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The Iranian part of the Kopet Dagh Basin is located in north-eastern Iran, where sedimentation was continuous throughout Jurassic to Tertiary times. The ammonite content of the Sanganeh Formation (Lower Cretaceous) has been studied. The following parahoplitid forms have been recorded: Acanthohoplites cf. aschiltaensis, A. cf. bigoureti, A. sp. 1, A. sp. 2, A. spp., Colombiceras sp., Hypacanthoplites cf. anglicus, H. cf. clavatus, H. cf. elegans, H. cf. subrectangulatus, H. uhligi, H. sp., Parahoplites cf. campichii and P. cf. maximus.  相似文献   

Sequence stratigraphical analysis was applied to the Upper Carboniferous–Lower Permian sedimentary succession of the northeastern Ordos Basin, north China based on data acquired from ten entire logging curves and eight outcrops. The facies framework of the lithostratigraphical unit, the Taiyuan Formation comprises seven facies in two facies associations, varying from fluvio-delta to shelf-barrier islands. The facies are presented within a chronostratigraphical framework, linked by systems tract, which in turn are limited by flooding surfaces and sequence boundaries. Six third-order depositional sequences are recognised, bounded by six type 2 unconformities. An upwards-shallowing epicontinental sea sedimentary model is created, which consists of a sandstone, coal seam and carbonate succession.  相似文献   

利用高分辫率层序地层学方法,结合岩心?测井和地震资料,识别琼东南盆地陵水组各级层序界面,建立地层层序格架,探讨地层格架下沉积相类型?演化规律以及平面展布,并就有利沉积相带分布进行了讨论?结果表明:从测井资料看出,层序界面识别标志主要为岩性和颜色发生突变;将琼东南盆地陵水组划分为3 个三级层序(Els1?Els2和Els3);结合测井响应特征,对地震剖面进行精细刻画,在3 套三级层序中识别出辫状河三角洲?扇三角洲?滨海?陆棚?碳酸盐台地等5种沉积相?  相似文献   

Depositional facies have been hypothesized to be linked to sequence stratigraphic positions. Also, shoreline systems are built by mixed processes, including rivers, storms, fair-weather waves and tides. Resolving the complexity of shoreline deposition requires detailed quantitative facies analysis with particular attention to heterolithic successions. In this study, 71 sections in a 130 km long outcrop belt of the Cretaceous Gallup Formation in the north-west of the San Juan Basin were measured. Five major facies associations were identified using sedimentological and iconological interpretations, including offshore shelf, non-deltaic shoreline sandstones, deltas, coastal bayline and fluvial. Each facies association also comprises subordinate facies. Depositional facies interpretations are placed in a high-resolution sequence stratigraphic framework that allows for reconstructions of the palaeogeography of individual parasequence sets that demonstrate temporal and spatial evolution of facies associations and depositional processes. The results show that the Gallup is a mixed-process-controlled depositional system with fair-weather and storm-wave dominance, river influence and tide-effect, contrasting with previous interpretations of a solely fair-weather wave-dominated environment. Depositional processes and the resultant facies change with sequence stratigraphic positions in response to relative sea-level changes – particular facies are only deposited in certain systems tracts. Distinction and transition between non-deltaic shorefaces and wave-dominated deltas have also been documented in this study. Non-deltaic shorefaces are characterized by homogeneous sandstones with a wide-range bioturbation index and the absence of mudstones. Wave-dominated deltas are subject to river influence and contain prodelta facies. This study shows the importance of detailed facies analysis with high-resolution sequence stratigraphic control using outcrops for documenting sedimentary processes of shallow marine shoreline systems.  相似文献   

为了揭示鄂尔多斯盆地东缘层序地层与沉积相特征,以层序地层学和沉积学理论为指导,对鄂尔多斯盆地东缘保德扒楼沟剖面及周缘上古生界的层序与体系域界面类型、层序结构、沉积相类型及沉积演化进行研究。依据区域性不整合面、下切谷冲刷面、海侵方向转换面和区域性海退面等层序界面将研究区上古生界划分为7个三级层序,分别对应于本溪组、太原组2段、太原组1段、山西组、下石盒子组、上石盒子组和石千峰组。保德扒楼沟及周缘上古生界剖面发育16种岩石类型和8种岩石组合。区内上古生界发育障壁海岸相、碳酸盐岩台地相、辫状河相和曲流河相。SQ1-SQ3中低位体系域发育风化壳和潮道亚相,海侵体系域发育潮坪亚相和潟湖亚相,高位体系域发育碳酸盐岩台地相、潟湖亚相和潮坪亚相;SQ4-SQ7中低位体系域发育辫状河河床亚相,海侵体系域主要发育曲流河泛滥平原亚相,高位体系域主要发育多期曲流河河床亚相—堤岸亚相—泛滥平原亚相的演化序列。区内上古生界经历了由障壁海岸相和碳酸盐岩台地相向河流相的演化过程,沉积演化主要受物源供给、海平面变化和构造活动的控制。  相似文献   

土库曼斯坦阿姆河盆地是世界上著名的大型含油气沉积盆地,然而目前盆地内卡洛夫—牛津阶的层序划分和地层对比依然存在争议。基于Vail经典层序地层学及沉积学相关理论,以阿姆河右岸B区29口井的岩心资料及50口井的测井资料为依据,结合地震、薄片、地球化学等手段,开展了阿姆河右岸B区卡洛夫-牛津阶的层序地层研究。将阿姆河右岸B区卡洛夫-牛津阶划分为5个三级层序和15个四级层序,其中卡洛夫阶包括2个三级层序(SQ1和SQ2),牛津阶分为3个三级层序(SQ3-SQ5)。在高精度层序划分的基础上,建立了研究区的层序地层格架,在垂向上,各级层序格架内部高位域生屑砂屑灰岩及礁滩体沉积更为发育;在平面上,根据不同层序沉积几何体和沉积相的分布,明确提出了卡洛夫期和牛津期发育两种不同的碳酸盐岩台地类型的观点:SQ1-SQ2时期(卡洛夫期)研究区应为缓坡型台地,初始具有西高东低的地貌,坡度较缓,沉积速率差别不大,主要发育缓坡台地层序地层模式;SQ3-SQ5时期(牛津期)则演化为镶边台地,研究区沉积速率远小于A区,随着海平面变化形成了差异巨大的西高东低沉积地貌。  相似文献   

辽河盆地下第三系层序分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
许坤  潘耀丽 《地层学杂志》1997,21(4):267-274
根据岩性、岩相、地震反射、测井响应、古生物、构造旋回、接触关系及同位素年龄测定等,将辽河盆地下第三系划分为4个层序和12个亚层序。根据地层层序综合分析,辽河盆地早第三纪具有如下沉积演化特征:①构造运动的控制性;②沉积格架的不均衡性;③沉积演化的阶段性;④沉积中心的迁移性。  相似文献   

基于测录井资料对比,结合区域构造演化特征,将草湖凹陷侏罗系划分为两个三级层序J-SQ1与J-SQ2。J-SQ1时期气候温暖潮湿,层序发育完整的上升半旋回和下降半旋回沉积,发育辫状河体系和湖泊体系;J-SQ2时期气候逐渐转为炎热半干旱,层序发育不完整,只发育上升半旋回沉积,主要由氧化型湖泊体系构成,发育滨浅湖砂滩、泥滩互层沉积。其中,J-SQ1早期辫状河河道砂体叠置厚度大,储层物性好,上覆中厚层湖相泥岩沉积,是本区有利的储集层段。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地保德地区上古生界沉积相与沉积演化特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
山西组与下石盒子组是鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界主要的勘探目的层系,本溪组和太原组发育的煤层是主要的烃源岩,深入研究上古生界沉积相及沉积演化特征对油气勘探具有一定的指导意义。以保德地区扒楼沟剖面露头实测为基础,通过岩性和岩石组合、沉积相分析,建立了不同沉积体系的沉积序列,并进一步探讨了该区上古生界沉积演化过程。结果表明:保德地区上古生界自下而上发育本溪组、太原组、下石盒子组、上石盒子组、石千峰组,识别出障壁海岸、碳酸盐台地、曲流河和辫状河4种沉积相,并建立8种典型的沉积序列;受区域构造演化控制,本溪组与太原组时期发生大规模海侵,山西组至石千峰组时期海水逐渐退出盆地,研究区晚古生代经历了障壁海岸-碳酸盐台地-河流相的沉积演化过程。  相似文献   

D. Uli&#;ný 《Sedimentology》2001,48(3):599-628
Deposits of coarse‐grained, Gilbert‐type deltas showing varying degrees of reworking of foresets by basinal currents were identified in Middle Turonian to Early Coniacian sandstones of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. The progradation of the deltaic packages, earlier interpreted as large‐scale subaqueous dunes, shelf ridges or subaqueous fault‐scarp ‘accumulation terraces’, was controlled by high‐ and low‐frequency, relative sea‐level changes in a relatively slowly subsiding, intracontinental strike‐slip basin. End‐member types of the Bohemian Cretaceous coarse‐grained deltas are deep‐water deltas, characterized by thick (50–80 m) foreset packages with steep (10–30°) foresets, and shallow‐water deltas, which deposited thin (<15 m) packages with foresets typically between 4° and 10°. The differences in thickness and foreset slope angle were controlled predominantly by the accommodation available during progradation. The depositional regime of the deltas was governed by (i) the fluvial input of abundant sand bedload, with a minor proportion of gravel; (ii) gravity flows, most probably caused by liquefaction of the upper part of the unstable foreset slope; and (iii) migration of sandy bedforms on the foreset slopes. The bedform migration was driven by unidirectional currents of possible tidal origin. Individual foreset packages represent systems tracts, or parts of systems tracts, of depositional sequences. A variety of stacking patterns of high‐frequency sequences exists in the basin, caused by low‐frequency relative sea‐level changes as well as by local changes in sediment input. Because of generally low subsidence rates, fluvial or beach topset strata were not preserved in the cases studied. The absence of preserved fluvial facies, which has been one of the main arguments against the fluvio‐deltaic origin of the sandstone bodies, is explained by erosion of the topsets during transgression and their reworking into coarse‐grained lags of regional extent covering ravinement surfaces.  相似文献   

西藏江孜盆地的层序地层分析与沉积充填演化   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
在区域性盆地研究的基础上,通过对沙拉岗锑 (金 )矿区沉积相与层序地层分析,初步识别出Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类不同性质的层序界面,划分出 8个三级层序,包括 2个Ⅰ类层序和 6个Ⅱ类层序,所有层序均具有清晰的三分结构。将江孜盆地斜坡背景的沉积充填演化划分为四个阶段:相对陡的陆源斜坡阶段、相对平缓的陆源斜坡阶段、硅质海底扇阶段、陆源海底扇阶段  相似文献   

赣东北早中侏罗世层序地层、沉积体系及陆盆演化   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
在赣东北1/5万地质填图及上饶县清水乡缪源村下中侏罗统实测剖面基础上,提出林山组、罗坳组层序地层划分方案,分析了沉积体系的4种类型(冲积扇辫状河体系,辫状三角洲体系,湖泊三角洲与湖沼体系,曲流河体系),编制了赣东北地区早侏罗世古地理略图,总结了侏罗纪陆盆演化的5个发展阶段。  相似文献   

The Qom Formation comprises Oligo-Miocene deposits from a marine succession distributed in the Central Basin of Iran. It is composed of five members designated as A-F. Little previous work exists on the sequence stratigraphy. Based on an integrated study of sequence stratigraphy with outcrop data, wells and regional seismic profiles, the Qom Formation is interpreted as a carbonate succession deposited in a mid-Tertiary back-arc basin. There are two second-order sequences (designated as SS1 and SS2) and five third-order sequences (designated as S1-S5). Five distinct systems tracts including transgressive, highstand, forced regressive, slope margin and lowstand have been recognized. The relationship between the sequences and lithologic sub-units has been collated and defined (S1 to S5 individually corresponding to A-C1, C2-C4, D-E, the lower and upper portions of F); a relative sea level change curve and the sequence stratigraphic framework have been established and described in detail. The coincidence of relative sea level change between that of the determined back-arc basin and the world indicates that the sedimentary cycles of the Qom Formation are mainly controlled by eustatic cycles. The variable combination of the systems tracts and special tectonic-depositional setting causally underpin multiple sequence stratigraphic framework styles seen in the carbonates of the back-arc basin revealing: (1) a continental margin basin that developed some form of barrier, characterized by the development of multiple cycles of carbonate-evaporites; (2) a flat carbonate ramp, which occurred on the southern shelf formed by the lack of clastic supply from nearby magmatic islands plus mixed siliciclastics and carbonates that occurred on the northern shelf due to a sufficient clastics supply from the land; and (3) a forced regressive stratigraphic stacking pattern that occured on the southern shelf and in basin lows due to the uplifting of the southern shelf. Thick and widespread aggradational framework limestone usually occurs in the initial sequences (S1 and S3) of the supersequence, which led to preferential oil reservoir deposition but a lack of source and cap rocks, whereas the retrogradational and progradational framework limestone usually occurs in the later sequences (S2 and S4-S5) of the supersequence, which results in two perfect sets of source, reservoir and cap rock assemblies, so that the limestone in sub-member C2-C4 and the F-Member can be predicted as important objects for oil exploration.  相似文献   

This study highlights three‐dimensional variability of stratigraphic geometries in the ramp crest to basin of mixed carbonate–siliciclastic clinoforms in the Permian San Andres Formation. Standard field techniques and mapping using ground‐based lidar reveal a high degree of architectural complexity in channellized, scoured and mounded outer ramp stratigraphy. Development of these features was a function of location along the ramp profile and fluctuations in relative sea‐level. Deposition of coarse‐grained and fine‐grained turbidites in the distal outer ramp occurred through dilute and high‐density turbidity flows and was the result of highstand carbonate shedding within individual cycles. In this setting, high‐frequency cycles of relative sea‐level are interpreted on the basis of turbidite frequency, lateral extent and composition. Submarine siliciclastic sediment bypass during lowstand cycles resulted in variable degrees of siliciclastic preservation. Abundant siliciclastic material is preserved in the basin and distal outer ramp as point‐sourced lowstand wedges and line‐sourced early transgressive blankets. In mounded topography of the outer ramp, siliciclastic preservation is minimal to absent, and rare incised channels offer the best opportunity for recognition of a sequence boundary. Growth of mounded topography in the outer ramp began with scouring, followed by a combination of bioherm construction, fusulinid mound construction and isopachous draping. Intermound areas were then filled with sediment and continued mound growth was prevented by an accommodation limit. Mound growth was independent of high‐frequency cycles in relative sea‐level but was dependent on available accommodation dictated by low‐frequency cyclicity. Low‐angle ramp clinoforms with mounded topography in the outer ramp developed during the transgressive part of a composite sequence. Mound growth terminated as the ramp transformed into a shelf with oblique clinoform geometries during the highstand of the composite sequence. This example represents a ramp‐to‐shelf transition that is the result of forcing by relative sea‐level fluctuations rather than ecologic or tectonic controls.  相似文献   

层序地层标准化是未来层序地层研究重要发展方向,层序成因模式、标准建立、工业化应用是核心;层序地层学分析的标准工作流程强调识别沉积物成因类型和层序地层界面的原因,向共同方法迈进。针对中国陆相沉积复杂多变的特点,可以利用野外露头伽马仪、元素捕获仪、探地雷达以及元素地球化学等多种手段进行高精度层序划分,识别三级层序界面与洪泛面,建立露头-钻井-地震层序地层格架。可以依据陆相湖盆沉积旋回在古水深、古气候、沉积地球化学特征等方面的定量表征,综合开展高精度层序地层研究。在四川盆地上三叠统须家河组层序岩相古地理研究中,将须家河组划分为5个三级层序,须家河组二段上、下亚段实际上是2个不同三级层序的基准面上升与下降体系域沉积,须二下段发育进积型三角洲,上段发育退积型三角洲;由于三角洲砂体发育机理明显不同,导致须二下段储层厚度和物性均好于上段,产层主要分布在下段。在层序岩相古地理研究基础上,进一步明确须二、四、六段是主要储层发育段,层间泥岩也可作为烃源岩。须一、三、五段是主要烃源岩发育段,盆缘规模较小的三角洲砂体也是重要的储层。  相似文献   

Linking diagenesis to depositional facies and sequence stratigraphy can provide a better understanding of some of the parameters that control the spatial and temporal distribution of diagenetic alterations and of their impact on reservoir quality. A study of the paralic, glaciogenic sandstones of the Melaz Shuqran and Mamunyiat formations (Late Ordovician) of the Murzuq Basin, SW Libya, reveals that the distribution of diagenetic kaolin can be constrained within depositional facies and sequence stratigraphy. Eogenetic kaolinite was formed by the dissolution of unstable detrital grains as a result of influx of meteoric waters into: (i) glacial, fluvial incised-valley lowstand systems tract (LST), glacial, tide-dominated estuarine transgressive systems tract (TST) during formation of overlying sequence boundary, (ii) paraglacial, tide-dominated deltaìc highstand systems tract (HST), paraglacial, foreshore to shoreface HST during progradation and basinward shift of the shoreline and/or formation of overlying sequence boundary, (iii) postglacial, Gilbert-type deltaic LST sandstones during relative sea level fall. On the other hand, formation of kaolinite immediately below maximum flooding surfaces is attributed to dissolution of unstable detrital grains by organic acids that were presumably derived from thermal alterations of organic matter, possibly during mesodiagenesis. The transformation of eogenetic kaolinite into dickite during mesodiagenesis is probably a consequence of low αK+ / αH+ ratio in the pore waters due to the scarcity of detrital K-feldspars.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地上泥盆—下石炭统层序地层格架与古地理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用110余口钻井的录井和测井资料,结合地震资料,运用沉积学原理和层序地层学原理,建立了塔里木盆地上泥盆-下石炭统层序地层格架.自下而上,塔里木盆地上泥盆-下石炭统发育东河层序(SQd)、巴楚1层序(SQb1)、巴楚2层序(SQb2)、卡拉沙依1层序(SQk1)共4个三级层序,每个层序均可划分出海侵体系域(TST)和高...  相似文献   

Intracontinental subduction of the South China Block below the North China Block in the Late Triassic resulted in formation of the transpressional Sichuan foreland basin on the South China Block. The Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation was deposited in this basin and consists of an eastward-tapering wedge of predominantly continental siliciclastic sedimentary rocks that are up to 3.5 km thick in the western foredeep depocenter and thin onto the forebulge and into backbulge depocenters.Five facies associations (A–E) make up the Xujiahe Formation and these are interpreted, respectively, as alluvial fan, transverse and longitudinal braided river, meandering river, overbank or shallow lacustrine, and deltaic deposits. This study establishes a sequence stratigraphic framework for the Xujiahe Formation which is subdivided into four sequences (SQ1, 2, 3 and 4). Sequence boundaries are recognized on the basis of facies-tract dislocations and associated fluvial rejuvenation and incision, and systems tracts are identified based on their constituent facies associations and changes in architectural style and sediment body geometries. Typical sequences consist of early to late transgressive systems tract deposits related to a progressive increase in accommodation and represented by Facies Associations A, B and C that grade upwards into Facies Association D. Regionally extensive and vertically stacked coal seams define maximum accommodation and are overlain by early highstand systems tract deposits represented by Facies Associations D, E and C. Late highstand systems tract deposits are rare because of erosion below sequence boundaries. Sequence development in the Xujiahe Formation is attributed to active and quiescent phases of thrust-loading events and is closely related to the tectonic evolution of the basin. The Sichuan Basin experienced three periods of thrust loading and lithospheric flexure (SQ1, lower SQ2 and SQ3), two periods of stress relaxation and basin widening (upper SQ 2 and SQ3) and one phase of isostatic rebound (SQ4). Paleogeographic reconstruction of the Sichuan Basin in the Late Triassic indicates that the Longmen Mountains to the west, consisting of metamorphic, sedimentary and pre-Neoproterozoic basement granitoid rocks, was the major source of sediment to the foredeep depocenter. Subordinate sediment sources were the Xuefeng Mountains to the east to backbulge depocenters, and the Micang Mountains to the northwest during the late history of the basin. This study has demonstrated the viability of sequence stratigraphic analysis in continental successions in a foreland basin, and the influence of thrust loading on sequence development.  相似文献   

以高分辨率层序地层学理论及其技术方法为指导,通过地表露头、岩心、测井和地震资料的综合分析,在白马庙气田上侏罗统蓬莱镇组识别出3类不同成因类型和发育规模的层序界面、3个级别的湖泛面,划分出2个长期、6个中期、38~40个短期基准面旋回层序,并对不同级次旋回层序的特征进行了详细讨论.同时,发现中期基准面旋回层序近顶部的薄层灰岩和钙质泥岩也是识别中期基准面旋回的重要标志之一.在此基础上,运用旋回等时对比法则对各级次旋回层序进行对比,建立了3个不同时间尺度的等时地层格架,认为开展高分辨率层序地层分析对深化白马庙气田蓬莱镇组气藏的勘探开发工作具有重要意义.  相似文献   

应用高分辨率层序地层学和沉积学的原理与方法,综合岩心、钻井以及测井和地震资料,对鄂尔多斯盆地南部上三叠统延长组进行了深入的研究,识别出5个层序界面,划分出4个三级层序和11个四级层序,建立了鄂尔多斯盆地南部上三叠统延长组层序地层格架。在研究区识别出曲流河三角洲、辫状河三角洲、深水重力流和湖泊4种沉积相。分析了层序格架内沉积相时空展布特征,揭示了层序格架内沉积相的时空演化规律,归纳了层序格架内砂体发育与展布的特点。讨论了层序界线划分与以往地层界的区别及其实际意义,探讨了重力流沉积对鄂尔多斯盆地油气勘探的重大意义。  相似文献   

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