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We present the results of a set of three-dimensional SPH-Treecode simulations which model the formation and early evolution of disc galaxies, including the generation and return of heavy elements to the interstellar medium by star formation. Starting from simple initial conditions which are given by a uniform density sphere of gas which is embedded in a dark matter halo and in solid-body rotation, we are able to form realistic disc galaxies, and find that an exponential gas disc is quickly formed. Star formation within this exponential disc naturally leads to the formation of abundance gradients which are in broad agreement with those observed, although they are slightly shallower than some observations.
We investigate the systematic effects of variation of mass, rotation and star formation parameters on the abundance gradients. We find that the abundance gradients are most sensitive to changes in the star formation parameters or rotation. Including a critical-density cut-off in the star formation law causes abundance gradients to be steepened.
Analysis of gas flows within the models shows radial flows which are a function of angle of azimuth around the galaxies, with alternating inward and outward flows. This motion is linked to the presence of a bar, whose strength is related to the amount of star formation in the models, and there is a gentle drift of mass inwards. The shallow abundance gradients may be linked to these radial flows.  相似文献   

To further our knowledge of the complex physical process of galaxy formation, it is essential that we characterize the formation and evolution of large data bases of galaxies. The spectral synthesis starlight code of Cid Fernandes et al. was designed for this purpose. Results of starlight are highly dependent on the choice of input basis of simple stellar population (SSP) spectra. Speed of the code, which uses random walks through the parameter space, scales as the square of the number of the basis spectra, making it computationally necessary to choose a small number of SSPs that are coarsely sampled in age and metallicity. In this paper, we develop methods based on a diffusion map that, for the first time, choose appropriate bases of prototype SSP spectra from a large set of SSP spectra designed to approximate the continuous grid of age and metallicity of SSPs of which galaxies are truly composed. We show that our techniques achieve better accuracy of physical parameter estimation for simulated galaxies. Specifically, we show that our methods significantly decrease the age–metallicity degeneracy that is common in galaxy population synthesis methods. We analyse a sample of 3046 galaxies in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 6 and compare the parameter estimates obtained from different basis choices.  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamical effects of an interaction between an initially barred galaxy and a small spherical companion using an N -body/smoothed-particle-hydrodynamics algorithm. In the models described here the small companion passes through the disc of the larger galaxy nearly perpendicular to its plane. The impact positions and times are varied with respect to the phase of the bar and the dynamical evolution of the disc.
The interactions produce expanding ring structures, offset bars, spokes and other asymmetries in the stars and gas. These characteristic signatures of the interaction are present in the disc for about 1 Gyr. We find that in some cases it is possible to destroy the bar while keeping the disc structure. In general, the central impacts cause larger damage to the bar and the disc than the peripheral ones. The interaction tends to accelerate the transition from a strongly-barred galaxy to a weakly- or non-barred galaxy. The final disc morphology is determined more by the impact position relative to the bar rather than the impact time.  相似文献   

We present both observations and modelling of the atomic hydrogen in the closely interacting galaxies NGC 3395 and 3396. The observations were made with the VLA in both C- and D-arrays. We detect a large 'tail' of H  i extending to a projected distance of 63 kpc (10 arcmin) south-west of the pair, as well as two smaller galaxies, IC 2604, 14 arcmin to the south-west, and IC 2608, 14 arcmin to the south-east. However, these galaxies appear to have had at most a minor influence on the dynamics of NGC 3395/6. By means of N -body simulation we show that the tail is gas that has been stripped from NGC 3395 during a prograde encounter with NGC 3396, and that the pair has had one previous close approach. It is shown that the galaxies are within 5 × 107 yr of their second perigalactic passage. Comparison of the time-scales for starburst activity with those from the simulations shows that the current starbursts are a result of the current close approach and not the first one. The interaction between NGC 3395 and 3396 has flattened the rotation curve of NGC 3396 owing to the parameters of the interaction. This naturally explains the more nucleated radio continuum structure observed in this galaxy, as significant infall and a subsequent central starburst would be expected in this scenario. The velocity structure and line profiles of the H  i are best explained if both cloud–cloud collisions between the two gas discs and tidal forces have been important.  相似文献   

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