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In a laboratory model ocean, fluid in a rotating tank of varying depth is subjected to “wind-stress”, For a certain range of the parameters, Ekman number E and Rossby number R, a homogeneous fluid displays steady, westward intensified flow. For the same range of E and R, a two-layer fluid can have baroclinic instabilities. The parameter range for the various kinds of instabilities is mapped in a regime diagram. The northward transport in the western boundary current is measured as it varies with Rossby number for both homogeneous and two-layer fluid.  相似文献   

曲线坐标系程函方程的求解方法研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
笛卡尔坐标系中经典的程函方程在静校正、叠前偏移、走时反演、地震定位、层析成像等许多地球物理工作都有应用,然而用其计算起伏地表的地震波走时时却比较困难.我们通过把曲线坐标系中的矩形网格映射到笛卡尔坐标系的贴体网格推导出了曲线坐标中的程函方程,此时,曲线坐标系的程函方程呈现为各向异性的程函方程(尽管在笛卡尔坐标系中介质是各向同同性的).然后尝试用求解各向同性程函方程的快速推进法和Lax-Friedrichs快速扫描算法来分别求解该方程.数值试验表明未加考虑各向异性程函方程与各向同性程函方程的差别而把求解各向同性程函方程的快速推进法直接拓展到曲线坐标中的程函方程的做法是错误的,而Lax-Friedrichs快速扫描算法总能稳定地求解曲线坐标系的程函方程,进而有效地处理了地表起伏的情况,得到稳定准确的计算结果.  相似文献   




A Neural Network model has been developed for estimating the total electron content (TEC) of the ionosphere. TEC is proportional to the delay suffered by electromagnetic signals crossing the ionosphere and is among the errors that impact GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) observations. Ionospheric delay is particularly a problem for single frequency receivers, which cannot eliminate the (first-order) ionospheric delay by combining observations at two frequencies. Single frequency users rely on applying corrections based on prediction models or on regional models formed based on actual data collected by a network of receivers. A regional model based on a neural network has been designed and tested using data sets collected by the Brazilian GPS Network (RMBC) covering periods of low and high solar activity. Analysis of the results indicates that the model is capable of recovering, on average, 85% of TEC values.  相似文献   

Several schemes for scalar advection on unstructured triangular grids are assessed for possible use in ocean modelling applications. Finite element, finite volume and finite volume–element approaches are evaluated. A series of tests, including a numerical order of convergence analysis, idealized rotating cone and cylinder experiments, and transport of a tracer through the Stommel Gyre representation of ocean basin-scale circulation, are carried out. Volume element Eulerian–Lagrangian and third-order Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin schemes are recommended for use in tracer studies. Taylor–Galerkin and second-order Runge–Kutta discontinuous Galerkin are found to be robust and accurate second-order schemes. When positivity is required, a fluctuation redistribution scheme was found to be an easily implemented, accurate, and computationally efficient approach. Responsible editor: Phil Dyke  相似文献   

An operational limited-area ocean modelling system was developed to supply forecasts of ocean state out to 3 days. This system is designed to allow non-specialist users to locate the model domain anywhere within the Australasian region with minimum user input. The model is required to produce a stable simulation every time it is invoked. This paper outlines the methodology used to ensure the model remains stable over the wide range of circumstances it might encounter. Central to the model configuration is an alternative approach to implementing open boundary conditions in a one-way nesting environment. Approximately 170 simulations were performed on limited areas in the Australasian region to assess the model stability; of these, 130 ran successfully with a static model parameterisation allowing a statistical estimate of the model’s approach toward instability to be determined. Based on this, when the model was deemed to be approaching instability a strategy of adaptive intervention in the form of constraint on velocity and elevation was invoked to maintain stability.  相似文献   

Summary Applying the methods of computing N(h) profiles to scalar product spaces provides a more general view of the differences between the individual ionospheric models, which enables a better selection of the optimum model.
u n¶rt; m¶rt;uu ama N(h) nu nmama a nu¶rt;u anauam u ¶rt; a au ¶rt; m¶rt;u uu ¶rt;u, m nm nmm uam nmua ¶rt;.

Summary Based on a special numerical method (HN method) hydrodynamical processes in the sea were studied with an aim at their prediction. Within this framework, constantly checking the reliability of the numerical models, tides and wind driven motions have been investigated in estuaries, in marginal and adjacent seas, and in the oceans (seeH. Friedrich [1], W. Hansen [2–4], H. P. Schmitz [5]). Encouraged by the promising results, these numerical investigations have been extended by the author to the world ocean, initially to the semi-diurnalM 2 tide ([8]) and now to theK 1 tide. Results of computations carried out for theK 1 tide are given in this paper.  相似文献   

垂直地震剖面法可以通过认识反射和透射过程,深入了解地震波传播特性,又可以改善地表地震资料关于构造、地层和岩性的解释.本文是在基于垂直地震剖面的基本原理基础上,采用高阶交错网格有限差分数值求解二维弹性波方程,然后对常见的层状介质和岩溶介质模型分别进行模拟,根据模型合成了相关的垂直地震剖面记录,期间采用的是完全匹配层法吸收...  相似文献   

溶洞作为碳酸盐岩地区常见的一类局部不良地质体,其波场特征常常与形态、填充物、空间方位等因素相关,而受此影响地震类方法对溶洞的探测效果往往不理想.因此,要想实现地震类方法对溶洞的准确探测,首先需要明确不同状态下溶洞的波场特征.针对上述问题,考虑到实际隧道空间形态,本文首次采用柱坐标系下的一阶速度-应力弹性波动方程对隧道空间进行数值模拟,通过通量矫正技术压制频散,同时对已开挖段隧道与围岩的边界采用自由边界条件处理.对不同半径、不同填充物、不同方位的溶洞以及复杂溶洞模型的数值模拟结果及波场特征分析表明:本文提出的方法可实现隧道空间全波场高精度数值模拟,波场特征符合波的运动学与动力学特征;不同情况下溶洞波场特征的差异可有效的指导溶洞的探测与识别.  相似文献   


We use results from a primitive-equation ocean numerical model (SCRUM) to test a theoretical 'string function' formulation put forward by Tyler and Käse in another article in this issue. The string function acts as a stream function for the large-scale potential energy flow under the combined beta and topographic effects. The model results verify that large-scale anomalies propagate along the string function contours with a speed correctly given by the cross-string gradient. For anomalies having a scale similar to the Rossby radius, material rates of change in the layer mass following the string velocity are balanced by material rates of change in relative vorticity following the flow velocity. It is shown that large-amplitude anomalies can be generated when wind stress is resonant with the string function configuration.  相似文献   

Using data on wind stress, significant height of combined wind waves and swell, potential temperature, salinity and seawater velocity, as well as objectively-analyzed in situ temperature and salinity, we established a global ocean dataset of calculated wind- and tide-induced vertical turbulent mixing coefficients. We then examined energy conservation of ocean vertical mixing from the point of view of ocean wind energy inputs, gravitational potential energy change due to mixing (with and without artificially limiting themixing coefficient), and K-theory vertical turbulent parameterization schemes regardless of energy inputs. Our research showed that calculating the mixing coefficient with average data and artificial limiting the mixing coefficient can cause a remarkable lack of energy conservation, with energy losses of up to 90% and changes in the energy oscillation period. The data also show that wind can introduce a huge amount of energy into the upper layers of the Southern Ocean, and that tidesdo so in regions around underwater mountains. We argue that it is necessary to take wind and tidal energy inputs into account forlong-term ocean climate numerical simulations. We believe that using this ocean vertical turbulent mixing coefficient climatic dataset is a fast and efficient method to maintain the ocean energy balance in ocean modeling research.  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2010,49(3-5):132-137
We developed a new 1/12° resolution oceanic tide model in the complex region that surrounds the Iberian Peninsula. The model, named IBER01, allows us to obtain more accurate tidal loading computations for precise geodetic and gravimetric observations in this area. The modelling follows the scheme of data assimilation (coastal tide gauge, bottom pressure sensors and TOPEX/Poseidon altimetry) into a hydrodynamical model, which is based on two-dimensional barotropic depth averaged shallow-water equations. Detailed bathymetry data and quadratic bottom friction with a specific drag coefficient for the region have been considered. Improved ocean load maps for the Iberian Peninsula are obtained for eight harmonic constituents (Q1, P1, O1, K1, N2, M2, S2 and K2), after computing the load effect (Newtonian attraction and elastic contribution) using IBER01 and six present-day global oceanic tide models for comparison. The results achieved verify the quality of the new model. Our ocean loading computations reduce considerably the discrepancies between the theoretical Earth tide parameters and those from observations at the level of 0.3%.  相似文献   

Estimating reference evapotranspiration using numerical weather modelling   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Evapotranspiration is an important hydrological process and its estimation usually needs measurements of many weather variables such as atmospheric pressure, wind speed, air temperature, net radiation and relative humidity. Those weather variables are not easily obtainable from in situ measurements in practical water resources projects. This study explored a potential application of downscaled global reanalysis weather data using mesoscale modelling system 5 (MM5). The MM5 is able to downscale the global data down to much finer resolutions in space and time for use in hydrological investigations. In this study, the ERA‐40 reanalysis data are downscaled to the Brue catchment in southwest England. The results are compared with the observation data. Among the studied weather variables, atmospheric pressure could be derived very accurately with less than 0·2% error. On the other hand, the error in wind speed is about 200–400%. The errors in other weather variables are air temperature (<10%), relative humidity (5–21%) and net radiation (4–23%). The downscaling process generally improves the data quality (except wind speed) and provides higher data resolution in comparison with the original reanalysis data. The evapotranspiration values estimated from the downscaled data are significantly overestimated across all the seasons (27–46%) based on the FAO Penman–Monteith equation. The dominant weather variables are net radiation (during the warm period) and relative humidity (during the cold period). There are clear patterns among some weather variables and they could be used to correct the biases in the downscaled data from either short‐term in situ measurements or through regionalization from surrounding weather stations. Artificial intelligence tools could be used to map the downscaled data directly into evapotranspiration or even river runoff if rainfall data are available. This study provides hydrologists with valuable information on downscaled weather variables and further exploration of this potentially valuable data source by the hydrological community should be encouraged. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We compare two geophysical survey measurements of the same type made at different times in order to characterize the change in the geological medium during the elapsed time. The aim of this study is to develop a strategy using a full non-linear inversion algorithm as the interpretation tool. In this way, not only the location and the form of the changes are recovered, but also the changes in the material parameters of the geological medium can be estimated. In order to solve this fully non-linear problem, the so-called ‘multiplicative regularized contrast source inversion’ (MR-CSI) method is employed. The unique property of this iterative method is that it does not solve the forward problem at each iterative step. This makes it possible to use the non-linear inversion algorithm for large-scale computation problems. The numerical results show that by taking into account the non-linear nature of the problem, interpretation of the time-lapse data can be significantly improved, compared with that obtained using linear inversion.  相似文献   

Estimating vertical velocity in the oceanic upper layers is a key issue for understanding ocean dynamics and the transport of biogeochemical elements. This paper aims to identify the physical sources of vertical velocity associated with sub-mesoscale dynamics (fronts, eddies) and mixed-layer depth (MLD) structures, using (a) an ocean adaptation of the generalized Q-vector form of the ω-equation deduced from a primitive equation system which takes into account the turbulent buoyancy and momentum fluxes and (b) an application of this diagnostic method for an ocean simulation of the Programme Océan Multidisciplinaire Méso Echelle (POMME) field experiment in the North-Eastern Atlantic. The approach indicates that w-sources can play a significant role in the ocean dynamics and strongly depend on the dynamical structure (anticyclonic eddy, front, MLD, etc.). Our results stress the important contribution of the ageostrophic forcing, even under quasi-geostrophic conditions. The turbulent w-forcing was split into two components associated with the spatial variability of (a) the buoyancy and momentum (Ekman pumping) surface fluxes and (b) the MLD. Process (b) represents the trapping of the buoyancy and momentum surface energy into the MLD structure and is identified as an atmosphere/oceanic mixed-layer coupling. The momentum-trapping process is 10 to 100 times stronger than the Ekman pumping and is at least 1,000 times stronger than the buoyancy w-sources. When this decomposition is applied to a filamentary mixed-layer structure simulated during the POMME experiment, we find that the associated vertical velocity is created by trapping the surface wind-stress energy into this structure and not by Ekman pumping.  相似文献   

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