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The losses of radiation belt electrons to the atmosphere due to wave–particle interactions with electromagnetic ion-cyclotron (EMIC) waves during corotating interaction region (CIR) storms compared to coronal mass ejections (CME) storms is investigated. Geomagnetic storms with extended ‘recovery’ phases due to large-amplitude Alfvén waves in the solar wind are associated with relativistic electron flux enhancements in the outer radiation belt. The corotating solar wind streams following a CIR in the solar wind contain large-amplitude Alfvén waves, but also some CME storms with high-speed solar wind can have large-amplitude Alfvén waves and extended ‘recovery’ phases. During both CIR and CME storms the ring current protons are enhanced. In the anisotropic proton zone the protons are unstable for EMIC wave growth. Atmospheric losses of relativistic electrons due to weak to moderate pitch angle scattering by EMIC waves is observed inside the whole anisotropic proton zone. During storms with extended ‘recovery’ phases we observe higher atmospheric loss of relativistic electrons than in storms with fast recovery phases. As the EMIC waves exist in storms with both extended and short recovery phases, the increased loss of relativistic electrons reflects the enhanced source of relativistic electrons in the radiation belt during extended recovery phase storms. The region with the most unstable protons and intense EMIC wave generation, seen as a narrow spike in the proton precipitation, is spatially coincident with the largest loss of relativistic electrons. This region can be observed at all MLTs and is closely connected with the spatial shape of the plasmapause as revealed by simultaneous observations by the IMAGE and the NOAA spacecraft. The observations in and near the atmospheric loss cone show that the CIR and CME storms with extended ‘recovery’ phases produce high atmospheric losses of relativistic electrons, as these storms accelerate electrons to relativistic energies. The CME storm with short recovery phase gives low losses of relativistic electrons due to a reduced level of relativistic electrons in the radiation belt.  相似文献   

Different solar wind structures are observed: magnetic clouds (MC), recurrent streams (RS), and regions of their interaction with undisturbed solar wind (Sheath and CIR). Three of these structures, Sheath, CIR, MC, are the sources of geomagnetic storms. We have searched for distinctions in the development of substorm bulges occurring during geomagnetic storms connected with the MC, Sheath and CIR. Solar wind parameters were taken from the Wind spacecraft and the auroral bulge parameters were obtained from the Ultra Violet Imager onboard Polar spacecraft. We determined the dimensions of the auroral bulges, the poleward aurora propagation, and the onset latitude of auroral bulges. It is shown that auroral bulges “geometry” is different for the examined types of storms. In consequence, the ratio between longitudinal and latitudinal sizes is also different.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of the responses of the equatorial ionosphere to a large number of severe magnetic storms shows the rapid and remarkable collapse of F-region ionisation during post-midnight hours; this is at variance with the presently accepted general behaviour of the low-latitude ionosphere during magnetic storms. This paper discusses such responses as seen in the ionosonde data at Kodaikanal (Geomagn. Lat. 0.6 N). It is also observed that during magnetic storm periods the usual increase seen in the hF at Kodaikanal during sunset hours is considerably suppressed and these periods are also characterised by increased foF2 values. It is suggested that the primary process responsible for these dramatic pre- and post-midnight changes in foF2 during magnetic storms could be due to changes in the magnitude as well as in the direction of usual equatorial electric fields. During the post-midnight periods the change in electric-field direction from westward to eastward for a short period causes an upward E × B plasma drift resulting in increased hF and decreased electron densities in the equatorial region. In addition, it is also suggested that the enhanced storminduced meridional winds in the thermosphere, from the poles towards the equator, may also cause the decreases in electron density seen during post-midnight hours by spatially transporting the F-region ionisation southwards away from Kodaikanal. The paper also includes a discussion on the effects of such decreases in ionisation on low-latitude HF communications.  相似文献   

The data of continuous observations of ELF emissions (polar chorus) at South Pole Antarctic observatory (Φ = ?74.02°) for 1997–1999 and during the superstrong magnetic storms of October and November 2003 are analyzed. It has been established that an increase in polar chorus is as a rule observed during the initial and recovery phases of a magnetic storm at positive values of the IMF vertical component (IMF B z > 0). Under such conditions, South Pole is located in the region of closed field lines. It has been found that the generation of polar chorus at South Pole abruptly ceases during the storm main phase after the IMF B z southward turning and beginning of an intense substorm in the nightside auroral zone, probably, because this observatory appears in the region of projection of the open magnetosphere due to the expansion of the polar cap.  相似文献   

The correlation between cyclic (11-year) variations in geomagnetic activity and tropical cyclogenesis during the completed solar activity cycle (cycle 23, 1996–2006) is studied. The total number of the semidiurnal intervals, with the mean values of the planetary a p index not less than 40, for each year and the annual number of cyclones, regardless of their intensity, are used as the characteristics. The correlation coefficients r are calculated for each of the following four cyclogenesis regions: the Atlantic, northeastern and central Pacific, northwestern Pacific, and water areas of oceans and seas in the Southern Hemisphere. The conclusion that the correlation exists between magnetic storms and tropical cyclones in the Atlantic, obtained earlier by Ivanov [2006] on the basis of the data for 1996–2005, is confirmed. It has been found that the linear correlation coefficient r changed in different regions from positive to negative values: 0.55, 0, ?0.50, and ?0.50, respectively.  相似文献   

Substantial increases of the F2 region peak electron density several hours to a day before the geomagnetic storm onset, the so-called pre-storm enhancements, belong to still not clear and hardly predictable features of the ionospheric disturbances. This paper presents analysis of the pre-storm enhancements observed at middle latitudes for 15 storms out of 65 strong-to-severe geomagnetic storms of the period 1995–2005. All 15 events were accompanied by significant (>20%) increases of foF2 before the storm onset over European area. We focus on the longitudinal extent and height profile of the pre-storm enhancements, particularly on their effects on the F1 and E regions of the ionosphere. Possible origin of such enhancements is also partly discussed. We observe no systematic effect of pre-storm enhancements of foF2 in electron density profiles in the F1 region. The E region (foE) appears to be insensitive to pre-storm enhancements. We find the pre-storm enhancements to be confined to the F2 region. The longitudinal extent of the pre-storm enhancements seems to be 120–240° based on comparison of simultaneous foF2 measurements in Europe, northern USA, and Eastern Asia.  相似文献   

A unified method for calculating the Dst index and its components using models of the magnetospheric magnetic field is proposed. The method is consistent with the procedure for calculating Dst from the ground-based magnetometer data. When calculating Dst, the quiet-day magnetic variation is subtracted from the model variation of the magnetic field of magnetospheric sources. The effect of induced currents flowing in the surface layer of the Earth’s crust is taken into account. The dynamics of the magnetospheric current systems during a storm is studied based on an analysis of the Dst components. The magnetic field components for a “quiet” day in June 1998 are studied. The calculations of the Dst components in the parabolid and T01 models demonstrate that the maximum contributions of the ring current and magnetotail current system to the Dst variation are comparable for the magnetic storm of June 25–26, 1998.  相似文献   

磁层亚暴的发生与近磁尾(约6~8 RE)电流片中断和中磁尾(约20~30 RE)磁场重联密切相关,而极光的极向扩展、电流片中断和磁尾重联的时序过程对于认识亚暴的触发机制至关重要. 本文利用位于中磁尾的CLUSTER卫星,同步轨道附近LANL-01、LANL-97卫星,近磁尾POLAR和 极区IMAGE卫星的观测,分析了单个亚暴事例.结果表明,在此事件中,中磁尾磁场重联起始比近尾电流片中断早3 min发生,电流片中断发生4 min后,IMAGE卫星观测到极光增亮,同时AE指数突然增大,亚暴膨胀相起始. 观测结果与亚暴中性线模型较为吻合.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the auroral precipitation boundaries in the daytime (0900–1200 MLT) and nighttime (2100–2400 MLT) sectors during two strong magnetic storms of February 8–9, 1986, and March 13–14, 1989, with a Dst value at a maximum of approximately ?300 and ?600 nT, respectively, are studied using the DMSP satellite data. It is shown that, during the main phase of a storm, a shift to lower latitudes of the poleward and equator ward boundaries of the daytime precipitation is observed. In the nighttime sector, the equatorward boundary of the precipitation also shifts to lower latitudes, whereas the position of the poleward boundary depends weakly on the magnetic activity level even in the periods of very strong magnetic disturbances. The increase in the polar cap area occurs mainly due to the equatorward shift of the daytime precipitation. A high correlation degree between the equatorward shift of the poleward boundary of the daytime precipitation and the position of the equatorward boundary of the precipitation at the nighttime side of the Earth is demonstrated. The analysis of the events shows that (1) the magnetic activity level in the nighttime sector of the auroral zone influences considerably the position of the daytime precipitation boundaries during magnetic storms and that (2) the ring current inputs considerably into the value of the Dst variations.  相似文献   

For the first time, a substorm event with double onsets is shown observationally under northward IMF condition in this study. Magnetic field data from ground stations and from geosynchronous satellite, and aurora data from IMAGE satellite are examined to study the substorm activity. The results show that the intensity and the spatial extent of the event are as large as those of typical substorms. Another interesting finding is that two expansion onsets seem to occur during the event. A possible mechanism for the two onsets was proposed. The energy source for the event was also discussed.  相似文献   

利用磁暴研究地震,特别是预测大地震的报道经常见诸公共媒体,引发诸多质疑.本研究以地震和磁暴(主相最低点)时刻的先后关系为研究对象,在不同时间窗、不同磁暴大小条件下,统计不同震级的地震与磁暴发生之间的时差及对应的地震比例,发现该比例随震前时间窗的增加或磁暴强度的减弱而不断增大,与起始震级基本无关.讨论磁暴对后续地震的"预...  相似文献   

Using Pc1 data gathered at Ottawa (45.4°N, 75.6°W; L = 3.5) during the International Magnetospheric Study (IMS) period, relationships between ssc, Dst, and the occurrence of Pc1 pulsations are examined. It is found that the sudden compressions of the magnetoshere that took place in the postnoon period (13–22 hLT) frequently produced Pc1 pulsations at Ottawa. This pulsational activity took place about 25 to 125 hours after the occurrence of ssc’s of amplitude 5–25 nT and duration 2–6 min. Pc1’s also occur 20 to 40 hours after maximum Dst deviations in the range 50–110 nT, when the ring current has decayed to a considerable extent (5 nT < Dst < 25 nT). In agreement withHeacock andKivinen (1972), it appears that during the storm recovery phase energetic particles of the ring current with anisotropic pitch angle distribution interact with the surrounding cold plasma of the plasmasphere. When stable trapping limit is reached, proton cyclotron instability is triggered and pulsations in the Pc1 period range are generated.  相似文献   

Interhemispheric contrasts in the ionospheric convection response to variations of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and substorm activity are examined, for an interval observed by the Polar Anglo-American Conjugate Experiment (PACE) radar system between 1600 and 2100 MLT on 4 March 1992. Representations of the ionospheric convection pattern associated with different orientations and magnitudes of the IMF and nightside driven enhancements of the auroral electrojet are employed to illustrate a possible explanation for the contrast in convection flow response observed in radar data at nominally conjugate points. Ion drift measurements from the Defence Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) confirm these ionospheric convection flows to be representative for the prevailing IMF orientation and magnitude. The location of the fields of view of the PACE radars with respect to these patterns suggest that the radar backscatter observed in each hemisphere is critically influenced by the position of the ionospheric convection reversal boundary (CRB) within the radar field of view and the influence it has on the generation of the irregularities required as scattering targets by high-frequency coherent radar systems. The position of the CRB in each hemisphere is strongly controlled by the relative magnitudes of the IMF Bz and By components, and hence so is the interhemispheric contrast in the radar observations.  相似文献   

A complete statistical study is made for all magnetic storms reported by Beijing observatory during 1979 to 2000. It includes occurrence dependence on type of the storm, intensity of the storm, and time (year, season, and month). A comparison between the occurrence and the number of sunspots is also carried out. Further statistical analysis for part of the great magnetic storms shows that there are obvious differences between activity level represented by Beijing observatory and that by Dst. Such differences depend upon local time of Beijing (BLT). Cubic polynomial fitting results show that the activity level is lower at dawn and higher at dusk in Beijing than that represented by Dst, and the difference between dusk and dawn is about 63% of Dst.  相似文献   

The assumption that a solar-heliospheric storm has five phases is formulated based on the storm that occurred in October 2003. The first phase: slow (between solar rotations) convergent motions of photospheric sources of large-scale open solar fields (LOFs) with generation of active regions (ARs) between these fields. The second phase: magnetic energy pumping with adjustment of zero lines of the photospheric magnetic field in AR to the configuration of the LOF sector (subsector) boundaries. The third phase: AR destabilization with ordering of the complex of sporadic phenomena near ARs parallel to the zero line and fragments of the nearest LOF boundary. The fourth phase: propagation of disturbances in the near-Sun space with ordering relative to the LOF boundaries. The fifth phase: propagation of a coronal mass ejection (CME) in the inner heliosphere in the case when the axial axis of a magnetic cloud in CME is parallel to the LOF boundary and to the zero line in AR. Original results of LOF modeling and a number of substantial results of the known advanced studies of individual aspects of this storm are used to justify this dynamics as applied to the storm of October 28–30. Specific contents and features of each storm phases are presented. The specific feature of the first phase, responsible for the storm space-time scales and intensity, consisted in the displacement of the entire LOF negative magnetic flux (~5 × 1022 μs) from the north pole to the south with flowing around a midlatitude obstacle and with zonal convergent motions of LOF. The assumption of the AR configuration adjustment (the second phase) and ordering of disturbances (the third–five phases) during this storm near the subsector boundary between LOFs of identical polarity has been confirmed. It is noted that the pulse phase of the AR 0486 flare, coronal waves, and dimmings along the subsector boundary and the southwestern LOF “dam” joining ARs 0486 and 0484 (superposition of the third and fourth phases) originated almost simultaneously. The two-component disturbance structure is confirmed: halo-type CME with the axis along the LOF subsector boundary and a bright local ejection of magnetic plasma from the region above the southwestern LOF dam.  相似文献   

磁层相对论电子通量变化与磁暴/亚暴的关系   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文分析了1 AU处的行星际磁场、太阳风速度、Kp指数、Dst和AE的变化关系,以及它们和地球同步轨道附近相对论电子通量的变化关系.分析说明,当行星际磁场Bz分量出现南向扰动和太阳风速度增大超过500 km/s时,地球磁层中常常发生磁暴/亚暴活动.在磁暴主相期间,相对论电子(能量E≥1 MeV)通量下降;而在磁暴恢复相期间,相对论电子通量恢复上升.但是,只有在伴随有高强度(AE≥500 nT)的持续性亚暴活动的磁暴恢复相期间,相对论电子的通量才能增长到超过暴前通量值,且能量低于300 keV的亚暴电子的通量越高,相对论电子的通量越高,反之则越低.亚暴注入电子数的多少很大程度上决定了磁暴恢复相期间相对论电子数的多少,这说明亚暴活动注入能量低于300 keV的亚暴电子是磁层相对论电子的一个重要来源.  相似文献   

Various characteristics of anomalous nighttime enhancement in ionospheric electron content (IEC) at Lunping (14.08°N geomagnetic), a station near the crest of the equatorial anomaly, have been presented by considering the IEC data for the 21st solar cycle. Out of a total of 1053 enhancements, 354 occur in pre-midnight and 699 occur in post-midnight hours, which indicates an overall dominance of post-midnight events at Lunping. The occurrence is more frequent during summer, less during the equinox and least during winter months. All the characteristics of the enhancements have seasonal dependencies and they reach their maximum values during summer months. The occurrence of the pre-midnight events show positive and post-midnight events show negative correlation with solar activity. The results have been discussed and compared with those at low-latitude stations in India and Hawaii and at the mid-latitude station, Tokyo.  相似文献   

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