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Circular migration was one of several enduring themes in Graeme Hugo’s highly productive research career. Although his specialist field was Asian population movement, during the 2000s he became increasingly interested in labour migration in the Pacific Islands. This paper reviews the development of two managed circular migration schemes targeting Pacific labour that emerged following the UN High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development in 2006. New Zealand’s Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme and Australia’s Seasonal Worker Program (SWP) have attracted international attention as the kind of ‘best practice’ temporary labour migration schemes that Hugo had in mind when he emphasised the positive contributions that circular forms of mobility could make to development in both source and destination countries. The two schemes have transformed mobility between the participating countries and have played a major role in the negotiations over a free-trade agreement between Pacific Forum countries, including Australia and New Zealand. Although the schemes have been in operation for almost 10 years, this paper argues that they are not becoming ‘business as usual’; they embody complex systems of relationships between multiple stakeholders that require ongoing management to ensure that they do not become traps for low-skilled, low-paid ‘permanent’ temporary workers.  相似文献   

New Zealand population geographers in the South Pacific islands early focused on resource issues, especially in Fiji and the smaller island states politically linked to New Zealand. This later extended into analysis of the structure of village level economic and social development, notably in Kiribati, Solomon Islands and Fiji. These analyses contributed to a clearer understanding of the substance of development at a key turning point in the region's history - the transition to independence. Migration, or mobility, and urbanisation attracted enormous interest throughout the region, with lengthy debates ranging over migration models, urban permanence, the ideology of return and metaphors of mobility, establishing the most distinctive thrust of New Zealand research in the region. Practical research, involving censuses and consultancies, has directly contributed to development. Despite the valuable historical legacy the extent and significance of New Zealand work on the population geography of the Island Pacific has now dwindled.  相似文献   

As in the past, most Pacific Island people live today along island coasts and subsist largely on foods available both onshore and offshore. On at least two occasions in the 3500 years that Pacific Islands have been settled, sea level changes affected coastal bioproductivity to the extent that island societies were transformed in consequence. Over the past 200 years, sea level has been rising along most Pacific Island coasts causing loss of productive land through direct inundation (flooding), shoreline erosion and groundwater salinization. Responses have been largely uninformed, many unsuccessful. By the year 2100, sea level may be 1.2 m higher than today. Together with other climate‐linked changes and unsustainable human pressures on coastal zones, this will pose huge challenges for livelihoods. There is an urgent need for effective and sustainable adaptation of livelihoods to prepare for future sea level rise in the Pacific Islands region. There are also lessons to be learned from past failures, including the need for adaptive solutions that are environmentally and culturally appropriate, and those which appropriate decision makers are empowered to design and implement. Around the middle of the twenty‐first century, traditional coastal livelihoods are likely to be difficult to sustain, so people in the region will need alternative food production systems. Within the next 20–30 years, it is likely that many coastal settlements will need to be relocated, partly or wholly. There are advantages in anticipating these needs and planning for them sooner rather than later. In many ways, the historical and modern Pacific will end within the next few decades. There will be fundamental irreversible changes in island geography, settlement patterns, subsistence systems, societies and economic development, forced by sea level rise and other factors.  相似文献   

Various (groups of) myths from the Pacific Islands are discussed. Generic groups considered are diluvian myths, myths involving abrupt subsidence, abrupt uplift, and simultaneous abrupt subsidence and uplift. Specific myths, recently validated, illustrate the superiority of the mythic explanation for recent volcanism over available geological information, and the possibility of myth recalling a migration which took place nearly 3000 years ago. The implications of the correct interpretation of the geographical basis of myths for an understanding of environmental change in the Pacific are explored. Particularly in a region where written history is relatively recent, myths have the potential for extending available chronologies of particular phenomena and allow consideration of issues such as the role of infrequent catastrophic events in landscape evolution and the role of (rapid) environmental change in cultural transformation to be considered more fully.  相似文献   

The economically vulnerable and geographically isolated states and territories of the Pacific Islands find themselves increasingly powerless to resist the recent accelerated diffusion of globalisation and the economic options that this entails. Neoliberal policy has arrived in the ocean region later than elsewhere in the tropical world and in the developing world in general. However, it now almost exclusively frames regional and state policy agendas, and is profoundly restructuring economies and societies across the region. Agriculture, by far the leading economic sector in Pacific Island countries, has been targeted specifically for reform. The cultivation of non-traditional agricultural exports has formed the centrepiece of the evolving strategy. As well as "staple" exports such as sugar, copra, and taro going to non-traditional markets, "exotic" niche products are being developed for export to high income markets in Europe, Asia and North America. A major example of such a product is kava – a "traditional" crop used in the preparation of a ceremonial and/or social drink. Psycho- and physiological properties have been identified in the plant by the pharmaceutical industry that is marketing a range of kava products. Produced widely across the Pacific, Fiji is the major export source. This paper traces the evolution of globalisation in the Pacific Islands, placing the current wave of neoliberalism in its historical context. It goes on to outline the evolution of the Fijian kava export sector, and investigates some of the local socio-economic impacts of recent market growth. Given the evidence presented in this study, the paper asks if the power relations evolving under contemporary neoliberal globalisation are likely to be any different from those that existed during colonial globalisation.  相似文献   

"Using survey data from high school students of Scotland's Shetland and Orkney Islands (affected by North Sea oil development), we explore relations between intentions to migrate and individual background, aspirations, and attitudes. Attitudes toward oil development do not predict migration intentions. Instead, migration intentions are predicted by essentially the same variables identified in other studies, in areas where energy development was not occurring. Thus, we found no evidence that oil development fundamentally changed young people's thoughts about leaving."  相似文献   

The Pacific Islands present a different context for the study of human geography in the Third World. Though marked by much diversity in terms of culture, environment and history, there are key features which distinguish the region. Compared to elsewhere and with the notable exception of Papua New Guinea, they are small in terms of population, land area and resource base, yet many have attained independent nationhood. Island states are frequently fragmented so that small islands with small populations may be spread over vast expanses of ocean, creating particular problems of communication and integration. Moreover, the region is isolated. Although major trade routes cut across the Pacific, in practice, local economies are not well linked and outlying islands face high transport costs and infrequent services. Such features, largely peculiar to the Pacific, together with more universal themes of economic, cultural, political and social transformation have occupied the attention of human geographers in the past 40 years. Most early work was done by researchers from Australia, New Zealand and France but in the past two decades, the growth of regional tertiary institutions has led to a major growth of more locally-based work, much by Pacific Islanders themselves. Such a change has mirrored some major paradigmatic shifts, particularly from modernization theory through neo-Marxism to present interests in development from below and sustainability. Thus, despite the relative smallness of Pacific Island states, they have attracted much attention, both contributing to wider debates and adding new issues and perspectives on the processes of transformation of the geography of the Third World.  相似文献   

There is considerable debate concerning the effects of the first humans on the environments of the Pacific Islands. Much disagreement has arisen because of the differing techniques used to fix the time when the first humans arrived on particular islands. There is also considerable discussion about how stable, at a variety of timescales, Pacific Island environments were in the absence (or presence) of humans. John Flenley has proposed that archaeological dates significantly underestimate the times of initial human arrival on many Pacific Islands, the most accurate estimates of which come from palynological analyses. This paper offers some support to this view, from consideration of reef‐growth hiatuses in Fiji, yet doubts that initial human arrivals were coincident with ecological crises. There is considerable evidence that natural climate changes, particularly short‐term ones, caused major ecological and environmental disruptions on Pacific Islands, during both their pre‐ and post‐settlement histories, and that human arrival was marked in most cases by only marginal disruptions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Two thousand years ago, or thereabouts, a double canoe sailed on a northeast tack (or maybe a southeast tack) from a Homeland (Hawaiki) among the islands of Samoa, Tonga, and Fiji. After a voyage of 7,000 kilometers, which bypassed the many as yet uninhabited islands of the central Pacific (such as Tahiti) and the stretch of the seventy atolls of the Tuamotu that spread umbrellalike across the eastern entry of the Pacific, the canoe landed on islands that the Spaniards in 1595 were to call “the Marquesas.” The descendants of these first settlers call their islands “Fenua'enata” (Land of the People). Here I tell the story of this first beach crossing after what I consider to be the most remarkable voyage of discovery and settlement in all of human history. These first settlers (shall we say a dozen adults?) brought the animals and food plants that would make their island inhabitable. More mysteriously, these voyagers were—in body, mind, and spirit—all that we have come to call “Polynesian” in the great triangle of Hawai'i, Aotearoa (New Zealand), and Rapa Nui (Easter Island). “Sea of Islands” is the name the descendants of this first voyage prefer to call that great triangle. I here celebrate a Sea People's mastery of their Sea of Islands.  相似文献   

长山群岛区域发展的地理基础与差异因素研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
栾维新  王海壮 《地理科学》2005,25(5):544-550
从海岛区域陆海面积比较、海岛生态系统组成特点、群岛区域基础设施共享可能性、群岛区域产业竞争力等四个方面具体分析了群岛区域差异的特殊地理基础。通过比较具体的分析了在群岛区域内部各海岛乡镇间存在的经济发展水平、人口分布、海洋水产业、海上交通运输及财政投资上的差异。认为,①技术进步是改善海岛区域发展环境的前提条件;②政策是形成海岛间差异的重要影响因素③自然资源要素对群岛区域的影响仍然十分明显;④区位条件对海岛的影响在加剧。研究结果对指导长山群岛区域发展有重要现实意义,同时也谋求把区域发展的理论应用到群岛这类特殊区域的研究上。  相似文献   

On the basis of analyzing the ecological problems of the Northwest Pacific region, we suggest environmental objectives, the attainment of which is to ensure a good marine environment status in the region which is a necessary condition for sustainable nature management. We discuss the operational goals and quantitative criteria and indicators as required for monitoring the current status of ecosystems as well as the progress in achieving the objectives. An analysis is made of experience in using a similar approach in the European Union. It is shown that there is a difference of the environmental status monitoring techniques in the Northwest Pacific region where cooperative efforts on rationalization of nature management are not supported legislatively. In dealing with this problem, a special role would be played by regional and international cooperation, specifically within the United National Environment Programme in the Northwest Pacific region, contributing to a harmonization of the national monitoring systems. The need for international cooperation is also dictated by the irregularity of natural and socioeconomic conditions in the region, which makes the development of unified assessment methods difficult.  相似文献   

As is well-known, Nansha Islands in the South China Sea (SCS) are of important strategic position and invaluable ecological value. Therefore, many attentions are paid to either the political and legal aspects of exposed features that matter in the maritime delimitation, or the physical and geographical characteristics of coral reefs that are the predominant structures of these islands. However, it seems that they consistently lose the connection of sciences and humanities in the research of Nansha Islands in the SCS. In this study, we carry out a combinative research, based on remote sensing data using satellite imagery analysis together with historical materials using literature investigation, so as to reconsider to the geographical characteristics of Nansha Islands from a standpoint of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). After thoroughly appraising the statuses of these newly formed sand cays, several high tide features of Nansha Islands are identified. By means of the comparison of satellite images coupled with reference to nautical charting and sailing directions during different time periods, we can conclude that the statuses of these high tide features formed on reef platforms are relatively stable due to the growth of reef-building organisms although their migration patterns are subject to external disturbances, and hence the cursory judgment pursuant to the relevant provisions of the UNCLOS about whether a coral reef belongs to a low tide elevation only based on outdated references or ex parte evidences is not reliable. Moreover, it is accordingly justified to improve further development and perfection of the maritime legislation by eliminating such ambiguities with the growth of coral reefs and the evolution of sand cays being both taken into account.  相似文献   

As is well-known, Nansha Islands in the South China Sea(SCS) are of important strategic position and invaluable ecological value. Therefore, many attentions are paid to either the political and legal aspects of exposed features that matter in the maritime delimitation, or the physical and geographical characteristics of coral reefs that are the predominant structures of these islands. However, it seems that they consistently lose the connection of sciences and humanities in the research of Nansha Islands in the SCS. In this study, we carry out a combinative research, based on remote sensing data using satellite imagery analysis together with historical materials using literature investigation, so as to reconsider to the geographical characteristics of Nansha Islands from a standpoint of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea(UNCLOS). After thoroughly appraising the statuses of these newly formed sand cays, several high tide features of Nansha Islands are identified. By means of the comparison of satellite images coupled with reference to nautical charting and sailing directions during different time periods, we can conclude that the statuses of these high tide features formed on reef platforms are relatively stable due to the growth of reef-building organisms although their migration patterns are subject to external disturbances, and hence the cursory judgment pursuant to the relevant provisions of the UNCLOS about whether a coral reef belongs to a low tide elevation only based on outdated references or ex parte evidences is not reliable. Moreover, it is accordingly justified to improve further development and perfection of the maritime legislation by eliminating such ambiguities with the growth of coral reefs and the evolution of sand cays being both taken into account.  相似文献   

王辉  马婧  刘小宇  柯丽娜 《地理科学》2017,37(3):367-374
运用旅游空间相互作用理论,以旅游人数、旅游总收入为基础数据,利用旅游空间相互作用模型,测算辽宁省14市、长山群岛与辽宁省14市及长山诸岛3个层次的旅游空间相互作用强度、经济联系度及经济隶属度。得出结论:① 各层级间空间相互作用强度、经济联系度及经济隶属度与距离呈负相关,区域间的空间相互作用强度、经济联系度及经济隶属度随距离增大逐渐减小; 城市间经济联系度越强,旅游空间相互作用越大,与海岛旅游空间相互作用就越频繁;③ 通过对长山群岛旅游断裂点测算,得出其主要潜在客源地为大连、沈阳、丹东市。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the climatic transition between the Little Climatic Optimum (approximately AD 750–1300 or 1200‐650 cal yr BP) and the Little Ice Age (approximately AD 1300–1800 or 650‐150 cal yr BP) in the Pacific Islands. This transition was marked by rapid temperature and sea‐level fall, and perhaps by sharply‐increased precipitation associated with an increase in El Nino frequency. Examples from throughout the Pacific Islands demonstrate the possible and/or likely effects of sea‐level fall at this time on inland horticulture through water‐table fall; on coral reefs and lagoons through the emergence of reef surfaces and the consequent reduction of nearshore water circulation; on the emergence of reef islets and the conversion of tidal inlets to brackish lakes. The effects of such changes on human lifestyles are explored.  相似文献   

全球化背景下的日本移民动态研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以日本外务省的移民统计数据为基础,对1990年代以来日本海外移民在世界和中国的分布及其结构变化情况进行了分析。探讨了日本移民的数量变化、人口结构、迁移类型、迁移方式、地区分布及其变化趋势,并考察了其在中国的分布及构成特点。日本移民主要流向北美、亚洲太平洋地区,尤以洛杉矶、纽约、上海、曼谷等城市分布最为集中。在中国的日本移民近年增长迅速,主要分布在上海、北京、香港、广州、深圳等大城市,并以男性移民为主。本文分析了这些日本移民的分布动向,并对今后中国大城市的移民问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

舟山群岛北部历来划属红壤带,但良好发育且分布最广的是黄棕壤,因其多种性状与气候等环境酷似南京下蜀黄土上的典型黄棕壤。黄棕壤上无红化迹象,不能以下部有酸性古红土而将本区误定为红壤带。第四纪以来地球上有过多次气候波动,使红壤带的北界南北摆动。红壤带在目前不一定有红壤化作用在进行,它仅表示为红壤相对集中的地带。本文还讨论了该黄棕壤形成过程中,新构造运动在多方面的重要影响。  相似文献   

The paper compares and contrasts the development experiences of two fisheries-dependent archipelagos: the Shetland Islands, located in the temperate seas of the North-east Atlantic, and the Lau community of the island of Malaita, in the Solomon Islands of the tropical Pacific Ocean. Whilst the coastal communities of both island groups have always depended upon the sea for their livelihood, their indigenous peoples are distinct in origins, culture, historic tradition, economy, and social imperatives. However, a closer examination of the recent development of the two archipelagos reveals that, whilst they are contrasting in the fisheries sector specifics, they have, over different time scales, adopted similar management strategies in the pursuit of sustainable fishing. In both instances, the island communities have sought to support the local fisheries economy by tempering the external forces of the centre. This has been achieved, with varying degrees of success, by adopting management control and resource 'ownership' strategies in response to social and economic turbulence in the environment. The experiences of the two archipelagos have demonstrated that to maintain a coherent fisheries management strategy over time and a sustainable resources base requires a pro-active approach, the input of resources, and moderation of the pressures created by the market. The future is uncertain as the fisheries organisations of the archipelagos seek to stabilise the access and ownership arrangements applied to the common-property fisheries resources of coastal waters.  相似文献   

古恒宇  劳昕  温锋华  赵志浩 《地理学报》2022,77(12):3041-3054
准确认识和把握21世纪前20年中国人口迁移的地理格局和影响因素,是推动新型城镇化建设及区域均衡发展的关键科学问题。借助特征向量空间滤波泊松伪最大似然估计(ESF PPML)引力模型,基于第六次和第七次全国人口普查数据、2005年和2015年全国1%人口抽样调查数据,研究了2000—2020年中国省际人口迁移的时空演化特征及影响因素。主要结论为:① 2000—2020年间人口迁移格局总体稳定,具有较强的不平衡性和网络溢出效应,大量人口从中部、西部、东北地区迁移至东部地区;② 人口迁移格局稳中有变,不平衡程度和空间集聚程度逐渐减弱,人口迁移和人口分布显现出南北分异趋势,东北地区人口迁出强度不断增强; ③ 传统引力模型因素(人口规模、地理距离)、地区社会经济发展因素(工资差异、科技教育投入占比、医疗水平)、社会网络因素、环境舒适度(PM2.5浓度)以及生活成本(住宅价格占比)共同影响人口迁移格局;④ 区域经济差异对省际人口迁移的影响作用逐步弱化,人口迁移逐渐转变为对工资收入、高质量公共服务、环境舒适度等多因素考虑的决策过程,生活成本逐渐对人口迁移产生显著影响。  相似文献   

Abstract Burial histories of Late Neogene sedimentary basins on the Wairarapa fold and thrust belt of the Hikurangi convergent plate margin (New Zealand) have been deduced from decompacted sedimentary columns and palaeo-waterdepths. These indicate that at least two major cycles of basement subsidence and uplift have occurred since 15 Ma. The older (15-10 Ma) cycle affected outer areas of the forearc. Subsidence, at a minimum rate of 0.5-0.6 mm/yr, was followed by rapid uplift. The subsequent (10 Ma to present) cycle affected a broad area of the inner forearc. Subsidence, at an average rate 0.33 mm/yr, was followed by uplift at an average rate of 0.5-1.5 mm/yr. Vertical movement is continuing, with uplift of the axial greywacke ranges and development of the Wairarapa Depression.
Palinspastic reconstructions of the inner forearc region indicate that basin development was characterized by a see-saw oscillation in basin orientation, with the axis of the basin and direction of basin tilt switching back and forth from east to west through time. A large-scale change in basin orientation took place around 2 Ma when the westernmost part of Wairarapa began to rise on the flanks of the rising Tararua Range, associated with the ramping of the Australian Plate up and over the subducted Pacific Plate. Loading of the forearc is unlikely to have been a significant cause of basement subsidence before this event. Earlier phases of basin development associated with basement subsidence and uplift may be related to a complex interplay of tectonic factors, including the westward migration of the subducted Pacific Plate as it passed beneath southern North Island during Miocene time, episodes of locking and unlocking of parts of the plate interface, and growth of the accretionary prism.  相似文献   

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