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The superfine structure of the jet formation region in the radio galaxy M87 has been investigated. An accretion disk and high- and low-velocity jet and counterjet components have been identified. The high-velocity bipolar outflow is ejected from the central disk region, a nozzle 4 mpc in diameter, while the low-velocity one is ejected from a ring 60 mpc in diameter and 14 mpc in width. The low-velocity plasma flow is a hollow tube with a built-in helix. The observed helical structure of the high-velocity jet is determined by precession. The components of the structure, its disk and bipolar outflow, suggest solid-body rotation. Ring currents and aligned magnetic fields are generated in them under the action of an external magnetic field. The bipolar outflows are ejected coaxially but in opposite directions—along and opposite to the disk field. As a result, the jet flow accelerates, while the counterjet one decelerates. This causes the extent of the region of radiative cooling of the ejected relativistic electrons in the counterjet to decrease and maintains their “afterglow” at large distances in the jet. The high collimation of the rotating flows is determined by their interaction with the environment.  相似文献   

Axisymmetric magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations have been made of the formation of jets from a Keplerian disk threaded by a magnetic field. The disk is treated as a boundary condition, where matter with high specific entropy is ejected with a Keplerian azimuthal speed and a poloidal speed less than the slow magnetosonic velocity, and where boundary conditions on the magnetic fields correspond to a highly conducting disk. Initially, the space above the disk, the corona, is filled with high specific entropy plasma in the thermal equilibrium in the gravitational field of the central object. The initial magnetic field is poloidal and is represented by the superposition of the fields of monopoles located below the plane of the disk.The rotation of the disk twists the initial poloidal magnetic field lines, and this twist propagates into the corona pushing matter into jet-like outflow in a cylindrical region. After the first switch-on wave, which originates during the first rotation period of the inner radius of the disk, the matter outflowing from the disk starts to flow and accelerate in thez-direction owing to both the magnetic and pressure gradient forces. The flow accelerates through the slow magnetosonic and Alfvén surfaces and at larger distances through the fast magnetosonic surface. The flow velocity of the jet is approximately parallel to thez-axis, with the collimation mainly a result of the pinching force of the toroidal magnetic field. The energy flux of the flow increases with increasing magnetic field strength on the disk. Some of the cases studied have been run for long times, 60 rotation periods of the inner radius of the disk, and show indications of approaching a stationary state.  相似文献   

Hercules A(Her A) is one of a rare class of dying and transition-type objects, which has a pair of giant, powerful radio lobes and a weak radio core. We reduce and analyze the radio data of Her A that were observed by the Expanded Very Large Array(EVLA) during 2010-2011 at C band. The intensity distribution is very smooth along the edge of the lobe front and the intensity also sharply decreases at the edge, which supports that magnetic fields may play an important role in radio lobes. The spectrum of the weak core is very steep and the core flux becomes weaker by about ten percent when compared to what was observed twenty years ago, which suggest that the central engine is still dying quickly. Her A deviates a lot from the relation between [O III] luminosity and low-frequency 178 MHz luminosity(LO III-L178 MHz) as defined by other FR I/II sources. However, when only radio core emission is considered, it roughly follows an LO III-L178 MHzcorrelation. This result supports that the black-hole accretion and large-scale jet in Her A did not evolve simultaneously, and indicates that although the large-scale jet is still powerful, the accretion and inner jet have changed into an inactive state. Based on the estimated Bondi accretion rate, we model the spectrum of Her A with a radiatively inefficient accretion flow and jet model.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》2002,46(2-7):231-233
We present the results of the study of the orientation of the accretion disk relative to the host galaxy disk in Seyfert galaxies. We used a sample selected by a mostly isotropic property, the flux at 60 μm, with radio and optical data homogeneously observed and analyzed, to avoid selection effects. We found that the observed i and δ values, galaxy inclination and difference between the position angle of the jet and the galaxy major axis, respectively, are consistent with a random β-distribution, the angle between the jet and the galaxy plane axis. We also found that the previously suggested Zone of Avoidance disappears and was probably due to a selection effect. We suggest several explanations for the misalignment of the accretion disk relative to the galaxy disk.  相似文献   

We present results from a Keck optical and near IR spectroscopic study of the giant emission line halos of the z>3 High Redshift Radio Galaxies (HiZRGs) 4C 41.17, 4C 60.07 and B2 0902+34. The outer regions of these halos show quiet kinematics with typical velocity dispersions of a few hundred km s−1 and velocity shears consistent with rotation. The inner regions contain shocked, clumpy cocoons of gas closely associated with the radio lobes with disturbed kinematics and expansion velocities and/or velocity dispersions >1000 km s−1. We also find evidence for the ejection of chemically enriched material in 4C 41.17 up to a distance of ∼60 kpc along the radio-axis. We infer that these HiZRGs are undergoing a final jet-induced phase of star formation with the ejection of most of their interstellar medium before evolving to become “red and dead” Elliptical galaxies.  相似文献   

The collapse of a homogeneous, initially spheroidal halo under self gravitation, has been considered. It is found that a weak magnetic field (as is plausible to belong to such a cloud) has little influence on the collapse, except probably sufficiently close to the centre where the gas density, and consequently the magnetic field, becomes rather high. The equatorial collapse is centrifugally balanced at a certain stage, while collapse in the perpendicular direction continues. A thick stellar disk is formed within a time-scale <3×109 yr. Brisk star formation takes place while the collapse of the gaseous disk is still in progress. This gives rise to the halo stars with low metal content and high Z-motion. A bulge is formed at the centre simultaneously. This is the first phase of formation of a disk galaxy. The thin disk is formed at a later stage as the remaining primordial gas and the gas released by the evolution of stars in the thick disk gradually settles on to it.The presented model is rather a crude one. Many aspects have not been considered, and many details have not been worked out. It is hoped that a more detailed and comprehensive model will be arrived at in the future.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   

The jet in M87     
The jet is assumed to be ejected from the nucleus supersonically into a gas which is at rest; the knots that result are related to those which are observed and an estimate of the jet temperature follows. The magnetic field and particle density inside the jet are discussed and observations are suggested.  相似文献   

The fine core-jet structure of the radio galaxy M87 has been investigated in the millimeter-decimeter wave band. A counterjet whose extent is ρ(λ) ≈ 0.036λ pc, where the wavelength λ is expressed in centimeters, has been identified. At a wavelength of 2 cm, the brightness of the jet and counterjet decreases exponentially to the minimally detectable level. However, the decline for the jet slows down from a level of several percent of the peak value. The bipolar jet consists of a highly collimated relativistic plasma flow surrounded by a nonrelativistic low-velocity component. The low-velocity jet flow includes a helical component observable up to a distance of 20 mas or 1.6 pc. The reaction of the flow produces a multimode precession responsible for the helical shape of the relativistic jet with a variable pitch and a curved axis. The helical structures of the jet and counterjet are mirror reflections of each other relative to the ejector. The apparent size of the accretion disk seen edge-on reaches 1.5 mas or 0.12 pc.  相似文献   

We present radio observations of the radio galaxy PKS 2152–699 obtained with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. The much higher resolution and signal-to-noise ratio of the new radio maps reveal the presence of a bright radio component about 10 arcsec north-east of the nucleus. This lies close to the highly ionized cloud previously studied in the optical and here shown in a broad-band red snapshot image with the HST PC 2. It suggests that PKS 2152–699 may be a jet/cloud interaction similar to 3C 277.3. This could cause the change in the position angle (of ∼ 20°) of the radio emission from the inner to the outer regions. On the large scale, the source has Fanaroff & Riley type II morphology although the presence of the two hotspots in the centres of the lobes is unusual. The northern lobe shows a particularly relaxed structure while the southern one has an edge-brightened, arc-like structure.  相似文献   

We present radio observations at frequencies ranging from 240 to 8460 MHz of the radio galaxy 4C 29.30 (J0840+2949) using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT), the Very Large Array (VLA) and the Effelsberg telescope. We report the existence of weak extended emission with an angular size of ∼520 arcsec (639 kpc) within which a compact edge-brightened double-lobed source with a size of 29 arcsec (36 kpc) is embedded. We determine the spectrum of the inner double from 240 to 8460 MHz and show that it has a single power-law spectrum with a spectral index of ∼0.8. Its spectral age is estimated to be ≲33 Myr. The extended diffuse emission has a steep spectrum with a spectral index of ∼1.3 and a break frequency ≲240 MHz. The spectral age is ≳200 Myr, suggesting that the extended diffuse emission is due to an earlier cycle of activity. We re-analyse archival X-ray data from Chandra and suggest that the X-ray emission from the hotspots consists of a mixture of non-thermal and thermal components, the latter being possibly due to gas which is shock heated by the jets from the host galaxy.  相似文献   

We show that a fundamental choice between various models of an accretion disk around a black hole can be made based on the spectral wavelength distribution of the polarization. This conclusion is based on the possibility of comparing the observed spectral distribution of the polarization with its theoretical values obtained in various accretion disk models. The expected power-law wavelength (frequency) dependences of the polarization for various accretion disk models known in the literature are presented in the table.  相似文献   

The magnetic-field distribution outside a flat, infinitely conductive unbounded disk in the field of a point magnetic dipole is determined. A relationship is established between the problem of magnetic-field determination and the problem of the flow of an ideal incompressible fluid around an infinitely thin disk.  相似文献   

A new method to estimate the Doppler beaming factor of relativistic large-scale jet regions is presented. It is based on multiwaveband fitting to radio-to-X-ray continua with synchrotron spectrum models. Combining our method with available observational data of proper motions, we derive the intrinsic velocity as well as the viewing angles to the line of sight for eight knotty regions down the M87 jet. The results favour the 'modest beaming' scenario along the jet, with Doppler factors varying between  ∼2–5  . The inner jet of M87 suffers sharp deceleration, and the intrinsic speed remains roughly constant down the outer jet. The orientation of the inner jet regions is fully consistent with the result of 10°–19° to the line of sight suggested by previous Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) proper motion studies of the M87 jet. The outer jet, however, shows systematic deflection off the inner jet to a much smaller inclination  (θ≪ 10°)  . Further calculation of knot A suggests that this deflection can be regarded as evidence that the outer jet suffers some departure from equipartition. The nucleus region of the M87 jet should have a viewing angle close to its first knot HST-1, i.e.  θ∼ 15°  , which favours the idea that M87 may be a misaligned blazar. This work provides some hints about the overall dynamics of this famous extragalactic jet.  相似文献   

A model is developed for the H2O maser source observed in the circumnuclear region of the galaxy NGC 4258. The maser emission originates at distances of 0.15–0.29 pc from the center in a thin, cold accretion disk (gas-dust torus) rotating around a supermassive black hole of mass 4 × 107 M . The conditions for the emergence of an inverse population of the signal 616?523 levels in ortho-H2O working molecules are simulated numerically. The complex line profile, which includes both central and high-velocity components, is calculated. A comparison of the calculations with radiointerferometric and spectrophotometric observations allowed the physical conditions in the emitting region to be determined.  相似文献   

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