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This article presents a concept of a Web-based spatial multiple criteria evaluation tool for individual and group use called Choice Modeler (CM). CM was originally conceived as part of a larger Participatory Geographic Information System for Transportation project (PGIST; http://www.pgist.org ) aimed at developing and evaluating Internet-hosted capabilities to support participatory decision processes. CM is designed to be either a part of a larger information system such as PGIST or a standalone tool used for evaluation of decision variants. The decision support functions provided by CM aid in reducing the cognitive complexity of the decision space characterized by multiple decision options, evaluation criteria, and criterion weights. This is achieved by incorporating in CM the sensitivity analysis functions for the identification of criteria that do not influence the decision option ranking. Users can remove such criteria from further consideration and thus lessen the cognitive burden of evaluation, which may be essential in multi-stakeholder participatory decision processes. The additional capabilities of CM include a vote aggregation function to collate individual option rankings into a group ranking, and measures of agreement/disagreement to inform the participants about a group-derived desirability of specific decision options. The design of CM was implemented using Web-service architecture. In the article we describe the design of CM and discuss its advantages and limitations.  相似文献   

随着位置信息在各行各业中的广泛应用,空间大数据得到迅猛发展.空间大数据除具有数据量大的特点之外,还具有复杂性,同时,越来越多的应用对数据的实时性也有较高的要求.传统的GIS软件在承载和处理空间数据时,也面临越来越多的挑战,如难以对复杂多样的空间数据进行一体化存储和管理;传统GIS软件架构和单机处理能力,无法对较大体量(10亿条记录或更大)的空间数据进行分析.本文从分布式存储技术、分布式空间处理计算技术和分布式计算协调技术三个方面阐述如何应对上述问题,并提出了将Spark分布式框架和Su-perMap iObject for Spark空间处理引擎相结合的分布式空间处理计算技术,以及数据库的一体化管理和监控技术,实现对多种数据库如PostgreSQL集群、MongoDB和Elasticsearch的统一管理和监控.  相似文献   

基于GIS的城市人防工程空间分析模型的建立与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高城市人防工程的管理水平,利用地理信息系统技术(GIS)的空间分析功能,首先在分析城市人防工程的实体—关系模型(E-R模型)的基础上,根据GIS空间分析的特点,提出了基于空间分析的城市人防工程的数据库结构;其次,根据城市人防工程规划、管理和施工的需要,建立了城市人防工程设备的承载力、辐射范围缓冲图、人口疏散隐蔽路线最佳路径、地下人防工程3维分析等几种空间分析模型,并对各种模型的表示内容和实现方法进行了阐述,从而实现了城市人防工程的可视化和动态化管理。该模型在广州市人防工程综合管理信息系统应用后,提高了广州市的城市人防工程的管理水平,促进了该人防办的数字化进程。  相似文献   

Selection of a suitable landfill site for Solid Waste Management (SWM) forms an important component of urban planning. The problem of SWM has assumed significant proportion for the municipal authorities in the wake of rapid industrialization, urbanization and resultant pressure on existing resources. Many criteria such as distance from residential locations, transport connectivity, presence of water-bodies (drains, ponds, rivers etc.) and forests, ground water table and geology are taken into consideration while planning for suitable sites. Spatial Analyst Tool along with Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) model is extremely useful in such multicriteria decision making process. The present study, based on these tools/techniques, endeavours to identify a suitable location for landfill site in a part of the National Capital Territory of Delhi. The study identifies six potential sites out of which one has been proposed and recommended as the best suitable site.  相似文献   

地形高度是影响土地利用空间格局分布的影响因素之一,本文以韶关市大塘镇为研究区,基于研究区的DEM和土地利用现状图,利用GIS提取研究区的地形高程及土地利用信息,并将各地形高度与土地利用图进行叠加分析,研究地形高度与土地利用空间格局的关系。研究结果表明:1随着高程增加,各土地利用类型的面积及占土地总面积的比例都呈下降趋势;2土地利用类型占该该类土地利用的比重均在第一级高程或第二级高程达到最大值,随高程增加,分布比重逐渐下降;3低高程区域土地利用较为破碎,高高程区域土地利用较为集中,以林地为主。  相似文献   

Spatial analysis is an important area of research which continues to make major contributions to the exploratory capabilities of geographical information systems. The use and application of classic clustering methods is being pursued as an exploratory approach for the analysis of spatially referenced data. Numerous potential clustering approaches exist, so research assessing the relative differences of these approaches is important. This paper evaluates the median and central points optimization based clustering approaches for use in the context of exploratory spatial data analysis. Functional and visual comparisons using three spatial applications across a range of cluster values are carried out. The empirical results suggest that these two clustering approaches identify very similar groupings. The significance of this finding is that the development of clustering tools for exploratory analysis may be limited to the median based approach given relative computational and solvability considerations. Received: 28 September 1998/Accepted: 9 August 1999  相似文献   

GIS空间关系的基本问题与研究进展   总被引:90,自引:13,他引:77  
陈军  赵仁亮 《测绘学报》1999,28(2):95-102
空间关系是GIS的重要理论问题之一,在GIS空间数据建模,空间查询,空间分析,空间推理,制图综合,地图理解等过程中起着重要的作用。目前国际上对空间关系的研究主要集中在空间关系的语义问题,空间关系描述空间关系表达,基于空间关系的分析等方面。  相似文献   

针对目前水资源问题的越发严重,雨水资源的利用受到越来越多的关注和重视。充分利用雨水资源可以补给城市水源,涵养地下水,防治雨洪灾害。平原区作为人类活动的主要区域,雨水的利用更具有研究意义。本文以崂山区的平原区为例,估算了雨水资源总量、雨水资源理论潜力和雨水资源实际潜力,然后根据实际情况对雨水资源的利用进行了研究分析。  相似文献   

This article introduces a software package named GeoSurveillance that combines spatial statistical techniques and GIS routines to perform tests for the detection and monitoring of spatial clustering. GeoSurveillance provides both retrospective and prospective tests. While retrospective tests are applied to spatial data collected for a particular point in time, prospective tests attempt to incorporate the dynamic nature of spatial patterns via analyzing time-series data to detect emergent clusters as quickly as possible. This article will outline the structure of GeoSurveillance as well as describe the statistical cluster detection methods implemented in the software. It concludes with an illustration of the use of the software to analyze the spatial pattern of low birth weights in Los Angeles County, California.   相似文献   

Virtual globes have been developed to showcase different types of data combining a digital elevation model and basemaps of high resolution satellite imagery. Hence, they became a standard to share spatial data and information, although they suffer from a lack of toolboxes dedicated to the formatting of large geoscientific dataset. From this perspective, we developed Geolokit: a free and lightweight software that allows geoscientists – and every scientist working with spatial data – to import their data (e.g., sample collections, structural geology, cross-sections, field pictures, georeferenced maps), to handle and to transcribe them to Keyhole Markup Language (KML) files. KML files are then automatically opened in the Google Earth virtual globe and the spatial data accessed and shared. Geolokit comes with a large number of dedicated tools that can process and display: (i) multi-points data, (ii) scattered data interpolations, (iii) structural geology features in 2D and 3D, (iv) rose diagrams, stereonets and dip-plunge polar histograms, (v) cross-sections and oriented rasters, (vi) georeferenced field pictures, (vii) georeferenced maps and projected gridding.Therefore, together with Geolokit, Google Earth becomes not only a powerful georeferenced data viewer but also a stand-alone work platform. The toolbox (available online at http://www.geolokit.org) is written in Python, a high-level, cross-platform programming language and is accessible through a graphical user interface, designed to run in parallel with Google Earth, through a workflow that requires no additional third party software. Geolokit features are demonstrated in this paper using typical datasets gathered from two case studies illustrating its applicability at multiple scales of investigation: a petro-structural investigation of the Ile d’Yeu orthogneissic unit (Western France) and data collection of the Mariana oceanic subduction zone (Western Pacific).  相似文献   

本文介绍一种GIS空间数据采集中概率松弛与神经网络的组合模型,该模型用于地图分色和立体影像的整体匹配。  相似文献   

建立地震灾害损失评估数据库是以ILWIS和PCARC/INFOGIS软件为工作平台。它能支持矢量格式的专题图件、栅格形成的遥感数据及关系表中的属性数据;它还可以实现矢量-栅格转换;而且数据库中的属性数据作为一个独立的关系表格存贮,并对应于其相关的空间单元。该数据库是以1976年唐山地震的航空遥感资料为基础,主要分3步进行。第一:建立地震区的基础地理数据库,包括:地理坐标、河流水系、县级行政区、公路、铁路和居民点;第二:应用航空遥感数据(航空影象)进行震区建筑物倒毁、生命线工程破坏及场地震害的分类分级,建立地震灾害数据库;第三:在GIS支持下,生成高烈度区包络线,并进行地震灾害据失评估。  相似文献   

以主体功能区规划为基础,划定“三区三线”是编制县级国土空间规划的前提。本文以霞浦县为例,基于资源环境承载能力评价与国土空间开发适宜性评价(以下简称“双评价”),利用GIS技术手段,开展陆海全覆盖“三区三线”的划定。把陆海统筹作为重要原则,通过霞浦县空间规划“三区三线”划定的实践研究,总结问题与不足,为沿海地区开展县级国土空间规划“三区三线”划定工作提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

黎夏  叶嘉安 《遥感学报》1999,3(3):215-219,247
提出利用遥感和GIS来获得合理的城市发展布局和减少浪费土地资源的新方法。该模型是根据环境经济学资源分配原理和可持续发展理论,通过遥感和GIS的综合来实现。模型的核心就是保证在时间和空间上合理地安排土地资源。由此评价了珠江三角洲东莞市近年来的土地开发,获得了有意义的结果。并通过模型的运算,给出了规划期内的土地利用的优化方案,以减少浪费土地资源的现象。  相似文献   

黎夏  叶嘉安 《遥感学报》1999,3(3):2-219,T001
提出利用遥感和 G I S来获得合理的城市发展布局和减少浪费土地资源的新方法。该模型是根据环境经济学资源分配原理和可持续发展理论,通过遥感和 G I S的结合来实现。模型的核心就是保证在时间和空间上合理地安排土地资源。由此评价了珠江三角洲东莞市近年来的土地开发,获得了有意义的结果。并通过模型的运算,给出了规划期内的土地利用的优化方案,以减少浪费土地资源的现象。  相似文献   

This study introduces a potentially cost-effective methodology to assess habitat quality remotely using anthropogenic variables derived from both Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing. We related anthropogenic impact to organism-level response across the Albertine Rift of East-Africa, which was measured using body condition (BC) in Lophuromys aquilus, the dark-coloured brush-furred rat. We chose seven variables to measure anthropogenic impact, ranging from land cover/land use to nighttime light radiance. Using a principal component analysis, we extracted four components that describe human impact and correlated each with BC. We documented that BC tended to be higher in more disturbed areas. We recommend this GIS-based methodology to relate anthropogenic impact to organismal-level response in the Albertine Rift region, and we provide broad guidelines for its application to assess habitat quality for species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Inventories of temperate forests of Central Europe mainly rely on terrestrial measurements. Rapid alterations of forests by disturbances and multilayer silvicultural systems increasingly challenge the use of conventional plot based inventories, particularly in protected areas. Airborne LiDAR offers an alternative or supplement to conventional inventories, but despite the possibility of obtaining such remote sensing data, its operational use for broader areas in Central Europe remains experimental. We evaluated two methods of forest inventory that use LiDAR data at the landscape level: the single tree segment-based method and an area-based method. We compared a set of structural forest attributes modeled by these methods with a conventional forest inventory of the highly heterogeneous forest of the Bavarian Forest National Park (Germany), which partially includes stands affected by severe natural disturbances. Area-based models were accurate for all structural attributes, with cross-validated average root mean squared error ranging from ∼3.4 to ∼13.4 in the best modeling case. The coefficients of variation for the mapped area-based estimations were mostly minor. The area-based estimations were varied but highly correlated (Pearson’s correlations between ∼ 0.56 and 0.85) with single tree segmentation estimations; undetected trees in the single tree segmentat-based method were the main sources of inconsistency. The single tree segment-based method was highly correlated (∼ 0.54 to 0.90) with data from ground-based forest inventories. The single tree-based algorithm delivered highly reliable estimates for a set of forest structural attributes that are of interest in forest inventories at the landscape scale. We recommend LiDAR forest inventories at the landscape scale in both heterogeneous commercial forests and large protected areas in the central European temperate sites.  相似文献   

Understanding the spatial dimension of fear of crime in the urban environment is important to understanding behaviors in response to this concern. Making this connection between perception and action has long been a goal of scholars in the social and health sciences, though this complex relationship has yet to be fully elucidated. Specifically, in studies on fear of crime and its influence on behavior, a variety of definitions and methods have been employed. This situation has yielded insights, as well as inconsistencies. In the past decade, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has been added to this methodological mix, though it too has contributed limited understanding of the environmental perception-behavior nexus. During this time, some scholars have integrated a traditional technique for accessing environmental perception, the sketch map, with this newer technology. This article provides a review and critical assessment of the way GIS has been used to understand fear of crime, specifically through the integration of sketch maps. This focus is framed by an overview of substantive and methodological concerns and concludes with a discussion of continued research needs. As behavioral responses to fear of crime are acknowledged to impact physical and mental health and overall well-being, in addition to the viability of neighborhoods, research in this area will continue apace. However, for integration of sketch maps in GIS to be a valuable methodological contributor to this line of inquiry, users of the approach must understand its complexities. This article outlines these issues so that they may be considered in future research and may improve the ability for this approach to yield new understanding of fear of crime.  相似文献   

从城乡规划空间数据目前存在的问题入手,着眼于未来规划业务对空间数据的需求,对城乡规划空间数据分类体系、数据建设标准和数据库建设的组织等进行了深入研究,试图建立一个标准统一、数据共享、技术含量高、服务于规划编制的城乡规划空间数据库,作为构建完善、优质、高效的数据管理模式与共享服务体系的基础性工作。  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of an image-based integrated method for determining and mapping aerosol optical thickness (AOT). Using the radiative transfer (RT) equation, a methodology was developed to create a Geographical Information System (GIS) model that can visually display the AOT distribution over urban areas. In this paper, the model was applied to eleven Landsat Thematic Mapper/Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (TM/ETM+) satellite images of Limassol, Cyprus during 2010 and 2011 to determine the AOT levels in Limassol Cyprus during satellite overpass. The study is innovative and unique in that the RT equation, satellite images, the darkest pixel (DP) method of atmospheric correction and GIS were integrated to derive AOT from satellite images and display the AOT distribution over an urban area without the input of any meteorological or atmospheric parameters. The accuracy of the algorithm was verified through statistical analysis by the strong agreement between the AOT values derived using the algorithm and the in situ AOT values from the ground-based sensors.  相似文献   

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