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A 3-D, time-dependent, baroclinic, hydrodynamic and salinity model was implemented and applied to the Danshuei River estuarine system and the adjacent coastal sea in Taiwan. The model forcing functions consist of tidal elevations along the open boundaries and freshwater inflows from the main stream and major tributaries in the Danshuei River estuarine system. The bottom friction coefficient was adjusted to achieve model calibration and verification in model simulations of barotropic and baroclinic flows. The turbulent diffusivities were ascertained through comparison of simulated salinity time series with observations. The model simulation results are in qualitative agreement with the available field data.  相似文献   

When fine particles are involved, cohesive properties of sediment can result in flocculation and significantly complicate sediment process studies. We combine data from field observations and state-of-the-art modeling to investigate and predict flocculation processes within a hypertidal estuary. The study site is the Welsh Channel located at the entrance of the Dee Estuary in Liverpool Bay. Field data consist of measurements from a fixed site deployment during 12–22 February 2008. Grain size, suspended sediment volume concentration, and current velocity were obtained hourly from moored instruments at 1.5 m above bed. Near-bottom water samples taken every hour from a research vessel are used to convert volume concentrations to mass concentrations for the moored measurements. We use the hydrodynamic model Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory Coastal Ocean Modelling System (POLCOMS) coupled with the turbulence model General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) and a sediment module to obtain three-dimensional distributions of suspended particulate matter (SPM). Flocculation is identified by changes in grain size. Small flocs were found during flood and ebb periods—and correlate with strong currents—due to breakup, while coarse flocs were present during slack waters because of aggregation. A fractal number of 2.4 is found for the study site. Turbulent stresses and particle settling velocities are estimated and are found to be related via an exponential function. The result is a simple semiempirical formulation for the fall velocity of the particles solely depending on turbulent stresses. The formula is implemented in the full three-dimensional model to represent changes in particle size due to flocculation processes. Predictions from the model are in agreement with observations for both settling velocity and SPM. The SPM fortnight variability was reproduced by the model and the concentration peaks are almost in phase with those from field data.  相似文献   

Estuarine environments are influenced by both river flows and oceanic tidal movement of water, sediment, and nutrients, often forming ecosystems that are rich in resources and biodiversity. The Yellow River once carried the world’s largest sediment load, but artificial structures have transformed its hydrodynamic processes. An annual Water-Sediment Regulation Scheme(WSRS) was introduced to flush accumulated sediment from the Xiaolangdi Reservoir, which provides flood control and water storage.Ho...  相似文献   

Tidal circulation and energy dissipation in a shallow, sinuous estuary   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The tidal dynamics in a pristine, mesotidal (>2 m range), marsh-dominated estuary are examined using moored and moving vessel field observations. Analysis focuses on the structure of the M 2 tide that accounts for approximately 80% of the observed tidal energy, and indicates a transition in character from a near standing wave on the continental shelf to a more progressive wave within the estuary. A slight maximum in water level (WL) occurs in the estuary 10–20 km from the mouth. M 2 WL amplitude decreases at 0.015 m/km landward of this point, implying head of tide approximately 75 km from the mouth. In contrast, tidal currents in the main channel 25 km inland are twice those at the estuary mouth. Analysis suggests the tidal character is consistent with a strongly convergent estuarine geometry controlling the tidal response in the estuary. First harmonic (M 4) current amplitude follows the M 2 WL distribution, peaking at mid-estuary, whereas M 4 WL is greatest farther inland. The major axis current amplitude is strongly influenced by local bathymetry and topography. On most bends a momentum core shifts from the inside to outside of the bend moving seaward, similar to that seen in unidirectional river flow but with point bars shifted seaward of the bends. Dissipation rate estimates, based on changes in energy flux, are 0.18–1.65 W m−2 or 40–175 μW kg–1. A strong (0.1 m/s), depth-averaged residual flow is produced at the bends, which resembles flow around headlands, forming counter-rotating eddies that meet at the apex of the bends. A large sub-basin in the estuary exhibits remarkably different tidal characteristics and may be resonant at a harmonic of the M 2 tide.  相似文献   

周波涛  崔绚 《地球物理学报》2009,52(12):2958-2963
观测事实揭示出春季Hadley环流与夏季西北太平洋热带气旋频数之间存在显著的负相关关系.由春季Hadley环流异常引起的西北太平洋地区夏季纬向风垂直切变、大气辐合辐散等的异常变化是这一关系存在的内在原因.本文通过数值试验对这一关系的真实性进行了验证,即利用中国科学院大气物理研究所发展的9层大气环流模式(IAP9L-AGCM)模拟了春季Hadley环流异常偏强情景,并分析了该情景下影响西北太平洋热带气旋生成的环境场的响应.结果表明,在春季Hadley环流偏强情景下,夏季西北太平洋地区纬向风垂直切变幅度加大,低空大气异常辐散,高空大气异常辐合,东亚夏季风减弱,这种环流背景不利于热带气旋生成和发展,因此,西北太平洋热带气旋频数异常偏少.数值模拟结果与已有的诊断结果相吻合,进而证实了春季Hadley环流与夏季西北太平洋热带气旋频数负相关关系的存在.因此,春季Hadley环流信号可以用于西北太平洋热带气旋活动的气候预测.  相似文献   

利用IAP9L-AGCM模式考察了模式中与南极涛动异常相关的海温敏感区,发现南半球高纬海温异常能够强迫出南极涛动异常,而赤道东太平洋海温异常与太平洋南美型密切相关.研究了南极涛动异常对冬春季北半球大气环流及亚洲北部气温的影响,结果表明,南极涛动加强,能够引起北半球高纬环流异常和欧亚西风加强,以及亚洲北部地表气温和850 hPa气温显著增温.数值模拟支持了已有的诊断结果,也证实了冬春季节南极涛动异常下两半球高纬间的经向遥相关存在.  相似文献   

The long-term variability of the non-tidal circulation in Southampton Water, a partially mixed estuary, was investigated using 71-day acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) time series. The data show evidence that the spring–neap tidal variability of the turbulent mixing modulates the strength of the non-tidal residual circulation, with subtidal neap tide surface flows reaching 0.12 m s–1 compared to <0.05 m s–1 at spring tides. The amplitude of the neap-tide events in this non-tidal circulation is shown to be related to a critical value of the tidal currents, illustrating the strong dependence on tidal mixing. The results suggest that the dominant mechanism for generating these neap-tide circulation events is the baroclinic forcing of the horizontal density gradient, rather than barotropic forcing associated with ebb-induced periodic stratification. While tidal turbulence is thought to be the dominant control on this gravitational circulation, there is evidence of the additional effect of wind-driven mixing, including the effects of wind fetch and possibly wave development with along-estuary winds being more efficient at mixing the estuary than across-estuary winds. Rapid changes in atmospheric pressure also coincided with fluctuations in the gravitational circulation. The observed subtidal flows are shown to be capable of rapidly flushing buoyant material out of the estuary and into the coastal sea at neap tides.Responsible Editor: Iris Grabemann  相似文献   

Chlorophyll a and its selected derivatives, as well as chlorophylls b and c have been determined in samples of recent (0-10 cm) sediments, collected at 30 stations in the Szczecin Lagoon, Pomeranian Bay and the Bornholm Deep. Samples were retrieved in different seasons between 1992 and 2001, including the time before and after the great flood of July 1997. Regarding the content of chlorophyll a and its derivatives in sediments, the Szczecin Lagoon may be classified as permanently eutrophic and the Pomeranian Bay and Bornholm Deep as mesotrophic. A lack of correlation between chlorophylls b, c and chlorophyll a indicated that intensive blooms of cyanobacteria occur in the Szczecin Lagoon, which is a characteristic of eutrophic zones. The chlorin a results are related to selected parameters characterizing the aquatic environment. The values for nutrients, salinity and temperature in near-bottom waters, as well as granulometry and organic carbon in the sediments verify the above conclusions.  相似文献   

The response of the density-driven circulation in the Chesapeake Bay to wind forcing was studied with numerical experiments. A model of the bay with realistic bathymetry was first applied to produce the density-driven flow under average river discharge and tidal forcing. Subsequently, four spatially uniform wind fields (northeasterly, northwesterly, southwesterly, and southeasterly) were imposed to examine the resulting cross-estuary structure of salinity and flow fields. In general, northeasterly and northwesterly winds intensified the density-driven circulation in the upper and middle reaches of the bay, whereas southeasterly and southwesterly winds weakened it. The response was different in the lower bay, where downwind flow from the upper and middle reaches of the bay competed with onshore/offshore coastal flows. Wind remote effects were dominant, over local effects, on volume transports through the bay entrance. However, local effects were more influential in establishing the sea-level slopes that drove subtidal flows and salinity fields in most of the bay. The effect of vertical stratification on wind-induced flows was also investigated by switching it off. The absence of stratification allowed development of Ekman layers that reached depths of the same order as the water depth. Consequently, bathymetric effects became influential on the homogeneous flow structure causing the wind-induced flow inside the bay to show a marked transverse structure: downwind over the shallow areas and upwind in the channels. In the presence of stratification, Ekman layers became shallower and the wind-induced currents showed weaker transverse structure than those that developed in the absence of stratification. In essence, the wind-driven flows were horizontally sheared under weak stratification and vertically sheared under stratified conditions.  相似文献   

The Fitzroy estuary (Queensland, Australia) receives large, but highly episodic, river flows from a catchment (144,000 km(2)) which has undergone major land clearing. Large quantities of suspended sediments, and particulate and dissolved organic carbon are delivered. At peak flows, delta(13)C (-21.7+/-0.8 per thousand) and C/N (14.8+/-1.3) of the suspended solids indicate that the particulate organic material entering the estuary is principally soil organic carbon. At the lower beginning flows the particulate organic matter comes from in-stream producers (delta(13)C=-26 per thousand). The DOC load is about 10 times the POC load. Using the inverse method, budgets for POC and DOC were constructed for high and low flows. Under high flows, only a small portion of the POC and DOC load is lost in the estuary. Under dry season (low flow) conditions the estuary is a sink for DOC, but remains a source of POC to the coastal waters.  相似文献   

Conceptual models of circulation theorise that the dominant forces controlling estuarine circulation are freshwater discharge from the riverine section (landward), tidal forcing from the ocean boundary, and gravitational circulation resulting from along-estuary gradients in density. In micro-tidal estuaries, sub-tidal water level changes (classified as those with periods between 3 and 10 days) with amplitudes comparable to the spring tidal range can significantly influence the circulation and distribution of water properties. Field measurements obtained from the Swan River Estuary, a diurnal, micro-tidal estuary in south-western Australia, indicated that sub-tidal water level changes at the ocean boundary were predominantly from remotely forced continental shelf waves (CSWs). The sub-tidal water levels had maximum amplitudes of 0.8 m, were comparable to the maximum tidal range of 0.6 m, propagated into the estuary to its tidal limit, and modified water levels in the whole estuary over several days. These oscillations dominated the circulation and distribution of water properties in the estuary through changing the salt wedge location and increasing the bottom water salinity by 7 units over 3 days. The observed salt wedge excursion forced by CSW was up to 5 km, whereas the maximum tidal excursion was 1.2 km. The response of the residual currents and the salinity distribution lagged behind the water level changes by ∼24 h. It was proposed that the sub-tidal forcing at the ocean boundary, which changed the circulation, salinity, and dissolved oxygen in the upper estuary, was due to a combination of two processes: (1) a gravity current generated by a process similar to a lock exchange mechanism and (2) amplified along-estuary density gradients in the upper estuary, which enhanced the gravitational circulation in the estuary. The salt intrusions under the sub-tidal forcing caused the rapid movement of anoxic water upstream, with significant implications for water quality and estuarine health.  相似文献   

Data collected from the York River estuary demonstrate the importance of asymmetries in stratification to the suspension and transport of fine sediment. Observations collected during two 24-h deployments reveal greater concentrations of total suspended solids during the flood phase of the tide despite nearly symmetric near-bed tidal current magnitude. In both cases, tidally averaged net up-estuary sediment transport near the bed was clearly observed despite the fact that tidally averaged residual near-bed currents were near zero. Tidal straining of the along-channel salinity gradient resulted in a stronger pycnocline lower in the water column during the ebb phase of the tide and appeared to limit sediment suspension. Indirect measurements suggest that the lower, more intense, pycnocline on the ebb acted as a barrier, limiting turbulent length scales and reducing eddy diffusivity well below the pycnocline, even though the lower water column was locally well mixed. In order to more conclusively link changes in stratification to properties of near-bed eddy viscosity and diffusivity, longer duration tripod and mooring data from an additional experiment are examined, that included direct measurement of turbulent velocities. These additional data demonstrate how slight increases in stratification can limit vertical mixing near the bed and impact the structure of the eddy viscosity below the pycnocline. We present evidence that the overlying pycnocline can remotely constrain the vertical turbulent length scale of the underlying flow, limiting sediment resuspension. As a result, the relatively small changes in stratification caused by tidal straining of the pycnocline allow sediment to be resuspended higher in the water column during the flood phase of the tide, resulting in preferential up-estuary transport of sediment.Responsible Editor: Iris Grabemann  相似文献   

Alkaline diagnesis is a diagenetic process that a reservoir undergoes under an alkaline environment. Because of the influence of alkaline formation water, the most typical characteristics of diagnesis is that quartz is obviously dissolved, feldspar is massively enlarged, and less late carbonate cement is formed in the evolution of carbonate minerals. With the decrease of the alkalinity of the formation water in diagenesis, the quartz overgrowths become common. The change in the chemical characteristics of the formation water leads to a more complex distribution of reservoir porosity at different depths than that of the secondary porosity formed by classical acidic water. It also makes the B stage of early diagenesis the important development period of secondary porosity.  相似文献   

A data assimilation method was used to estimate the variability of three ecologically significant features of the Columbia River estuary and plume: the size of the plume, the orientation of the plume, and the length of the salinity intrusion in the estuary. Our data assimilation method was based on a reduced-dimension Kalman filter that enables fast data assimilation of nonlinear dynamics in the estuary and plume. The assimilated data included measurements of salinity, temperature, and water levels at 13 stations in the estuary and at five moorings in the plume.  相似文献   

In July 1978, total phosphorus and organic carbon were determined in the sediments of Tolo Harbour, a sewage-polluted estuary in north-east Hong Kong. Concentrations were correlated with % silt-clay in each of three areas. Phosphorus concentrations were highest in central Tolo Harbour, lower by about 1.5μg at. P g?1 in the outer estuary, Tolo Channel, and lowest in the polluted inner reaches near large coastal reclamations. The latter values, about 3.0 μg at. P g?1 lower than in central Tolo Harbour, might reflect a selective adsorption of phosphate by reclamation sediments. Organic carbon concentrations were high in the inner reaches and decreased towards the outer channel. Correlations between phosphorus and organic carbon were compared with a published correlation for the east coast of England: in Hong Kong, phosphorus concentrations showed a smaller increase as organic carbon increased, and reached only one-third of the English values as organic carbon approached 2.0%.  相似文献   

An analysis of observational data suggests salt exchange in a sinuous coastal plain estuary is significantly impacted by counter-rotating residual horizontal eddies formed by channel curvature in meandering channels. The parts of adjacent eddies that advect material downstream follow the deep part of the channel where the flow continually criss-crosses from one side of the channel to the other and follows a relatively unimpeded trajectory to the sea. On the other hand, the parts of adjacent eddies that advect material upstream cross the channel at a different location where it encounters a series of shoals. In this case, the resulting upstream transport of salt is relatively inefficient and retards the rate at which salt can disperse upstream into the estuary. The strength of these circulations is modulated by the spring/neap cycle, allowing for a stronger gravitational mode of exchange to develop near neap tides, but has minimal impact on the length of the salt intrusion. It is suggested that the impeded upstream salt transport accounts for the observation that an impulse of river discharge advects a given isohaline 10 km downstream in 20 days, but that after the impulse, 70 days are required to return the isohaline to a similar position, counter to the notion of a simple dependence of intrusion length on river discharge.  相似文献   

Wolf J  Barthel R  Braun J 《Ground water》2008,46(5):695-705
In large mountainous catchments, shallow unconfined alluvial aquifers play an important role in conveying subsurface runoff to the foreland. Their relatively small extent poses a serious problem for ground water flow models on the river basin scale. River basin scale models describing the entire water cycle are necessary in integrated water resources management and to study the impact of global climate change on ground water resources. Integrated regional-scale models must use a coarse, fixed discretization to keep computational demands low and to facilitate model coupling. This can lead to discrepancies between model discretization and the geometrical properties of natural systems. Here, an approach to overcome this discrepancy is discussed using the example of the German-Austrian Upper Danube catchment, where a coarse ground water flow model was developed using MODFLOW. The method developed uses a modified concept from a hydrological catchment drainage analysis in order to adapt the aquifer geometry such that it respects the numerical requirements of the chosen discretization, that is, the width and the thickness of cells as well as gradients and connectivity of the catchment. In order to show the efficiency of the developed method, it was tested and compared to a finely discretized ground water model of the Ammer subcatchment. The results of the analysis prove the applicability of the new approach and contribute to the idea of using physically based ground water models in large catchments.  相似文献   

Wind and tidal straining are proposed as key mechanisms influencing the magnitude and timing of the horizontal flux of freshwater across regions of freshwater influence (ROFIs). Evidence for this hypothesis is presented in estimates of the tidally averaged residual current profile, obtained from 5 years of continuous acoustic doppler current profiler measurements in the Liverpool Bay ROFI. The modified horizontal Richardson number (RxwtR_{x}^{wt}), which includes both the tidal and the wind forcing, was assessed as a measure of stratification. RxwtR_{x}^{wt} was found to be a good indicator of the timing of the evolution and destruction of stratification, but was not as successful as an indicator of the magnitude of stratification, both enduring and periodic. The observed mean residual velocities are compared to those predicted by a classical solution, and the eddy viscosity (N z ) is shown to be a control on differences between the observed and predicted circulation. Principal component analysis is used to show that the strongest residual currents occur when the water column periodically alternates between a well-mixed and stratified state, a consequence of straining, rather than simply related to the density gradient. Evidence of wind straining was found in the correspondence between the wind direction and the near surface and near bed residual current direction.  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of compression, Poisson effect and turbulence on the fluid flow process and the inversion for fracture surface geometries, we simulate two sets of fractures: one with a defined fracture height standard deviation σ constant and a varying autocorrelation length λ and another with a fixed λ and a changing σ. Under compression, the normal stress closes fractures with a large aperture and thus reduces the effective permeability. However, the Poisson effect, which is induced by the compression, has little influence on the fluid flow properties and does not affect the inversion for fracture height standard deviation or the autocorrelation length. When introducing turbulence, we observe a significant difference between the performance of the Navier–Stokes equation and the local cubic law; compared with the Navier–Stokes equation, the local cubic law overestimates the peak value of the breakthrough time curve and effective permeability, thereby underestimating the mean fracture aperture.  相似文献   

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