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A herringbone water-sediment separation structure(hereinafter referred to as "herringbone structure") has been shown to be effective in separating coarse inorganic debris; however, less is known regarding the large wood(LW) filtration effect in this structure. This paper presents preliminary research on the wood filtration effect of the herringbone structure based on physical model tests.The results show that the herringbone structure exhibited effective performance in large wood size segregation, with a 100% component filtration rate for LW that diameter(D) larger than ribbed beam opening width(a). The total filtration rate also exceeded 80% when the Fraud number(Fr) is larger than 2.64 and increased with the increase of Fr. After exceeding Frmax, total filtration rate would be decreased due to overflow. Beside flow condition,structure parameters influence significantly on LW filtration rate. We attempt to explain the filtration process via particle contact trajectory and particle movement trajectory. The inclined angle of ribbed beam(γ) contributed the most variation to the filtration rate via influencing the coincidence with particle contact trajectory and particle movement trajectory. The high sensitivity coefficient of ribbed beam(θ) under relatively low Fr conditions implies remarkable influences on LW filtration effects by causing clogging problem. The ribbed beam opening width(a) together with LW diameter(D) influenced the size segregation performance.  相似文献   

The rapid changes in flow pattern due to varying channel widths will make significantly impact on the hydraulic structures and evolutions of open channel. To better understand the impact of varying width, a flume experiment with adjustable width and a depth-averaged two-dimension numerical model were used to analyze the variations of flow parameters. Our experimental results showed that flow velocity gradually increased with decreasing water depth in converging region, and decreased with increasing water depth in diverging zones. It was also found that the turbulence intensity laws in three directions were not agreed with the theoretical relationships proposed by Nezu and Nakagawa in 1993 in straight open channel flows. The flow in the channel with varying width may change from the supercritical flow to the subcritical flow as a function of Froude number. Our numerical simulations with different flow rates showed that most of the hydraulic jumps in diverging region were submerged jump and the degree of submergence increased with increasing flow rate in gradual channel transition. When the flow rate increased, the range of supercritical flow rapidly decreased and the flow changed from the supercritical condition to the subcritical condition in diverging sections.  相似文献   

Bit-field separation is an important part of gravity and magnetic data processing.In order to extract different levels of anomaly information better,this paper introduces the dual-tree complex wavelet multi-scale separation to the processing of bit-field data firstly and uses the geological model of different buried depth to ve-rify its feasibility.Finally,the dual-tree complex wavelet is applied to the aeromagnetic anomaly in Jinchuan copper nickel mining area.The results show that the method can effectively separate the anomaly information of different scales and analyze the output results with relevant geological data.  相似文献   

It is important to have a reasonable estimation of sediment transport rate with respect to its significant role in the planning and management of water resources projects. The complicate nature of sediment transport in gravel-bed rivers causes inaccuracies of empirical formulas in the prediction of this phenomenon. Artificial intelligences as alternative approaches can provide solutions to such complex problems. The present study aimed at investigating the capability of kernel-based approaches in predicting total sediment loads and identification of influential parameters of total sediment transport. For this purpose, Gaussian process regression(GPR), Support vector machine(SVM) and kernel extreme learning machine(KELM) are applied to enhance the prediction level of total sediment loads in 19 mountain gravel-bed streams and rivers located in the United States. Several parameters based on two scenarios are investigated and consecutive predicted results are compared with some well-known formulas. Scenario 1 considers only hydraulic characteristics and on the other side, the second scenario was formed using hydraulic and sediment properties. The obtained results reveal that using the parameters of hydraulic conditions asinputs gives a good estimation of total sediment loads. Furthermore, it was revealed that KELM method with input parameters of Froude number(), ratio of average velocity((1) to shear velocity(*) and shields number( ) yields a correlation coefficient(R) of 0.951, a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency(NSE) of 0.903 and root mean squared error(RMSE) of 0.021 and indicates superior results compared with other methods. Performing sensitivity analysis showed that the ratio of average velocity to shear flow velocity and the Froude number are the most effective parameters in predicting total sediment loads of gravel-bed rivers.  相似文献   

A new seabed sediment fidelity sampler was developed and its thermal insulation performance was studied and analyzed. The temperature distribution simulation indicated that the sample quality could be insured by using this new sampler. Based on ANSYS10, the temperature finite element model of the sample cylinder was established. According to the law of conservation of energy, the unsteady heat transmit equation of the sampler under solid-liquid coupling condition was derived, then the mathematical model calculation was carried out by using a mixed finite-element finite-difference method, and two thermal insulation methods were used. The simulation was carried out by using the thickness of the thermal insulation layer and heat conductivity as the variable parameters and the temperature distribution of the sampler and related influencing factors were obtained. Optimization analysis was conducted using the simulation data and related parameters and the magnitude ranges of the parameters were obtained that could meet the design temperature requirements. The experimental data and simulation results indicated that the results were in good agreement with the realities, and this sampler might be of value for seabed sediment sampler design and manufacture.  相似文献   

在实际勘探记录处理过程中,复杂随机噪声的出现严重影响了有效反射信息的提取,并对资料后续处理带来了不利影响。随着非常规油气资源开发,对勘探记录质量提出了更高的要求,常规方法在处理能力方面需要持续提升。为了解决复杂噪声消减问题,笔者将最优控制网络引入随机噪声消减领域。与传统的单一尺度消噪网络不同,FOC-NET具有分层结构,能够利用不同尺度信息并结合信息融合处理实现地震勘探数据潜在特征的高精度提取,克服了传统去噪网络单一尺度信息提取造成的有效特征损失问题。同时,在面对低信噪比勘探记录和弱反射同相轴时,多尺度特征交互方式同样可以有效提高噪声压制和信号恢复能力。合成记录和实际数据处理结果均表明,即使在低信噪比条件下,FOC-NET仍能有效地抑制随机噪声并准确重构出有效反射信息,极大提升勘探资料的质量。  相似文献   

基于Barnes滤波原理的降水场客观分析及尺度分离   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于Barnes滤波原理(又称高斯加权客观分析),在进行网格点插值的同时,通过选择适当的滤波参数C、G滤去原始场中的短波噪音,使分析结果平稳光滑;另外可通过它构成一带通滤波器,根据实际需要分离出影响天气过程的各种次天气尺度,达到尺度分离的目的。以全国160个国家基准代表站1954—2006年共53a的年平均降水场为例作实例分析,并同用Grads内插函数(Oacres函数)、九点平滑函数(Smth9函数)的绘图结果进行对比分析,结果表明客观分析结果同Grads内插平滑分析结果基本相似,都能反映出我国53a年平均降水场从东南向西北逐渐递减的趋势且与实际情况相符,降水场高值中心位于长江流域及以南的华南等地区,低值中心位于黄河流域以北的广大西部地区。取不同的参数C和G得到的尺度分离后的带通滤波值,既抑止了长波,又抑制了短波,达到较好的尺度分离效果。  相似文献   

The monthly mean suspended sediment concentration in the upper layer of the East China Seas was derived from theretrieval of the monthly binned SeaWiFS Level 3 data during 1998 to 2006.The seasonal variation and spatial distribution of thesuspended sediment concentration in the study area were investigated.It was found that the suspended sediment distribution presentsapparent spatial characteristics and seasonal variations,which are mainly affected by the resuspension and transportation of the sus-pended sediment in the study area.The concentration of suspended sediment is high inshore and low offshore,and river mouths aregenerally high concentration areas.The suspended sediment covers a much wider area in winter than in summer,and for the samesite the concentration is generally higher in winter.In the Yellow and East China Seas the suspended sediment spreads farther to theopen sea in winter than in summer,and May and October are the transitional periods of the extension.Winds,waves,currents,ther-mocline,halocline,pycnocline as well as bottom sediment feature and distribution in the study area are important influencing factorsfor the distribution pattern.If the 10mg L-1 contour line is taken as an indicator,it appears that the transportation of suspended sedi-ment can hardly reach 124°00'E in summer or 126°00'E in winter,which is due to the obstruction of the Taiwan Warm Current andthe Kuroshio Current in the southern Yellow Sea and the East China Sea.  相似文献   

From China to Russia,Tan-Lu fault system stretches for thousands of kilometers,towards NE 30°.The authors have collected more than ten magnetotelluric profile that China and Russia have carried out,in the studied area of the Tan-Lu fault’s northern section,and have analyzed electrical characteristics of the relevant profiles.Deriving the following conclusions:(1)Jiamusi-Bureya plots,etc.,demonstrate the high resistance of Kernel;(2)Fold belt attributed to the land showed high and low resistance stitching,associated with not only terrane accretion,but also upper mantle upwelling;below the sedimentary basin,the resistivity of the upper mantle is lower and closer to the surface comparing with the adjacent area(100-150);(3)In the system of Tan-Lu fracture,Yishu and Dunmi fracture,etc.are expressed as vertical low-resistivity zone;(4)There may exist subducted old-fashioned piece under Jiamusi and Bureya plots.  相似文献   

目前确定低渗油藏合理注采井距的方法,主要以启动压力梯度为判断基础,而实际生产过程中两相渗流阻力也有影响.从渗流力学出发,考虑非活塞驱替两相流及启动压力梯度,分别以油相区、油水两相区及纯水区的渗流数学表达式为基础,得出基于两相渗流低渗油藏合理注采井距的新方法,并通过实例计算与结果对比证实其理论的合理性与可靠性.实例计算得出注采压差为40.0MPa,渗透率为1.0×10-3μm2时油藏合理注采井距为130m.考虑两相渗流确定的合理注采井距随渗透率增大而增大,但增长幅度随渗透率的增大而减缓,且渗透率与井距呈近似幂函数关系;随渗透率增大,新旧方法确定的井距相差越来越大,因此计算合理注采井距时,应考虑启动压力梯度与油水两相渗流阻力共同作用,以使其计算结果更加合理可靠.  相似文献   

洋中脊热液活动伴生的多金属硫化物是未来重要的接替资源,但目前其勘查技术手段相对匮乏。便携式X射线荧光光谱(PXRF)是针对野外原位快速分析而发展起来的一项新技术,常被应用于岩石露头地球化学研究和土壤重金属污染评价。采用PXRF对西南印度洋脊龙角区的沉积物开展了化学组成分析,并通过元素的空间分布特征确定热液区可能产出的位置。结果表明,研究区的沉积物可能由钙质沉积物、基岩碎屑、热液组分等组成,部分沉积物具有较高的热液成矿元素含量,明显受到了热液活动的影响。通过面浓度-个数分形方法,确定Cu、Zn、Fe、Mn、As等主要成矿元素的异常下限。根据上述元素的空间分布特征,在研究区识别出了6处异常区,其中3处异常区与已知热液区相吻合,另外3处异常区可能代表了未发现的热液活动。上述工作为洋中脊多金属硫化物的勘查提供了新的思路。   相似文献   

Altered igneous reservoirs have low porosity and permeability, compact structure and certain heterogeneity. A simple digital core with certain generality and multi-parameter constraints can be constructed to characterize the microscopic pore structure and mineral composition. In this paper, based on core X-ray, CT images and whole-rock mineral analysis, threshold segmentation of mass content and grayscale distribution of various minerals in different lithologies of igneous rocks in the buried hi...  相似文献   

The purification law of nitrogen in Deyeuxia angustifolia,Carex lasiocarpa and Deyeuxia angustifo-lia-Carex lasiocarpa combined wetland systems in the Sanjiang Plain,China was studied by field simulation experi-ment.The results indicate that the removal rates of TN,NH4+-N and NO3--N in above three types of wetlands present an obvious logarithm growth trend along with the time.There are evident removal effects for NH4+-N and NO3--N in water bodies of wetlands after the 30th day of experiment,with the removal rates over 80.0%,but the removal rate of TN is slightly low,being 63.1%-74.3%.NO3--N is most quickly removed by the combined wetland,and NH4+-N by Deyeuxia angustifolia wetland.The removal speeds of TN by the three wetland systems are comparatively slow,of which the Deyeuxia angustifolia wetland is the fastest.In consideration of plant growth season,Deyeuxia angustifolia wetland has much more practical application value in purifying nitrogen.These results can provide references for the study on the purification function of wetlands and the control of non-point source pollution in Northeast China.  相似文献   

针对GEO卫星几何法定轨中系统误差对PDOP值的影响进行研究,首先回顾了经典几何法定轨的基本原理,然后根据顾及系统误差的几何法定轨原理推导出PDOP值计算公式,并利用5个跟踪站的模拟数据,计算了多种系统误差情况下PDOP值。结果表明:系统误差对GEO卫星几何法定轨的PDOP值影响很大;采用顾及系统误差的几何法定轨方法可以较好地削弱系统误差对PDOP值的影响;国外布设跟踪站比仅在中国布设跟踪站能更好地削弱系统误差对PDOP值的影响。  相似文献   

The multivariate statistical techniques, principal component analysis, Q-mode factor analysis, correspondence analysis and fuzzy C-means clustering were applied to analyzing the datasets of minor element concentrations in sediment samples of a core collected from the outer shelf of the East China Sea. According to the analysis results, the sediment core Q43 can be divided into three strata with different features in minor elements. The first stratum (unit Ⅰ) is characterized by higher concentrations of V, Cr, Cd and Sc, which are active and inactive elements. The second stratum (unit Ⅱ) is controlled by ultrastable elements V, Ti, Cr, Th, Sc, Pb, etc. The third stratum (unit Ⅲ) is dominated by Ni, Co, Ba, Rb and Mn, which are authigenic and volcanogenic elements. The geochemical features of the core Q43 show environmental changes in the depositional process from the Late Pleistocene to Holocene.  相似文献   

为增强工程机械虚拟实训沉浸效果,设计一套六自由度座椅平台。该平台以Stewart六自由度机构为基础,包括并联运动机构、液压泵站和PLC控制系统。由工程机械驾驶特点确定运动平台位姿参数,与MATLAB建立的上位机软件进行数据交互;经过运动学反解计算各根液压缸杆长变化值,PLC控制器对指令处理并发送命令来控制电液比例阀流量,驱动6根并联的液压缸伸缩,从而使运动平台呈现不同的位置姿态。基于上述原理,搭建实物平台并依据驾驶特点进行测试。结果表明,该平台可以模拟工程机械的在不同工况下的姿态,提高虚拟实训人员的沉浸感。   相似文献   

对OFDM系统中基于导频辅助的信道估计算法进行了研究,重点介绍了各种插值算法,并通过Matlab仿真对各种算法的性能进行比较,最后对基于FFT时域插值算法进行了改进。  相似文献   

根据模糊集原理,提出了一种数量型数据挖掘关联规则的方法,并通过试验证明了算法的合理性.  相似文献   

一种基于决策者满意度的多属性决策方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种基于决策者满意度的多属性决策方法.分别给出构造定量指标的基于决策者满意度的满意度函数模型和定性指标的集对满意度函数模型.以某保险公司为例,对其分公司培训部培训绩效进行综合评价和结果分析,并讨论了该决策方法的优点.  相似文献   

矿业权边界在资源储量估算垂直纵投影图上的确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用垂直纵投影图进行资源储量估算时,当矿体走向与矿业权边界斜交时,矿业权边界在资源储量垂直纵投影图上投影的准确位置较难确定。该文介绍了利用不同中段平面图和利用计算公式确定矿业权边界在资源储量垂直纵投影图上的投影位置,对解决此类问题具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

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