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Southwestern Atlantic estuaries (Southern Brazil to Northern Patagonia, Argentina) are characterized by the presence of an intertidal burrowing crab Chasmagnathus granulata. This crab species is an important bioturbator which lives in large assemblages and excavates semi-permanent burrows that affect sediment characteristics. Our observations showed that distribution of the crabs in the Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon, Argentina (37°45′S, 57°26′W) affected habitat use and feeding success of migratory shorebirds. During the migratory season the two-banded plover (Charadrius falklandicus) foraged more frequently inside crab beds, and yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes and T. melanoleuca) fed more freqeuntly outside crab beds. Focal observations on the feeding behavior of the white-rumped sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis) and the two-banded plover inside and outside crab beds showed that the plover was a visual searcher and captured more prey inside crab beds, and the white-rumped sandpiper was a tactile feeder. Although consumption rates (prey min?1) did not differ between sites, their efficiency (prey probe?1) inside crab beds was less. These differences were probably related to changes in sediment characteristics and prey behavior, which vary with crab activity. Burrowing crabs alter the suitability of intertidal habitats used by shorebirds in southwestern Atlantic estuaries. We believe that the same process could be occurring with other burrowing curstaceans such as thalassinidean shrimps in other estuaries of the world and could have important implications for management of flats for shorebirds. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY090 00007  相似文献   

We show that, as previously described, there are conflicts between areas used by people and shorebirds. However, we propose that burrowing organisms add complexity to the shorebird–human interaction that should be taken into account for management and conservation. This is because SW Atlantic mudflats are dominated by high densities (up to 60 crabs m−2) of a strong bioturbator, the burrowing crab Neohelice granulata (=Chasmagnathus granulatus). These crabs affect the habitat use and foraging performance of shorebird species. The two-banded plover Charadrius falklandicus feed more in burrow areas whereas the yellowlegs Tringa spp. and the white-rumped sandpiper Calidris fuscicollis tend to avoid burrow areas. We evaluated the effect of human recreational activities on shorebirds, taking into account shorebird–crab interaction, during shorebird migratory periods (November to April) of 2001, 2002, and 2003. This study was performed at the Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon (37° 40′ S, Argentina). Results showed that people only rarely used the extensive soft bottom intertidals dominated by burrowing assemblages of N. granulata because the soft sediments make walking difficult. Therefore, human impact is reduced for the two-banded plover. However, for several migratory shorebirds that also avoid burrow areas, these areas act as suboptimal alternative areas when human impact is important in their preferred habitats. When human activity is low, shorebirds remain foraging in the area but they decrease their feeding intakes. The extensions of burrow areas differ among estuaries and are likely to generate between-estuaries differences as stopover sites for shorebirds. Also, other species that form large burrowing assemblages can have a similar impact on shorebird–human interactions.  相似文献   

The major chemical components of bauxite deposits of Belgaum (76° 24′E : 15° 54′N) and Yercaud (78° 14′E : 11° 48′N) areas have been determined. A chemical continuity between parent rocks (zone I) to bauxites (zone IV) via clay (zone II) and laterites (zone III) clearly indicates that bauxites have been derived byin situ weathering of the respective parent rocks.  相似文献   

Rocky intertidal communities of Argentinean Patagonia are exposed to harsh physical conditions caused by dry, strong southern trade winds (mean speed 45 km h-1, gusts up to 140 km h-1) that result in intense desiccation of intertidal organisms. Predator distributions in these communities were evaluated from April 2003 to December 2004 at two exposed headlands and six protected bays in Cabo dos Bahias (44°50′S, 65°40′W). Crabs and sea stars dominated the predator assemblage, with occasional scavenger snails and fish also present. During low tide, predators were never found in the open but were always associated with shelter (primarily within mussel beds and coralline algae), suggesting a strong predator dependency on foundation species to buffer them from physical stress. Few predators (mostly crabs) emerged from shelter at high tide. Unlike the larger predators found on Chilean rocky shores, invertebrate predators in this system are diminutive, generally < 2 cm. The lone exception was the newly discovered invasive green crab,Carcinus mamas. Feeding trials, gut content analyses, and visual surveys indicated that native predators feed primarily on small, soft-bodied prey.C. mamas fed on slow-moving and sessile animals, including the super abundant musselPerumytilus purpuratus, with much greater voracity than native predators. Because native intertidal organisms are dependent on mussel beds and coralline algae for shelter from desiccation, successful invasion ofC. mamas may lead to a significant decrease in native diversity by consuming foundation species. This study represents a preliminary survey of predator distributions and feeding habits on the rocky shores of Argentinean Patagonia and provides important baseline data to evaluate trophic linkages and predatory effects on Patagonian rocky shores.  相似文献   

The Markandeya River Basin stretches geographically from 15o56′ to 16o08′ N latitude and 74o37′ to 74o58′ E longitude, positioned in the midst of Belgaum district, in the northern part of Karnataka. The groundwater quality of 54 pre-monsoon samples in the Markandeya River Basin was evaluated for its suitability for drinking and irrigation purposes by estimating pH, EC, TDS, hardness and alkalinity besides major cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+) and anions (HCO3–, Cl–, SO42–, PO43-, F-, NO3–), boron, SAR, % Na, RSC, RSBC, chlorinity index, SSP, non-carbonate hardness, Potential Salinity, Permeability Index, Kelley’s ratio, Magnesium hazard and Index of Base Exchange. Negative Index of Base Exchange indicates the chloro-alkaline disequilibrium in the study area and the majority of water samples fall in the rock dominance field based on Gibbs’ ratio. Permeability indices of classes I and II suggest suitability of groundwater for irrigation. Based on Cl, SO4, HCO3 concentrations, water samples can be classified as normal chloride (96.3%) and normal sulfate (94.4%) and normal bicarbonate (44.4%) water types.  相似文献   

A detailed seismicity map of the Central Indian Ridge for the period 1912–1993 is presented, and the earthquakes pertaining to four major transforms offsetting the ridge are utilized to study the moment release pattern. The scalar moment release for the period 1912–1993, and the summed moment rate tensors for both short period (1977–1993) and long period (1912–1993) bring out a unified picture of moment release pattern. The fraction of seismic slip calculated based on depths of 100°C and 400°C limiting temperatures suggests that the Marie-Celeste transform requires a slip almost to a depth of 400°C isotherm to account for the observed moment, and the Argo transform requires depth of faulting much above the 400°C isotherm. A very small fraction of slip is accounted seismically for Vema (53%) and 12° 12′S (23%) even to depths of 100°C isotherm, suggesting a very low order of moment release along these transforms. The horizontal plate velocities and the corresponding strain rates obtained from moment tensor summation of long period data (82 years) give rise to (V y y ; V y x mm. yr−1) of 6.0 and 6.1 along Marie-Celeste, 1.3 and 0.50 along Argo, 0.06 and 0.06 along 12° 12′S, 1.6 and 0.25 along Vema transforms. The corresponding strain rates (ε y yy x × 10−15 S−1) are 12.7 and 6.8 along MarieCeleste, 6.9 and 1.4 along Argo, 0.27 and 0.14 along 12° 12′S, 7.3 and 0.58 along Vema transforms. These results suggest that the strain rates were highest and almost all predicted motion is taken up seismically along the Marie-Celeste transform. The strain rates are lower along Argo transform and the observed moment release require shallower depth of faulting in order to slip to be accounted seismically. The Vema and 12° 12′S transforms are characterized by low strain rates and less than 15 per cent of motion is accommodated seismically within the seismogenic layer. It is proposed that the deficiency of moment release along the Vema and 12° 12′S multiple transform system may be due to most of the plate motion occurring aseismically.  相似文献   

The mangrove or mud crab, Scylla serrata, is an important component of mangrove fisheries throughout the Indo-Pacific. Understanding crab diets and habitat use should assist in managing these fisheries and could provide additional justification for conservation of the mangrove ecosystem itself. We used multiple chemical tracers to test whether crab movements were restricted to local mangrove forests, or extended to include adjacent seagrass beds and reef flats. We sampled three mangrove forests on the island of Kosrae in the Federated States of Micronesia at Lelu Harbor, Okat River, and Utwe tidal channel. Samples of S. serrata and likely food sources were analyzed for stable carbon (δ13C), nitrogen (δ15N), and sulfur (δ34S) isotopes. Scylla serrata tissues also were analyzed for phosphorus (P), cations (K, Ca, Mg, Na), and trace elements (Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, and B). Discriminant analysis indicated that at least 87% of the crabs remain in each site as distinct populations. Crab stable isotope values indicated potential differences in habitat use within estuaries. Values for δ13C and δ34S in crabs from Okat and Utwe were low and similar to values expected from animals feeding within mangrove forests, e.g., feeding on infauna that had average δ13C values near −26.5‰. In contrast, crabs from Lelu had higher δ13C and δ34S values, with average values of −21.8 and 7.8‰, respectively. These higher isotope values are consistent with increased crab foraging on reef flats and seagrasses. Given that S. serrata have been observed feeding on adjacent reef and seagrass environments on Kosrae, it is likely that they move in and out of the mangroves for feeding. Isotope mixing model results support these conclusions, with the greatest mangrove ecosystem contribution to S. serrata diet occurring in the largest mangrove forests. Conserving larger island mangrove forests (> 1 km deep) appears to support crab foraging activities.  相似文献   

We experimentally evaluate the effect of migratory shorebirds on the benthic fauna of three southwestern Atlantic Argentinean stop-over and wintering sites: Bahía Samborombon (35°30′–36°22′S, 57°23′W), Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon (37°40′S, 57°26′W), and Bahía Blanca (38°48′–39°25′S, 50°–62°25′W). The experiments consisted of exclusion ceilings and controls (both 1 m2), with 10 replicates each and aligned at the same tidal level. During December 1994–May 1995 these experiments were done, twice in Bahía Samborombon, twice at two sites (Sotelo and Celpa) 4 km apart in Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon, and three times in Bahía Blanca. Three polychaete species (Laeonereis acuta, Nephtys fluviatilis, andHeteromastus similis) were found in similar densities in both areas of the Mar Chiquita lagoon.L. acuta andN. fluviatilis were affected in Sotelo, but there was no treatment effect in Celpa. In Sotelo the most abundant shorebirds were Hudsonian godwit (Limosa haemastica), American golden plover (Pluvialis dominica), and White-rumped sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis), and in Celpa the most abundant shorebirds were White-rumped sandpiper, two-banded plower (Charadrius falklandicus), and lesser yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes). The largest polychaete densities were in the upper sediment layer (0–6 cm), which was also the most affected layer. Three polychaete species were found in Bahía Samborombon (L. acuta, H. similis, andNeanthes succinea), but onlyH. similis showed a treatment effect. The most abundant shorebirds in Samborombon were white-rumped sandpiper and two-banded plover. No effect was detected in Bahía Blanca, where the most abundant shorebirds were white-rumped sandpiper and American golden plover. In all cases, the species affected by shorebirds were the most abundant species. From the two sites of Mar Chiquita, there was a treatment effect only in Sotelo, which was also the area with higher shorebirds counts. However, much lower densities observed in Samborombon (similar to the unaffected area of Mar Chiquita) also produced a significant decrease in infaunal abundance. These evidences also suggest that just selection of study sites may produce different views of the interaction between shorebirds and benthic species.  相似文献   

Estuarine macrobenthos respond to a variety of environmental gradients such as sediment type and salinity, and organic enrichment. A relatively new influence, organic loading from suspended bivalve culture, has the potential to alter this response. A study on soft-bottom macrobenthic communities was carried out in the Richibucto estuary (46°40′N, 64°50′W), New Brunswick, Canada, with samples collected from 18 stations in late September and early October 2006. The site consisted of a large tidal channel originating upstream in a small river. The channel was punctuated by bag culture of oysters along its length. A total of 88 species were recorded. The mean values of abundance, species richness, and diversity (H′) of macrofauna were 11,199 ind. m−2 (ranged from 4,371 to 19,930 ind. m−2), 23.4 species grab−1 and 3.29 grab−1, respectively. In general species richness and H′ increased from the upper estuary to the estuarine mouth. Multivariate analyses clearly exhibited the spatial distribution in community structure, which coincided with the locations along the estuary (the upper, the lower and the mouth), as well as inside and outside the channel. Species richness and diversity H′ showed strong positive correlations with salinity (21.2–25.2 ppt), and abundance was positively correlated with water depth (1.0–4.5 m). Abundance and species richness were negatively correlated with both of silt–clay fraction (3.3–24.8%) and sorting (σI). Species richness was also negatively correlated with organic content (1.9–12.7%). The BIO-ENV analyses identified silt–clay fraction, σI and salinity as the major environmental variable combination influencing the macrofaunal patterns, and silt–clay fraction as the single best-correlated variable.  相似文献   

Magnetite-bearing mylonitic garnet–micaschists close to the major suture between the Baltica and Iapetus terranes (Seve Nappe Complex, Scandinavian Caledonides) show very high anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) with corrected degree of anisotropy (P′) up to 4.8. Three different magnetic fabric types can be distinguished. They correspond to protomylonite (type I, P′ < 2), mylonite (type II, 2 < P′ < 3), and ultramylonite (type III, P′ > 3), respectively. The orientation of the ellipsoid axes from all applied magnetic fabric methods in this study is similar with shallow dips of the metamorphic foliation toward WSW and subhorizontal, mostly NW–SE trending mineral lineation. Differences between subfabrics were minimized under high shear strain as all markers tend to align parallel with the shear plane. The very high anisotropies and mostly oblate ellipsoid shapes of type III correlate with high magnetic susceptibility (k mean up to 55 × 10−3 SI units) and are related to the concentration of magnetite aggregates with shape-preferred orientation. They show a distinct field dependence of magnetic susceptibility of up to 10% in the k max-direction. We attribute this field dependence to a “memory” of high strains in the domain walls of the crystals acquired during synkinematic magnetite growth during shear zone fabric development at temperatures of 550–570°C.  相似文献   

 In the present paper, an environmental analysis of Manikpur area, Korba coalfield, Bilaspur, M.P., India is undertaken. The area lies in the Geological Survey of India Toposheet no. 64J/11 Latitude 82°42′54″–82°45′10″ North; Longitude 22°18′46″–22°19′46″ East. The paper deals with pollution and its control measures through the natural plants found in the vicinity of the coalmines, namely Mangifera indica, Eucalyptus spp., Cassia siamea, Delbergia sissoo, etc. The plants control the Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), Nitrous Oxides (NOx), Sulphur Oxides (SOx) of the mines and mining site. Therefore, plantation in the mining site should be encouraged. Received: 12 May 1998 · Accepted: 6 October 1998  相似文献   

Summary Augite and diopside crystals from the Oligo-Miocene high-Mg and high-Al basalts, basaltic andesites and andesites of Montresta (Sardinia, Italy) have been analysed by means of X-ray single crystal diffraction and electron microprobe. It has been found that crystallization or equilibration processes took place within the crust at pressures below 5 kbar. In particular, samples from high-Al basalts, basaltic andesites and andesites crystallised at pressures below one kbar while those from high-Mg basalts crystallised in a range from about 1.5 to 4.5 kbar. The intracrystalline temperatures range between about 550 °C for high-Mg basalts and 750 °C for andesites. The M2′ site is occupied in each of the studied crystals, which implies slow cooling rates.  相似文献   

 The solubility of hydroxyl in the α, β and γ phases of (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 was investigated by hydrothermally annealing single crystals of San Carlos olivine. Experiments were performed at a temperature of 1000° or 1100 °C under a confining pressure of 2.5 to 19.5 GPa in a multianvil apparatus with the oxygen fugacity buffered by the Ni:NiO solid-state reaction. Hydroxyl solubilities were determined from infrared spectra obtained of polished thin sections in crack-free regions ≤100 μm in diameter. In the α-stability field, hydroxyl solubility increases systematically with increasing confining pressure, reaching a value of ∼20,000 H/106Si (1200 wt ppm H2O) at the α-β phase boundary near 13 GPa and 1100 °C. In the β field, the hydroxyl content is ∼400,000 H/106Si (24,000 wt ppm H2O) at 14–15 GPa and 1100 °C. In the γ field, the solubility is ∼450,000 H/106Si (27,000 wt ppm H2O) at 19.5 GPa and 1100 °C. The observed dependence of hydroxyl solubility with increasing confining pressure in the α phase reflects an increase in water fugacity with increasing pressure moderated by a molar volume term associated with the incorporation of hydroxyl ions into the olivine structure. Combined with published results on the dependence of hydroxyl solubility on water fugacity, the present results for the α phase can be summarized by the relation C OH = A(T)fnH2Oexp(−PΔV/RT), where A(T) = 1.1 H/106Si/MPa at 1100 °C, n = 1, and ΔV = 10.6×10–6 m3/mol. These data demonstrate that the entire present-day water content of the upper mantle could be incorporated in the mineral olivine alone; therefore, a free hydrous fluid phase cannot be stable in those regions of the upper mantle with a normal concentration of hydrogen. Free hydrous fluids are restricted to special tectonic environments, such as the mantle wedge above a subduction zone. Received: 10 February 1995 / Accepted: 23 October 1995  相似文献   

Brackets on the melting temperature of K2CO3 were experimentally determined at 1.86 ± 0.02 GPa (1,163–1,167°C), 2.79 ± 0.03 GPa (1,187–1,195°C), and 3.16 ± 0.04 GPa (1,183–1,189°C) in a piston-cylinder apparatus. These new data, in combination with published experiments at low pressure (<0.5 GPa), establish the K2CO3 fusion curve to 3.2 GPa. On the basis of these experiments and published thermodynamic data for crystalline and liquid K2CO3, the high-pressure density and compressibility of K2CO3 liquid were derived from the fusion curve. The pressure dependence of the liquid compressibility (K0 = dK 0/dP, where K 0 = 1/β0) is between 16.2 and 11.6, with a best estimate of 13.7, in a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state (EOS). This liquid K0 leads to a density of 2,175 ± 36 kg/m3 at 4 GPa and 1,500°C, which is ∼30% lower than that reported in the literature on the basis of the falling-sphere method at the same conditions. The uncertainty in the liquid K0 leads to an error in melt density of ± 2% at 4 GPa; the error decreases with decreasing pressure. With a K0 of 13.7, the compressibility of K2CO3 at 1,500°C and 1 bar (K 0 = 3.8 GPa) drops rapidly with increasing pressure ( ), which prevents a density crossover with silicate melts, such as CaAlSi2O8 and CaMgSi2O6, at upper mantle depths.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the distribution characteristics of stable carbon isotope ratios (δ 13C) in the desert plant Reaumuria soongorica, the δ 13C values of leaves were measured in 407 individuals of 21 populations. Soil physicochemical properties including soil water content, soil total dissolved solids, soil total nitrogen, soil total phosphorus and soil organic content were also analyzed in order to survey the major factors influencing δ 13C values on spatial variation. Leaves and soil samples were simultaneously collected from the ten major distribution areas in Northwest China at altitudes from 394 m to 1 987 m above sea level, at latitudes from 36°10′N to 44°33′N, and at longitudes from 81°43′E to 106°37′E. These ten areas include Shihezi, Baicheng, Yiwu areas in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region; Anxi, Zhangye, Baiyin, Lanzhou areas in Gansu Province; Shapotou, Yinchuan areas in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region; and Alashan County in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The results show that the δ 13C value of R. soongorica ranges from −22.77‰ to −29.85‰ with an average of −26.52‰. Foliar d13C values in R. soongorica are not significantly correlated with altitude, latitude or longitude, and a spatial distribution trend of d13C values of R. soongorica is not obvious on a large scale. However, when d13C values of two R. soongorica populations under the same climate conditions are compared, δ 13C values increase obviously from east to west and from north to south. As none of the soil total dissolved solids, soil total nitrogen, soil total phosphorus, and soil organic content shows a uniform trend from east to west and from north to south, we suppose that the small-scaled spatial distribution pattern of δ 13C values of R. soongorica is mainly controlled by the soil water content. Translated from Quaternary Sciences, 2006, 26(6): 947–954 [译自: 第四纪研究]  相似文献   

 Thermodynamic properties of high-pressure minerals that are not recoverable from synthesis experiments by conventional quenching methods (“unquenchable” phases) usually are calculated from equation of state data and phase diagram topologies. The present study shows that, with cryogenic methods of recovery and sample treatment, phases with a suitable decomposition rate can be made accessible to direct thermodynamic measurements. A set of samples of Ca(OH)2-II has been synthesized in a multianvil device and subsequently recovered by cooling the high-pressure assembly with liquid nitrogen. Upon heating from liquid nitrogen to room temperature, the material transformed back to Ca(OH)2-I. The heat effect of this backtransformation was measured by differential scanning calorimetry. A commercial differential scanning calorimeter (Netzsch DSC 404), modified to allow sample loading at liquid nitrogen temperature was used to heat the material from −150 to +200 °C at rates varying between 5 and 15 °C min−1. The transformation started around −50 °C very gradually, and peaked at about 0 °C. To obtain a baseline correction, each sample was scanned under exactly the same conditions after the backtransformation was complete. Because of the relative sluggishness, onset and offset temperatures were not well defined as compared to fast (e.g., melting) reactions. To aid in integration, the resulting signals were successfully fitted using a generic asymmetric peak model. The enthalpy of backtransformation was determined to be ΔH =−10.37 ± 0.50 kJ mol−1. From previous in situ X-ray diffraction experiments, the location of the direct transformation in P-T space has been constrained to 5.7 ± 0.4 GPa at 500 °C (Kunz et al. 1996). With the reaction volume known from the same study, and assuming that ΔC p of the transformation remains negligible between the conditions of our measurements and 500 °C, our result gives an estimate of the entropy of transition and the P-T slope of the reaction curve. To a first approximation, the values ΔS = −16.00 ± 0.65 J(mol · K)−1 and dP/dT = 0.0040 ± 0.0002 GPa/K have been determined. These results need to be refined by equation of state data for Ca(OH)2-II. Received: 30 December 1999 / Accepted: 10 April 2000  相似文献   

VHF amplitude scintillations recorded during the daytime period from January 1991 to December 1993, April 1998 to December 1999 and January 2008 to December 2008 at low latitude station Varanasi (geographic lat. = 25°15′N; long. = 82°59′E; geomagnetic lat. = 14°55′N, long. = 154°E, dip angle = 37.3°, sub-ionospheric dip = 34°) have been analyzed to study the behaviour of ionospheric E-region irregularities during the active solar and magnetic periods. The autocorrelation functions, power spectral densities, signal de-correlation times are computed to study the temporal features of ionospheric E-region irregularities linked with daytime scintillations. Derived spectral index ranges between −2 and −9. Assuming velocity of irregularities, the characteristic lengths of the E-region irregularities are estimated. We have estimated the minimum and maximum range of scale length of sporadic-E (E s ) irregularities to be observed over Varanasi. These results are in close agreement with those reported from this latitude region.  相似文献   

An experimental study of Ca-(Fe,Mg) interdiffusion in silicate garnets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ca-(Fe,Mg) interdiffusion experiments between natural single crystals of grossular (Ca2.74Mg0.15 Fe0.23Al1.76Cr0.04Si3.05O12) and almandine (Ca0.21Mg0.40 Fe2.23Mn0.13Al2.00Cr0.08Si2.99O12 or Ca0.43Mg0.36Fe2.11 Al1.95Si3.04O12), were undertaken at 900–1100 °C and 30 kbar, and pressures of 15.0–32.5 kbar at 1000 °C. Samples were buffered by Fe/FeO in most cases. Diffusion profiles were determined by electron microprobe. Across the experimental couples the interdiffusion coefficients () were almost independent of composition. The diffusion rates in an unbuffered sample were significantly faster than in buffered samples. The temperature dependence of the (Ca-Fe,Mg) interdiffusion coefficients may be described by
at 30 kbar and 900–1100 °C. This activation energy is marginally higher than previous experimental studies involving Ca-free garnets; the interdiffusion coefficients are higher than previous studies for Fe-Mg and Fe-Mn exchange in garnet. The pressure dependence of (Ca-Fe,Mg) at 1000 °C yielded an activation volume of 11.2 cm3 mol−1, which is higher than previous results from studies involving garnet and olivine. Comparison with simulation studies suggests a vacancy mechanism for divalent ion migration in garnet, with extrinsic processes being dominant up to very high temperatures. Received: 15 December 1996 / Accepted: 3 November 1998  相似文献   

The burrowing crab,Chasmagnathus granulatus, is the dominant benthic macroinvertebrate of southwest Atlantic salt marshes and tidal flats, having strong ecosystem engineering effects by direct and indirect effects on soil, vegetation, invertebrates, fishes, and birds. Vegetation structure is a main component for bird habitat selection, since greater habitat complexity generates higher niche diversity. This environmental complexity can be modified by species interactions or disturbance events (i.e., by crabs), in turn modifying the associated community. The bird species of salt marshes of the southwest Atlantic are highly dependent on these ecosystems. We assessed the effects of the burrowing crab on the structure of the cordgrass,Spartina densiflora, marshes, and how these changes affected the composition and diversity of birds. This study was conducted at the Mar Chiquita Coastal Lagoon, Argentina (37°40′S, 57°23′W).S. densiflora marshes were classified within three categories: marshes without burrowing crabs, marshes with low burrow densities, and marshes with high burrow densities. We made vegetation and bird surveys during spring beforeS. densiflora produce seeds and in summer when seeds are abundant. We also manipulated inflorescence (i.e., spike) density (a variable affected by crabs) to assess the effect on bird habitat use. The highest inflorescence density ofS. densiflora and highest bird diversity were recorded at low burrow densities. Cover and height ofS. densiflora were negatively correlated with burrow density. The number of bird species and the number of red-capped wren-spinetail,Spartonoica maluroides, were negatively related with cover and height ofS. densiflora. Experiments confirmed that granivorous species used areas with higher spike densities, a variable related to crab burrow density. Burrowing crabs directly and indirectly affect the cover, height, spike density, and morphologic characteristic of seeds ofS. densiflora marshes. These effects indirectly affect the bird community that uses these marshes, being negatively related toS. maluroides and total bird abundance, and positively related to bird diversity.  相似文献   

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