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研究不同环剪条件下库岸堆积层滑坡滑带土强度特性对滑坡稳定性评价具有重要意义。针对目前在库岸堆积层滑坡滑带土力学特性方面研究薄弱的问题, 以三峡库区童家坪滑坡滑带土为研究对象, 采用ARS-E2环剪仪开展了不同剪切速率下的剪切试验, 研究了等速剪切、加速剪切以及减速剪切作用下滑带土强度变化特征。试验结果表明: 滑带土试样在恒定的低速剪切条件下更容易得到稳定的残余强度, 并且达到峰值强度后易出现"应变软化"现象; 在相同剪切应力条件下, 滑带土加速环剪和减速环剪的剪应力变化趋势基本一致, 与法向应力均呈正相关关系; 剪切速率的变化会显著影响滑带土峰值黏聚力的大小。研究成果揭示了不同环剪条件下滑带土力学特性, 可以为揭示库岸堆积层滑坡变形破坏的力学机制提供理论依据。   相似文献   

汶川地震触发的最大滑坡——大光包滑坡是受控于斜坡先期层间构造错动带(软弱层)的大型地震滑坡,该软弱层不但遭受了强烈的历史构造碎裂,还在地震中产生了大面积新生震裂,其成因及对大光包滑坡启动的贡献一直是国内外研究焦点。以大光包滑坡为地质原型,将层间构造错动带概化为含软弱层单元地质体模型,基于地震波射线理论,建立了垂直P波入射过程考虑软弱层顶底界面波场转换和时间延迟的动力响应理论模型,开展了垂直振动作用下含软弱层单元地质体振动台模型试验,获得了软弱层应力放大特征及受地震强度和频率的影响规律,揭示振动波在软弱层顶底界面的波场转换和能量分配产生了振幅衰减,以及因软弱层与上下硬层介质属性差异造成的时间延迟,共同导致应力分异和叠加,促使软弱层应力放大;从而认为,强震过程中大光包滑坡先期层间构造错动带应力放大导致了带内岩体碎裂,降低了滑带岩体抗剪强度,从而促使强震过程中滑坡快速启动。  相似文献   

降雨过程中降雨强度的变化会影响土体渗透率及饱和过程, 从而改变土体的力学性质, 影响泥石流起动模式及破坏规模。为探究不同降雨模式对震后泥石流起动机制的影响, 自制了小比例模型槽, 结合可控雨型的降雨模拟系统, 进行了人工降雨诱发泥石流的室内模型试验; 基于不同降雨模式下泥石流的起动过程分析, 对坡体内部含水率和孔隙水压力的变化规律进行了研究。研究结果表明: 递增型降雨模式下泥石流发生突然, 呈整体滑坡转化为泥石流起动模式, 坡体破坏规模最大; 递减型降雨模式下表现为后退式溃散失稳起动模式; 均匀型降雨模式下则表现为溯源侵蚀起动模式; 中峰型降雨模式下以局部滑坡转化为泥石流起动模式; Ⅴ型降雨模式下则由坡面侵蚀加剧转化为泥石流启动模式, 破坏规模最小。研究结果可以为九寨沟地区泥石流的预报预警提供参考。   相似文献   

Hyper-spectral data is widely used to determine soil properties. However, few studies have explored the soil spectral characteristics as response to soil erosion. This study analysed the spectral response of different eroded soils in subtropical China, and then identify the spectral characteristics and soil properties that better discriminate softs with different erosion degrees. Two methods were compared: direct identification by inherent spectral characteristics and indirect identification by predictions of critical soft properties. Results showed that the spectral curves for different degrees of erosion were similar in morphology, while overall reflectance and characteristics of specific absorption peaks were different. When the first method is applied, some differences among different eroded groups were found by integration of associated indicators. However, the index of such indicators showed apparent mixing and crossover among different groups, which reduced the accuracy of identification. For the second method, the correlation between critical soil properties, such as soil organic matter (SOM), iron and aluminium oxides and reflectance spectra, was analysed. The correlation coefficients for the moderate eroded group were primarily between -0.3 to -0.5, which were worse than the other twogroups. However, the maximum value of R2 was obtained as 0.86 and 0.94 for the non-apparent eroded and the severe group. Furthermore, these two groups also showed some differences in the spectral response of iron complex state (Fep), Aluminium amorphous state (Alo) and the modelling results for soil organic matter (SOM). The study proved that it is feasible to identify different degrees of soil erosion by hyperspectral data, and that indirect identification by modelling critical soil properties and reflectance spectra is much better than direct identification. These results indicate that hyper-spectral data may represent a promising tool in monitoring and modelling soil erosion.  相似文献   

Karst rocky desertification is a geo-ecological problem in Southwest China. The rocky desertification risk zone delineation could be used as a guide for the regional and hierarchical rocky desertification management and prevention. We chose the middle and lower reaches of the Houzhai underground basin on the karst plateau in Puding County, Guizhou Province, China as the study area and selected land use type, elevation, slope, aspect, lithology and settlement buffer as the main driving factors of the rocky desertification. The potential risk of rocky desertification was quantified with the factor-weights union method and statistical analysis method. Five grades of rocky desertification risk were delineated based on Geographic Information System. The extremely low, low, moderate, high and extremely high rocky desertification risk zones accounted for 5.01%, 44.17%, 33.92%, 15.59% and 1.30%, respectively. As a whole, the rocky desertification risk level was moderate because the area of low and moderate rocky desertification risk zones occupied 78.09% of the study area. However, more than half of the area (about 50.81%) was predicted to have moderate rocky desertification risk and above, indicating that the study area was subject to rocky desertification. Rocky desertification risk was higher in the southeast and lower in the northwest of the study area. Distinct differences in the distribution of rocky desertification risk zones corresponding to different factors have been found.  相似文献   

针对页岩储层气体滑脱效应特征及其影响机制不清问题,选取四川盆地长宁地区志留系龙马溪组页岩样品,开展了低温氮气吸附孔隙结构表征实验,并利用非稳态脉冲衰竭方法测量了不同围压下氦气、氮气在页岩岩心上的气体渗透率,分析了平均孔隙压力、气体类型、围压对滑脱效应的影响,建立了滑脱因子的预测关系式。结果表明:压力低于2.5 MPa时,页岩气体滑脱效应不能忽略。由于“分子筛效应”的影响,页岩克氏渗透率与测试流体介质类型有关,以氦气为流动介质测试得到的克氏渗透率大于以氮气为流动介质的测试结果。滑脱效应与气体类型有关,龙马溪组页岩的氦气滑脱因子约为氮气滑脱因子的1.7倍。利用滑脱因子计算得到围压为10~40 MPa时,氦气在页岩上的有效渗流孔径为113~166 nm,氮气的有效渗流孔径为66~99 nm,均远大于液氮吸附法测试的平均孔径。建立了龙马溪组页岩气体滑脱因子与克氏渗透率的幂函数关系,为页岩气流动模型的建立提供了基础。   相似文献   

The thermal-environment effect exists in the field of rapid urbanization.It has adverse effects on the urban atmosphere,regional climate,energy consumption,and public health.Shenzhen,a representative of rapidly urbanizing cities in China,was selected as a case for pattern dynamics analysis of the thermal environment.The surface temperature was acquired from the thermal infrared data of Landsat TM and ETM+ images in 1986,1995,and 2005 by Jiménez-Mu?oz and Sobrino’s generalized single-channel method,which was used in assessing the distribution and spatial patterns of the thermal environment.The relative thermal environment curve(RTC) was combined with Moran’s I analysis to assess the pattern dynamics of the thermal environment in different urbanization periods.Moran’s I index and the RTC represent a process of aggregation-fragmentation-aggregation,which shows the aggregation pattern of a decrease during the rapid urbanization period and then an increase during the steady urbanization period.High-temperature areas gradually expanded to a uniform and scattered distribution in the rapid urbanization period;while the high thermal-environment effect was gradually transformed into a steady spatial pattern in the stable urbanization period.To characterize the increasing development in this multiple-center city,we chose profiles along an urban-development axis.The results suggest that heat islands have expanded from internal urban to external urban areas.Four profiles were obtained showing differences in shape due to spatial differences in the process of development.  相似文献   

鱼台凹陷是一个中生代同沉积断陷盆地,其内部构造纵横,深部普遍发育奥陶系碳酸盐岩,具备地热开发前景。为研究断陷盆地内碳酸盐岩热储特征,评价其资源潜力,在鱼台凹陷施工一眼2 309.31 m深钻孔,通过综合测井、产能测试、水化学分析、气体成分分析、地热水14C年龄测定等手段,分析了盆地内地热流体的来源及补给、热源储集、离子运移等条件。结果显示,地热井温曲线的增温异常与裂隙发育断位置一致,指示了地热水来源方向;地热水Cl-、Na+含量较高,其离子组分形成原因与岩盐溶解有关;鱼台凹陷东南部断裂交会处附近地热水表观年龄43.5 ka BP,校正年龄10.752 ka BP,时间在第四纪更新世晚期至全新世早期。研究认为,鱼台凹陷存在较为活跃或年轻的地质构造,是热储的热源之一,区内奥陶系热储可采地热资源量约为2.12×109 GJ,合标准煤7.27×107 t,资源潜力较大,开发利用前景良好。  相似文献   

In order to study the effects of different land vegetative covers on soil quality attributes, a loess hill slope was selected in eastern Golestan Province, Ghapan watershed, Iran. Four profiles in four land uses, including Quercus natural forest; Pinus artificial forest; Cupressus artificial forest and a cultivated land, were studied. Results showed that MWD was significantly different in the studied land uses, and it varied between 1.6 mm in Quercus natural forest and o.31 mm in cultivated land use. The lowest CEC, microbial respiration rate and organic carbon were 28.4 cmol·kg^1, 177 μgCO2·g^-1·day^-1 and 1.32 % found in cultivated land use, respectively. The organic matter was considerably higher content in the forest areas than that of cultivated land use. The studies on soil profile development revealed that the natural forest soils were highly developed. The soils of the Quercus natural forest were classified as Calcic Haploxeralfs with a well developed argillie horizon unlike the cultivated soils which showed the minimum development and classified as Typic Xerorthents. The soils of the artificial forests had both mollic epipedons and were classified as Typic Calcixerolls with moderate profile development. Micromorphological studies revealed that argillic horizons had speckled and partly crystallitic b-fabric in the natural forest indicating the high landscape stability. In contrast, the crystallitic b-fabric of other land uses shows the absence of enough leaching of carbonate and the subsequent migration of clay particles indicating the unstable conditions and high soil erosion. Intense erosion of the surface horizons of cultivated land use has resulted in the outcropping of the subsurface carbonate rich horizons preventing soil development.  相似文献   

Mineral resources exploitation significantly affects the spatial structure and evolutive trend of urbanization in arid areas.In this study,the spatial autocorrelation method and the spatial computation model were used to investigate the spatial impacts of mineral resources excavation and processing on comprehensive level of urbanization in the Tarim River Basin,Xinjiang,China for the years of 2000,2006 and 2008.The results are as follows:1)There was a spatial correlation of the development of mineral resources industry and the comprehensive level of urbanization in 2006 and 2008,with the spatial concentration trend rising significantly in 2006 and decreasing in 2008.2)The patterns of local spatial concentration of mineral resources industry and of the comprehensive level of urbanization were relatively stable,and the two patterns showed signs of spatial correlationship.The higher was the degree of the concentration of mineral resources industry,the stronger was its impact on the spatial clustering of urbanization.3)In 2000, mineral resources excavation and processing had a significant positive impact on the comprehensive level of urbanization in the region but not in its adjacent regions.However,in 2008,mineral resources excavation and processing significantly raised the comprehensive level of urbanization not only in the region but also in its neighboring regions.This research demonstrates that the development of mineral resources industry can strongly affect the trends and spatial patterns of urbanization.  相似文献   

Soil erosion from chestnut forests has many types and intensities. However, less attention has been paid to the increasing soil erosion in the chestnut forests of Yanshan Mountains region, North China. The objective of this study was to discuss forest ages(5, 5~10, 10~20, and 20~ yr), slopes(5°~15°, 15°~25°, 25°~35°, and 35°~), slope positions(upslope, midslope, downslope, and whole slope), and slope aspects(sunny, half-sunny, shade, and half-shade) effects on soil erosion types and intensities in chestnut forests. A field survey was applied to investigate in detail the contiguous chestnut forests near Changfu village of Hebei Province, China on October 9-30, 2016. Results showed that chestnut forests are dominated by moderate erosion in this region, and the soil erosionfrom chestnut forests tended to deteriorate gradually. The average land degradation index was 0.31. The erosion intensity from chestnut forests will gradually increase with the year of planting. Most of the slopes are greater than 15°, accounting for 86.7% of the total chestnut forests. Most of the chestnut forests occupy the whole slope, accounting for 47.5% of the total area. Moderate erosion occurs most commonly for different slope aspects. In conclusion, improving the preparation efficiency of chestnut forests and enhancing the construction standards of soil and water conservation measures would be useful measures to avoid soil erosion from chestnut forests reaching a more severe level.  相似文献   

Planation surface, a surface that is almost flat, is a kind of low-relief landforms. Planation surface is the consequence of the denudation and planation processes under a tectonic stable condition. The quantitative expression of the characteristics of planation surface plays a key role in reconstructing and describing the evolutionary process of landforms. In this study, Landform Planation Index (LPI), a new terrain derivative, was proposed to quantify the characteristics of planation surface. The LPIs were calculated based on the summit surfaces formed according to the clustering results of peaks. Ten typical areas in the Ordos Platform located in the central part of the Loess Plateau of China are chosen as the test areas for investigating their planation characteristics with the LPI. The experimental results indicate that the LPI can be effectively used to quantify the characteristics of planation surfaces. In addition, the LPI can be further used to depict the patterns of spatial differentiation in the Ordos Platform. Although the present Ordos Platform area is full of the high-density gullies, its planation characteristics is found to be well preserved. Furthermore, the characteristics of the planation surfaces can also reflect the original morphology of the Ordos Platform before the loess dusts deposition process evolved in this area. The statistical results of the LPI show that there is a gradually increasing tendency along with the increasing of slope gradient of summit surface. It indicates that the characteristics of planation surfaces vary among test areas with different landforms. These findings help to deepen the understanding of planation characteristics of the loess landform and its underlying paleotopography. Results of this study can be also served as an important theoretical reference value for revealing the evolutionary process of loess landform.  相似文献   

The chemical properties and biological activities of soils were studied in the vicinity of the medieval settlement Podkumskoe-3 in the Kislovodsk basin (Northern Caucasus, Russia). Between the 5th and 8th centuries this area was ploughed regularly, but it was then abandoned up to the present day. It has been established that past human activity leads to soil undergoing significant transformations in terms of microbial communities and enzyme activity, and that such changes are maintained over long periods. Long-term manuring in the middle of the first millennium AD led to an increase in organic carbon content and the accumulation of nitrate nitrogen. Soils of ancient abandoned fields are associated with increases in microbial biomass, number of saprotrophic bacteria, urease activity, and fungal mycelium biomass. The observed changes in the microbiological and biochemical properties of soil were conditioned by secondary anthropogenically induced succession after the abandonment of arable lands.  相似文献   

古隆起斜坡区的不整合三角带是形成地层圈闭的重要有利区带。以塔北隆起西部白垩系为例,综合利用地震、测井和岩心等资料,识别不整合面,计算不整合面剥蚀量,进行沉积体系识别及有利区带预测。结果表明:塔北隆起西部白垩系发育2个角度不整合(TK、TE)及1个平行不整合(TK1bs);白垩系底部发育卡普沙良群、顶部发育巴什基奇克组,其中,卡普沙良群主要发育三角洲和滨浅湖沉积,巴什基奇克组主要发育辫状河三角洲沉积。卡普沙良群底部发育的上超不整合三角带是有利圈闭发育的重点部位,向古隆起斜坡区上超尖灭的三角洲砂体可作为良好的储集体,与上覆泥岩盖层形成良好的储盖组合;巴什基奇克组顶部遭受剥蚀形成的剥蚀不整合三角带也具有良好的地层圈闭条件,遭受剥蚀的辫状河三角洲砂体可作为优质储层,上覆的古近系膏—泥岩沉积可作为优质盖层。该结果对研究区的下一步油气勘探具有指导意义。  相似文献   

The Fujian coast Changle—Nanao metamorphism zone rocks are composed of gneiss, schist and hornblendite which had gone through metamorphism of amphilbolite facies, and followed the large-scale intrusive mass of gneissic granite. The zone was originally composed of Early Palaeozoic continental margin and island arc volcanic and sedimentary rocks. In 180-150 Ma, the zone underwent ductile shear deformation and amphibolite facies metamorphism; and in 130-80 Ma, rose rapidly and collided with the Southeastern China continental margin volcanic rocks along the NE trending ductile shear belt. The above geologic setting laid the present Fujian coast tectonic foundation whose formation and evolution are known to be interrelated with the subduction and collision of the Taiwan. Central Range. Contribution No. 2589 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The project was supported by NSFC (No. 49472148).  相似文献   

Earthquake-triggered landslides are a major geological hazard in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, and have prolonged impact on earth surface processes and fluvial system. To determine how long co-seismic landslides affect basins, a massive number of landslides existing in Qionghai Lake Basin were investigated for landslide distribution characteristics and geomorphological evidences, with further comparison and analysis using historic seismic analog method. The landslides found in Qionghai Lake Basin showed clear features of seismic triggering with strongly controlled by Zemuhe fault. These landslides are still active at present. Some new slides generally occur in ancient slope failure zones causing serious secondary hazards in recent years. In this study we strengthen the idea that the landslides triggered by the 185o Xichang earthquake (Ms7.5) have long term activity and prolonged impact on the mountain disasters with a period of more than 16o years. Our results support growing evidence that coseismic landslides have a prolonged effect on secondary disasters in a basin, and invite more careful consideration of the relationship between current basin condition and landslide history for a longer period.  相似文献   

Size-fractionated 210Po and 210Pb, in the size fractions 0.4 μm, 2 μm and 10 μm, were examined to determine the seasonal variability of particulate fluxes in Xiamen Bay. Good correlations between 210Po and particulate organic carbon (POC) or non-Particulate Organic Matter (nPOM) suggested that 210Po can be used to trace the export fluxes of POC and nPOM. Both steady-state (SS) model and nSS model were used to evaluate fluxes of size-fractionated 210Po, results showed that nSS model was better than the SS model in coastal areas. Based on the nSS model, size-fractionated POC fluxes decreased with increasing particle size. For the particle size studied, maximum POC fluxes occurred in autumn, followed by spring, winter, and summer. Fluxes of nPOM were an order of magnitude higher than the corresponding size-fractionated POC fluxes. Differences between size-fractionated nPOM fluxes indicated that hydrodynamic conditions were the main factor regulating transportation of particulate out of the inner Bay. In winter most particulates, including 10 μm particles, were transported under the strongest hydrodynamic conditions. In contrast, only a fraction of the 2 μm particulates were transported from the inner Bay in spring. This study suggested that 210Po is a powerful tracer of seasonal particulate export in coastal seas.  相似文献   

Size-fractionated 210Po and 210Pb, in the size fractions >0.4 μm, >2 μm and >10 μm, were examined to determine the seasonal variability of particulate fluxes in Xiamen Bay. Good correlations between 210Po and particulate organic carbon (POC) or non-Particulate Organic Matter (nPOM) suggested that 210Po can be used to trace the export fluxes of POC and nPOM. Both steady-state (SS) model and nSS model were used to evaluate fluxes of size-fractionated 210Po, results showed that nSS model was better than the SS model in coastal areas. Based on the nSS model, size-fractionated POC fluxes decreased with increasing particle size. For the particle size studied, maximum POC fluxes occurred in autumn, followed by spring, winter, and summer. Fluxes of nPOM were an order of magnitude higher than the corresponding size-fractionated POC fluxes. Differences between size-fractionated nPOM fluxes indicated that hydrodynamic conditions were the main factor regulating transportation of particulate out of the inner Bay. In winter most particulates, including >10 μm particles, were transported under the strongest hydrodynamic conditions. In contrast, only a fraction of the <2 μm particulates were transported from the inner Bay in spring. This study suggested that 210Po is a powerful tracer of seasonal particulate export in coastal seas.  相似文献   

Forest vegetation of a protected area(Binsar Wildlife Sanctuary) in Kumaun region(west Himalaya) was analysed for structure,composition and representativeness across three different altitudinal belts,lower(1,600-1,800 m a.s.l.),middle(1,900-2,100 m a.s.l.) and upper(2,200-2,400 m a.s.l.) during 2009-2011 using standard phytosociological methods.Four aspects(east,west,north and south) in each altitudinal belt were chosen for sampling to depict maximum representation of vegetation in the sanctuary.Population structure and regeneration behaviour was analysed seasonally for two years to show the establishment and growth of tree species.A total of 147 plant species were recorded from the entire region of which 27 tree species were selected for detailed study.Highest number was recorded at upper(18 species),and lowest at lower altitudinal belt(15 species).The relative proportion of species richness showed higher contribution of tree layer at each altitudinal belt.The population structure,based on the number of individuals,revealed a greater proportion of seedling layer at each altitudinal belt.The relative proportion of seedlings increases significantly along altitudinal belts(p<0.05) while opposite trends were observed in sapling and tree layers.The density of sapling and seedling species varied non-significantly across seasons(p>0.05).The density values decreased in summer and increased during rainy season.As far as the regeneration status is concerned,middle and upper altitudinal belts showed maximum number of species with fair regeneration as compared to lower altitudinal belt.Overall density diameter distribution of tree species showed highest species density and richness in the smallest girth class and decreased in the succeeding girth classes.This study suggests that patterns of regeneration behaviour would determine future structural and compositional changes in the forest communities.It is suggested that the compositional changes vis-à-vis role of ‘New’ and ‘Not regenerating’ species need priority attention while initiating conservation activities in the sanctuary.This study calls for exploring other less explored Wildlife Sanctuaries in the Himalaya and across the world,to achieve overall biodiversity status in these protected areas and thus to justify their role in conserving biodiversity in the region.  相似文献   

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