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Accurate estimation of ecosystem carbon fluxes is crucial for understanding the feedbacks between the terrestrial biosphere and the atmosphere and for making climate-policy decisions. A statistical model is developed to estimate the gross primary production (GPP) of coniferous forests of northeastern USA using remotely sensed (RS) radiation (land surface temperature and near-infra red albedo) and ecosystem variables (enhanced vegetation index and global vegetation moisture index) acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor. This GPP model (called R-GPP-Coni), based only on remotely sensed data, was first calibrated with GPP estimates derived from the eddy covariance flux tower of the Howland forest main tower site and then successfully transferred and validated at three other coniferous sites: the Howland forest west tower site, Duke pine forest and North Carolina loblolly pine site, which demonstrate its transferability to other coniferous ecoregions of northeastern USA. The proposed model captured the seasonal dynamics of the observed 8-day GPP successfully by explaining 84–94% of the observed variations with a root mean squared error (RMSE) ranging from 1.10 to 1.64 g C/m2/day over the 4 study sites and outperformed the primary RS-based GPP algorithm of MODIS.  相似文献   

Quantitative estimations of the fractional cover of photosynthetic vegetation (fPV), non-photosynthetic vegetation (fNPV) and bare soil (fBS) are critical for soil wind erosion, desertification, grassland grazing, grassland fire, and grassland carbon storage studies. At present, regional and large-scale fPV, fNPV and fBS estimations have been carried out in many areas. However, few studies have used moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data to perform large-scale, long-term fPV, fNPV and fBS estimations in the Xilingol grassland of China. The objective of this study was to quantitatively estimate the time series of fPV, fNPV and fBS in the typical grassland region of Xilingol from MODIS image data. Field measurement spectral and coverage data from May and September 2017 were combined with the 8-day composite product (MOD09A1) acquired during 2017. We established an empirical linear model of different non-photosynthetic vegetation indices (NPVIs) and fNPV based on the sample scale. The linear correlation between the dead fuel index (DFI) and fNPV was best (R2 = 0.60, RMSE = 0.15). A normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)-DFI model based on MODIS data was proposed to accurately estimate the fPV, fNPV and fBS (estimation accuracies of 44%, 71%, and 74%, respectively) in the typical grasslands of Xilingol in China. The fPV, fNPV and fBS values for the typical grassland time series estimated by the NDVI-DFI model were consistent with the phenological characteristics of the grassland vegetation. The results show that the application of the NDVI-DFI model to the Xilingol grassland is reasonable and appropriate, and it is of great significance to the monitoring of soil wind erosion and fires in grasslands.  相似文献   

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