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近壁圆柱绕流问题在海底悬跨管道的研究中具有重要的意义。在绕流阻力、升力以及海底土壤的耦合作用下,海底管道所发生的移位、悬跨等现象对于海底管道的安全运行构成了很大的威胁。正确预测各种绕流条件下管流之间的作用力是保证油气管道安全的首要任务。海底管道在极端海洋环境条件下的管、流相互作用为高雷诺数绕流问题,处于高雷诺数下的绕流模拟比处于低雷诺数下的绕流模拟要复杂很多,它需要更精细的网格以及合适的湍流模型。此文对处于悬跨状态下的海底管道进行数值研究,给出不同间隙比下海流绕流海底管道的流场结构形态,分析了间隙比对绕流阻力和绕流升力的影响,为进一步研究海底悬跨管道的受力和变形提供载荷边界数据。  相似文献   

通过数值模拟方法与物理模型实验,对不同间隙比情况下的海底管线绕流特性进行研究。数值模拟采用有限差分法对标准k-ε湍流方程和控制方程进行离散,利用GMRES算法求解离散方程,模拟绕流流场。物理模型实验中采用超声测速仪ADV系统测取不同断面的流速分布情况,分别分析不同间隙比情况下的漩涡运动特性。同时分析各垂直断面不同间隙比时尾流流速变化情况,数值模拟结果与实验结果吻合较好,本文成果为进一步研究海底管线的防护措施打下基础。  相似文献   

利用计算流体力学软件Fluent开展了三维动波浪壁圆柱绕流的数值模拟,建立了三维运动波浪壁圆柱模型,通过C语言自编程序实现波浪壁面的运动控制,并保证壁面变形时网格的高质量。在来流速度u=0.125 m/s、雷诺数Re=12 500的情况下,开展了动波浪壁波动速度w=0、0.062 5、0.125、0.187 5 m/s四个工况的计算分析,并比较了不同波动速度对流场结构、升力、阻力特性的影响。结果表明:动波浪壁圆柱能有效抑制流动的分离,消除交替脱落的尾涡,从而消除周期振荡的升力;在消除卡门涡街的同时,圆柱后驻点处的涡量值随波动速度增加而增加,其原因在于波形移动加大了壁面流体的速度,从而减小了圆柱前后的压力差,减小了阻力;随着波动速度的增大,平均阻力系数呈明显下降趋势,当波动速度为来流速度的1.5倍时,平均阻力系数相对于光滑圆柱下降了53.76%。  相似文献   

高洋洋  张演明  刘彩  王滨 《海洋工程》2020,38(1):86-100
基于计算流体力学(CFD)开源代码OpenFOAM开展了不同雷诺数(Re=100、1500和3900)和倾斜角度(-60°≤α≤60°)工况下倾斜圆柱绕流流场的三维数值模拟,研究倾斜圆柱绕流的三维瞬时及时均尾流流场、流线拓扑、升阻力系数与旋涡脱落频率随雷诺数及倾斜角度变化的规律,探讨在顺流向及逆流向情况下独立性原则对倾斜圆柱绕流的适用性。研究结果表明:随着圆柱倾角的增大,倾斜圆柱尾流产生较为明显的轴向流,尾流旋涡脱落受到明显抑制,细碎旋涡逐渐消失,尾流宽度随之减小;随着雷诺数的增大,圆柱尾流涡管发生明显的变形,展向掺混使得大量细碎旋涡产生,呈现出明显的三维特性。在不同雷诺数下,阻力系数均值、升力系数均方根及无量纲涡脱频率在一定倾角范围内符合独立性原则。  相似文献   

横向受迫振荡圆柱低雷诺数绕流问题数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对雷诺数Re=200的圆柱在均匀来流中横向受迫振荡的问题进行数值模拟分析.通过改变运动圆柱的振荡频率和振幅,分析圆柱所受作用力及圆柱尾流泻涡结构的变化特性,振荡圆柱在非锁定状态和锁定状态下作用力曲线和圆柱尾流泻涡结构的变化情况,以及不同圆柱振荡频率和振幅情况下单个振荡周期内圆柱尾流泻涡结构模式之间的转换特征.  相似文献   

在亚临界区雷诺数下,采用脱体涡模拟方法对弱电解质中电磁力作用下圆柱绕流场及其升阻力特性进行了数值模拟与分析。结果表明,电磁力可以提高圆柱体边界层内的流体动能,延缓圆柱体近壁面流动分离,减弱绕流场中流向和展向大尺度涡的强度,减小圆柱体阻力及其升力脉动幅值;当电磁力作用参数大于某个临界值后,流动分离角消失,在圆柱体尾部产生射流现象,电磁力产生净推力作用,出现负阻力现象,而且升力脉动幅值显著减小且接近于零。  相似文献   

赵宇蒙  温鸿杰  任冰  王超 《海洋工程》2021,39(4):134-143
基于光滑粒子流体动力学(SPH)方法,开发了能够准确描述水流作用下圆柱强迫振动特性的数学模型。通过引入适合于无网格粒子法的开边界算法,来模拟出入流边界条件,建立了具有造流功能的SPH数值水槽。圆柱及计算域的上下边界均采用修正的动力边界条件进行模拟。借助于粒子位移矫正和压力修正算法,避免了圆柱周围流体粒子压力大幅震荡以及结构下游区域出现空腔等非物理性现象。使用典型的圆柱绕流数据,验证了所建SPH模型的计算性能,研究了固定圆柱在低雷诺数情况下的尾涡脱落模式和升阻力变化规律。明确了低雷诺数下强迫振动圆柱在频率锁定以及非锁定区间内的升力变化规律,量化了升力与外界激励频率之间的关系。  相似文献   

不同倒角半径柱体绕流数值模拟及水动力特性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为研究倒角半径变化对柱体绕流水动力特性的影响,本文使用Fluent软件,采用大涡模拟对雷诺数Re=3 900下的6种不同倒角半径的三维柱体进行了研究。在模型验证基础上,分析了由方柱渐变到圆柱过程中后方流场速度的时均特性及瞬时涡脱落变化规律,给出了不同倒角半径下的升、阻力系数值及无量纲涡脱频率St数。分析结果表明:平均阻力系数随倒角半径的增加而降低,在倒角半径为0.2D时下降速率最大,相较方柱降幅达到50%;升力系数均方根在倒角半径为0.1D~0.2D时变化最显著,减小约93%; St数随倒角半径增加而增大,在倒角半径为0.4D时可达到最大值;回流区长度随倒角半径的增加呈先增大后减小的趋势,其长度在倒角半径为0.2D时达到最大;尾涡宽度在倒角半径为0.0D最大,后随倒角半径增加逐渐下降,且当倒角半径大于0.2D以后变化不大。本文研究结果可为柱体绕流研究及相关工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   

不同倒角半径下方柱绕流的数值模拟及水动力特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究不同倒角半径对方柱绕流特性的影响,采用有限体积法,模拟了雷诺数Re为22 500、倒角半径为0.1D(D为方柱边长的长度)、0.2D和0.3D时方柱的绕流过程。方柱近壁面采用增强壁面函数,模型采用SST k–?湍流模型。根据模拟结果给出了不同倒角半径下方柱的流场涡量图以及阻力系数Cd和升力系数Cl;利用快速傅里叶变换法得到斯托罗哈数St。结果表明,倒角半径的增加改变了方柱的分离点,使得尾流区长度增加,旋涡尺度减小;Cd和Cl的振动幅值呈现先减小后增大的趋势,倒角半径为0.1D和0.2D时方柱受力较小,不存在倒角时方柱受力较大,倒角半径为0.3D时方柱受力最大;随着倒角半径的增加,柱体截面形式越接近圆形,斯托罗哈数逐渐增大,漩涡脱落频率更快。  相似文献   

采用RANS方法,结合SST k-ω湍流模型,对不同顺流向与横顺流向固有频率的比值(即固有频率比,fnx/fny)条件下低质量比圆柱体的双自由度涡激振动进行了二维数值模拟。圆柱体的质量比为2.6,雷诺数范围为2 500~18 750,相应的约化速度范围为2~15,包括了经典试验中出现的整个锁定范围。通过研究发现,固有频率比是影响振动特性的重要参数,随着固有频率比的增加,响应幅值逐渐降低且向更高的约化速度偏移;在低约化速度范围内,固有频率比对顺流向和横流向振动之间的相位差以及升力频率有较大影响,从而得到各种不同偏向的8字形轨迹;最后对不同固有频率比条件下的尾涡模式进行了讨论,给出了对应不同约化速度时的尾涡模式。  相似文献   

In this study, the Navier-Stokes equations and the pressure Poisson equation for two-dimensional time-dependent viscous flows are solved with a finite difference method in a curvilinear coordinate system. With this numerical procedure, the vortex shedding flow past a circular cylinder near a wall is investigated. The flow is calculated for a broad range of gap ratios for different Reynolds numbers ranging from 80 to 1000. Based on the numerical solutions, the vortex shedding is observed using various methods, and the mechanism for the vortex shedding suppression at small gap ratios is analyzed. The critical gap ratio at which the vortex shedding is suppressed is identified at different Reynolds numbers.  相似文献   

The drag and lift force are measured on circular cylinders fitted with end plates in a wind tunnel. The gap between the cylinder and the wall, G, the thickness of the turbulent boundary layer along the wall, δ, and the Reynolds number, Re, are varied in the following ranges: 0 < G/D < 2, 0.12 < δ/D < 0.97 and 4.8 × 104 Re 3 × 105. The lift and drag coefficients are presented in terms of a new variable G/δ.

It is found that the lift coefficient is governed by the gap to diameter ratio G/D while the drag coefficient is dominated by the ratio of gap to thickness of the boundary layer, G/δ.  相似文献   

The behavior of vortex-induced vibration of a two-degree-of-freedom cylinder near a deformable wall in steady flow is investigated experimentally.The typical phenomenon of the two-degree-of-freedom cylinder’s VIV is discussed.The influences of initial gap between the cylinder and the wall on the dynamic responses of the cylinder are analyzed.The comparison is made about dynamic responses of the cylinder with one and two degrees of freedom.Experimental results show that the vibration of the cylinder near a deformable wall with a small value of initial gap-to-diameter ratios can generally be divided into two phases.The initial gap-to-diameter ratios have a noticeable influence on the occurrence of transverse vibration.The transverse maximum amplitude of the cylinder with two degrees of freedom is larger than that of the cylinder with one degree of freedom under the condition with the same values of other parameters.However,the vibration frequency of the cylinder for the two degrees of freedom case is smaller than that for the one degree of freedom case at the same value of Vr number.  相似文献   

X.K. Wang  S.K. Tan 《Ocean Engineering》2008,35(5-6):458-472
The flow patterns in the near wake of a cylinder (either circular or square in shape, D=25 mm) placed in the proximity of a fully developed turbulent boundary layer (thickness δ=0.4D) are investigated experimentally using particle image velocimetry (PIV). The effects of changing the gap height (S) between the cylinder bottom and the wall surface, over the gap ratio range S/D=0.1–1.0, have been investigated. The results show that both the ensemble-averaged and instantaneous flow fields are strongly dependent on S/D. The flow patterns for the two types of cylinders share many similarities with respect to the change in S/D, such as the reduced recirculation length and increased velocity fluctuation in the near wake with increasing S/D, as well as the trend of suppression of vortex shedding at small S/D and onset of vortex shedding at large S/D. However, developments of the shear layers, in terms of wake width, flow curvature, etc., are considerably different for these two types of cylinders. In general, the wake development and momentum exchange for the square cylinder are slower those for the circular cylinder at the same gap ratio. Correspondingly, it is shown that the periodic vortex shedding is delayed and weakened in the case of square cylinder, as compared to that of the circular cylinder at the same S/D.  相似文献   

In this study, two- and three-dimensional numerical simulations were performed to investigate the effect of the flow structure in the wake of a square cylinder placed near a plane wall by applying a fully implicit finite-difference method to the Navier-Stokes equations. The gap ratio between the cylinder and the wall, G/D, was varied from 0.2 to 4 for the Reynolds numbers of 175, 185 and 250. The role of the 3D structure on the lift and drag coefficients and Strouhal number was investigated. The results were compared with those of the 2D numerical simulations. The deviations of the 3D flow structure of the cylinder-wall pair from that of a single cylinder were also reported. At Re=250, B type secondary vortices were determined in the wake region. At Re=175 and 185, transition from A type vortex to fully periodic B type vortices was observed when the cylinder was brought closer to the wall.  相似文献   

均匀流中直立圆柱体绕流三维数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究直立贯底圆柱体的三维粘性绕流问题。以不可压缩Navier-Stokes方程为控制方程,采用有限体积法和SIMPLE算法,建立了数值模拟方法。考察在不同水平和垂直断面上,圆柱体绕流产生的尾涡和流动速度场的分布特性,成功地数值模拟了直立贯底圆柱体绕流场的三维特性。结果表明,在考虑重力影响的情况下,直立圆柱体周围的流动具有明显的三维特性,而且沿圆柱体轴向不同断面上的尾涡分布是不相同的。  相似文献   

The interaction of a solitary wave with an array of surface-piercing vertical circular cylinders is investigated numerically. The wave motion is modeled by a set of generalized Boussinesq equations. The governing equations are discretized using a finite element method. The numerical model is validated against the experimental data of solitary wave reflection from a vertical wall and solitary wave scattering by a vertical circular cylinder respectively. The predicted wave surface elevation and the wave forces on the cylinder agree well with the experimental data. The numerical model is then employed to study solitary wave scattering by arrays of two circular cylinders and four circular cylinders respectively. The effect of wave direction on the wave forces and the wave runup on the cylinders is quantified.  相似文献   

两层粘性流体中圆柱体受迫振荡数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究两层粘性流体中无限长水平圆柱体的受迫振荡问题。在湍流模式下,采用VOF方法追踪两层流体的内界面,基于动网格技术模拟圆柱体的运动边界,对均匀流中横向振荡圆柱体的绕流场进行了数值模拟。计算受迫振荡圆柱体的升力系数、阻力系数随时间的演化曲线和圆柱体的尾涡分布,以及圆柱体的受迫振荡激发两层流体内界面的扰动,并与均匀流体的情况进行了比较分析。研究表明,流体的两层分层效应对受迫振荡圆柱体的升阻力系数和尾涡分布特性都有显著影响,在水下输油气管道涡激振动特性的工程评估中,应考虑流体的密度分层效应。  相似文献   

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