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Earthquake-induced strong near-fault ground motion is typically accompanied by largevelocity pulse-like component, which causes serious damage to slopes and buildings. Although not all near-fault ground motions contain a pulse-like component, it is important to consider this factor in regional earthquake-induced landslide susceptibility assessment. In the present study, we considered the probability of the observed pulse-like ground motion at each site(PP) in the region of an earthquake as one o...  相似文献   

Earthquake induced landslides are one of the most severe geo-environmental hazards that cause enormous damage to infrastructure, property, and loss of life in Nuweiba area. This study developed a model for mapping the earthquake-induced landslide susceptibility in Nuweiba area in Egypt with considerations of geological, geomorphological, topographical, and seismological factors. An integrated approach of remote sensing and GIS technologies were applied for that target. Several data sources including Terra SAR-X and SPOT 5 satellite imagery, topographic maps, field data, and other geospatial resources were used to model landslide susceptibility. These data were used specifically to produce important thematic layers contributing to landslide occurrences in the region. A rating scheme was developed to assign ranks for the thematic layers and weights for their classes based on their contribution in landslide susceptibility. The ranks and weights were defined based on the knowledge from field survey and authors experiences related to the study area. The landslide susceptibility map delineates the hazard zones to three relative classes of susceptibility: high, moderate, and low. Therefore, the current approach provides a way to assess landslide hazards and serves for geo-hazard planning and prediction in Nuweiba area.  相似文献   

在多级滑坡的渐进破坏过程中, 滑带不同部位的屈服程度和破坏模式不同, 强度参数也不同。在强降雨条件下, 坡表产生的张拉裂缝充水, 会产生静水压力。当前广泛应用的传递系数法对滑带不同位置取同一强度参数, 也尚未考虑到静水压力作用。为此提出了一种考虑静水压力作用和滑带不同部位强度参数差异的改进传递系数法, 对降雨引起的西安市柳西村南部的牛角沟滑坡进行了计算。结果表明: 与不考虑静水压力和滑带不同部位强度参数差异的计算方法比, 改进传递系数法计算的抗滑力相对较小, 剩余下滑力计算结果相对较大, 各级滑坡稳定性系数分别减小了约33.26%、17.92%、24.95和16.94%;而改进前的稳定性系数偏高, 可能会导致支挡工程的安全储备不足。本研究提出的改进传递系数法可为多级滑坡处置提供更安全的参考。   相似文献   

Earthquake-triggered landslides are a major geological hazard in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, and have prolonged impact on earth surface processes and fluvial system. To determine how long co-seismic landslides affect basins, a massive number of landslides existing in Qionghai Lake Basin were investigated for landslide distribution characteristics and geomorphological evidences, with further comparison and analysis using historic seismic analog method. The landslides found in Qionghai Lake Basin showed clear features of seismic triggering with strongly controlled by Zemuhe fault. These landslides are still active at present. Some new slides generally occur in ancient slope failure zones causing serious secondary hazards in recent years. In this study we strengthen the idea that the landslides triggered by the 185o Xichang earthquake (Ms7.5) have long term activity and prolonged impact on the mountain disasters with a period of more than 16o years. Our results support growing evidence that coseismic landslides have a prolonged effect on secondary disasters in a basin, and invite more careful consideration of the relationship between current basin condition and landslide history for a longer period.  相似文献   

水对岩土体的力学参数存在明显的劣化效应。开展了不同含水率条件下滑坡堆积体三轴力学试验, 建立了饱和度和力学参数之间的经验方程; 对建立的经验方程进行了二次开发, 通过饱和度和力学参数的耦合, 实现了库水位实时变动过程中考虑岩土体力学参数变化对滑坡稳定性的影响, 克服了库水位变动过程中岩土体物理力学参数不能随库水入渗变化的局限性。通过云南省兰坪县大华滑坡在库水位变动环境下的模拟结果和现场监测数据的比对, 验证了考虑岩土体力学参数水致劣化效应的合理性, 并对大华滑坡考虑水致劣化效应的变形演化规律进行了工程应用。   相似文献   

Due to the extremely high magnitude, long duration, and the complicated geo-environment in the disaster area, the great 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake not only produced a huge number of landslides and rockfalls, but also involved complicated dynamic processes. These processes are quite different from the characteristics of landslides and rockfalls under general gravitational force, and presently human knowledge is very poor in this field. In order to describe the special dynamic processes, some terms such as shattering-cracking, shattering-sliding, shattering-falls and ejection are defined in this paper. Combined with slope structures, a mechanism classification system of strong earthquake-triggered landslide and rockfall is suggested, which is divided into 5 categories and 14 types. This paper also analyzes the basic characteristics, dynamic processes and geo-mechanics conceptual models of some typologies, especial the type of shattering-sliding for most large-scales landsides. This paper initially reveals the formation mechanism, geo-mechanics models and dynamic features of landslides and rockfalls triggered by the great Wenchuan Earthquake.  相似文献   

The mechanical behavior of underground pipe gallery is a key research issue due to the static/dynamic states which exist in a ground fissure area.This study too...  相似文献   

强对流或台风等极端天气下乔木坡地发生浅层滑坡灾害往往是暴雨和强风共同作用的结果。以皖南山区一处暴雨型浅层滑坡——畈章组滑坡为例, 通过现场调查和气象资料的分析表明, 除暴雨外风荷载也有可能促进滑坡的启动。为揭示该滑坡启动与破坏后这一完整运动过程的演化机制, 首先基于无限斜坡模型分析了实际降雨条件下的滑坡稳定性, 然后对取自于滑坡体内乔木根系周围和滑动面附近的两种土样利用DPRI型环剪仪, 分别开展了不排水循环剪切试验和自然排水残余剪切试验。结果表明: ①降雨入渗引起滑动面孔隙水压力的上升, 并导致稳定性的降低是畈章组滑坡启动的直接原因; ②乔木根系周围的饱和土在风振作用产生的动剪切荷载下易形成高的超孔隙水压力, 并导致浅表层的局部失稳滑动, 增加了畈章组滑坡整体破坏的可能性; ③滑动面土体的残余强度具有强烈的"正速率效应", 从而控制了畈章组滑坡启动后不会表现出高速远程的运动特征, 与现场调查结论一致。研究结果可以为暴雨协同风振作用下富乔木坡地浅层滑坡的预警预报研究提供参考。   相似文献   

The Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake on May 12, 2008 induced a huge number of landslides. The distribution and volume of the landslides are very important for assessing risks and understanding the landslide - debris flow - barrier lake - bursts flood disaster chain. The number and the area of landslides in a wide region can be easily obtained by remote sensing technique, while the volume is relatively difficult to obtain because it requires some detailed geometric information of slope failure surface and sub-surface. Different empirical models for estimating landslide volume were discussed based on the data of 107 landslides in the earthquake-stricken area. The volume data of these landslides were collected by field survey. Their areas were obtained by interpreting remote sensing images while their apparent friction coefficients and height were extracted from the images unifying DEM (digital elevation model). By analyzing the relationships between the volume and the area, apparent friction coefficients, and the height, two models were established, one for the adaptation of a magnitude scale landslide events in a wide range of region, another for the adaptation in a small scope. The correlation coefficients (R2) are 0.7977 and 0.8913, respectively. The results estimated by the two models agree well with the measurement data.  相似文献   

The geometry of a landslide dam plays a critical role in its stability and failure mode, and is influenced by the damming process. However, there is a lack of understanding of the factors that affect the 3D geometry of a landslide dam. To address this gap,we conducted a study using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics numerical method to investigate the evolution of landslide dams. Our study included 17 numerical simulations to examine the effects of several factors on the geometry of landslide d...  相似文献   

对于滑坡易发性预测中的水系、公路和断层等线状环境因子, 现有研究大多采用缓冲分析提取距离线状因子的距离。但缓冲分析得到的线距离属于离散型变量, 带有大小不等的随机波动性且对点或线要素的误差较为敏感, 导致滑坡易发性建模精度下降。提出了使用水系和公路的空间密度等连续型变量改进线状环境因子的适宜性。以江西省安远县为例, 选取高程、地形起伏度、距水系和公路距离等14个环境因子(原始因子), 再将距水系和公路距离2个线状因子改进为水系密度和公路密度(改进因子); 之后采用逻辑回归、多层感知器、支持向量机和C5.0决策树等机器学习模型, 分别构建了基于原始因子和改进因子的机器学习模型以预测滑坡易发性; 最后利用ROC曲线和易发性指数分布特征等来研究建模规律。结果表明: ①改进因子机器学习预测精度均高于原始因子机器学习模型, 表明空间密度对于易发性预测的适宜性更好; ②在4类机器学习模型中C5.0模型对于滑坡易发性预测性能最好, 其次是SVM、MLP和LR; ③水系和公路两类环境因子的重要性较高且使用改进因子机器学习后这两类环境因子重要性排名依然非常靠前。   相似文献   

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