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The coastal lagoon‐beach complex at the Cíes Islands located at the opening of the Ría de Vigo (NW Iberia) is an important ecosystem currently threatened by anthropogenic impacts and climate variations. We used multiproxy marine sediment analyses to reconstruct the millennial environmental dynamics of this insular system and, in particular, the recent history of its coastal lagoon. Geophysical surveys were used to obtain bathymetry and identify the major sedimentary units of its closest submarine basin as well as their sediment sources. Core samples were taken in the middle and distal parts of the sedimentary body, where several prograding sedimentary units are thinner, allowing continuous sampling of the facies. Lithological, textural, elemental and chronological analyses were carried out on two cores. The detailed palynological studies on one of the cores included the analyses of the pollen, non‐pollen palynomorphs and dinocysts dating back three millennia. Our results revealed noticeable environmental changes affecting this area during the last 3000 years, due mainly to changing climate and oceanic conditions but also to the impact of historic human occupation of the islands. Several cold events (the 2.8 ka BP event and the Little Ice Age) characterized by enhanced upwelling alternated with warmer stormy periods of prevailing downwelling conditions in the ria. These circumstances altered the balance amongst the lacustrine, marsh, dune and lagoon systems, opening ephemeral inlets and modifying the trophic stage of the shallow waters surrounding the archipelago. Here we provide a background of the human and climatic impacts affecting these highly sensitive habitats, which may serve to improve their future management strategies.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of detailed studies of palynomorphs recovered from two cores collected near the Yeanri burial mound on the Gimhae fluvial plain. Two local pollen zones were recognized on the basis of variations in the palynofloral assemblage: a lower Pollen Zone I, dominated by a Pinus‐Quercus assemblage, and an upper Pollen Zone II, dominated by a Pinus‐Quercus‐Gramineae assemblage. The palynological and molluscan analyses indicate that the depositional environments changed from a lower intertidal flat of a shallow bay environment to an upper intertidal flat in a shallow bay (before 1280 ± 110 14C yr B.P.), and finally to a fluvial plain similar to that of today. This environmental change may have resulted from uplift along the Yangsan Fault. Afterward, the exposed area was modified by human activities, as indicated by a sudden increase in grassland herbaceous pollen grains. The loss of this bay likely had a dramatic effect on the Golden Crown Gaya State (3rd–7th centuries A.D.), which used it as a major port for regional trade, and may explain why it eventually merged with the Shilla State. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Small mounds of peat rise several metres above the level of the water‐table at Melaleuca Inlet and Louisa Plains on the buttongrass plains in southwest Tasmania. Possible origins of the peat mounds have been explored by pollen analysis and radiocarbon dating of a set of samples taken from a vertical section of one peat mound at Melaleuca. The peat accumulation is entirely of Holocene age although the mound is underlain by sapric peats preserving a cold climate palynoflora of probable Late Pleistocene age. Peats at and near the base of the mound accumulated under a heath sedgeland during the earliest Holocene while after about 7630 a BP the peat‐forming vegetation was shrub‐dominated. The radiocarbon data indicate two main phases of overall peat accumulation, between 7630 and 5340 a BP (Middle Holocene) and between 4450 and 450 a BP (Late Holocene), that were interrupted by a wildfire which burnt into the surface peats. The maintenance of high surface and internal levels of moisture almost certainly was the critical factor behind the low incidence of in situ fires burning into the surface peats on the mound. The perennial influx of groundwater below the mound is a possible origin that fits well with our observations, although the expansion and contraction of soils cannot be discounted as an initiating factor. Enhanced nutrient input from birds may have helped promote growth in the peat‐forming communities. The data do not support the mounds being eroded remnants of a former blanket peat cover or being due to periglacial activity. The peat mounds of southwest Tasmania deserve maximum protection because of their rarity in the Australian landscape and, it seems, elsewhere.  相似文献   

Boxcore 99LSSL‐001 (68.095° N, 114.186° W; 211 m water depth) from Coronation Gulf represents the first decadal‐scale marine palynology and late Holocene sediment record for the southwestern part of the Northwest Passage. The record was studied for organic‐walled microfossils (dinoflagellate cysts, non‐pollen palynomorphs), pollen, terrestrial spores, and sediment characteristics. 210Pb, 137Cs, and three accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dates constrain the chronology. Three prominent palaeoenvironmental zones were identified. During the interval AD 1470–1680 (Zone I), the climate was warmer and wetter than at present, and environmental conditions were more favourable to biological activity and northward boreal forest migration, with reduced sea‐ice and a longer open‐water (growing) season. The interval AD 1680–1940 (Zone II) records sea‐ice increase, and generally cool, polar conditions during the Little Ice Age. During AD 1940–2000 (Zone III), organic microfossils indicate an extended open‐water season and decreased sea‐ice, with suggested amelioration surpassing that of Zone I. Although more marine studies are needed to place this record into an appropriate context, the succession from ameliorated (Zone I) to cooler, sea‐ice influenced conditions (Zone II) and finally to 20th‐century warming (Zone III) corresponds well with several terrestrial climatic records from the neighbouring mainland and Victoria Island, and with lower‐resolution marine records to the west. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of studies on plant macroremains found in the upper Turonian of the Folwark Quarry, Opole, Poland, associated with palynological studies of the host rocks. In addition to a few macrofossils (gymnosperm wood, conifer Geinitzia reichenbachii and fern ?Didymosorus) rich sporomorphs (bryophyte, lycopod and fern spores, conifer and angiosperm pollen grains) and marine palynomorphs (mainly dinoflagellate cysts) were recorded. The palynological analysis revealed that the vegetation on the neighbouring land (the East Sudetic Island) in the late Turonian was much more diverse than could be reconstructed based on only macrofossil remains. The latter are taxonomically restricted and dominated by one gymnosperm species (Geinitzia reichenbachii), which make them similar to most neighbouring, coeval Central European assemblages. Its over representation is, thus, a result of taphonomy.  相似文献   

Bryozoan mounds from the middle Danian (Lower Palaeocene) of the Danish Basin represent a possibly new class of non‐cemented skeletal mounds. The sedimentology and palaeoecology of the mounds have recently been studied in detail. Three‐dimensional images of middle Danian bryozoan mound structures in the Limhamn limestone quarry, south‐west Sweden, obtained from combined reflected ground‐penetrating radar signals and outcrop analysis provide new information about the architecture and growth development of such mounds. The mounds are composed of bryozoan limestone and dark‐grey to black flint bands which outline mound geometries. Ground‐penetrating radar data sections are collected over a 120 m by 60 m grid of data lines with trace spacing of 0·25 m, providing a depth penetration of 7 to 12 m and a vertical resolution of ca 0·30 m. The ground‐penetrating radar images outline the geometry of the internal layering of the mounds which, typically, have widths and lengths of 30 to 60 m and heights of 5 to 10 m. Mound architecture and growth show great variability in the ground‐penetrating radar images. Small‐scale mound structures with a palaeorelief of only a few metres may constitute the basis for growth of larger mounds. The outermost beds of the individual mounds are commonly characterized by sub‐parallel to parallel reflections which have a circular to slightly oval appearance in map view. The mounds are mainly aggrading and do not show clear signs of pronounced lateral migration during growth, although some mound structures indicate a preferential growth direction towards the south. Growth patterns interpreted from the ground‐penetrating radar images suggest that the palaeocurrents in the study area may have shown great variability, even on a small scale. This observation is in contrast to results from studies of extensive, slightly older early Danian mound complexes exposed in coastal cliffs at Stevns Klint and Karlby Klint located 50 and 200 km away from the study area, respectively. At these locations the mounds show a remarkably uniform development and typically are asymmetrical, clearly showing migration directions towards the south. These differences in mound geometry may be the result of differences in the current systems and water depths that existed during formation of the early and middle Danian mounds, respectively. The mounds at Limhamn were located closer to the basin margin in shallower water than those at Stevns Klint and Karlby Klint. In addition, the difference in mound architecture may be due to the occurrence of non‐layered, irregular coral mounds intercalated with the bryozoan mounds at Limhamn.  相似文献   

Anthrosols (cf. plaggen soils) are commonly found across the homefields of Norse farms, yet the extent to which these taphonomically complex and heterogeneous deposits provide reliable archives of environmental change and vegetation history has rarely been investigated. This paper compares the palynological signature contained within an anthrosol located beside Norse farm ruins in the Eastern Settlement of Greenland, with that from a mire situated ~400 m from the nearest archaeological remains. The investigation covers a period of ~1000 years leading into, through, and beyond the Greenlandic landnám of AD 985. The results demonstrate that, as anticipated, the anthrosol contains a strong signal for human impact associated with settlement and occupation, although changes in both pollen percentages and accumulation rates (influx) through the profile appear smooth, not erratic, and radiocarbon dates are conformable. Thus the palynological signature contained in the anthrosol is broadly comparable to the patterns characteristic of stratified natural contexts (e.g. mires) with small pollen source areas that are located in close proximity to former Norse structures. Nevertheless, it is also demonstrated that secondary microfossils are a major component of the pollen assemblages within the anthrosol, and pollen influx is notably an order of magnitude higher when compared against the peat core taken from the mire. It is suggested that this may result from the addition of pollen contained in animal dung, augmenting that accumulating through the natural accretion of pollen derived from the surrounding vegetation and landing on the surface of the anthrosol. Although this complicates any palynological interpretation, by adopting a cautious approach we argue that anthrosols can be used to extract useful information about vegetation history at a local scale, as well as providing indirect evidence of landscape impacts and resource use around farmsteads.  相似文献   

The comparative analysis of palynomorphs and plant megafossils (fruits, seeds, twigs, leaves) in the Upper Pleistocene host sediments and materials filling in fossil burrows of gophers, their coprolites included, at the Duvannyi Yar, Stanchikovskii Yar and Zelenyi Mys sites of the Kolyma Lowland is carried out. Genera Salix, Lychnis, Silene, Draba, Potentilla, Larix, and families Poaceae, Polygonaceae, Cyperaceae, Compositae, and Leguminosae are determined among palynological remains and megafossils. Factors responsible for qualitative and quantitative differences in taxonomic compositions of palynological and megafossil assemblages are biological peculiarities of plants, different character of fossilization of palynomorphs and large plant remains, geographic conditions, different genesis of assemblages (allochthonous for microfossils and autochthonous for megafossils), and inadequately known morphology of certain spore and pollen taxa. The comprehensive paleobotanical analysis leads to the conclusion that the study region was occupied in the Late Pleistocene by plant communities of humid to somewhat dryer tundra with separate areas of pioneering and steppe vegetation.  相似文献   

Early Pleistocene vegetation in upland southeastern Australia included diverse rainforests and sclerophyll forests, which alternated on precessional timescales. The nature and timing of transitions between these biomes, and the role of fire in maintaining or driving transitions between them, are uncertain. Here we present a high‐resolution pollen record from Stony Creek Basin, a small Early Pleistocene palaeolake in southeastern Australia. The pollen record documents a pattern of vegetation change, over ca. 10 ka at ca. 1590–1600 ka, between sclerophyll forests, dominated by Eucalyptus, Callitris (Cupressaceae) or Casuarinaceae, and rainforests dominated by either angiosperms or conifers of the family Podocarpaceae. Transitions between these biomes typically occurred within ca. 1–2 ka. The associated charcoal record suggests that greatest biomass combustion occurred when local vegetation was dominated by Eucalyptus, and the least biomass combustion occurred when local vegetation was dominated by Podocarpaceae. However, local fires burnt in both sclerophyll and angiosperm‐dominated rainforest vegetation, at least once every several centuries. Fire was very rare (less than about one fire per millennium) only when the local vegetation was rainforest dominated by Podocarpaceae. This suggests that fire was an irregular presence in both sclerophyll‐ and angiosperm‐dominated rainforest biomes during the late Neogene, though was largely absent in Podocarpaceae‐dominated rainforests. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Earthen mounds with archaeological artifacts have been well known in Marajó Island since the 19th century. Their documented dimensions are impressive, e.g., up to 20 m high, and with areas as large as 90 ha. The mounds, locally known as tesos, impose a significant relief on the very low‐lying landscape of this region, which averages 4 to 6m above present sea level. These features have been traditionally interpreted as artificial constructions of the Marajoara culture, designed for defense, cemetery purposes, or escape from flooding. Here, we provide sedimentological and geomorphological data that suggest an alternative origin for these structures that is more consistent with their monumental sizes. Rather than artificial, the Marajoara tesos seem to consist of natural morphological features related to late Pleistocene and Holocene fluvial, and possibly tidal‐influenced, paleochannels and paleobars that became abandoned as depositional conditions changed through time. Although utilized and modified by the Marajoara since at least 2000 years ago, these earthen mounds contain a significant non‐anthropogenically modified sedimentary substratum. Therefore, the large Marajoara tesos are not entirely artificial. Ancient Marajoara cultures took advantage of these natural, preexisting elevated surfaces to base their communities and develop their activities, locally increasing the sizes of these fluvial landforms. This alternative interpretation suggests less cumulative labor investment in the construction of the mounds and might have significant implications for reconstructing the organization of the Marajoara culture. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Fine-scaled distribution patterns of vegetation and palynomorphs in a polygon mire in NE Siberia were studied in 31 × 31 plots of 1 m2 (vegetation) and along a transect at intervals of 1 m (palynomorphs). Pollen and non-pollen-palynomorph contents clearly reflect differences between polygon ridges and centres. For most single pollen types, however, no unambiguous relation with actual plant abundances and distribution exists. High pollen values are restricted to the immediate vicinity of the pollen sources, which is attributed to the low height of the vegetation. For several plant taxa, high pollen values were found to be restricted to particular plant specimens in the population. High values of pollen ascribed to taxa currently absent at the relevant plot show that the sampled mosses contain a pollen signal of several years. Betula exilis produces two morphologically clearly distinct pollen types. The distribution of selected non-pollen palynomorphs correlates to microrelief, moisture regime and/or trophic conditions. The study shows that single palaeo-sections from arctic peatlands should not be over-interpreted with respect to their palaeoecological value. Local vegetation types and site conditions, however, can be accurately reconstructed from the total assemblages and from combined occurrences of specific palynomorph types.  相似文献   

Here we present research on previously uninvestigated frost peat mounds occurring on a peat bog in the southern part of Hermansenøya, NW Svalbard. Detailed characteristics are given of the environmental conditions of the peat bog and of the morphological features and surface structure of the frost peat mounds, as well as an analysis of the internal structure of one mound. Three types of frost peat mounds have been distinguished: disc‐shaped mounds (low), mid‐sized mounds with gentle sides, and high mounds with steep sides. Radiocarbon dating of the peat within the frost peat mound performed for the first time on Svalbard and a detailed analysis of the deposits demonstrated that in the high mound (1.3 m) there is an ice‐peat core and peat cover without ice. There are three layers of peat of different ages separated by at least two hiatuses. A generalized history of the development of the peat bog from about 8 ka BP is established. The studied mound displays two development cycles unknown elsewhere. The older relict part of the peat mound was formed during a climatic cooling about 3.0–2.5 ka BP, while the younger part originated during the Little Ice Age (c. AD 1550–1850). Despite certain similarities of these mounds to some palsas, this term should not be applied to the mounds because they are smaller and their cores consist mostly of layers of massive injection ice, the presence of which indicates a pressurized system in their genesis.  相似文献   

A palynological and sedimentological study has been carried out on the Cretaceous fluvial and deltaic Atane Formation of West Greenland. Two localities, Skansen and Igdlunguaq on the southern coast of Disko island, have been studied. The sediments are divided into two genetic facies associations interpreted as representing deposition in fluvial channels and on a floodplain. The facies indicate that most of the sediments on the floodplain accumulated in swamps or shallow lakes, whereas abundant spores and pollen indicate the presence of vegetated land nearby. The palynomorph assemblages recovered consist of 72 species of spores and pollen grains of bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms. The palynomorphs from Skansen and most of those from Igdlunguaq indicate a maximum age-range from late Albian to Cenomanian for the successions sampled, although a mid Cenomanian age seems most likely. The highest horizon examined at Igdlunguaq may, however, be late Cenomanian or Turonian in age. The assemblages compare well with palynofloras from North America and Northwest Europe.  相似文献   

文章通过对长江三角洲南翼7个钻孔样品的孢粉、藻类分析,从晚第四纪第一硬质粘土层中提取出了种类和数量均较可观的孢粉、藻类化石,从而可以判别第一硬质粘土层形成时的沉积环境和植被类型,为长江三角洲地区硬质粘土层的成因研究提供了生物化石依据。研究结果表明,第一硬质粘土层中有多种孢粉、藻类化石组合。高含量淡水藻类的存在说明硬质粘土形成受到流水的作用,亦即硬粘土的形成环境可能为水域环境。化石组合中含量较低的海生沟鞭藻表明,长江三角洲地区在硬质粘土形成时曾受到海水影响。硬质粘土层中的禾本科-莎草科-落叶栎-松、禾本科-落叶栎-松-蒿和莎草科-落叶栎-香蒲孢粉组合指示研究区低地为平原区草甸,而周边的山地有针阔叶混交林分布,当时该地区属于温凉略湿的温带气候。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on pollen, spores, non‐pollen palynomorphs (NPPs) and certain geochemical elements from the ombrotrophic blanket bog of Zalama (Basque‐Cantabrian Mountains, northern Iberian Peninsula), with the support of a robust chronology based on 17 AMS 14C dates. The main results related to the last 8000 years show that, during the early middle Holocene, pines and deciduous forests were the most extensive tree formations. At the beginning of the succession, pines reach 44%, showing regional presence, whereas after 7600 cal. a BP, deciduous forests were particularly abundant. From c. 6500 cal. a BP the pollen diagram constructed from our samples shows the first anthropogenic evidence, linked with the new economic practices related to the Neolithic of the Basque‐Cantabrian Mountains. From 3300 cal. a BP the expansion of Fagus sylvatica is particularly clear, and has since then become one of the dominant forest species in this region. We also discuss the Holocene evolution of other noteworthy plant communities in southwestern Europe, such as Taxus baccata, Juglans and shrublands.  相似文献   

浙江瓶窑BHQ孔全新统孢粉组合特征与气候变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
陆文晨  叶玮 《古地理学报》2014,16(5):687-702
利用浙江省瓶窑北湖BHQ孔长约14m的岩心,以4个AMS14C数据为年代依据,对49块样品进行孢粉分析。分析结果发现,样品中孢粉浓度差异较大,植物种类繁多,总计103个科/属。通过对孢粉组合特征的分析,结合岩性特征,划分出3个孢粉带和9个亚带,重建了研究区早—中全新世植被演替和气候冷暖波动的环境序列。19~8.9m沉积时段,对应于早全新世气候回暖期,研究区植被主要是以落叶栎、松、阿丁枫和枫杨为主,混有少量常绿栎和榆等的针叶—落叶阔叶混交林,常绿乔木花粉含量较低,说明研究区经历晚更新世晚期新仙女木事件后进入全新世,气候迅速转暖;8.9~6.7m沉积时段,对应于全新世最适宜期,为研究区水热条件配置最佳阶段,主要发育由落叶栎、常绿栎、松、阿丁枫、枫杨和榆等组成的常绿—落叶阔叶混交林,常绿乔木的种类和含量要远远高于前一阶段,指示气候变化的最适宜阶段;6.7~4.775m沉积时段,对应于中全新世气候波动期,孢粉组合发生明显波动,研究区植被主要以落叶栎、枫香、松、枫杨等落叶阔叶乔木为主,常绿栎花粉的含量急剧萎缩,表明研究区植被类型演替为落叶阔叶林,反映经历了较为剧烈的气候恶化事件,而本段高含量的稻属花粉(≥35μm)可能指示该时段研究区存在一定规模的古人类活动。  相似文献   

The palynological contents as well as macroscopic charcoal fragments from a calcareous sandstone pebble from Quaternary glacial deposits of the North Sea (80 km SW of the Dogger Bank) are described. The taxonomic composition of the palynoflora points to a Late Jurassic (or Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous) age of the sandstone. The charcoal is interpreted as direct evidence of palaeo‐wildfire occurring during this period in the source area of the sediments of this particular sandstone. This finding, together with already published data on Mesozoic deposits, allows to conclude that wildfires were obviously widespread during this period in the area of the modern day North Sea and adjacent areas. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Quaternary Research》1987,28(2):274-280
The classic view regarding the cause of the extinction of at least 17 species of large mammals, birds, and reptiles in Madagascar during the late Holocene implicates human use of fire to modify the environment. However, analysis of the charcoal stratigraphy of three sediment cores from Madagascar shows that late Pleistocene and early- to mid-Holocene sediments deposited prior to human settlement often contain more charcoal than postsettlement and modern sediments. This observation, which is confirmed by independent measurements from direct assay and palynological counting techniques, suggests that widely held but previously untested beliefs concerning the importance of anthropogenic fires in late Holocene environmental changes and megafaunal extinctions of Madagascar may be based on an overly simplified version of actual prehistoric conditions. Moderate to low charcoal values characterized only the late Holocene millennia immediately prior to the presumed time of arrival of the first settlers. Human settlement is probably indicated in the stratigraphy by the sharp rise in charcoal content observed beginning ca. 1500 yr B.P. Fire appears to be a significant natural component of prehuman environments in Madagascar, but some factor, probably climate, has modulated the extent of natural burning.  相似文献   

We investigated a well‐dated marine sediment core from the tropical SE Atlantic covering the last 25 kyr, applying taraxerol and Rhizophora pollen as organic geochemical and palynological proxies for mangrove, respectively. Taraxerol records are positively correlated with Rhizophora pollen records, showing an enhanced supply of mangrove materials into deep‐sea environments during the last deglaciation (Termination I). Sedimentation rates peaked during Meltwater Pulses 1A and 1B, which were associated with the maxima of taraxerol and Rhizophora pollen. This study supports the view that mangrove input was dominantly controlled by erosion of mangrove‐rich shelf sediments during the transgressions. Whether reworked materials were penecontemporaneous or from much older deposits formed during previous sea‐level cycles is discussed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the main palaeoenvironmental results obtained from a site located in the western sector of the Beagle Channel, Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, southernmost Argentina. The palynological analysis performed on marine sediments from Aserradero‐Lapataia 2 (latitude 54°51′22.7″S, longitude 68°34′22.8″W) allowed us to document the evolution of palaeoenvironmental conditions during the beginning of the Holocene marine transgression into the Beagle Channel. The results indicate that, prior to the marine incursion, the coastal areas were characterized by the presence of open‐grown shrubs and herbs along with woodland palaeocommunities. The aquatic environments were dominated exclusively by freshwater taxa. Around 8300 cal. a BP, seawater gradually flooded the channel while cold and high effective moisture conditions favoured the development of an arboreal vegetation with dominance of Nothofagus forest and scarcity of shrub and herbaceous communities. Gradually increasing salinities allowed the development of freshwater/marine transitional environments indicated by aquatic palynomorphs able to tolerate stressed conditions under fluctuating salinities. The increasing dinocyst diversification with dominance of heterotrophic taxa corroborates the establishment of a fully marine environment during the middle–late Holocene in the Beagle Channel.  相似文献   

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