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翁文灏 《地质论评》1942,7(6):337-338
学术钻研士,中坚赖巨魁。英年昭大绩,夭折是鸿灾。追溯幽燕日,群钦卓荦才。江甸驰骋广,知识古今该。时察珊瑚种,名传地质材。图书穷纪录,著作集琼瑰。既慰前修望,并  相似文献   

晓生 《地质学刊》2010,34(2):F0003-F0003
2010年4月23日。南京地质博物馆新馆落成典礼在珠江路700号地质大厦西广场隆重举行。国土资源部副部长汪民、江苏省人民政府副省长李小敏出席典礼并发表重要讲话。夏鸣厅长代表江苏省国土资源厅致辞,中国地质博物馆馆长贾跃明代表兄弟场馆发言。典礼由江苏省国土资源厅副厅长刘聪主持。  相似文献   

[1]国家地质总局天津地质矿产研究所等,1980,中国震旦亚界。天津科学技术出版社。[2]国家地质总局天津地质矿产研究所等,1979,蓟县震旦亚界叠层石研究。地质出版社。[3]国际交流地质学术论文集(2)地层、古生物。1979,地质出版社。[4]成都地质学院,1980,沉积岩石学。地质出版社。[5]王鸿祯等,1980,中国晚元古代古构造与古地理。地质科学,第2期。  相似文献   

卢应群 1951年出生于益阳市。现任湖南省土地学会秘书长。湖南省直书法家协会会员,湖南省书法家协会会员。自学成才。从事篆刻逾30年,其篆刻书法多次参展。并多次获奖。  相似文献   

2006年10月19日。由江西省档案局副局长闫中恒带队一行4人,对我局文件材料整理归档工作进行了年度检查。检查结果令他们感动,他们情不自禁地称赞我局档案管理在全省是一流的。评比结果显示,在省直21家优秀单位中。我局榜上有名。  相似文献   

11月27日,冬日的阳光照射在核工业南昌技工学校的校园里,暖意浓浓。上午8点。考生陆续到来。此时,技校生化楼前的警戒线也已经用石灰粉划好了。8点30分,考生进入考场。9点整,考试正式开始,校园里顿时安静下来。  相似文献   

按照轻重缓急分类管理,优先办理扩大内需项目。落实好先行用地的政策。建立快速审批通道,加快用地审查。批次报批项目用地,依法保障经济社会发展的用地需求。  相似文献   

近日,福建省国土资源厅采取多项措施,防范和遏制重大安全事故发生。一是开展“打非治违”专项行动。重点对无证非法盗采、超层越界开采矿产资源,无证违法勘探,以勘探名义从事采矿等非法违法行为进行打击。二是健全制度。建立动态巡查、查处、档案台帐、公开通报及挂牌督办案件上报等制度,不断加大执法力度。二是开展督促检查。  相似文献   

苏小四 《上海国土资源》2011,32(1):F0002-F0002,I0001
林学钰,著名水文地质与环境地质学家。福建福州人,1937年3月6日生。吉林大学环境与资源学院教授、北京师范大学水科学研究院教授,博士生导师。现任吉林大学水资源与环境研究所所长,中共党员。1997年10月当选为中国科学院院士。  相似文献   

一、台站简介安丘地震台位于山东省安丘市区城东南9km处,台站海拔高度约94m。磁偏角约北偏西5°。台站处于沂沭断裂带的安丘—莒县断裂带西侧。年均降水量约600mm,地下水位深度小于9m。图1为安丘台地理位置。  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Books review in this article:
Paleoalgology, Contemporary Research and Applications, ed. by D. F. Toomey and M. H. Nitecki
Geology of Sedimentary Phosphates, by M. Slansky
Fine-grained Deposits and Biofacies of the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway: Evidence of Cyclic Sedimentary Processes, ed. L. M. Pratt, E. G. Kauffman and F. B. Zelt
Correlation of the Silurian Rocks of China, by Mu, E. Z., A. J. Boucot, Chen, X. & Rong, J. Y. (ed. by A. J. Boucot and W. B. N. Berry)
Canadian Inland Seas, ed. by I. P. Martini  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Modern and Ancient Fluvial Systems, ed. by J. D. Collinson and J. Lewin.
Biomineralization and Biological Metal Accumulation, ed. by P. Westbroek and E. W. de Jong.
Quantitative Stratigraphic Correlation, ed. by J. M. Cubitt and R. A. Reyment.
Sandstone Depositional Environments, ed. by P. A. Scholle and D. Spearing
Paléoalterations dans le Crétacé Supérieur de Provence Rhodanienne, by J.-M. Triat  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books review in this article:
Moraines and Varves. Origin/Genesis/Classification, Ed. by Ch. Schlüchter. A. A. Balkema
Growth Conditions of Manganese Nodules , by D. Heye.
Surficial Sediments of the English Channel (Map) , by the Bureau de Recherches
The Global Carbon Cycle . Report No. 13 of the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE), Ed. by B. Bolin, E. T. Degens, P. Ketner & S. Kempe.
Modelling of Rivers , Ed. by Hsieh Wen Shen
Petroleum Geochemistry and Geology , by John M.
The Chemistry of Soil Constituents , Ed. D. J. Greenland and M. H. B. Hayes.
The Study of Carbonaceous Substances in Geological Formations ('Contribution A 1'Etude de I'Evolution des substances carbonCes dans les formations g6o- logiques'), Documents du B.R.G.M. No. 6, By Jean- Paul Ragot.
The Ocean Basins and Margins , Vol. 4B: The Western Mediterrmean, Ed. by A. E. M. Nairn, W. H. Kanes & F. G. Stehli.
Journal of Structural Geology , Vol. I, No. 1.
Inkohlung und Geothermik. Beziehungen zwischen Inkohlung, Illit-Diagenese, Kohlenwasserstoff- Fiihrung und Geothermik. (Coalification and Geothermics. Relationship Between Coalification, Illite Crystallinity, Hydro- carbon Content and Geothermics.) A special issue of the periodical Fortschritte in der Geologie volt Rheinland und Westfalen, Vol. 27, Geologisches Landesamt  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Essays in Geomorphology. G. H. D ury .
The Movement of Beach Sand—Developments in Sedimentology, 5. J. C. I ngle J r .
Manual de Sédimentologie. A. V atan .
Carbonate Rocks—Developments in Sedimentology, 9A. G. V. C hilingar , H. J. B issell and R. W. F airbridge (Editors).
Cyclic Sedimentation—Developments in Sedimentology, 10. P. M c L. D. D uff , A. H allam and E. K. W alton (Editors).  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this articles:
Loess in China , by Tungsheng Liu
The Namib Sand Sea: Dune Forms, Processes and Sediments , by N. Lancaster, A. A. Balkema
Arid Zone Geomorphology , ed. by D. S. G. Thomas
Hydrogeology , ed. by W. Back, J. S. Rosenshein, and P. R. Seaber
Stratigraphy, Composition and Environment of Deposition of the Whangai Formation and Associated Late Cretaceous-Paleocene Rocks, Eastern North Island, New Zealand , by P. R. Moore
Systematics and Taxonomic Approaches in Palaeobotany , by R. A. Spicer and B. A. Thomas
Ostracoda in the Earth Sciences , ed. by P. De Decker, J. P. Colin, and J. P. Peypouquet
Chinese Sedimentary Basins , ed. by X. Zhu
Triassic-Jurassic Rifting: Continental Breakup and the Origin of the Atlantic Ocean and Passive Margins , ed. by W. Manspeizer
Controls on Carbonate Platform and Basin Development , ed. by P. D. Crevello, J. L. Wilson, J. F. Sarg, and J. F. Read
Burial Diagenesis , ed. by I. E. Hutcheon
Evolution of the mid-Cretaceous Triad Platform Carbonates, Phosphatic Sediments, Pelagic Carbonates along the Northern Tethys Margin , by K. B. Follmi
Perspectives on Biogeochemistry , by E. T. Degens
Physical Principles of Sedimentology: A Readable Textbook for Beginners and Experts , by K. J. Hsü  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviews in this article:
Pyroclastic Rocks , by R. V. Fisher and H.-U. Schmincke.
Hydrodynamics and Sedimentation in Wave-dominated Coastal Environments , ed. by B. Greenwood and R. A. Davis (Jr).
Modelus Deposicionales Carbonaticos , by Albert V. Carozzi.
Paleozoic Salt Bearing Formations of the World , by Michail A. Zharkov.
Carbonate Sands—Core Workshop , ed. by P. M. Harris.
Archaean and Proterozoic Basins of the Pilbara, Western Australia: Evolution and Mineralization Potential , ed. by J. R. Muhling, D. I. Groves and T. S. Blake.  相似文献   

The average K, Rb, T1 abundances in 26 Mid-Atlantic Ridge basalts are 2,660 p.p.m., 6.6 p.p.m., 205 p.p.b.; abundances in 19 Hawaiian basalts and other rocks are 12,430 p.p.m., 32 p.p.m., 84 p.p.b.; 20 continental rocks (mostly basic) average 12,580 p.p.m., 56 p.p.m., 305 p.p.b. Abundances were obtained also for 8 meteorites.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Geology Today》1988,4(4):141-143
Book reviewed in this article:
Reservoir Sedimentology by R. W. Tillman and K. J. Weber.
John Ray (1627–1705): Essex Naturalist by Stuart A. Baldwin.
Igneous Petrology by Anthony Hall.
Planetary Landscapes by R. Greeley.
Minerals of Cornwall and Devon by P. G. Embrey and R. F. Symes.
Land Degradation and Society by Piers Blaikie and Harold Brookfield.
Copper and Copper Mining by R. L. Atkinson.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Spravochnik po inzhenernoy geologii [HANDBOOK OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY]: M. V. Churinov, General Editor. Ten chapters by 38 authors. Nedra Press, Moscow, 1968. 174 tables, 161 figs., 319 refs. NK 67(3)–51.

Sinitsyn, V. M., Vvedeniye v paleoklimatologiyu [INTRODUCTION TO PALEOCLIMATOLOGY]: Nedra, Leningrad, 1967. 232 pp., 19 figs., 239 refs. NK 66(43)–52.

Leonov; B. N., B. I. Prokopchuk and Yu. L. Orlov, Almazy Prilenskoy2 oblasti [DIAMONDS OF THE LENA AREA]: G. P. Barsanov, Executive Editor. Nauka, Moscow, 1966. 279 pp., 32 tables, 69 figs., 158 refs. SK 66(1)–440.

Geologiya i metallogeniy Rudnogo Altaya [GEOLOGY AND METALLOGENY OF RUDNYY ALTAY]: Transactions of the K. I. Satpayev Memorial Institute of Geological Sciences, AN Kaz. SSR. Volume 20. Twenty‐nine papers by 46 authors. A. K. Kayupov, Executive Editor. Nauka, Kaz. SSR Alma–Ata, 1967. 224 pp., 37 tables, 38 figs. , 266 refs.

Strukturnaya i klimaticheskay geomorfologiya [STRUCTURAL AND CLIMATIC GEOMORPHOLOGY]: Eighteen papers, edited by Yu. A. Meshcheryakov and S. S. Korzhuyev. Contributions to 60th anniverSary of I. P. Gerasimov. Committee on Geomorphology, Institute of Geography, AN SSSR. Nauka Press, Moscow, 1966. 178 pp., 30 figs., 3 tables, 471 refs. Sk 67–1(341).

Okeanograficheskiye issledovaniya Chernogo rnorya [OCEANOGRAPHIC INVESTIGATIONS OF BLACK SEA]: Fifteen papers by 19 authors. V. A. Vodyanitskiy, Executive Editor. The 0. A. Kovalevsiy Institute of Biology of Southern Seas. "Naukova Dumka" Press, Kiev, 1967. 195 pp., 25 tables, 62 figs., 237 refs. NK 66–2(64).

Gidrofizicheskiye i gidrokhimicheskiye issledo7 vaniya tropicheskoy zony Atlantiki [HYDROPHYSICAL AND HYDROCHEMICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF TROPICAL ZONE OF THE ATLANTIC]: Fourteen papers by 24 authors. D. U. Vapnyar, Executive Editor. The Marine Hydrophysical Institute. "Naukova Dumka" Press, Kiev, 1966. 124 pp., 34 figs., 22 tables, 103 refs. NK 65–47(402).

Petelin, V. P., Granulometricneskiy analiz morskikh donnykh osadkov [GRANULOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF SEAFLOOR SEDIMENTS]: Nauka Press, Moscow, 1967. 128 pp., 20 figs., 80 refs; 5 appendices (tables and forms).

Druzhinin, I. P., Z. P. Konovalenko, V. P. Kukushkina, N. V. Kham'yanova, Rechnoy stok i geofizicheskiye protessy (svyazi, tsiklichnose i predvideniye) [FLUVIATILE RUNOFF AND GEOPHYSICAL PROCESSES (CONNECTIONS, CYCL1SM, AND FORECASTING]: SO AN SSSR, Energetics Institute. Nauka, Moscow, 1966. 295 pp., 39 tables, 79 figs., 149 refs. Appendices, p. 228–292: supplementary tables, diagrams, and other materials. SK 65(17)–58.

Pakhomova, A. S. and B. M. Zatuchnaya, Gidrokhimiya Kaspiyskogo morya [HYDROCHEMISTRY OF CASPIAN SEA]: Gidrometeorolizdat, Leningrad, 1966. 343 pp., 143 tables, 81 figs., 130 refs. NK 65(31)–91. By Dr. V.P. Sokoloff  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books review in this article:
Diagenesis in Sediments—Developments in Sedimentology 8. G. L arsen and G. V. C hilingar (Editors)
Die Mikromorphornetrische Analyse. W. L. KUBIENA (Editor).
Atomic Absorption Spectrometry in Geology. E. E. ANGINO and G. K. BILLINGS
Concise Eizcyclopuedic Dictionary of Applied Geology, Mining and Civil Engineering. A. NP, LSON and K. D. NELSOS.  相似文献   

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