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Kurt  Kotrschal 《Marine Ecology》1988,9(3):253-269
Abstract. The utilization of empty holes of endolithic bivalves (Gttsirocluwnu dubui by Bknnius chdmcitinus , and Litliophaga lithophaga by all other species) as shelters by egg-guarding males of nine species of Adriatic Blenniidae is compared. A wide spectrum of entrance sizes to these "standardized" shelters is used with the most frequent utilization ranging between 1(H) and 275 mm: (11.2–18.8mm mean entrance diameters). As a trend within and between species, larger fish utilize holes with disproportionately wider entrances. There arc significant differences between species in the means of "fit" of the heads within the entrances: the heads of B. dulmaibuts, B. canaeve, B. adrialicus , and B. zvonimiri "fit" tightly into their entrances whereas the two large species, B.puvo and B. tentacularis , which only facultatively use holes of boring mussels for breeding, arc found in holes with "oversized" entrances. In most species mean shelter depth approximates mean body length. Species which tightly "fit" their entrances tend to stay longer when disturbed mechanically or chemically compared to those with only a loose "fit". The ecological and evolutionary significance of these patterns is discussed.  相似文献   

J. Nieder 《Marine Ecology》1997,18(3):227-237
Abstract. Gut contents of a total of 180 specimens of the blennies Scartella cristata (L., 1758). Parablennius pilicornis (C uvier , 1829) and Lipophrys trigloides (V alenciennes , 1836) caught in the course of 1990 off Playa de la Mora (Prov. Tarragona, Spain) were analysed. The quantitative composition of food differed considerably between the 3 species (mostly algae in the herbivorous S. cristara. Amphipoda in the carnivorous L. trigloides and a variety of items in omnivorous P. pilicornis ). The 3 species in the course of a year overlap little in food resource use, with overlap reaching its maximum in April when juvenile Mytilus on the rock substrate are in ample supply. In S. cristata and L. trigloides , diversity of food items is similarly lowest in July and April, respectively, when these 2 species attain their optimal nutritional status. In contrast, diet diversity and food intake are inversely correlated in P. pilicornis. Evidently, resource sharing between blenniid species in the rocky shore habitat is clearly structured, but subject to seasonal dynamics. It is concluded that food niche analyses should consider seasonal plasticity in feeding patterns and refrain from premature conclusions based on short-term studies.  相似文献   

The distribution of deepwater Actiniaria is poorly known. Rarely are these organisms identified to family, as this requires both well-preserved specimens and taxonomic expertise. Ecological information is similarly lacking. From the results of a comprehensive surveying program in the deep Gulf of Mexico, we report the occurrence of nine species of Actiniaria. For the most abundant four of these, we plot distributions and discuss habitat use, morphological variation, and feeding strategies. Actiniaria in the Gulf appear to have broad, basin-wide distributions with little depth preference. Faunal biomass is highest in the NE Gulf within submarine canyons or at the base of slope escarpments. Attachment mode is mostly opportunistic on various types of hard substrata, including trash. Sediment-dwelling forms are very abundant at an organically rich site within a large submarine canyon.  相似文献   

Total metal concentrations in sediments from within Ensenada and El Sauzal Harbors are generally higher than at the mouths. Grain-size analyses suggested that this enrichment could be due to the presence of fine-grained sediments in the inner part of the harbors rather than to anthropogenic perturbations. The (Me/Al)(sample) ratios for Pb, Co, Ni and Fe were significantly higher for Ensenada Harbor relative to El Sauzal Harbor, whereas the ratios for Cd, Mn, Zn and Cu were statistically equivalent for both harbors. Calculated enrichment factors [EF(Me)=(Me/Al)(sample)/(Me/Al)(shale)] indicated that the metals showing slight enrichment were those associated with anthropogenic contamination (Pb, Zn), or probably related to primary productivity in the water column (Cd, Co). The levels of most of the metals were not greatly enriched, a consideration that is of the utmost importance when contamination issues are at stake.  相似文献   

Fish larvae and hydrographic data collected in the Gulf of California (GC) in December 2002 are used to describe larval fish assemblages (LFAs) and to explore their relationships with environmental variables (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence maximum, ?? and superficial chlorophyll a). The Bray–Curtis dissimilarity index defined three LFAs, distributed in areas with distinctly different environmental conditions. The affinity of most of the species with the environmental characteristics of their areas of distribution could be interpreted as an indication that spawning occurred inside those areas. Particle tracking in current fields from a 3D numerical model and connectivity matrices are used to assess larval retention in the LFA areas. The technique is well suited for seas like the GC that have well-defined circulation patterns. On time scales around 30 days, retention (from 56% to 73% of the particles) occurred (1) for the North LFA in the Upper GC, (2) for the Channel-Center LFA in the anticyclone over the Northern GC and in Ballenas Channel, and (3) for the South LFA in the eddy over San Pedro Mártir basin and in the shallow zone off the peninsula. Therefore, the Lagrangian analysis revealed that the observed LFAs have a permanency long enough to allow fish larvae to remain in a favorable environment until they develop motility. The main particle export path (less than 26% of the particles) was from the North to the South LFA, following the anticyclonic main flow and coinciding with the gradient in species number and larval abundance.  相似文献   

For the correct management of the future International Marine Park of Bonifacio, a sampling strategy must be adopted to follow the population fluctuations of certain species of fish. This sampling will be carried out by SCUBA visual census using the fixed point method. The information to be gleaned using this method will include estimates of biomass. These data will subsequently be used to perform both spatial comparisons between sites and temporal comparisons over periods of several years. In order to reveal the existence of statistically significant differences, the sampling strategy adopted must allow accurate means to be obtained which possess relatively low coefficients of variability. The calculation of this optimum sampling depends on the spatial distribution of the species examined. The Taylor law (s2 = a ×x b), which represents a much utilized mean-variance relationship, will be used to compare the aggregation of three species of fish (Symphodus ocellatus,Serranus scriba and Diplodus annularis) on two different substrate types (Posidonia oceanica meadows and rocks) and for four sites in the Lavezzi Islands. The goodness of fit of this law to the biomass data will allow an optimum sampling strategy to be determined for each species with coefficients of variability of 10 and 25%.  相似文献   

The smooth hammerhead shark, Sphyrna zygaena, occurs in warm temperate waters around the northern North Island of New Zealand. Commercial fishing records and research trawl survey data were used to determine their distribution. Highest catch rates were recorded in relatively sheltered bays and coastlines along the northeast coast of North Island. Neonate and juvenile sharks use shallow coastal waters and large harbours and estuaries as nursery areas up to an age of two years and total length of 150?cm. Five sharks were electronically tagged but two apparently died and three (137–160?cm total length) returned useful data. Two tagged sharks remained in or near the Bay of Islands for 6–55 days after tagging, moving extensively through the bay. A third shark moved about 155?km southeast in 250 days. That shark spent 70 days mostly shallower than 10?m (94% of time) with occasional dives to 40?m. Thereafter, it oscillated between the surface and depths of 60?80?m, with most time (55%) being spent at 40?60?m. Maximum recorded depth was 144?m.  相似文献   

Caging and a mark–recapture design were used to estimate the growth rate of the brittle, infaunal bivalve Soletellina alba in the Hopkins River estuary. The growth of both caged and uncaged individuals was monitored at three sites near the mouth of the estuary over 180 days. Growth rates did not differ for caged and uncaged bivalves, or for bivalves subject to different amounts of handling, or between sites. Growth did differ between consecutive time intervals, which was attributable to negligible growth occurring during the colder months of autumn/winter. Comparisons of the condition (as indicated by total mass for length3) of S. alba were inconsistent between sites for caged and uncaged bivalves and for those subject to different amounts of handling. Soletellina alba is a rapidly growing bivalve with mean growth rates for the three time intervals being 0.04±0.002 mm day−1 in summer, 0.02±0.001 mm day−1 in autumn and 0.03±0.001 mm day−1 from summer to winter. Using existing literature, it was shown that a significant relationship exists between maximum shell length and onset of sexual maturity in bivalve molluscs. This relationship predicts that S. alba should reach the onset of sexual maturity at 15.8 mm length. Therefore, it appears that it may be possible for juvenile S. alba (<1 mm) to grow, reach sexual maturity and reproduce in between annual mass-mortality events caused by winter flooding.  相似文献   

Abstract. The population densities, spatial distributions, size frequencies, growth rates, longevity and reproductive activities of sub‐populations of the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus were investigated over a two‐year period. Sea urchins were examined in three habitats in Saint Joseph Bay, Florida, which is within the northern limits of their distribution. Densities of sea urchins, which ranged as high as 35 individuals ·?2, fluctuated seasonally at all sites and were higher in seagrass beds comprised of Thalassia testudinum than Syringodium filiforme or on a sand flat. A cold front caused large‐scale, catastrophic mortality among adult, and especially juvenile, sea urchins in nearshore habitats of the Bay in the spring of 1993, leading to a dramatic decline in sea urchin densities at the Thalassia seagrass site. The population recovered over 6 months at this site and was attributable to immigration of new adults. Juvenile recruitment displayed both interannual and site‐specific variability, with recruitment being highest in seagrass habitats in fall and spring. The most pronounced recruitment event occurred in fall 1993 at the Thalassia site. Spatial distributions of adult individuals ascertained monthly never varied from random in the seagrass beds (T. testudinum and S. filiforme) or during spring, summer or fall months on the sand flat. Nonetheless, aggregations of adult sea urchins were observed on the sand flat in the winter months and were associated with patchy distributions of plant food resources. Juvenile sea urchins (< 25 mm test diameter) exhibited aggregations at all sites and 67 % of all juveniles under 10 mm test diameter (91 of 165 individuals observed) were found under the spine canopies of adults. Measurements of the inducibility of spawning indicated peak gametic maturity in all three sub‐populations in spring and summer. Gonad indices varied between habitats and years, but distinct maxima were detected, particularly in spring 1993 and late summer 1994. The mean gonad index of individuals at the Syringodium seagrass site was 2‐ to 4‐fold higher than the other sites in spring 1993 and gonad indices were much higher at all sites in spring of 1993 than 1994. Estimates of growth based on changes in size frequency cohorts coupled with measurements of growth bands on lantern demipyramids indicated that L. variegatus in three habitats of Saint Joseph Bay have similar growth rates and attain a mean test diameter of approximately 35 mm in one year. In contrast to populations within the central biogeographical range of the species, which may attain test diameters up to 90 mm, the largest individuals recorded in Saint Joseph Bay were 60 mm in test diameter, and almost all individuals were no more than 45 mm in test diameter or two years of age. The demographics of L. variegatus in the northern limits of their distribution appear to be strongly influenced by latitudinally driven, low‐temperature events and secondarily by local abiotic factors, especially springtime low salinities, which may negatively impact larval development and recruitment.  相似文献   

Carbonate reservoirs in the Córdoba petroleum system (NE Mexico) passed through a multiphase deformation history complicating the petroleum geology. The area evolved from passive margin and foreland setting to Laramide fold and thrust belt (FTB) that was subsequently buried below the Tertiary-Quaternary Veracruz Basin, which in turn underwent transpressional deformation. Reconstruction of paleo-burial (erosion) and paleo-thermicity through the different zones of the FTB and adjacent foreland is a challenging task since classical calibration tools fail to discriminate between several kinematic and thermal models. In this study results from detailed diagenetic and fluid inclusion (FI) analyses on carbonates from the western part of the Córdoba Platform helped constraining paleo-thermicity. Combined microthermometry, synchrotron FTIR analyses and PVT modeling of cogenetic hydrocarbon-aqueous FI allowed also calculation of absolute pressures. Thermal modeling exercises calibrated with organic maturity parameters, bottom-hole temperatures or temperatures from FI demonstrate that without controlling also paleo-erosion the model results may be misleading.  相似文献   

Rhabdosargus holubi is a small (maximum weight=2.4?kg) yet important fishery species in the estuaries of the south-east coast of South Africa. Little is known of its biology and specifically its growth rate, which is essential for sustainable management of the fishery. We examined and counted the opaque zones in the sectioned otoliths of 134 R. holubi to determine its age and growth parameters. The otoliths from two recaptured fish marked with oxytetracycline confirmed that one opaque zone was deposited annually. The species reached a maximum age of 18 years and growth was adequately described by a von Bertalanffy growth function of the form: Lt = 358.1 (1 – e?0.24(t+0.77)) mm fork length. There were no significant differences between any of the male and female growth parameters (likelihood ratio test: p = 0.3). The growth was slow (omega index: ω = 86.56); however, despite this, the unique life history of R. holubi may provide a degree of resilience to heavy fishing pressure in estuaries.  相似文献   

Growth of the bluenose, Hyperoglyphe antarctica (Carmichael, 1818) from the lower east coast, North Island, was determined by counting growth check rings in otoliths. One growth check ring appeared to be laid down each year, so this technique is probably valid for aging bluenose. Female fish had a significantly higher growth rate than males. Comparisons of samples from three sites indicated no significant regional differences in growth. The von Bertalanffy parameters L8,K, and t0 fitted to back‐calculated fish lengths were, respectively, 81.1 cm, 0.308, ‐0.627 for males, and 86.1 cm, 0.308, ‐0.384 for females.  相似文献   

Two scales of levee confinement are commonly recognised from submarine channel-levee systems on the seafloor and in the subsurface. Large-scale external levees bound the entire system whilst smaller-scale internal levees bound individual thalweg channels within the channel-belt. Although thin beds are commonly identified in core and well logs, their origin, and consequently their stratigraphic significance is currently poorly understood. This knowledge gap stems, in part, from the lack of unambiguously identified outcrop analogues of channel-levees, and in particular the lack of identifiable internal and external levees. Here we report from two exhumed channel-levee systems where both scales of confinement can be recognised: the Rosario Fm. of Baja California, and the Fort Brown Fm. of South Africa. A suite of characteristic sedimentary features are recognised from internal and external levees respectively: internal levees are characterised by structures indicative of complexity in the waxing-waning style of overspill, interactions with topography and flow magnitude variability; in contrast, external levees are characterised by structures indicative of simple surge-like waning flows, relatively uniform flow directions, laterally extensive beds, and a lack of erosive events. Using these observations, together with published literature, we propose a simple nomenclatural scheme for levee sub-environments, and criteria to differentiate between levee sub-environments in core or outcrop.  相似文献   

Abstract. The distribution and abundance of the hyperiid amphipods collected during April–May 1986 was analysed in order to study their relationship to mesoscale features in the southern Gulf of Mexico. Hyperiids were represented by 79 species, Lestrigonus bengalensis (65% of total hyperiids), Primno abyssalis (4.3%), Anchylomera blossevillei (2.3%) and Lestrigonus schizogeneios (2.3%) being the most abundant. Several mesoscale features (two cyclonic and three anticyclonic eddies, two upwelling areas) were active in the surveyed area. Cluster analysis of density and composition produced five groups of stations that were found to be related to some of these features. Overall, the mesoscale features that most influenced the local hyperiid community were the upwelling areas; they were related both with the highest and the lowest hyperiid densities and with high and low diversity figures. Overall day/night variations were normal, with highest night‐time densities; this pattern was not consistent in the different mesoscale features studied. Reverse migrations were possibly occurring, or migration patterns were lacking, at some of these systems. The hyperiid community structure related to the anticyclonic eddies differed somewhat among the eddies; however, the oceanographic exchange with the surrounding gulf waters probably obscured sharper faunistic differences between the communities.  相似文献   

The sagittal otoliths of Lophius upsicephalus, although extremely variable in shape, were found to be the only structures suitable for age estimation. The annuli are multi-ringed zones separated by "wider than normal" opaque zones. They are difficult to interpret, especially those of fish older than nine years. Periodicity of annulus formation could not be determined by standard methods. By inference, annulus formation could be related to feeding habits and reproductive seasonality. The growth in length (sexes combined) is best described by

Length-at-age = 733,7 (1 – e?0,1054 (t + 1,879))mm.

There is a significant difference in growth by mass between the sexes. The respective equations describing growth by mass (in g) for males and females are:

Weight-at-age = 8616 (1 – e?0,1054 (t + 1,879))2,805 and

Weight-at-age = 9499 (1 – e?0,1054 (t + 1,879))2,890.  相似文献   

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