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The role of avulsion in the evolution of civilization in lower Mesopotamia is widely recognized. Ancient settlements are closely associated with abandoned courses of the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers. This paper discusses avulsion history, controls of avulsions, their effects on civilization evolution from 7000 to 1000 yr B.P., and interactions between human activity and channel‐network evolution based on previous archaeological and geomorphological surveys, analysis of cuneiform texts, maps, satellite photos, and limited geological data. Settlement distribution in ancient Mesopotamia is modeled in relation to avulsion styles, as well as channel and sedimentation patterns. Avulsion belts are suggested as places where urban settlements emerged and were sustained. Multiple channel networks and avulsion belts created large, naturally irrigated areas, fostering the efficient agriculture needed to sustain dense rural and urban settlements. After channel networks were abandoned during delta evolution, largescale canal construction was required to sustain settlements but still could not prevent their decline. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Today the eastern tributaries of the Upper Khabur run dry during the summer and the landscape is devoid of trees. This picture is misleading when we try to understand archaeological sites within their former environmental context. Interdisciplinary geomorphological, archaeobotanical and ostracod research on a sequence from the Wadi Jaghjagh indicates that relatively stable, perennial flow velocities occurred during the mid 4th to mid-3rd millennium BC. Evidence was found for a gallery forest and swamp belt along the Jaghjagh during the mid-4th millennium BC. Oak park woodland was present within the region in the 3rd millennium BC and probably up to at least the 3rd century AD. Shortly after 2500 BC, Jaghjagh stream velocities probably decreased or the stream bed had changed its location. Later deposits, possibly dating to the 5th century BC, indicate similar, rather stable flow of the Jaghjagh. More recently however, about ca. AD 900 or afterwards, a flashflood-like regime occurred, which may relate to deforestation. The Wadi Khanzir sediment archives reflect the flashy intermittent regime of this stream, like it still is today, with flashflood evidence dating to the first half of the Holocene and probably dating to approximately AD 400 or later. Along the Jarrah, topsoil was eroded and redeposited by the wadi sometime between 1300 and 600 BC. This may have been caused by the intensive resettlement program of this region around 800 BC. Between about 600 and 300 BC 1.5 m of clay was deposited on the plain.  相似文献   

La Virgen is an ephemeral tributary of the Ebro River in northeast Spain with a complex alluvial sequence. We analyzed alluvial stratigraphy to develop a model of Holocene fluvial evolution for La Virgen and infer causes of floodplain dynamics. Three alluvial terraces were mapped and described using a combination of geoarchaeological and geomorphological techniques. Stratigraphic ages were estimated using 14C dating and archaeological remains. Sedimentation in the valley floor commenced in the Neolithic period ca. 6000 BC and continued during the Bronze and Iron ages (ca. 1800–500 BC), the Iberian and Roman periods (ca. 500 BC–AD 500), and the Middle Ages (ca. AD 500–1500). The main terrace (N3) is 14m thick and predominantly composed of sand, silt, and clay that we believe are derived from local hillslopes and represent a long period of human‐induced soil erosion that intensified during the Bronze and Iron ages until the Late Roman period. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The geomorphological study by means of remote sensing imagery of the Rio Pastaza Megafan (Ecuador and northern Peru) reveals the traces of numerous avulsions. One hundred and eight avulsion sites have been defined. The location of these sites, the available radiocarbon ages as well as historical maps of the seventeenth century, enable us to propose an evolution history of the migration and avulsions of the Rio Pastaza since the Last Glacial Maximum. The first avulsions of the Río Pastaza occurred after the LGM in a zone close to and roughly parallel to the sudandean front, where the developed avulsion gave a distributive pattern to the ancient stream of the Río Pastaza in an area located between the modern Río Morona and Pastaza, where they caused the Rio Pastaza to develop a fan-like distributary pattern. This is interpreted as a response to thrust-related forelimb tilt, progressively shifting eastward the Rio Pastaza and the apex of the megafan. This sequence of events ended with the Great Diversion of the Rio Pastaza towards the modern Rios Corrientes and Tigre. Avulsions occurred in the Tigre-Corrientes Area between 9200 and 8,500 years Cal BP. Afterwards, the Río Pastaza was diverted to its present-day north–south course. This last significant avulsion occurred before AD 1691. In the area located between the modern Río Morona and Pastaza, avulsion frequency—probably overestimated—ranges between 100 and 200 years. In the Ríos Tigre and Corrientes area, avulsion frequency—probably underestimated—ranges from 300 to 400 years. Regional tectonics is likely to have triggered most of the avulsions in the Morona Pastaza area but its influence is restricted to this area. The factors controlling the avulsions in the Tigre-Corrientes area are less clear because the frequently described “hydrologic”-driven avulsion as observed in areas characterized by contrasted hydrologic cycles are inconsistent with the characteristics of the hydrologic cycles of the Rio Pastaza.  相似文献   

Bituminous mixtures were observed on potsherds at Kavuşan Höyük, one of the rescue excavations along the Upper Tigris River in southeastern Turkey. Analysis of 26 samples from six periods spanning from the end of the 3rd millennium BC to the Medieval period (AD 14th century), has shown that bituminous mixtures possess the classical gross composition of most bitumen-bearing mixtures analysed in many archaeological sites of the Near East and the Gulf of Arabia. To search for the geological sources of bitumen, oil seeps, oil stained rocks and crude oils from Turkey and Northern Iraq were analysed as reference using the same geochemical tools: biomarkers and stable isotope composition. The principal conclusion is that the bitumen has been imported from the Eruh outcrop, 120 km east of Kavuşan Höyük. Additionally, the bitumen from Eruh was imported to Kavuşan over a long time period, from the end of the 3rd millennium BC to the AD 14th century.  相似文献   

The archaeological site of Sagalassos (SW Turkey) is located in a region characterized by the absence of any significant recent seismic activity, contrary to adjacent regions. However, the assessment of earthquake-related damage at the site suggests that the earthquakes that have been demonstrated to have struck this Pisidian city in ca. AD 500 and in the middle or second half of the 7th century AD are characterized by an MSK intensity of at least VIII and occurred on a fault very close to the city. Different investigation techniques (archaeoseismology, remote sensing and geomorphology, surface geology and structural data, 2D resistivity imaging and palaeoseismological trenching) have been applied at the archaeological site and its direct surroundings in search for the causative fault of these earthquakes. This multidisciplinary approach shows that each of the different approaches independently provides only partial, non-conclusive information with respect to the fault identification. Integration is imperative to give a conclusive answer in the search for the causative fault. This study has, indeed, revealed the existence of a to date unknown active normal fault system passing underneath ancient Sagalassos, i.e. the Sagalassos fault. A historical coseismic surface rupture event on this fault could be identified. This event possibly corresponds to the devastating Sagalassos earthquakes of ca. AD 500 and the middle or second half of the 7th century AD. Finally, this study demonstrates that in the particular geodynamic setting of SW Turkey archaeological sites with extensive earthquake-related damage form an important tool in any attempt to asses the seismic hazard.  相似文献   

遥感蚀变异常信息现已广泛的用于矿产勘查,并在一些地区取得了良好的效果,但由于西南地区地形地貌复杂,地表覆盖严重,给遥感蚀变异常提取带来了很大的困难。如何因地制宜的进行西南地区遥感蚀变异常信息提取工作是我们面临的重要问题。本文以云南酒房地区为例,探讨了西南地区遥感蚀变异常信息提取中遇到的主要问题,结合地形地貌特征进行干扰信息的去除;结合地质背景、成矿条件进行遥感异常信息提取类别的选择;以及结合化探异常进行异常信息后处理等几个方面完善了异常提取的方法,使得遥感蚀变异常提取方法更加具有针对性,通过与现有地质资料的分析,证明本文异常提取方法可以有效的提取西南地区与矿相关的蚀变信息。  相似文献   

A tsunamigenic sediment layer has been discovered in fluvio-alluvial sequences on the northern coast of the Marmara Sea, northwestern Turkey. The layer consists of unsorted silty coarse sand including terrestrial molluscs and charcoal fragments. The AMS radiometric ages of the shells have been estimated at around BC 400, AD 300, AD 400, and AD 1000. We propose that a tsunami occurred in the Marmara Sea in the middle of 11th century and invaded the fluvial plains. The older fossils were derived from the underlying horizons, and it is probable that buoyant materials such as terrestrial molluscs and charcoals were isolated from liquefied sediments during submarine sliding. Slope failure of coastal blocks triggered by fault movement generated tsunamis, which might have transported floating materials to the backshore.  相似文献   

张忍顺  高超  汪亚平 《古地理学报》2020,22(6):1221-1232
海潮从长江口沿江上溯,可达内陆600km以上的潮区界,为世界大河所少见。中国古人就对这一现象有所感知,在一些文学著作与地方志中可找到长江潮区界及其变化的信息。在公元3世纪末、4世纪初,长江的潮波已越过柴桑(今江西九江);在公元9世纪早期,长江枯水期的潮区界已经退到九江的湓浦口;在13世纪最后的十几年,长江潮区界下移至皖赣交界的小孤山附近。从公元9世纪早期到13世纪晚期的470年间,潮区界下移了64 km,年均为0.136km/a。20世纪中叶以来的学者普遍认为,长江的潮区界又下移至安徽铜陵的大通镇。可见,长江干流在尚未被大型水利工程截断以前,长江潮区界持续向下游移动。在13世纪末至20世纪中叶的670年中,长江潮区界下移170km,年均为0.254km/a,速率几乎是前一时期的2倍。分析表明,潮区界下移速率和三角洲向海的淤长有关,还可能受气候变化的重要影响。对比发现,在长江干流大型水利工程开始蓄水的几年后、九江站流量约8440m3/s的特大枯水时期,潮汐引起的水位上涨影响可达九江附近、即1100多年前中唐时代的潮区界位置。  相似文献   

The tide can now propagate upstream for more than 600 km from the Changjiang River estuary to hinterland,which is rare in the world. In China,information and records reflecting tidal limit and its movement in the Changjiang River can be found from some ancient books,literary works and local chronicles. At the end of the 3rd and the beginning of the 4th century AD, the tide limit of the Changjiang River reached the upstream of Chaisang(now named Jiujiang in Jiangxi Province). At the early 9th century,the tide limit in the dry season retreated to the Penpukou in Jiujiang. In the last ten years of the 13th century,the tidal limit moved back to the Xiaogushan Mountain near the border between Anhui Province and Jiangxi Province. By the middle of the 20th century,the modern researchers generally agreed that the tidal limit retreated to Datong in Anhui Province. Before the main stream of the Changjiang River was cut off by large-scale water conservancy projects,the tide limit had retreated seaward continuously. From the 3rd decade of the 9th century to the last decade of the 13th century,the tide limit moved downstream 64 km during the 470 years,with an average annual rate of 0.136km/a. During the 670 years from the end of the 13th century to the middle of the 20th century,the tide limit had moved downstream 170 km,with an average annual rate of 0.254 km/a,almost twice as much as that of the previous period. We suggest the climate change accounted for the different retreat rate of the tidal limit between the two periods discussed. In addition,a recent study found that during the extremely dry periods,when the discharge of Jiujiang station was about 8440 m3/s,the tidal limit reached near Jiujiang. In the years when the water conservancy project on the main stream of the Changjiang River began to store water,the tide limit actually returned to the previous position of the middle Tang Dynasty,i.e. 1100 years ago.  相似文献   

The fluctuation pattern of China's civilization can be ascribed to climate change and historical geopolitical variations. The ancient Silk Road served as the most prosperous route connecting East Asia and Europe during Han Dynasty(206 BC–220 AD) and Sui-Tang Dynasties(581–907 AD), but was deserted in Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern dynasties(220–580 AD), of which the Tarim Basin was a key area. However, our understanding about the decline of the route during this period remains limited. Here, we present an ~7-year resolution record based on optically stimulated luminescence(OSL) age-depth model(ca. 120 BC–750 AD) from Luntai(LT) profile, about 5 km from the modern Tarim River, which fed the ancient oases, to assess the potential causes on the documented decline of the ancient Silk Road between Late Han and Sui dynasties. In this study, five episodes of hydrological change were identified by combining grain size, magnetic susceptibility, geochemistry and TOC/TN contents. Our reconstruction reveals that cold and wet climate dominated at 120 BC–50 AD and 550–750 AD, respectively, indicated by strong hydrodynamic conditions. Relatively warm and humid climate occurred at 120–550 AD, between Eastern Han and Sui-Tang dynasties, indicating a better and more suitable local environment. A comparison between the studied region and other areas of China demonstrates that the paleoclimatic variations in eastern and western China exhibit rough discrepancies, and the hydrological conditions in arid region is inconsistent with the decline of ancient Silk Road in the northern Tarim Basin. We suggest that political and societal factors are the key issues that caused the interruption of Silk Road during Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern dynasties, such as the co-occurrence of societal crises, turmoil and division in eastern China, rather than the deteriorating climatic condition in the northern Tarim basin.  相似文献   

利用历史文献记录重建了公元1000—2000年中国北方地区极端干旱事件序列,在此基础上分析极端干旱事件的发生特征与规律。研究得出以下结论:(1)极端干旱事件在公元1000—2000年中存在200年左右的周期波动。在15世纪中期、17世纪初期和18世纪末期存在3次极端干旱事件高发期。(2)极端干旱事件的变动与中国东部地区干湿变化相一致,在偏干的时期极端干旱事件发生次数上升,在偏湿时则下降。(3)在中世纪暖期和现代暖期,温度愈高,极端干旱事件偏多;而在小冰期,则温度偏低的时期极端干旱事件多发。(4)西风带影响下的非季风区,干湿变化与极端干旱事件的关系与华北季风区相反,这可能与所谓的“丝绸之路遥相关”和NAO(NorthAtlanticOscillation,北大西洋涛动)的影响有关。  相似文献   

Annually resolved June–July–August (JJA) temperatures from ca. 570 BC to AD 120 (±100 a; approximately 690 varve years) were quantified from biogenic silica and chironomids (Type II regression; Standard Major Axis calibration‐in‐time) preserved in the varved sediments of Lake Silvaplana, Switzerland. Using 30 a (climatology) moving averages and detrended standard deviations (mean–variability change, MVC), moving linear trends, change points and wavelets, reconstructed temperatures were partitioned into a warmer (+0.3°C; ca. 570–351 BC), cooler (?0.2°C; ca. 350–16 BC) and moderate period (+0.1°C; ca. 15 BC to AD 120) relative to the reconstruction average (10.9°C; reference AD 1950–2000 = 9.8°C). Warm and variable JJA temperatures at the Late Iron Age–Roman Period transition (approximately 50 BC to AD 100 in this region) and a cold anomaly around 470 BC (Early–Late Iron Age) were inferred. Inter‐annual and decadal temperature variability was greater from ca. 570 BC to AD 120 than the last millennium, whereas multi‐decadal and lower‐frequency temperature variability were comparable, as evident in wavelet plots. Using MVC plots of reconstructed JJA temperatures from ca. 570 BC to AD 120, we verified current trends and European climate model outputs for the 21st century, which suggest increased inter‐annual summer temperature variability and extremes in a generally warmer climate (heteroscedasticity; hotspot of variability). We compared these results to MVC plots of instrumental and reconstructed temperatures (from the same sediment core and proxies but a different study) from AD 1177 to AD 2000. Our reconstructed JJA temperatures from ca. 570 BC to AD 120 showed that inter‐annual JJA temperature variability increased rapidly above a threshold of ~10°C mean JJA temperature. This increase accelerated with continued warming up to >11.5°C. We suggest that the Roman Period serves with respect to inter‐annual variability as an analogue for warmer 21st‐century JJA temperatures in the Alps. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Moraines studied in the Chon-Kyzylsuu River valley (southeastern Lake Issyk-Kul region, Tien Shan) were mobilized during historic and prehistoric large earthquakes. Seismic triggers of moraine mobilization included the M > 8 Kebin earthquake of 1911 and prehistoric events that produced rockslides, landslides, and multiple fault scarps. Rockslides in the Chon-Kyzylsuu basin are located in the hanging wall of the Terskey border thrust fault. The observed deformation results from at least four prehistoric earthquakes in the second half of the Holocene (early 20th century BC, early 11th century BC, middle 8th century BC, and early 2nd century BC), with local shaking intensity I > 7.  相似文献   

Paleolimnological techniques were used to identify environmental changes in and around Lake Dudinghausen (northern Germany) over the past 4800 yr. Diatom-inferred total phosphorus (DI-TP) changes identify four phases of high nutrient levels (2600-2200 BC, 1050-700 BC, 500 BC-AD 100 and AD 1850-1970). During these high DI-TP phases, fossil pollen, sediment geochemistry and archaeological records indicate human activities in the lake catchment. Although the same paleo-indicators suggest increased human settlement and agriculture activity during the late Slavonic Age, the Medieval Time and the Modern Time (AD 1000-1850), DI-TP levels were low during this period. In the sediments, iron and total phosphorus were high from ∼AD 100 to 1850, likely due to increased inflow of iron-rich groundwater into the lake. Increased iron input would have lead to a simultaneous binding and precipitation of phosphate in the upper sediment and overlying water column. As a result, anthropogenic impact on Lake Dudinghausen was masked by these phosphorus-controlling processes from AD 1000 to 1850 and was not evident by means of DI-TP. In accordance with fossil pollen, sediment geochemistry and limited archaeological records, DI-TP levels were low from AD 100-1000. Groundwater levels likely rose during this period as the climate gradually changed toward colder and/or moister conditions. Such climate change likely led to reduced settlement activities and forest regeneration in the catchment area. Our results are concordant with similar studies from central Europe which indicate rapid decreasing settlement activities from AD 100 to 1000.  相似文献   

A long-term flood record from the Buffels River, the largest ephemeral river of NW South Africa (9250 km2), was reconstructed based on interpretation of palaeoflood, documentary and instrumental rainfall data. Palaeoflood data were obtained at three study reaches, with preserved sedimentary evidence indicating at least 25 large floods during the last 700 yr. Geochronological control for the palaeoflood record was provided by radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. Annual resolution was obtained since the 19th century using the overlapping documentary and instrumental records. Large floods coincided in the past within three main hydroclimatic settings: (1) periods of regular large flood occurrence (1 large flood/~30 yr) under wetter and cooler prevailing climatic conditions (AD 1600–1800), (2) decreasing occurrence of large floods (1 large flood/~100 yr) during warmer conditions (e.g., AD 1425–1600 and after 1925), and (3) periods of high frequency of large floods (~ 4–5 large floods in 20–30 yr) coinciding with wetter conditions of decadal duration, namely at AD 1390–1425, 1800–1825 and 1915–1925. These decadal-scale periods of the highest flood frequency seem to correspond in time with changes in atmospheric circulation patterns, as inferred when comparing their onset and distribution with temperature proxies in southern Africa.  相似文献   

The central part of Rethymnon Prefecture, Crete Island, suffers from severe landslide phenomena because of its geological and geomorphological settings alternated by the human activities. The main landslide preparatory and triggering causal factors are considered to be the ground conditions (lithology), geomorphological processes (fluvial erosion, etc.), and the man-made actions (excavations, loading etc.). The purpose of this study is to develop a decision support and continuous monitoring system of the area by composing landslide hazard and risk maps. For that reason, several approaches of the weighted linear combination (WLC), a semi-quantitative hazard analysis method, were adopted in a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) environment. The results were validated using a pre-existing landslide database enriched with new landslide locations mapped through image interpretation of a processed IKONOS satellite image. The validation results showed that the WLC method coupled with remote sensing (RS) and GIS techniques can support engineering geological studies concerning landslide vulnerability of hazardous areas.  相似文献   

A suite of environmental proxies in annually laminated sediments from Hvítárvatn, a proglacial lake in the central highlands of Iceland, are used to reconstruct regional climate variability and glacial activity for the past 3000 years. Sedimentological analysis is supported by tephrostratigraphy to confirm the continuous, annual nature of the laminae, and a master varve chronology places proxies from multiple lake cores in a secure geochronology. Varve thickness is controlled by the rate of glacial erosion and efficiency of subglacial discharge from the adjacent Langjökull ice cap. The continuous presence of glacially derived clastic varves in the sediment fill confirms that the ice cap has occupied the lake catchment for the duration of the record. Varve thickness, varve thickness variance, ice-rafted debris, total organic carbon (mass flux and bulk concentration), and C:N of sedimentary organic matter, reveal a dynamic late Holocene climate with abrupt and large-scale changes in ice-cap size and landscape stability. A first-order trend toward cooler summers and ice-cap expansion is punctuated by notable periods of rapid ice cap growth and/or landscape instability at ca 1000 BC, 600 BC, 550 AD and 1250 AD. The largest perturbation began ca 1250 AD, signaling the onset of the Little Ice Age and the termination of three centuries of relative warmth during Medieval times. Consistent deposition of ice-rafted debris in Hvítárvatn is restricted to the last 250 years, demonstrating that Langjökull only advanced into Hvítárvatn during the coldest centuries of the Little Ice Age, beginning in the mid eighteenth century. This advance represents the glacial maximum for at least the last 3 ka, and likely since regional deglaciation 10 ka. The multi-centennial response of biological proxies to the Hekla 3 tephra deposition illustrates the significant impact of large explosive eruptions on local environments, and catchment sensitivity to perturbations.  相似文献   

The successive courses of the Rio Pastaza in the upper Amazonian Puyo plateau (Ecuador) during the past century have been followed using historical maps, aerial photographs, satellite imagery, topographic and river long profiles, and field studies. The abrupt change in direction of the Rio Pastaza from transverse to longitudinal was a result of two avulsions occurred between 1906 and 1976 at the braided-meandering transition of the former alluvial plain. These avulsions are related to aggradation at the toe of a braided piedmont fan prograding on to a hinterland-dipping topographic slope formed by ongoing tectonic backtilting. The main avulsion proceeded by annexation of a south-dipping depression created in front of the cordillera by backtilting of the plateau. A partial and gradual avulsion having occurred upstream of the former site between 1976 and 2008 is marked by the progressive predominance of a newly formed inner branch. Tectonic backtilting enhanced aggradation upstream of the initial site while it offered the newly avulsed channel a still more favorable way along the cordillera by creating a westward lateral slope. The correlation between ENSO events and the occurrence of the 1976–2008 avulsions strongly suggests that the triggers of the avulsions were the floods caused by the high water and sediment discharges associated with ENSO (La Ni?a) events contrasting with the regular monthly discharge and the lack of actual ‘normal’ floods during the inter-ENSO periods.  相似文献   

遥感考古在安徽的实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宫希成 《安徽地质》2001,11(4):292-296
为了查清寿春古城以及皖南土墩墓和台形遗址的范围和分布规律,1987年和1996年分另4对这两个地区进行了遥感考古,不仅达到了预期目的并发现了皖南西周时期古城址,获得多项重要成果,展示出遥感考古优势和良好的发展前景。通过实践,无论是对局部小区域还是对大范围的遥感考古,都取得一定经验。在此基础上,逐渐探索出一套适合安徽特点的遥感考古工作方法,为在安徽考古和文物保护工作中系统地开展遥感考古创造了条件。  相似文献   

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