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The Explosive Transient Camera (ETC) has been performing automatic observations of the night sky since 1990. Since the launch of the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory, the times and localizations of-ray bursts detected by the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) have been compared with ETC observations to determine whether the ETC had observed a -ray burst in progress. To date, six temporal and spatial correlations have been found, but no new optical radiation has been detected. In this paper, we present current results of ETC/BATSE correlated observations and describe plans for future observations.  相似文献   

A novel method is presented which will enhance the sensitivity of neutrino telescopes to identify transient sources such as Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) and core-collapse Supernovae (SNe). Triggered by the detection of high energy neutrino events from IceCube or other large scale neutrino telescopes, an optical follow-up program will allow the identification of the transient neutrino source. We show that once the follow-up program is implemented, the achievable sensitivity of IceCube to neutrinos from SNe and GRBs would increase by a factor of 2–3. The program can be realized with a small network of automated 1–2 m telescopes and has rather modest observing time requirements.  相似文献   

We describe a library of reference spectra of galaxies developed using published data and public-domain data of IUE (International Ultraviolet Explorer) and HUT (Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope) ultraviolet missions. We describe the procedures that we use to create composite spectra of objects and report some of the parameters of the resulting spectra.  相似文献   

The effects of dust on infrared emission vary among galaxies of different morphological types. We investigated integrated spectral energy distributions (SEDs) in infrared and submillimeter/millimeter emissions from the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) based on observations from the Herschel Space Observatory (HSO) and near- to mid-infrared observations from the Spitzer Space Telescope (SST). We also used IRAS and WMAP observations to constrain the SEDs and present the results of radiative transfer calculations using the spectrophotometric galaxy model. We explain the observations by using dust models with different grain size distributions in the interstellar medium of the LMC, noting that the LMC has undergone processes that differ from those in the Milky Way. We determined a spectral index and a normalization factor in the range of ?3.5 to ?3.45 with grain radii in the range of 1 nm–300 nm for the silicate grain and 2 nm–1 μm for the graphite grain. The best fit to the observed SED was obtained with a spectral index of ?3.47, similar to the value derived by Piovan et al. (Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 366(3):923, 2006a). The grain size distribution is described using a power law but with a break that is introduced below a b , where a larger exponent is used. Changing the graphite grain size distribution significantly changed the SED pattern within the observational uncertainties. Based on the SED fits to the observations from submillimeter wavelengths to infrared radiation from the LMC using GRASIL (Silva et al., Astrophys. J. 509(1):103, 1998), we obtained a reasonable set of parameter values in chemical and geometric space together with the grain size distributions (Weingartner and Draine, Astrophys. J. 548(1):296, 2001) and a modified MRN model with the LMC extinction curve (Piovan et al., Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 366(3):923, 2006a). For a given set of parameters including the disc scale height, synthesis of the starlight spectrum, optical depth, escape time scale, dust model, and star formation efficiency, the adopted dust-to-gas ratio for modeling the observed SEDs, ~1/300 (from the literature) yields a reasonable fit to the observed SEDs and similar results with the metallicity of the LMC as those reported in Russell and Bessell (Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 70:865, 1989). The dust-to-gas ratios that are given as the metallicity caused the variation in the model fits. The difference mainly appears at the wavelengths near 100 μm.  相似文献   

A unifying view of the spectral energy distributions of blazars   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We collect data at well-sampled frequencies from the radio to the γ-ray range for the following three complete samples of blazars: the Slew survey, the 1-Jy samples of BL Lacs and the 2-Jy sample of flat-spectrum radio-loud quasars (FSRQs). The fraction of objects detected in γ-rays ( E  ≳ 100 MeV) is ∼ 17, 26 and 40 per cent in the three samples respectively. Except for the Slew survey sample, γ-ray detected sources do not differ either from other sources in each sample, or from all the γ-ray detected sources, in terms of the distributions of redshift, radio and X-ray luminosities or of the broad-band spectral indices (radio to optical and radio to X-ray). We compute average spectral energy distributions (SEDs) from radio to γ-rays for each complete sample and for groups of blazars binned according to radio luminosity, irrespective of the original classification as BL Lac or FSRQ. The resulting SEDs show a remarkable continuity in that (i) the first peak occurs in different frequency ranges for different samples/luminosity classes, with most luminous sources peaking at lower frequencies; (ii) the peak frequency of the γ-ray component correlates with the peak frequency of the lower energy one; (iii) the luminosity ratio between the high and low frequency components increases with bolometric luminosity. The continuity of properties among different classes of sources and the systematic trends of the SEDs as a function of luminosity favour a unified view of the blazar phenomenon: a single parameter, related to luminosity, seems to govern the physical properties and radiation mechanisms in the relativistic jets present in BL Lac objects as well as in FSRQs. The general implications of this unified scheme are discussed while a detailed theoretical analysis, based on fitting continuum models to the individual spectra of most γ-ray blazars, is presented in a separate paper.  相似文献   

We present broad-band photometry in the optical, near-infrared and submillimetre, and mid-infrared spectrophotometry of a selection of carbon stars with optically thin envelopes. Most of the observations were carried out simultaneously.   Beside the emission feature at 11.3 μ m due to silicon carbide grains in the circumstellar environment, many of our mid-infrared spectra show an emission feature at 8.6 μ m. All the observed spectral energy distributions exhibit a very large far-infrared flux excess. Both these features are indeed common to many carbon stars surrounded by optically thin envelopes.   We have modelled the observed spectral energy distributions by means of a full radiative transfer treatment, paying particular attention to the features quoted above. The peak at 8.6 μ m is usually ascribed to the presence of hydrogenated amorphous carbon grains. We find also that the feature at 8.6 μ m might be reproduced by assuming that the stars have a circumstellar environment formed of both carbon- and oxygen-rich dust grains, although this is in contrast with what one should expect in a carbon-rich environment. The far-infrared flux excess is usually explained by the presence of a cool detached dust shell. Following this hypothesis, our models suggest a time-scale for the modulation of the mass-loss rate of the order of some 103 yr.  相似文献   

We have observed four low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGNs) classified as type 1 Low-Ionization Nuclear Emission-Line Regions (LINERs) with the X-Ray Telescope (XRT) and the Ultraviolet–Optical Telescope (UVOT) onboard Swift , in an attempt to clarify the main powering mechanism of this class of nearby sources. Among our targets, we detect X-ray variability in NGC 3998 for the first time. The light curves of this object reveal variations of up to 30 per cent amplitude in half a day, with no significant spectral variability on this time-scale. We also observe a decrease of ∼30 per cent over 9 d, with significant spectral softening. Moreover, the X-ray flux is ∼40 per cent lower than observed in previous years. Variability is detected in M81 as well, at levels comparable to those reported previously: a flux increase in the hard X-rays (1–10 keV) of 30 per cent in ∼3 h and variations by up to a factor of 2 within a few years. This X-ray behaviour is similar to that of higher luminosity, Seyfert-type objects. Using previous high-angular-resolution imaging data from the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ), we evaluate the diffuse UV emission due to the host galaxy and isolate the nuclear flux in our UVOT observations. All sources are detected in the UV band, at levels similar to those of the previous observations with HST . The XRT (0.2–10 keV) spectra are well described by single power laws and the UV-to-X-ray flux ratios are again consistent with those of Seyferts and radio-loud AGNs of higher luminosity. The similarity in X-ray variability and broad-band energy distributions suggests the presence of similar accretion and radiation processes in low- and high-luminosity AGNs.  相似文献   

Procedures and results of computations of model atmospheres andspectral energy distributions of R CrB, V4334 Sgr and relatedobjects are discussed. The sequence of SEDs computed for a gridof model atmospheres with 4000 < Teff < 7000, 0 < logg < 1 provides a unique possibility to analyze the temporalchanges of physical parameters of V 4334 Sgr and related objectsin the framework of a self-consistent approach.  相似文献   

Embedded Young Stellar Objects (YSO) in dense interstellar clouds are treated self-consistently to understand their spectral energy distributions (SED). Radiative transfer calculations in spherical geometry involving the dust as well as the gas component, have been carried out to explain observations covering a wide spectral range encompassing near-infrared to radio continuum wavelengths. Various geometric and physical details of the YSOs are determined from this modelling scheme. In order to assess the effectiveness of this self-consistent scheme, three young Galactic star forming regions associated with IRAS 18314-0720, 18355-0532 and 18316-0602 have been modelled as test cases. They cover a large range of luminosity (≈ 40). The modelling of their SEDs has led to information about various details of these sources, e.g. embedded energy source, cloud structure and size, density distribution, composition and abundance of dust grains etc. In all three cases, the best fit model corresponds to the uniform density distribution. Two types of dust have been considered, viz., Draine & Lee (DL) and the Mezger, Mathis & Panagia (MMP). Models with MMP type dust explain the dust continuum and radio continuum emission from IRAS 18314-0720 and 18355-0532 self-consistently. These models predict much lower intensities for the fine structure lines of ionized heavy elements, than those observed for IRAS 18314-0720 and 18355-0532. This discrepancy has been resolved by invoking clumpiness in the interstellar medium. For IRAS 18316-0602, the model with DL type dust grains is preferred.  相似文献   

We compile multi-wavelength data from ultraviolet to infrared(IR) bands as well as redshift and source-type information, for a large sample of 178 341 sources in the Hawaii-Hubble Deep Field-North field. A total of 145 635 sources among the full sample are classified/treated as galaxies and have redshift information available. We derive physical properties for these sources utilizing the spectral energy distribution fitting code CIGALE that is based on Bayesian analysis. Through various consistency and robustness checks, we find that our stellar-mass and star-formation rate(SFR) estimates are reliable, which is mainly due to two facts. Firstly, we adopt the most up-to-date and accurate redshifts and point spread functionmatched photometry; and secondly, we make sensible parameter choices with the CIGALE code and take into account the influences of mid-IR/far-IR data, star-formation history models, and AGN contribution. We release our catalog of galaxy properties publicly(including, e.g., redshift, stellar mass, SFR, age, metallicity, dust attenuation). It is the largest of its kind in this field and should facilitate future relevant studies on the formation and evolution of galaxies.  相似文献   

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