the flow is dissipation-free. It decreases with the increase of cooling effects and finally disappears when the cooling is high enough. We show that shock forms further away when the black hole is rotating compared to the solution around a Schwarzschild black hole with identical flow parameters at a large distance. However, in a normalized sense, the flow parameters for which the shocks form around the rotating black holes are produced shocks closer to the black hole. The location of the shock is also dictated by the cooling efficiency in that higher the accretion rate     , the closer is the shock location. We believe that some of the high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations may be due to the flows with higher accretion rate around the rotating black holes.  相似文献   

We investigate the behaviour of dissipative accreting matter close to a black hole, as this provides important observational features of galactic and extragalactic black hole candidates. We find a complete set of global solutions in the presence of viscosity and synchrotron cooling. We show that advective accretion flow can have a standing shock wave and the dynamics of the shock is controlled by the dissipation parameters (both viscosity and cooling). We study the effective region of the parameter space for standing as well as oscillating shock. We find that the shock front always moves towards the black hole as the dissipation parameters are increased. However, viscosity and cooling have opposite effects in deciding the solution topologies. We obtain two critical cooling parameters that separate the nature of the accretion solution.  相似文献   

This paper presents global solutions of adiabatic accretion flows with isothermal shocks in Kerr black hole geometry. It is known that in the previously studied cases, where the flow including the shock is either entirely adiabatic or entirely isothermal, there can be no more than one stable shock solution, and the solution can only be of α –x type. However, the solution topology in the present case shows remarkable new characteristics: for the same flow parameters there can be two stable shock solutions satisfying physical boundary conditions, and the solution can be of three types, namely α– x , x –α and α–α type. In addition, shocks in the present case occur for a parameter region different from that for Rankine–Hugoniot shocks. These results greatly increase the possibilities of shock formation in astrophysical flows. It is also significant that the effects of frame-dragging of a rapid Kerr black hole on the shock formation are discovered. Finally, a brief comparison is made between shocked inviscid flows and two types of shock-free viscous flows, namely those of Shakura & Sunyaev and Narayan & Yi, and some comments are made about the fact that numerous authors who have studied transonic global solutions of accretion flows have found no shocks.  相似文献   

We discuss a special case of formation of axisymmetric shocks in the accretion flow of ideal gas on to a Schwarzschild black hole: when the total energy of the flow is negative. The result of our analysis enlarges the parameter space for which these steady shocks are exhibited in the accretion of gas rotating around relativistic stellar objects. Since Keplerian discs have negative total energy, we guess that, in this energy range, the production of the shock phenomenon might be easier than in the case of positive energy. So our outcome reinforces the view that sub-Keplerian flows of matter may significantly affect the physics of the high energy radiation emission from black hole candidates. We give a simple procedure to obtain analytically the position of the shocks. The comparison of the analytical results with the data of one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) axisymmetric numerical simulations confirms that the shocks form and are stable.  相似文献   

We examine the behaviour of accretion flow around a rotating black hole in presence of cooling. We obtain global flow solutions for various accretion parameters that govern the accreting flow. We show that standing isothermal shock wave may develop in such an advective accretion flow in presence of cooling. This shocked solution has observational consequences as it successfully provides the possible explanations of energy spectra as well as generation of outflows/jets of various galactic and extra-galactic black hole candidates. We study the properties of isothermal shock wave and find that it strongly depends on the cooling efficiency. We identify the region in the parameter space spanned by the specific energy and specific angular momentum of the flow for standing isothermal shock as a function of cooling efficiencies and find that parameter space gradually shrinks with the increase of cooling rates. Our results imply that accretion flow ceases to contain isothermal shocks when cooling is beyond its critical value.  相似文献   

The observation of the hot gas surrounding Sgr A * and a few other nearby galactic nuclei imply that electron and proton mean free paths are comparable to the gas capture radius. So, the hot accretion flows are likely to proceed under week-collision conditions. Hence, thermal conduction has been suggested as a possible mechanism by which the sufficient extra heating is provided in hot advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) accretion discs. We consider the effects of thermal conduction in the presence of a toroidal magnetic field in an ADAF around a compact object. For a steady-state structure of such accretion flows, a set of self-similar solutions are presented. We find two types of solutions which represent high and slow accretion rate. They have different behaviours with saturated thermal conduction parameter, φ.  相似文献   

Matter accreting onto black holes suffers a standing or oscillating shock wave in much of the parameter space. The post-shock region is hot, puffed up and reprocesses soft photons from a Keplerian disc to produce the characteristic hard tail of the spectrum of accretion discs. The post-shock torus is also the base of the bipolar jets. We study the interaction of these jets with the hard photons emitted from the disc. We show that radiative force can accelerate outflows but the drag can limit the terminal speed. We introduce an equilibrium speed υeq as a function of distance, above which the flow will experience radiative deceleration.  相似文献   

Nonstationary hydrodynamic models of a viscous accretion disk around a central compact object were constructed. Two different numerical methods (TVD and SPH) are used to study the dynamics of dissipatively unstable acoustic perturbations at the nonlinear stage in terms of the standard α-disk model. The standard disk accretion in the Shakura-Sunyaev model is unstable against acoustic waves for various parameters of the system. If the α parameter, which specifies the level of turbulent viscosity, exceeds α?0.03, then a complex nonstationary system of small-scale weak shock waves is formed. The growth rate of the perturbations is higher in the central disk region. For α?0.2, the relative shock amplitude can exceed 50% of the equilibrium disk parameters. The reflection of waves from the disk boundaries and their nonlinear interaction are important factors that can produce unsteady accretion. The luminosity of such a disk undergoes quasi-periodic oscillations at a level of several percent (?5%) of the equilibrium level.  相似文献   

Viscous Keplerian discs become sub-Keplerian close to a black hole since they pass through sonic points before entering into it. We study the time evolution of polytropic viscous accretion discs (both in one- and two-dimensional flows) using smoothed particle hydrodynamics. We discover that for a large region of the parameter space spanned by energy, angular momentum and polytropic index, when the flow viscosity parameter is less than a critical value, standing shock waves are formed. If the viscosity is very high then the shock wave disappears. In the intermediate viscosity, the disc oscillates very significantly in the viscous time-scale. Our simulations indicate that these centrifugally supported high density regions close to a black hole play an active role in the flow dynamics, and consequently, the radiation dynamics.  相似文献   

Astrophysical compact stars provide a natural laboratory for testing theoretical models which are otherwise difficult to prove from an experimental setup. In our present work we analyse an exact solution to the Einstein-Maxwell system for a charged anisotropic compact body in the linear regime. The charged parameter may be set to zero which gives us the case of neutral solutions. We have tuned the model parameters for the uncharged case so as to match with recent updated mass-radius estimates for five different compact objects. Then we make a systematic study of the effect of charge for the different parameter set that fits the observed stars. The effect of charge is clearly illustrated in the increase of mass. We show that the physical quantities for the objects PSR J1614-2230, PSR J1903+327, Vela X-1, SMC X-1, Cen X-3 are well behaved.  相似文献   

We study the dynamical structure of a self-gravitating disc with coronae around a supermassive black hole. Assuming that the magnetorotational instability responsible for generating the turbulent stresses inside the disc is also the source for a magnetically dominated corona, a fraction of the power released when the disc matter accretes is transported to and dissipated in the corona. This has a major effect on the structure of the disc and its gravitational (in)stability according to our analytical and self-consistent solutions. We determine the radius where the disc crosses the inner radius of gravitational instability and forms the first stars. Not only the location of this radius which may extend to very large distances from the central black hole, but also the mass of the first stars highly depends on the input parameters, notably the viscosity coefficient, the mass of the central object and the accretion rate. For accretion discs around quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) and the Galactic Centre, we determine the self-gravitating radius and the mass of the first clumps. Comparing the cases with a corona and without a corona for typical discs around QSOs or the Galactic Centre, when the viscosity coefficient is around 0.3, we show that the self-gravitating radius decreases by a factor of approximately 2, but the mass of the fragments increases with more or less the same factor. The existence of a corona implies a more gravitationally unstable disc according to our results. The effect of a corona on the instability of the disc is more effective when the viscosity coefficient increases.  相似文献   

Interacting Binaries consist of a variety of stellar objects in different stages of evolution and those containing accreting compact objects still represent a major challenge to our understanding of not only close binary evolution but also of the chemical evolution of the Galaxy. These end-points of binary star evolution are ideal laboratories for the study of accretion and outflow processes, and provide insight on matter under extreme physical conditions. One of the key-questions of fundamental relevance is the nature of SN Ia progenitors. The study of accreting compact binary systems relies on observations over the entire electromagnetic spectrum and we outline here those unresolved questions for which access to the ultraviolet range is vital, as they cannot be addressed by observations in any other spectral region.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The structure of the hot downstream region below a radiative accretion shock, such as that of an accreting compact object, may oscillate because of a global thermal instability. The oscillatory behaviour depends on the functional forms of the cooling processes, the energy exchanges of electrons and ions in the shock-heated matter, and the boundary conditions. We analyse the stability of a shock with unequal electron and ion temperatures, where the cooling consists of thermal bremsstrahlung radiation which promotes instability, plus a competing process which tends to stabilize the shock. The effect of transverse perturbations is considered also. As an illustration, we study the special case in which the stabilizing cooling process is of order 3/20 in density and 5/2 in temperature, which is an approximation for the effects of cyclotron cooling in magnetic cataclysmic variables. We vary the efficiency of the second cooling process, the strength of the electron–ion exchange and the ratio of electron and ion pressures at the shock, to examine particular effects on the stability properties and frequencies of oscillation modes.  相似文献   

Compact remnants – stellar mass black holes and neutron stars formed in the inner few parsec of galactic centres are predicted to sink into the central parsec due to dynamical friction on low-mass stars, forming a high concentration cusp. Same physical region may also contain very high-density molecular clouds and accretion discs that are needed to fuel supermassive black hole (SMBH) activity. Here we estimate gas capture rates on to the cusp of stellar remnants, and the resulting X-ray luminosity, as a function of the accretion disc mass. At low disc masses, most compact objects are too dim to be observable, whereas in the high disc case most of them are accreting at their Eddington rates. We find that for low accretion disc masses, compact remnant cusps may be more luminous than the central SMBHs. This 'diffuse' emission may be of importance for local moderately bright active galactic nuclei (AGNs), especially low-luminosity AGNs. We also briefly discuss how this expected emission can be used to put constraints on the black hole cusp near our Galactic Centre.  相似文献   

In the present communication of our series of papers dealing with the accretion flows in the pseudo-Kerr geometry, we discuss the effects of viscosity on the accretion flow around a rotating black hole. We find the solution topologies and give special attention to the solutions containing shocks. We draw the parameter space where standing shocks are possible and where the shocks could be oscillating and could produce quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) of X-rays observed from black hole candidates. In this model, the extreme locations of the shocks give the upper limits of the QPO frequencies  (νQPO)  which could be observed. We show that both the viscosity of the flow and the spin of the black hole a increase the QPO frequency while, as expected, the black hole mass reduces the QPO frequencies. Our major conclusion is that the highest observed frequency gives a strict lower limit of the spin. For instance, a black hole exhibiting  νQPO∼ 400  and  700 Hz  must have the spin parameters of   a > 0.25  and  >0.75  , respectively, provided viscosity of the flow is small. We discuss the implications of our results in the light of observations of QPOs from black hole candidates.  相似文献   

研究了环绕致密天体的吸积盘的稳定性质和振动模式。特别关注了在热致和粘滞扰动作用下稳定的对流起支配作用的盘外流。还研究了相对论性吸积盘的振动模式。一些在盘内的捕获的 ,非衰减的模式也许可以用来解释X射线双星和活动星系核中所观测到的准周期振动。  相似文献   

We have studied shock in magnetized accretion flow/funnel flow in case of neutron star with bremsstrahlung cooling and cyclotron cooling. All accretion solutions terminate with a shock close to the neutron star surface, but at some regions of the parameter space, it also harbours a second shock away from the star surface. We have found that cyclotron cooling is necessary for correct accretion solutions which match the surface boundary conditions.  相似文献   

Due to dynamical friction stellar mass black holes and neutron stars are expected to form high-density cusps in the inner parsec of our Galaxy. These compact remnants, expected to number around 20 000, may be accreting cold dense gas present there, and give rise to potentially observable X-ray emission. Here we build a simple but detailed time-dependent model of such emission. The possibility that these accretion flows are radiatively inefficient is taken into account and brings in some uncertainty in the conclusions. Despite this uncertainty, we find that at least several X-ray sources of this nature should be detectable with Chandra at any one time. Turning this issue around, we also ask a question of what current observational constraints might be telling us about the total number of compact remnants. In our 'best guess' model, a cusp of ∼40 000 remnants overpredicts the number of discrete sources and the total X-ray luminosity of the inner parsec, and is hence ruled out. In the most radiatively inefficient scenario that we consider, the radiative efficiency is set to be as small as  ɛ= 10−5  . In this rather unlikely scenario, a cusp of ∼40 000 black holes would be allowed by the data, but several individual sources should still be visible. Future observations of the distribution and orbits of the cold ionized gas in the inner parsec of our Galaxy will put tighter constraints on the cusp of compact remnants.  相似文献   

We analytically study how the behaviour of accretion flows changes when the flow model is varied. We study the transonic properties of the conical flow, a flow of constant height and a flow in vertical equilibrium, and show that all these models are basically identical, provided that the polytropic constant is suitably changed from one model to another. We show that this behaviour is extendible even when standing shocks are produced in the flow. The parameter space where shocks are produced remains roughly identical in all these models when the same transformation among the polytropic indices is used. We present applications of these findings.  相似文献   

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