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基于非结构网格的电阻率三维带地形反演   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
吴小平  刘洋  王威 《地球物理学报》2015,58(8):2706-2717
地表起伏地形在野外矿产资源勘察中不可避免, 其对直流电阻率法勘探影响巨大.近年来, 电阻率三维正演取得诸多进展, 特别是应用非结构网格我们能够进行任意复杂地形和几何模型的电阻率三维数值模拟, 但面向实际应用的起伏地形下电阻率三维反演依然困难.本文基于非结构化四面体网格, 并考虑到应用GPS/GNSS时, 区域地球物理调查中可非规则布设测网的实际特点, 实现了任意地形(平坦或起伏)条件下、任意布设的偶极-偶极视电阻率数据的不完全Gauss-Newton三维反演.合成数据的反演结果表明了方法的有效性, 可应用于复杂野外环境下的三维电法勘探.  相似文献   


Radio-magnetotelluric(RMT)是以无线电发射机为信号源的一种地球物理勘探方法,近年来被广泛应用于数米至数十米内的近地表工程和环境地球物理勘探.目前,各类电磁资料的反演均是以寻求满足目标拟合差的地下介质电阻率分布为目的.然而,对于勘探频率为10~300 kHz的RMT数据,由介电常数所引起的波动场在总场中的比例可达20%以上,在这种情况下,忽略介电常数,仅通过电阻率参数的反演来进行数据拟合势必降低反演资料解释的准确性.为解决这一问题,本文研究了基于电阻率-介电常数的双参数同步反演算法.构建了一个全新的双参数目标函数,并推导了双参数反演迭代方程组;通过灵敏度分析,研究了电阻率和介电常数对正演响应的影响,并据此提出相对电导率的概念,统一了反演参数的灵敏度;通过理论模型分析了参考频率、双参数正则化因子对反演结果的影响,并给出了一般性的参数优选方案.此外,为了能够灵活处理复杂地形,本文采用非结构的正反演双网格进行模型离散,并通过局部加密技术保证反演的速度和精度.最后,对一带地形的理论模型分别进行了单参数和双参数反演,结果表明单参数反演无法正确反映出地电信息,而双参数反演能够准确得到异常的分布,验证了本文所开发的双参数反演程序的有效性.


A new mesh refinement strategy for generating high quality unstructured meshes of the Northwestern European continental shelf, the continental slope and the neighbouring ocean is presented. Our objective is to demonstrate the ability of anisotropic unstructured meshes to adequately address the challenge of simulating the hydrodynamics occurring in these three regions within a unique mesh. The refinement criteria blend several hydrodynamic considerations as the tidal wave propagation on the continental shelf and the hydrostatic consistency condition in steep areas. Several meshes illustrate both the validity and the efficiency of the refinement strategy. The selection of the refinement parameters is discussed. Finally, an attempt is made to take into account tidal ellipses, providing another cause for anisotropy in the mesh.  相似文献   

本研究实现了一套基于有限差分(FD)方法的大地电磁测深数据带地形三维反演算法及代码.其中,在大地电磁场正演数值模拟方面,开发了起伏地形条件下基于交错网格剖分、有限差分方法的大地电磁测深三维正演代码;在满足平面波场假设的前提下,使用长方体网格剖分模拟三维起伏地形,实现了带地形三维正演计算;并设计理论模型进行试算,经试算结果与前人的有限元法计算结果对比,验证了所研发的带地形三维正演计算的正确性与可靠性.在反演方面,本研究基于非线性共轭梯度方法编写了大地电磁测深带地形三维反演代码,试验了不同的共轭梯度搜索因子β,避免了目标函数对海森矩阵(参数二次导数矩阵)的显式计算和存储,初步实现了大地电磁资料的带地形三维反演.最后,对一系列理论模型进行正演计算,利用其生成的合成数据模拟实测数据进行反演,并与现有的不带地形大地电磁测深三维反演结果比较,检验了所研发的带地形三维反演计算的可靠性与稳定性.  相似文献   

起伏地形下CSAMT二维正反演研究与应用   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
雷达 《地球物理学报》2010,53(4):982-993
CSAMT在山区金属矿勘查中,采用各种滤波和相位积分之类的处理方法,校正因地形起伏和局部电性不均匀引起的静态效应,往往难保奏效,开发消除静态效应的新方法是提高CSAMT资料处理与解释水平和方法应用效果的重要研究课题. 本文以如何消除地形影响为重点,对起伏地形下CSAMT二维大地三维源地电模型,采用加权余弦数值积分法,进行波数域电磁场二维有限单元法正演. 为模拟复杂地形地电模型,选取交叉对称网格三角形剖分法,实现了在国内常用赤道电偶极装置的CSAMT二维正演计算;在二维正演的基础上,开发了基于奥克姆反演法的CSAMT二维反演技术,研制出一套起伏地形下CSAMT二维正反演处理与解释方法技术系统. 通过理论模型试算和实测数据处理证实,本系统能有效地削减起伏地形影响. 在找矿应用中,该系统反演的电阻率断面,极大地消除了起伏地形影响和静态效应,突显出清晰的控矿构造和矿体的异常,取得了重要成效.  相似文献   

电性参数分块连续变化二维MT有限元数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
刘云  王绪本 《地球物理学报》2012,55(6):2079-2086
为了易于模拟野外复杂地形和地下任意形状地电体模型,将有限元单元网格设计为三角单元;并考虑到野外实际勘探中,地球介质的电性参数均是连续变化的情况,单元内的场值和电性参数被设计为双线性变化;推导出二维起伏地形条件下大地电磁法有限元数值模拟算法;根据单元节点主场值和线性插值形函数间的关系,计算出单元节点的辅助场值;在二维起伏地形情况下,定义TE、TM模式视电阻率和阻抗相位.4个模型的计算的结果与解析法的均方根误差小于1%,地形模拟与前人的计算结果相符,模拟倾斜界面异常体,能有效的反映出其异常形态.  相似文献   

自适应非结构有限元MT二维起伏地形正反演研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在山区进行MT勘探时,用规则网格有限元方法模拟起伏地形会受到限制.本文采用非结构三角网格可以有效地模拟任意二维地质结构,如起伏地形、倾斜岩层和多尺度构造等.正演引入自适应有限元方法,其在网格剖分过程中能根据单元误差自动细化网格,保证了正演结果的精度.将自适应有限元与Occam算法结合,且引用并行处理技术提高正反演计算速度.通过对比两个理论模型,讨论了地形对MT正演响应的影响;其次进行了不同地电模型带地形反演展示了本文算法的正确性和适用性;最后将该方法应用于实测MT数据处理,证明了自适应非结构有限元方法是复杂地形下处理MT数据的有力工具.  相似文献   

大地电磁二维陡边界反演应用效果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对石油勘探中常常遇到大块具有均匀电导率的地质单元被高陡边界分割的情况,传统的光滑反演各具特色但均有边界位置模糊的缺点,而陡边界反演方法可以有效地克服这种缺点.本文从应用的角度出发,对陡边界反演方法的原理作了详细的介绍,并应用该反演方法对两个块状结构模型的合成数据进行了反演,反演结果的拟合差分别为rms=1.66和rms=1.27,表明该方法反演结果能准确地恢复到真实模型附近;通过对比该方法与快速松弛法在实测数据中的应用,表明该方法有助于提高MT反演分辨率.但是该方法对模型参数设置和所知道的地质信息的准确性要求较高.  相似文献   




研究了基于矢量有限元方法的大地电磁带地形三维反演算法并开发了三维反演计算程序代码.在大地电磁场正演数值模拟方面,采用并行直接稀疏求解器PARDISO且无需进行散度校正的快速正演方案,对典型地形模型,在中等规模计算条件下,与双共轭梯度法(BICG)计算结果比较,发现PARDISO比BICG快10倍以上;通过理论模型试算,并与前人的有限元法计算结果对比,验证了带地形三维正演计算程序的正确性.在反演方面,本研究基于共轭梯度方法编写了大地电磁带地形三维反演代码,为了避免直接求取雅可比矩阵,将反演中的雅可比矩阵计算问题转为求解两次"拟正演"问题,进而将PARDISO的快速正演方案应用于"拟正演"问题的求解,以提高反演计算效率.利用开发的反演算法对多个带地形地电模型的合成数据进行了三维反演,反演结果能很好地重现理论模型的电性结构,验证了本文开发的三维反演算法的正确性和可靠性.最后,利用该算法反演了某矿区大地电磁实测数据,反演得到的三维电性结构清晰地反映了研究区的地电特征,将反演结果与该区已有地质资料结合进行解释,应用效果明显,进一步验证了本文算法的有效性.  相似文献   

The increased popularity of airborne measurements of the gravity gradient tensor for resource studies and geological mapping has resulted in a new awareness of the importance of terrain effects. In these measurements, the terrain effect often overwhelms that of the underlying crust and it becomes important to formulate a strategy for taking it into account when presenting the data and when inverting the data into density models. Using newly acquired data from Northern Sweden, we first attempted to estimate a variable terrain density model by inverting the data using a terrain model with a laterally varying density. Using data weights related to the topography variations, we find the best estimate of the lateral variation of the terrain density. We translate this model into a full three-dimensional model such that all columns have the same vertical centre of mass as estimated from inspecting the radially averaged power spectrum of the area. This then defines a reference model for subsequent three-dimensional inversion of the gravity gradient tensor dataset. We tested this approach first on synthetic data calculated from the measured topography including two density anomalies before we applied it to the measured data. The result is a model in which the surface density variations are propagated downwards in a systematic manner now in better agreement with measured densities of rock samples in the area.  相似文献   

量子遗传算法作为一种高效的优化算法,仍存在容易陷入局部极值的缺点.为提高算法的高效性,并探讨将算法应用于大地电磁二维反演的可行性和有效性,本文对算法进行了改进,并通过一维两层D型和四层HK型模型数值试验验证了改进的有效性.然后将改进后的算法引入二维大地电磁反演,在引入滑动子空间思想,同时只考虑最简化反演条件的前提下,对一个简单的二维低阻地电模型进行了传统量子遗传算法和改进量子遗传算法的反演,结果说明了将量子遗传算法引入基于子空间的二维大地电磁反演是可行的和有效的,而且改进的算法效果要优于传统算法.最后对实测资料进行了反演,得到了比较好的结果.  相似文献   

We propose the approach to 3D inversion of airborne electromagnetic data, which is intended for discovering subvertical bodies overlapped by essentially inhomogeneous conductive layers. The approach is based on the geometric inversion in which a geoelectrical medium is parameterized with the use of block structures. During the inversion, the coordinates of the borders between the blocks and the rows of the blocks as well as resistivities inside them are determined. In order to solve the forward problem of the airborne electromagnetic survey, we use the non-conforming optimized mesh with the hexahedral cells, which enables us to reduce the number of degrees of freedom and smoothly approximate the curved borders of a geological medium. For a more reliable discovery of subvertical objects, we propose to carry out 3D inversions at several rotations of block structures relative to the flight lines. The workability of this approach is demonstrated using the data which are synthesized for complex geoelectrical models with topography, inhomogeneous overlapping layers and target subvertical bodies oriented differently relative to the flight lines. The results of this investigation show that, in some way or other, the elongated subvertical object is discovered and its orientation (the direction of its long side) is defined at different rotations of block structures used in 3D inversions. However, the most accurate recovery of the subvertical object length is achieved when the direction of its long side almost coincides with the direction of one of the block structures axes. Thus, the block structures rotations allow not only more reliably discovering a target object in complex geoelectrical conditions, but also more exactly defining its orientation and length.  相似文献   

Magnetotelluric (MT) surveys were conducted in Pohang, Korea, for low-temperature geothermal exploration in 2002 and 2003. Pohang is located in the southeastern part of the Korean Peninsula and close to the East Sea. In the interpretation of MT data from a coastal environment, sea effects must be correctly included because seawater is a strong conductor. We first constructed a five-layered earth model with a realistic coastline and bathymetry to investigate sea effects on MT data measured in Pohang. This model clearly shows that the Pohang data are significantly influenced by sea water at frequencies blow 1 Hz at the whole measurement sites. Next, we utilized a three-dimensional inversion algorithm based on the Gauss–Newton approach to produce a reliable resistivity model. Seawater is excluded from the inversion domain to fix the resistivity, while included in the modeling domain to simulate sea effects on MT responses. Blocks for the sub-seafloor are included in unknown parameters since they are sufficiently close to the survey area to affect MT responses in Pohang. Static shifts are also considered in inversion for more accurate interpretation. The rms data misfit is smoothly reduced from 11.2 to 1.87 after 7 iterations. The resulting resistivity model shows a pattern of low–high–low resistivity with depth. The model is compatible with resistivity logs obtained from four boreholes in the survey area, and can explain major geological features in Pohang.  相似文献   

基于剩余异常相关成像的重磁物性反演方法   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
将场源区剖分成长方体单元,通过采集的重磁数据反演出这些单元的密度或者磁化率变化,勾画出场源的分布图像,这种方式是重磁三维反演的重要方向.重磁相关成像通过计算测量的重磁异常与地下各点在测区上的重磁异常的归一化相关,显示出异常地质体的空间赋存状态和等效剩余重磁物性.该方法计算速度快,方法简单、稳定,但是反演的结果只是在-1到+1之间的等效物性,不能够直接反演剩余密度或者磁化率,并且无法引入已知的地质约束.本文通过对物性模型的正演和实测结果的残差进行相关成像,迭代更新物性模型实现对物性参数的反演过程.模型实验证明该方法相对相关成像不仅能提高分辨率,还能够得到真正的物性参数.  相似文献   

杨亭  傅容珊  黄金水 《地球物理学报》2012,55(11):3671-3680
区域岩石圈有效弹性厚度Te的确定对认识其力学性质及演化等动力学问题具有重要意义.长期以来,大陆地区有效弹性厚度的确定一直存在着争议.尽管Pérez-Gussinyé等2004年的研究消除了不同方法(自由空气导纳法和布格相关法)之间的分歧,但其确定有效弹性厚度的误差仍然非常大.本文提出了利用Moho面起伏及地表地形反演岩石圈有效弹性厚度的Moho地形导纳法(MDDF),并利用合成的地表地形和Moho面起伏模型验证了该方法的可行性.结果表明,与传统的重力地形导纳法相比,使用Moho地形导纳法(MDDF)反演岩石圈有效弹性厚度,能较好地提高反演精度.  相似文献   




饶丽婷  武欣  郭睿  党博  党瑞荣 《地球物理学报》2023,66(10):4253-4268



带地形的大地电磁二维正演数值模拟多数基于电性各向同性理论,由于地球内部电性各向异性现象的普遍存在,基于电性各向异性理论研究地形起伏情况下大地电磁二维正演数值模拟就显得非常迫切.本文首先由麦克斯韦方程出发,引入张量电导率,求得一组关于平行走向的电场分量Ex和磁场分量Hx的二阶偏微分方程,使用有限差分法求解出Ex和Hx的近似解,并以此求得其他场分量;其次,引入地形因素,改变变量在网格节点中的排列方式,选择交错排列方式从而给有限差分系数矩阵的最大带宽分配合理的存储空间;最后,使用Weaver的方法解决TM模式下,在地-空分界面垂直于构造走向的一些区域存在不同电导率的问题.通过对带地形的二维电性各向异性结构做正演模拟,研究地形因素对大地电磁响应的影响;以电性各向异性理论为基础,将地形因素引入对实测大地电磁资料的处理中,通过做二维正演拟合和未引入地形因素的结果做对比,说明电性各向异性现象的普遍存在,认识地形因素对观测大地电磁场的影响,为今后分析解释实测大地电磁资料包含地形因素和电性各向异性情况提供理论基础和技术指导.  相似文献   

Resistivity monitoring surveys are used to detect temporal changes in the subsurface using repeated measurements over the same site. The positions of the electrodes are typically measured at the start of the survey program and possibly at occasional later times. In areas with unstable ground, such as landslide‐prone slopes, the positions of the electrodes can be displaced by ground movements. If this occurs at times when the positions of the electrodes are not directly measured, they have to be estimated. This can be done by interpolation or, as in recent developments, from the resistivity data using new inverse methods. The smoothness‐constrained least squares optimisation method can be modified to include the electrode positions as additional unknown parameters. The Jacobian matrices with the sensitivity of the apparent resistivity measurements to changes in the electrode positions are then required by the optimisation method. In this paper, a fast adjoint‐equation method is used to calculate the Jacobian matrices required by the least squares method to reduce the calculation time. In areas with large near‐surface resistivity contrasts, the inversion routine sometimes cannot accurately distinguish between electrode displacements and subsurface resistivity variations. To overcome this problem, the model for the initial time‐lapse dataset (with accurately known electrode positions) is used as the starting model for the inversion of the later‐time dataset. This greatly improves the accuracy of the estimated electrode positions compared to the use of a homogeneous half‐space starting model. In areas where the movement of the electrodes is expected to occur in a fixed direction, the method of transformations can be used to include this information as an additional constraint in the optimisation routine.  相似文献   

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