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This study presents a new experimental approach for determining H2O solubility in basaltic melt at upper mantle conditions. Traditional solubility experiments are limited to pressures of ~600 MPa or less because it is difficult to reliably quench silicate melts containing greater than ~10 wt% dissolved H2O. To overcome this limitation, our approach relies on the use of secondary ion mass spectrometry to measure the concentration of H dissolved in olivine and on using the measured H in olivine as a proxy for the concentration of H2O in the co-existing basaltic melt. The solubility of H2O in the melt is determined by performing a series of experiments at a single pressure and temperature with increasing amounts of liquid H2O added to each charge. The point at which the concentration of H in the olivine first becomes independent of the amount of initial H2O content of the charge (added + adsorbed H2O) indicates its solubility in the melt. Experiments were conducted by packing basalt powder into a capsule fabricated from San Carlos olivine, which was then pressure-sealed inside a Ni outer capsule. Our experimental results indicate that at 1000 MPa and 1200 °C, the solubility of H2O in basaltic melt is 20.6 ± 0.9 wt% (2 × standard deviation). This concentration is considerably higher than predicted by most solubility models but defines a linear relationship between H2O fugacity and the square of molar H2O solubility when combined with solubility data from lower pressure experiments. Further, our solubility determination agrees with melting point depression determined experimentally by Grove et al. (2006) for the H2O-saturated peridotite solidus at 1000 MPa. Melting point depression calculations were used to estimate H2O solubility in basalt along the experimentally determined H2O-saturated peridotite solidus. The results suggest that a linear relationship between H2O fugacity and the square of molar solubility exists up to ~1300 MPa, where there is an inflection point and solubility begins to increase less strongly with increasing H2O fugacity. 相似文献
Ayako Shinozaki Hiroyuki Kagi Hisako Hirai Hiroaki Ohfuji Taku Okada Satoshi Nakano Takehiko Yagi 《Physics and Chemistry of Minerals》2016,43(4):277-285
Stability and phase relations of coexisting enstatite and H2 fluid were investigated in the pressure and temperature regions of 3.1–13.9 GPa and 1500–2000 K using laser-heated diamond-anvil cells. XRD measurements showed decomposition of enstatite upon heating to form forsterite, periclase, and coesite/stishovite. In the recovered samples, SiO2 grains were found at the margin of the heating hot spot, suggesting that the SiO2 component dissolved in the H2 fluid during heating, then precipitated when its solubility decreased with decreasing temperature. Raman and infrared spectra of the coexisting fluid phase revealed that SiH4 and H2O molecules formed through the reaction between dissolved SiO2 and H2. In contrast, forsterite and periclase crystals were found within the hot spot, which were assumed to have replaced the initial orthoenstatite crystals without dissolution. Preferential dissolution of SiO2 components of enstatite in H2 fluid, as well as that observed in the forsterite H2 system and the quartz H2 system, implies that H2-rich fluid enhances Mg/Si fractionation between the fluid and solid phases of mantle minerals. 相似文献
Results of monitoring of H2O maser in the infrared source IRAS 20126+4104, which is associated with a cool molecular cloud, are presented. The observations were carried out on the 22-meter radio telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory (Russia) between June 1991 and January 2006. The spectrum of the H2O maser emission extends from ? 16.7 to 4.8 km/s and splits into separate groups of emission features. Cyclic variations of the integrated maser flux with a period from 3.4 to 5.5 years were detected, together with strong flares of up to 220 Jy in individual emission features. It is shown that large linewidths in periods of high maser activity are due to small-scale turbulent motions of the material. An expanding envelope around a young star is accepted as a model for the source. The protostar has a small peculiar velocity with respect to the molecular cloud (~2 km/s). Individual emission features form organized structures, including multi-link chains. 相似文献
Geoffrey D. Bromiley Alison R. Pawley 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》2002,142(6):714-723
The stability of the high-pressure phase Mg-sursassite, previously MgMgAl-pumpellyite, in ultramafic compositions has been determined in experiments in the system MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O (MASH). The breakdown of Mg-sursassite + forsterite + enstatite to pyrope + vapour with increasing temperature was bracketed at 6.0 and 7.0 GPa. Below 6.0 GPa, Mg-sursassite + forsterite + vapour reacts to chlorite + enstatite. This reaction provides a mechanism for transfer of water from chlorite- to Mg-sursassite-bearing assemblages. At pressures of 7.0 GPa and above, the assemblage Mg-sursassite + phase A + enstatite was found. Phase relations involving Mg-sursassite and phase A are considered. For bulk compositions with a low water content, the vapour-absent reaction Mg-sursassite + forsterite = pyrope + phase A + enstatite determines the upper-pressure stability of Mg-sursassite, and provides a mechanism for the complete transfer of water from Mg-sursassite to phase A-bearing assemblages. Mg-sursassite plays an important role in peridotite compositions in the subducting slab because, at temperatures below 700 °C, it can transfer water from hydrous phases such as antigorite and chlorite to high-pressure stable phases such as phase A. 相似文献
S. V. Krivovichev 《Geology of Ore Deposits》2007,49(7):537-541
The crystal structure of a new compound [Mg(H2O)4(SeO4)]2(H2O) (monoclinic, P2 1/a, a = 7.2549(12), b = 20.059(5), c = 10.3934(17) Å, β = 101.989(13), V = 1479.5(5) Å3) has been solved by direct methods and refined to R 1 = 0.059 for 2577 observed reflections with |F hkl | ≥ 4σ|F hkl |. The structure consists of [Mg(H2O)4(SeO4)]0 chains formed by alternating corner-sharing Mg octahedrons and (SeO4)2? tetrahedrons. O atoms of Mg octahedrons that are shared with selenate tetrahedrons are in a trans orientation. The heteropoly-hedral octahedral-tetrahedral chains are parallel to the c axis and undulate within the (010) plane. The adjacent chains are linked by hydrogen bonds involving H2O molecules not bound with M2+ cations. 相似文献
Boris Kolesov 《Physics and Chemistry of Minerals》2008,35(5):271-278
Single-crystal polarized Raman spectra (3,000–4,000 cm−1 at 3 ≤ T ≤ 300 K) were measured for synthetic alkali-free and natural beryl, Be2Al3Si6O18·xH2O, to determine the behavior of H2O molecules of both Type I and Type II in the cavities. At low temperature, the H2O molecules of Type I displace from the center of cavity and give rise to very weak hydrogen bonding with the host lattice.
The H2O Type I translational motion is characterized by substantial anharmonicity and looks like a motion of “a particle in the
box” with a frequency of 6.3 cm−1. Water Type II is characterized by a free rotation with respect to the C
2 molecule axis, and it makes possible the water nuclear isomers (i.e. ortho- and para-) to be observed at low temperature.
Boris KolesovEmail: |
An analysis of the H2O maser emission toward the source NGC 7538N, which is associated with an active star-forming region, is reported. The analysis is based on 24 years of monitoring in the 1.35-cm line using the the 22-m radio telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory in 1981–2005 with a spectral resolution of 0.101 km/s. Individual spectral components have been isolated, and temporal drifts in their radial velocities found. From time to time, the drifts were accompanied by velocity jumps. This can be explained if there are chains consisting of clumps of material that are elongated in the radial direction toward the star and have a radial-velocity gradient. In 1982–2005, two maser activity cycles were observed, during which the chains were activated. We propose that shocks consecutively cross the chain elements and excite maser emission in them. The longest chain, at a radial velocity of ?58 km/s, has not fewer than 15 links. For a shock velocity of 15 km/s, the chain step is estimated to be ≤1.5 AU. The chains could be located in a circumstellar disk with a width of ≤1015 cm. A structure in the form of a rotating nonuniform vortex with the rotation period of about 1.6 years has also been detected. The translational motion of the vortex may be a consequence of its orbital motion within the protoplanetary disk. 相似文献
The diffusion of water in a peralkaline and a peraluminous rhyolitic melt was investigated at temperatures of 714–1,493 K
and pressures of 100 and 500 MPa. At temperatures below 923 K dehydration experiments were performed on glasses containing
about 2 wt% H2O
in cold seal pressure vessels. At high temperatures diffusion couples of water-poor (<0.5 wt% H2O
) and water-rich (~2 wt% H2O
) melts were run in an internally heated gas pressure vessel. Argon was the pressure medium in both cases. Concentration profiles
of hydrous species (OH groups and H2O molecules) were measured along the diffusion direction using near-infrared (NIR) microspectroscopy. The bulk water diffusivity
() was derived from profiles of total water () using a modified Boltzmann-Matano method as well as using fittings assuming a functional relationship between and Both methods consistently indicate that is proportional to in this range of water contents for both bulk compositions, in agreement with previous work on metaluminous rhyolite. The
water diffusivity in the peraluminous melts agrees very well with data for metaluminous rhyolites implying that an excess
of Al2O3 with respect to alkalis does not affect water diffusion. On the other hand, water diffusion is faster by roughly a factor
of two in the peralkaline melt compared to the metaluminous melt. The following expression for the water diffusivity in the
peralkaline rhyolite as a function of temperature and pressure was obtained by least-squares fitting:
where is the water diffusivity at 1 wt% H2O
in m2/s, T is the temperature in K and P is the pressure in MPa. The above equation reproduces the experimental data (14 runs in total) with a standard fit error
of 0.15 log units. It can be employed to model degassing of peralkaline melts at water contents up to 2 wt%. 相似文献
Radio interferometric observations of an H2O maser flare in the Orion Nebula at epoch 1982.9 have been used to determine the flare’s spatial structure. Antennas in the Crimea, Effelsberg, and Onsala were used. The emission region consists of three groups of components. The angular sizes of the components are 0.2–0.9 mas, and the widths of the emitted lines are 0.2–0.7 km/s. The velocities of the components are correlated with their relative positions, which correspond to expanding concentric rings. Assuming a 1 M⊙ protostar in a Keplerian approximation, the radius of the inner ring R is 15 AU, the velocity of its rotation Vrot is 8.98 km/s, and the radial component of the velocity Vrad is 1.79 km/s. For the outer ring, R=15.7 AU, Vrot=8.79 km/s, and Vrad=2.61 km/s. 相似文献
Results of a multi-faceted study of the H2O maser emission in the region ON2 N carried out on the Very Large Array (VLA, NRAO) and 22-m radio telescope of the Pushchino
Radio Astronomy Observatory are reported. The envelope around the ultracompact HII region is fairly extended and has a composite,
strongly fragmented structure. The maser emission zone consists of single spots and spot clusters arranged along an arc, which
is associated with a ram shock front. This shock front is nonsta-tionary, and its position changes with time. The front position
probably depends on the state of activity of the central star. There can be turbulent motions of material in clusters as well
as individual maser spots (such as turbulent vortices). In the turbulent-vortex model, the size of an H2O maser spot is estimated to be 0.07–0.1 AU. Flux-correlated radial-velocity drifts of emission features have been detected,
which can be accompanied by spatial displacement (proper motion) of maser spots. 相似文献
Petrological and experimental studies demonstrated that nepheline-normative, SiO2-rich melts can be present in the upper mantle at pressures 1.5 GPa. To evaluate the role of such melts in mantle processes and magma genesis, we carried out two types of experiments: (1) melt distribution experiments to characterize the grain-scale distribution of a small fraction of typical SiO2-rich mantle melt (SRMM) in polycrystalline olivine (Ol) at 1,180°C, 1.2 GPa; and (2) an infiltration experiment to test the ability of SRMM to impregnate and metasomatise neighbouring non-molten mantle rocks. The median dihedral angles at Ol-Ol-SRMM contacts are equal to 50°, implying that melt should be interconnected at all melt fractions. Complications arise, however, in the investigated system because Ol–liquid interfacial energy is anisotropic, and we estimate that the connectivity threshold in the SRMM–Ol system is 0.3 vol%. Regarding the very low volume fraction of SRMM in peridotites, we conclude that these melts either occur as isolated pockets or form a network of grain edge channels with a low degree of connectivity due to a large number of dry grain edges. Even in the case where an interconnected network exists, their large viscosities should prohibit the extraction of SRMM from peridotite sources. The infiltration experiment also points to a very reduced mobility of SRMM in the upper mantle. In this experiment, a slice of synthetic dunite was immersed into a magma reservoir made of 60 wt% SRMM+40 wt% Ol, and subjected to 1,180°C-1.2 GPa for 113 h: despite this long duration, the SiO2-rich liquid was unable to infiltrate measurably the dunite. Our experiments do not support the hypothesis that SRMM represent agents of mantle metasomatism. 相似文献
Strong flares of the H2O maser emission in sources associated with active star-forming regions are analyzed. The main characteristics of 13 flares
in nine sources selected using special criteria are presented. The observed phenomena are explained as flares in double emission
features. The approach of two emission features in the spectrum with increasing flux and their recession with decreasing flux
is explained using a model with two physically related clumps of material that are partially superposed in the line of sight.
Calculations have shown that, in this type of model, exponential amplification (unsaturated maser emission) in the overlapping
parts of the clumps can produce the observed line narrowing with increasing flux. In most cases, the maser spots are inhomogeneous.
During the evolution of some flares, the maser condensations may split into separate fragments. A less catastrophic evolutionary
path may be an initial stage of formation of chainlike structures, which are fairly widespread in envelopes around ultracompact
HII regions. 相似文献
S. M. S. Niknejad H. Savoji M. Pourafshari Chenar M. Soltanieh 《International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology》2017,14(2):375-384
In this work, permeation of mixed gases H2S/CH4 through commercial polyphenylene oxide (PPO) hollow fiber and poly (ester urethane) urea (PEUU) flat membranes was studied at pressures of 345–689 kPa, at ambient temperature and at 313.15 K. Various H2S concentrations of about 100–5000 ppm in CH4 binary synthetic gas mixtures as well as a real natural gas sample obtained from a gas refinery containing 0.3360 mol.% H2S (equivalent to 3360 ppm) were tested. It was observed that the permeance of components was affected by the balance between competitive sorption and plasticization effects. Separation factors of H2S/CH4 were in the range of 1.3–2.9, 1.8–3.1 and 2.2–4.3 at pressures of 345, 517 and 689 kPa, respectively. In the range of 101–5008 ppm of H2S in CH4, the effect of temperature on the separation factor was nearly negligible; however, permeances of both components of the mixtures increased with temperature. Additionally, the results obtained by PEUU membrane indicated that it was a better choice for hydrogen sulfide separation from H2S/CH4 mixtures than PPO. For PPO membrane, removal of hydrogen sulfide from high-concentration (up to 5008 ppm) binary mixtures of H2S/CH4 was compared with that of low concentration (as low as 101 ppm) through PPO. At concentrations of 101–968 ppm, plasticization was dominant compared with the competitive sorption, while for the H2S feed concentrations of 3048 ppm, the competitive sorption effect was dominant. For H2S concentration of 5008 ppm, the balance between these two effects played an important role for explanation of its trend. 相似文献
An analysis of the H2O maser emission associated with protoplanetary disks is presented. Triplet H2O spectra can be formed at certain stages in the evolution of Keplerian disks. The dependence of the mass of the central star in the Keplerian disk on the disk radius is derived. The calculations are based on the distribution of the water-vapor molecules (maser spots). In S140, the observed elongated maser spots (chains) with a smoothly varying line-of-sight velocity are interpreted as protoplanetary structures with a small intrinsic rotation. 相似文献
We present the results of a variability study of some H2O maser-emission components of Sgr B2, which is located in an active star-forming region. Our monitoring was conducted in 1982–2004 with the 22-m radio telescope of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory. We analyze brightness variations for the strongest groups of emission features in the H2O spectra, mainly during periods of maser flaring activity. Each of these groups contains many components, whose radial velocities and fluxes we determined. Most of the components displayed radial-velocity drifts. We detected a correlation between the flux and radial-velocity variations for some of the components. Variability of the emission can be explained in a model in which the maser spots form elongated chains and filaments with radial-velocity gradients. During H2O flares, the flux increases of some maser spots were accompanied by acceleration, while flux decreases were accompanied by deceleration of their motion in the dense circumstellar matter. Spectral groups of emission features are probably spatially compact structures. 相似文献
Priscille Lesne Bruno Scaillet Michel Pichavant Giada Iacono-Marziano Jean-Michel Beny 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》2011,162(1):133-151
Experiments were conducted to determine the water solubility of alkali basalts from Etna, Stromboli and Vesuvius volcanoes,
Italy. The basaltic melts were equilibrated at 1,200°C with pure water, under oxidized conditions, and at pressures ranging
from 163 to 3,842 bars. Our results show that at pressures above 1 kbar, alkali basalts dissolve more water than typical mid-ocean
ridge basalts (MORB). Combination of our data with those from previous studies allows the following simple empirical model
for the water solubility of basalts of varying alkalinity and fO2 to be derived:
\textH 2 \textO( \textwt% ) = \text H 2 \textO\textMORB ( \textwt% ) + ( 5.84 ×10 - 5 *\textP - 2.29 ×10 - 2 ) ×( \textNa2 \textO + \textK2 \textO )( \textwt% ) + 4.67 ×10 - 2 ×\Updelta \textNNO - 2.29 ×10 - 1 {\text{H}}_{ 2} {\text{O}}\left( {{\text{wt}}\% } \right) = {\text{ H}}_{ 2} {\text{O}}_{\text{MORB}} \left( {{\text{wt}}\% } \right) + \left( {5.84 \times 10^{ - 5} *{\text{P}} - 2.29 \times 10^{ - 2} } \right) \times \left( {{\text{Na}}_{2} {\text{O}} + {\text{K}}_{2} {\text{O}}} \right)\left( {{\text{wt}}\% } \right) + 4.67 \times 10^{ - 2} \times \Updelta {\text{NNO}} - 2.29 \times 10^{ - 1} where H2OMORB is the water solubility at the calculated P, using the model of Dixon et al. (1995). This equation reproduces the existing database on water solubilities in basaltic melts to within 5%. Interpretation of
the speciation data in the context of the glass transition theory shows that water speciation in basalt melts is severely
modified during quench. At magmatic temperatures, more than 90% of dissolved water forms hydroxyl groups at all water contents,
whilst in natural or synthetic glasses, the amount of molecular water is much larger. A regular solution model with an explicit
temperature dependence reproduces well-observed water species. Derivation of the partial molar volume of molecular water using
standard thermodynamic considerations yields values close to previous findings if room temperature water species are used.
When high temperature species proportions are used, a negative partial molar volume is obtained for molecular water. Calculation
of the partial molar volume of total water using H2O solubility data on basaltic melts at pressures above 1 kbar yields a value of 19 cm3/mol in reasonable agreement with estimates obtained from density measurements. 相似文献
Jim Watkins Michael Manga Christian Huber Michael Martin 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》2009,157(2):163-172
Spherulites are spherical clusters of radiating crystals that occur naturally in rhyolitic obsidian. The growth of spherulites
requires diffusion and uptake of crystal forming components from the host rhyolite melt or glass, and rejection of non-crystal
forming components from the crystallizing region. Water concentration profiles measured by synchrotron-source Fourier transform
spectroscopy reveal that water is expelled into the surrounding matrix during spherulite growth, and that it diffuses outward
ahead of the advancing crystalline front. We compare these profiles to models of water diffusion in rhyolite to estimate timescales
for spherulite growth. Using a diffusion-controlled growth law, we find that spherulites can grow on the order of days to
months at temperatures above the glass transition. The diffusion-controlled growth law also accounts for spherulite size distribution,
spherulite growth below the glass transition, and why spherulitic glasses are not completely devitrified.
An erratum to this article can be found at 相似文献
O. S. Bayandina I. E. Val’tts S. E. Kurtz G. M. Rudnitskij A. V. Alakoz 《Astronomy Reports》2017,61(6):487-502
We report H2O maser line observations of the bright-rimmed globule IC 1396 N using a ground-space interferometer with the 10-m RadioAstron radio telescope as the space-based element. The source was not detected on projected baselines >2.3. Earth diameters, which indicates a lower limit on the maser size of L > 0.03 AU and an upper limit on the brightness temperature of 6.25 × 1012 K. Fringe-rate maps are prepared based on data from ground-ground baselines. Positions, velocities and flux densities of maser spots were determined. Multiple low-velocity features from ?4.5 km/s to +0.7 km/s are seen, and two high-velocity features of V LSR = ?9.4 km/s and V LSR = +4.4 km/s are found at projected distances of 157 AU and 70 AU, respectively, from the strongest low-velocity feature at V LSR = ~+0.3 km/s. Maser components from the central part of the spectrum fall into four velocity groups but into three spatial groups. Three spatial groups of low-velocity features detected in the 2014 observations are arranged in a linear structure about ~200 AU in length. Two of these groups were not detected in 1996 and possibly are jets which formed between 1996 and 2014. The putative jet seems to have changed direction in 18 years, which we explain by the precession of the jet under the influence of the gravity of material surrounding the globule. The jet collimation can be provided by a circumstellar protoplanetary disk. There is a straight line orientation in the “V LSR-Right Ascension” diagram between the jet and the maser group at V LSR = ~+0.3 km/s. However, the central group with the same position but at the velocity V LSR ~ ?3.4 km/s falls on a straight line between two high-velocity components detected in 2014. Comparison of the low-velocity positions from 2014 and 1996, based on the same V LSR-Right Ascension diagram for low-velocity features, shows that the majority of the masers maintain their positions near the central velocity V LSR = ~0.3 km/s during the 18 year period. 相似文献
Adsorption of H2O, NH3 and C6H6 on H- and alkali metal-exchanged structures of mordenite and on corresponding cations on the smectite layer is investigated
by ab initio density-functional calculations. Proton or an alkali metal cation compensates one Al/Si framework substitution
and resides in the extra-framework position of zeolite or above flat smectite layer close to the Al/Si substitution. Pronounced
similarities between zeolite and smectite are observed in changes of the adsorption energies and location of the external
cation with changing character of the external cation. Calculated adsorption energies exhibit the following trend: E(NH3) > E(H2O) > E(C6H6). Because of looser contact with the framework, zeolitic cations are stronger adsorption centers and calculated adsorption
energies of zeolites are by ~20–30% larger than cations of smectites. The highest adsorption energy is calculated for H-exchanged
structures and down the group of alkali metal cations a decrease of the adsorption energy is observed. Deviations from the
smooth variation of the adsorption energy are caused by: (1) formation of strong hydrogen bonds in H-exchanged structures,
(2) adsorption induced migration of the external Li+ cation, and (3) steric hindrances of the flat C6H6 molecule adsorbed on the cation in the cage of zeolite. 相似文献