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We have constructed a new bathymetric chart of part of the Chile transform system, based mainly on an R/V “Endeavor” survey from 100°W to its intersection with the East Ridge of the Juan Fernandez microplate at 34°30′S, 109°15′W. A generally continuous lineated trend can be followed through the entire region, with the transform valley being relatively narrow and well-defined from 109°W to approximately 104°30′W. The fracture zone then widens to the east, with at least two probable en echelon offsets to the south at 104° and 102°W. Six new strike-slip mechanisms along the Chile Transform and one normal fault mechanism near the northern end of the Chile Rise, inverted together with other plate motion data from the eastern portion of the boundary, produce a new best fit Euler pole for the Nazca-Antarctic plate pair, providing tighter constraints on the relative plate motions.  相似文献   

Submersible investigations along the East Rift segments, the Pito Deep and the Terevaka transform fault of the Easter microplate eastern boundary, and on a thrust-fault area of the Nazca Plate collected a variety of basalts and dolerites. The volcanics consist essentially of depleted (N-MORB), transitional (T-MORB) and enriched (E-MORB) basalts with low (0.01−0.1, < 0.7), intermediate (0.12–0.25, 0.7–1.2) and high (> 0.25, > 1.2–2) K/Ti and(La/Sm)N ratios, respectively. The Fe-Ti-rich ferrobasalt encountered among the N-MORBs are found on the Pito Deep Central volcano, on the Terevaka intra-transform ridge, on the ancient (< 2.5 Ma) Easter microplate (called EMP, comprising the East Rift Inner pseudofaults and Pito Deep west walls) and on thrust-fault crusts. The most enriched (T- and E-MORB) volcanics occur along the East Rift at 25 °50′–27 °S (called 26 °S East Rift) and on the Pito seamount located near the tip of the East Rift at 23 °00′–23 °40′S (called 23 °S East Rift). The diversity in incompatible element ratios of the basalts in relation to their structural setting suggests that the volcanics are derived from a similar heterogenous mantle which underwent variable degrees of partial melting and magma mixing. In addition the Pito seamount volcanics have undergone less crystal fractionation (< 20%) than the lavas from the other Easter microplate structures (up to 35–45%). The tectonic segmentation of the East Rift observed between 23 and 27 °S corresponds to petrological discontinuities related to Mg# variations and mantle melting conditions. The highest Mg# (> 61) are found on topographic highs (2000–2300 m) and lower values (Mg# < 56) at the extremities of the East Rift segments (2500–5600 m depths). The deepest area (5600 m) along the East Rift is located at 23 °S and coincides with a Central volcano constructed on the floor of the Pito Deep. Three major compositional variabilities of the volcanics are observed along the East Rift segments studied: (1) the 26 °S East Rift segment where the volcanics have intermediate Na8 (2.5–2.8%) and Fe8 (8.5–11%) contents; (2) the 23 °S East Rift segment (comprising Pito seamount and Pito Deep Central volcano) which shows the highest (2.9–3.4%) values of Na8 and a low (8–9%) Fe8 content; and (3) the 25 °S (at 24 °50′–26 °10′S) and the 24 °S (at 24 °10′–25 °S) East Rift segments where most of the volcanics have low to intermediate Na8 (2.6–2.0%) and a high range of Fe8 (9–13%) contents. When modeling mantle melting conditions, we observed a relative increase in the extent of partial melting and decreasing melting pressure. These localized trends are in agreement with a 3-D type diapiric upwelling in the sense postulated by Niu and Batiza (1993). Diapiric mantle upwelling and melting localized underneath the 26, 25 and 23 °S (Pito seamount and Central volcano) East Rift segments are responsable for the differences observed in the volcanics. The extent of partial melting varies from 14 to 19% in the lithosphere between 18 and 40 km deep as inferred from the calculated initial (Po=16kbar) and final melting (Pf=7kbar) pressures along the various East Rift segments. The lowest range of partial melting (14–16%) is confined to the volcanics from 23 °S East Rift segment including the Pito seamount and the Central volcano. The Thrust-fault area, and the Terevaka intra-transform show comparable mantle melting regimes to the 25 and 26 °S East Rift segments. The older lithosphere of the EMP interior is believed to have been the site of high partial melting (17–20%) confined to the deeper melting area (29–50 km). This increase in melting with increasing pressure is similar to the conditions encountered underneath the South East Pacific Rise (13–20 °S).  相似文献   

The Andes between 36°30′ and 37°S represent a Cretaceous fold and thrust belt strongly reactivated in the late Miocene. Most of the features that absorbed Neogene shortening were already uplifted in the late Cretaceous, as revealed by field mapping and confirmed by previous fission track analysis. This Andean section is formed by two sectors: a western-inner sector generated by the closure of the upper Oligocene-lower Miocene intra-arc Cura Mallín basin between the middle and late Miocene (Guañacos fold and thrust belt), and an eastern-outer sector, where late Triassic-early Jurassic extensional depocenters were exhumed in two discrete phases of contraction, in the latest early Cretaceous and late Miocene to the Present, respectively (Chos Malal fold and thrust belt). Late Miocene deformation has not homogeneously reactivated Cretaceous compressive structures, being minimal south of 37°30′S through the eastern-outer sector (southern continuation of the Chos Malal fold and thrust belt). The reason for such an inhomogeneous deformational evolution seems to be related to the development of a late Miocene shallow subduction regime between 34°30′ and 37°45′S, as it was proposed in previous studies. This shallow subduction zone is evidenced by the eastward expansion of the arc that was accompanied by the eastern displacement of the orogenic front at these latitudes. As a result, the Cretaceous fold and thrust belt were strongly reactivated north of 37°30′S producing the major topographic break along the Southern Central Andes.  相似文献   

We report results from an investigation of the geologic processes controlling hydrothermal activity along the previously-unstudied southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (3–7°S). Our study employed the NOC (UK) deep-tow sidescan sonar instrument, TOBI, in concert with the WHOI (USA) autonomous underwater vehicle, ABE, to collect information concerning hydrothermal plume distributions in the water column co-registered with geologic investigations of the underlying seafloor. Two areas of high-temperature hydrothermal venting were identified. The first was situated in a non-transform discontinuity (NTD) between two adjacent second-order ridge-segments near 4°02′S, distant from any neovolcanic activity. This geologic setting is very similar to that of the ultramafic-hosted and tectonically-controlled Rainbow vent-site on the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The second site was located at 4°48′S at the axial-summit centre of a second-order ridge-segment. There, high-temperature venting is hosted in an  18 km2 area of young lava flows which in some cases are observed to have flowed over and engulfed pre-existing chemosynthetic vent-fauna. In both appearance and extent, these lava flows are directly reminiscent of those emplaced in Winter 2005−06 at the East Pacific Rise, 9°50′N and reference to global seismic catalogues reveals that a swarm of large (M 4.6−5.6) seismic events was centred on the 5°S segment over a  24 h period in late June 2002, perhaps indicating the precise timing of this volcanic eruptive episode. Temperature measurements at one of the vents found directly adjacent to the fresh lava flows at 5°S MAR (Turtle Pits) have subsequently revealed vent-fluids that are actively phase separating under conditions very close to the Critical Point for seawater, at  3000 m depth and 407 °C: the hottest vent-fluids yet reported from anywhere along the global ridge crest.  相似文献   

New K/Ar dating and geochemical analyses have been carried out on the WNW–ESE elongated oceanic island of S. Jorge to reconstruct the volcanic evolution of a linear ridge developed close to the Azores triple junction. We show that S. Jorge sub-aerial construction encompasses the last 1.3 Myr, a time interval far much longer than previously reported. The early development of the ridge involved a sub-aerial building phase exposed in the southeast end of the island and now constrained between 1.32 ± 0.02 and 1.21 ± 0.02 Ma. Basic lavas from this older stage are alkaline and enriched in incompatible elements, reflecting partial melting of an enriched mantle source. At least three differentiation cycles from alkaline basalts to mugearites are documented within this stage. The successive episodes of magma rising, storage and evolution suggest an intermittent re-opening of the magma feeding system, possibly due to recurrent tensional or trans-tensional tectonic events. Present data show a gap in sub-aerial volcanism before a second main ongoing building phase starting at about 750 ka. Sub-aerial construction of the S. Jorge ridge migrated progressively towards the west, but involved several overlapping volcanic episodes constrained along the main WNW–ESE structural axis of the island. Mafic magmas erupted during the second phase have been also generated by partial melting of an enriched mantle source. Trace element data suggest, however, variable and lower degrees of partial melting of a shallower mantle domain, which is interpreted as an increasing control of lithospheric deformation on the genesis and extraction of primitive melts during the last 750 kyr. The multi-stage development of the S. Jorge volcanic ridge over the last 1.3 Myr has most likely been greatly influenced by regional tectonics, controlled by deformation along the diffuse boundary between the Nubian and the Eurasian plates, and the increasing effect of sea-floor spreading at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.  相似文献   

Sixty-six K---Ar dates from igneous rocks in the central Chilean Andes between 33° and 38°S are reported in this study. From these results and observed field relations, major Cenozoic volcanic and intrusive rock units are divided into chronologic groups representing igneous events.Volcanic units of Oligocene (33.3–27.9 m.y.) and Early Miocene (20.2 m.y.) age have been dated west of the present range at 33°S but neither the magnitude nor extent of these volcanic events has yet been established. Extensive Middle to Late Miocene volcanism (15.3–6.4 m.y.) followed by regional folding is recognized in the map area between 35° 20′ and 36°S. Partly contemporaneous Middle Miocene volcanism (18.4–13.7 m.y.) also followed by regional folding is recorded in the Andes between 37° 30′ and 38°S. General volcanic quiescence from 6.4 to 2.5 m.y. is observed in the map area but whether this volcanic hiatus is of regional significance is not known.The majority of the K---Ar dates document a history of nearly continuous volcanism throughout the last 2.5 m.y. in the map area. The abundant and diverse sequences of volcanic strata formed during this time, have been divided into four successive age groups which as map units show the evolution and distribution of latest volcanic activity.Landforms preserved by this volcanic series show that topographic relief similar to the present has prevailed during this time. Deep incision of rivers into young volcanic terrain, estimated to be on the order of 1–2 m/1000 years, has produced a complex volcanic and morphologic record.Four plutons dated in this study give ages of 62.0, 41.3, 19.5, and 7.0 m.y. No spatial pattern of emplacement is observed in the map area where three of these plutons are represented.Similarities in structural style, orientation and degree of deformation of Miocene and Mesozoic strata suggest that Late Miocene regional folding may have accounted for a significant part of the observed deformation in older basement strata previously ascribed to earlier orogenies.A regional comparison of ages of recognized igneous and tectonic event at different latitudes in the central and southern Andes shows the gross chronology of Cenozoic events which can be correlated with sea-floor spreading and subduction events.  相似文献   

Along the deformation front of the North Ecuador–South Colombia (NESC) margin, both surface heat flow and trench sediment thickness show prominent along-strike variations, indicating significant spatial variations in sedimentation rate. Investigating these variations helps us address the important question of how trench sedimentation influences the temperature distribution along the interplate contact and the extent of the megathrust seismogenic zone. We examine this issue by analysing 1/ a new dense reflection data set, 2/ pre-stack depth migration of selected multichannel seismic reflection lines, 3/ numerous newly-identified bottom-simulating reflectors and 4/ the first heat probe measurements in the region. We develop thermal models that include sediment deposition and compaction on the cooling oceanic plate as well as viscous corner flow in the mantle wedge. We estimate that the temperature from 60–150 °C to 350–450 °C, commonly associated with the updip and downdip limits of the seismogenic zone, extends along the plate interface over a downdip distance of 160 to 190 ± 20 km. We conclude that the updip limit of the seismogenic zone for the great megathrust earthquake of 1979 is associated with low-temperature (60–70 °C) processes. Our models also suggest that 60–70% of the two-fold decrease in measured heat flow from 3°N to 2.8°N is related to an abrupt southward increase in sedimentation rate in the trench. Such a change may potentially induce a landward shift of the 60–150 °C isotherms, and thus the updip limit of the seismogenic zone, by 10 to 20 km.  相似文献   

A geochronological study of the Filicudi, Salina, Lipari and Vulcano Islands (Aeolian Archipelago) using the unspiked potassium–argon technique provides new age data which, combined with stratigraphic correlation, better constrain the temporal evolution of volcanism. The unspiked K–Ar age of the oldest exposed lavas on Filicudi, 219±5 ka, is significantly younger than the previous estimation of 1.02 Ma. In the general context of Aeolian volcanism, this new date suggests that the volcanism of the western sector of the Aeolian Archipelago is younger than previously thought. Geochronological data point out on the rapid transition from calc–alkaline to potassic volcanism. The distribution of the K–Ar ages within the Salina–Lipari–Vulcano group shows that the volcanism started on Lipari and propagated over time northward on Salina and southward on Vulcano. Geochronological and geophysical data suggest that the onset of volcanism in the central sector of the Aeolian Arc may be due to a mantle upwelling structure located below Lipari. A change in the style of the eruptions occurred in the Salina–Lipari–Vulcano system at about 100 ka from the present. Low-energy magmatic eruptions occurred between 188 and about 100 ka. From about 100 ka to the present, higher-energy eruptions and low-energy events due to magma–water interaction also occurred. This change in the style of activity, together with the appearance of evolved products (i.e. rhyolites) during the last 50 ka, is consistent with the formation of magmatic reservoirs located at shallower depth with respect to those of the 188–100-ka period. The new geochronological data and available petrological models reveal that a change in the deep source of the primary magmas occurred in a relatively short time interval.  相似文献   

We carried out viscosity measurements and sampling of a crystal suspension derived from alkali olivine basalt from the Matsuura district, SW Japan, at subliquidus temperatures from 1230 °C to 1140 °C under 1 atm with NNO oxygen buffered conditions. Viscosity increased from 31 to 1235 Pa s with a decrease in temperature from 1230 to 1140 °C. On cooling, olivine first appeared at 1210 °C, followed by plagioclase at 1170 °C. The crystal content of the sample attained 31 vol.% at 1140 °C (plagioclase 22%, olivine 9%). Non-Newtonian behaviors, including thixotropy and shear thinning, were pronounced in the presence of tabular plagioclase crystals. The cause of such behavior is discussed in relation to shear-induced changes in melt–crystal textures. Relative viscosities, ηr (= ηs / ηm, where ηs and ηm are the viscosities of the suspension and the melt, respectively), were obtained by calculating melt viscosities from the melt composition and temperature at 1 atm using the equation proposed by Giordano and Dingwell [Giordano, D., Dingwell, D.B., 2003. Non-Arrhenian multicomponent melt viscosity: a model. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 208, 337–349.]. The obtained relative viscosities are generally consistent with the Einstein–Roscoe relation, which represents ηr for suspensions that contain equant and equigranular crystals, even though the crystal suspension analyzed in the present experiments contained tabular plagioclase and granular olivine of various grain sizes. This consistency is attributed to the fact that the effect of crystal shape was counterbalanced by the effect of the dispersion of crystal size. The applicability of the Einstein–Roscoe equation with respect to crystal shape is discussed on the basis of the present experimental results. Our experiments and those of Sato [Sato, H., 2005. Viscosity measurement of subliquidus magmas: 1707 basalt of Fuji volcano. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 100, 133–142.] show that the relationship between relative viscosity and crystal fraction is consistent with the Einstein–Roscoe relationship for axial ratios that are smaller than the critical value of 4–6.5, but discrepancies occur for higher ratios.  相似文献   

We document the thermal record of breakup of the conjugate Rio Muni (West Africa) and NE Brazil margins using apatite fission track analysis, vitrinite reflectance data and stratigraphic observations from both margins. These results permit determination of the timing of four cooling episodes, and the temperature of samples at the onset of each episode. All samples are interpreted to have experienced higher temperatures in the geological past due to i) elevated basal heatflow (palaeogeothermal gradient in Rio Muni-1 well decaying from 58 °C/km during the Mid Cretaceous to 21.5 °C/km in the Late Cenozoic) and ii) progressive exhumation from formerly greater burial depth. A well constrained history of changing palaeogeothermal gradient allows for much more precise quantification of the thickness of eroded section (exhumation) than if a constant heatflow is assumed. Cooling episodes identified from the palaeotemperature data at 110–95 Ma (both margins) and 85–70 Ma (Rio Muni only) coincide with major unconformities signifying, respectively, the cessation of rifting (breakup) and compressional shortening that affected the African continent following the establishment of post-rift sedimentation (drift). The interval between these separate unconformities is occupied by allochthonous rafts of shallow-water carbonates recording gravitational collapse of a marginal platform. The rift shoulder uplift that triggered this collapse was enhanced by local transpression associated with the obliquely divergent Ascension Fracture Zone, and thermal doming due to the coeval St Helena and Ascension Plumes. The data also reveal a c.45–35 Ma cooling episode, attributed to deep sea erosion at the onset of Eo-Oligocene ice growth, and a c.15–10 Ma episode interpreted as the record of Miocene exhumation of the West African continental margin related to continent-wide plume development. Integration of thermal history methods with traditional seismic- and stratigraphy-based observations yields a dynamic picture of kilometre-scale fluctuations in base level through the breakup and early drift phases of development of these margins. Major unconformities at ocean margins are likely to represent composite surfaces recording not only eustasy, but also regional plate margin-generated deformation, local ‘intra-basinal’ reorganization, and the amplifying effect of negative feedbacks between these processes.  相似文献   

Twenty-four K-Ar radiometric ages are presented for late Cenozoic continental volcanic rocks of the Cordillera Occidental of southernmost Perú (lat. 16° 57′–17° 36′S). Rhyodacitic ignimbrite eruptions began in this transect during the Late Oligocene and continued episodically through the Miocene. The development of andesitic-dacitic strato volcanoes was initiated in the Pliocene and continues to the present.The earliest ignimbrite flows (25.3–22.7 Ma) are intercalated in the upper, coarsely-elastic member of the Moquegua Formation and demonstrate that this sedimentary unit accumulated in a trough, parallel to Andean tectonic trends, largely in the Oligocene. More voluminous ash-flow eruptions prevailed in the Early Miocene (22.8–17.6 Ma) and formed the extensively preserved Huaylillas Formation. This episode was coeval with a major phase of Andean uplift, and the pyroclastics overlie an erosional surface of regional extent incised into a Paleogene volcano-plutonic arc terrain. An age span of 14.2–8.9 Ma (mid-Late Miocene) is indicated for the younger Chuntacala Formation, which again comprises felsic ignimbrite flows, largely restricted to valleys incised into the pre-Huaylillas Formation lithologies, and, at lower altitudes, an extensive aggradational elastic facies. The youngest areally extensive ignimbrites, constituting the Sencca Formation, were extruded during the Late Miocene.In the earliest Pliocene, the ignimbrites were succeeded by more voluminous calcalkaline, intermediate flows which generated numerous large and small stratovolcanoes; these range in age from 5.3 to 1.6 Ma. Present-day, or Holocene, volcanism is restricted to several large stratovolcanoes which had begun their development during the Pleistocene (by 0.7 Ma).The late Oligocene/Early Miocene (ca. 22–23 Ma) reactivation of the volcanic arc coincided with a comparable increase in magmatic activity throughout much of the Cordilleras Occidental and Oriental of the Central Andes.  相似文献   

We report an 39Ar–40Ar age determination of a whole rock sample of the olivine-rich, martian meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 2737. Those extractions releasing 0–48% of the 39Ar define an 39Ar–40Ar isochron age of 160–190 Ma, when evaluated in various ways. Higher temperature extractions show increasing ages that eventually exceed the reported Sm–Nd age of 1.42 Ga. At least part of this excess 40Ar may have been shock implanted from the martian atmosphere. We considered two possible interpretations of the Ar–Ar isochron age, utilizing the measured Ar diffusion characteristics of NWA 2737 and a thermal model, which relates Ar diffusion to the size of a cooling object after shock heating. One interpretation, that 40Ar was only partially degassed by an impact event ~ 11 Ma ago (the CRE age), appears possible only if NWA 2737 was shock-heated to temperatures > 600 °C and was ejected from Mars as an object a few 10 s of cm in diameter. The second interpretation, which we prefer, is that NWA experienced an earlier, more intense shock event, which left it residing in a warm ejecta layer, and a less intense event ~ 11 Ma ago, which ejected it into space. Our evaluation would require NWA 2737 to have been heated by this first event to a temperature of ~ 300–500 °C and buried in ejecta to a depth of ~ 1–20 m. These conclusions are compared to model constraints on meteorite ejection from Mars reported in the literature. The second, Mars-ejection impact ~ 11 Ma ago probably heated NWA 2737 to no more than ~ 400 °C. NWA 2737 demonstrates that some martian meteorites probably experienced shock heating in events that did not eject them into space.  相似文献   

Surface partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), temperature, salinity, nutrients, and chlorophyll a were measured in the East China Sea (ECS; 31°30′–34°00′N to 124°00′–127°30′E) in August 2003 (summer), May 2004 (spring), October 2004 (early fall), and November 2005 (fall). The warm and saline Tsushima Warm Current was observed in the eastern part of the survey area during four cruises, and relatively low salinity waters due to outflow from the Changjiang (Yangtze River) were observed over the western part of the survey area. Surface pCO2 ranged from 236 to 445 μatm in spring and summer, and from 326 to 517 μatm in fall. Large pCO2 (values >400 μatm) occurred in the western part of the study area in spring and fall, and in the eastern part in summer. A positive linear correlation existed between surface pCO2 and temperature in the eastern part of the study area, where the Tsushima Warm Current dominates; this correlation suggests that temperature is the major factor controlling surface pCO2 distribution in that area. In the western part of the study area, however, the main controlling factor is different and seasonally complex. There is large transport in this region of Changjiang Diluted Water in summer, causing low salinity and low pCO2 values. The relationship between surface pCO2 and water stability suggests that the amount of mixing and/or upwelling of CO2-rich water might be the important process controlling surface pCO2 levels during spring and fall in this shallow region. Sea–air CO2 flux, based on the application of a Wanninkhof [1992. Relationship between wind speed and gas exchange over the ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research 97, 7373–7382] formula for gas transfer velocity and a set of monthly averaged satellite wind data, were −5.04±1.59, −2.52±1.81, 1.71±2.87, and 0.39±0.18 mmol m−2 d−1 in spring, summer, early fall, and fall, respectively, in the northern ECS. The ocean in this study area is therefore a carbon sink in spring and summer, but a weak source or in equilibrium with the atmosphere in fall. If the winter flux value is assumed to have been the mean of autumnal and vernal values, then the northern ECS absorbs about 0.013 Pg C annually. That result suggests that the northern ECS is a net sink for atmospheric CO2, a result consistent with previous studies.  相似文献   

Oceanographic studies have been carried out in coastal and riverine waters of the area around Timika, West Papua in November 1999, March–April, July and November 2000. The temperature of the seawater along the coast is around 28 °C in winter (November 99), rising to 30.0 °C (November 00). In the open sea, 30 miles off the coast at 40 m water depth, the temperature is >30 °C with no stratification. Water temperature near the coast is consistently lower than in the open sea. This is thought to be due the cooling effect of the land, being densely covered by mangrove forest. In the upper parts of the Kamora, West Tipuka, East Tipuka, Ajkwa, Minajerwi, Mawati and Otakwa Rivers, at salinity zero psu, water temperature varies between 24.6 and 26.2 °C, which is as cold as the temperature in the upwelling Banda Sea to the NW. Some of these rivers are fed by glacial melt water from the high mountains to the east. At mid estuary, warm seawater is found under the cooler river water.Salinity near this coast varied between 24 and 30, and offshore salinity was 31–33 with no stratification. Inshore surface waters were turbid (11–14 ntu), and near bottom waters were generally much more turbid from river sediment supply and tidal resuspension. The Ajkwa River estuary has the highest turbidity (750 ntu) at zero salinity. Offshore waters were very clear (5.0–6.0 ntu), and there was no increase in turbidity near the bottom.  相似文献   

The region located between the Carpathian–Balkan and Aegean arcs, the Moesian Platform and Bulgarian Rhodope, is generally assumed to have been stably attached to the East European craton during the Cenozoic evolution of these arcs. The kinematic evolution of this region is, however, poorly constrained by paleomagnetic analysis. In this paper we provide new paleomagnetic data (800 volcanic and sedimentary samples from 12 localities) showing no significant post-Eocene rotation of the Moesian platform and Rhodope with respect to Eurasia, therefore confirming the stability of this region. We compare this result to a provided review of paleomagnetic data from the South Carpathians (Tisza block) and the Aegean region. The Tisza block underwent 68.4 ± 16.7° of middle Miocene ( 15–10 Ma) clockwise rotation with respect to the Moesian Platform, in line with previous rotation estimates based on structural geology. The stability of the Moesian platform during middle Miocene eastward emplacement of the Tisza block into the Carpathian back-arc supports dextral shear along the Southern Carpathians recorded by 13–6 Ma clockwise strike-slip related rotations in foreland deposits. The new reference direction for the Moesian platform and Rhodope allows accurate quantification of the rotation difference with the west Aegean domain at 38.0 ± 7.2° occurring between 15 and 8 Ma. To accommodate this rotation, we propose that the pivot point of the west-Aegean rotation was located approximately in the middle of the rotating domain rather than at the northern tip as previously proposed. This new scenario predicts less extension southeast of the pivot point, in good agreement with estimates from Aegean structural geology. Northwest of the pivot point, the model requires contraction or extrusion that can be accommodated by the coeval motion of the Tisza Block around the northwestern edge of the Moesian platform.  相似文献   

We use SPOT image pairs to determine horizontal offsets associated with the Mw 7.9 November 2002 Denali earthquake in the vicinity of Slate Creek, AK. Field measurements and aerial photographs are used to further characterize the geometry of the surface rupture. Aerial photographs show that shear localization occurs where the rupture trace is linear, and distributed off-fault deformation is common at fault bends and step-overs, or at geologic contacts between rock, glacial sediments, and ice. The displacement field is generated using a sub-pixel cross correlation technique between SPOT images taken before and after the earthquake. We identify the effects of glacier motion in order to isolate the tectonic displacements associated with the Denali earthquake. The resulting horizontal displacement field shows an along-strike variation in dextral shear, with a maximum of approximately 7.5 m in the east near 144° 52′W, which decreases to about 5 m to the west near 145° 45′W. If the November 2002 earthquake represents the long-term behavior of the Denali fault, it implies a westward decrease in the long-term dextral slip rate. A possible mechanism to accommodate the westward decreasing slip on the Denali fault is to transfer fault slip to adjacent east-trending contractional structures in the western region of the central Alaskan Range.  相似文献   

Beryllium isotopes (10Be and9Be) have been measured in suspended particles of < 1 mm size collected by mid-water sediment traps deployed in the eastern Pacific at MANOP sites H (6°32′N, 92°50′W, water depth 3600 m) and M (8°50′N, 104°00′W, 3100 m). For comparison, surface sediments from box cores taken from the two sites were also studied. The concentrations of10Be and9Be in sediment-trap particles are about an order of magnitude smaller than those in the bottom sediments which contain about 8 × 109 and 6 × 1016 atoms g−1 of10Be and9Be, respectively. The sediment trap samples collected from 50 m off the bottom showed significant (26–63%) contributions from resuspended bottom sediments. The10Be/9Be ratio in trap samples varies from 3 to 20 × 10−8. The variation may partly result from varied proportion of authigenic/detrital material. The fluxes of both isotopes exhibit a very strong seasonality. The fluxes of10Be into the traps at about 1500 m are estimated as 9 × 105 and 4 × 105 atoms cm−2 a−1 at sites H and M respectively. These values are to be compared with the fluxes into the sediments of 4–5 × 105 atoms cm−2 a−1 at both locations. Good correlations exist between10Be,9Be and27Al indicating that the primary carrier phase(s) for the beryllium isotopes in the water column may be aluminosilicates.  相似文献   

The present paper aims to synthesize results of a systematic paleomagnetic investigation performed on metamorphic, plutonic and volcanic series from the Central Massif. Detailed, thermal and alternating field demagnetizations yield a large set of paleomagnetic directions. Several groups of directions corresponding to different age intervals are identified. The group D mean direction: D = 288°, I = 57° (37°S, 110°E), characterizes Late Devonian/Early Carboniferous metamorphic and plutonic rocks from Limousin. The group C′ directions: D = 301°, I = 24° (30°S, 79°E), represent Late Visean/Namurian magnetizations, present in the major investigated areas. The group B directions: D = 249°, I = 7° (12°N, 111°E), exist not only in the whole Central Massif, but also in other Paleozoic outcrops of the Variscan belt. They were acquired during the Namurian/Westphalian. The group A′-A directions are the only typically “European” magnetic directions. They have taken place in Stephanian/Autunian times, mainly during the Kiaman reversed interval. Interpretation of these directions in terms of geodynamics leads to a probable large S-N drift of the massif during the Latest Devonian/Early Carboniferous followed by two important rotation phases, first in the Middle Carboniferous, then at the end of the Westphalian. These rotations have also affected other massifs of the Variscan belt.  相似文献   

Lidar measurements of upper atmospheric sodium were made at Alcântara (2°20′ S, 44°30′ W), Brazil, on 8 days during the month of November 1996. These are the first sodium measurements to be reported from an almost equatorial location. The average sodium distribution at Alcântara was found to be very similar to the annual mean for São José dos Campos (23° S), but about 1 km higher than the November mean value of 92 km for the latter site. Only one, weak, sporadic sodium layer was observed during more than 26 h of observations, an occurrence frequency much less than that seen at low latitude sites in the northern hemisphere. A survey of the observations of sporadic layers at various locations suggests that both magnetic dip and declination angles might influence their rate of occurrence.  相似文献   

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