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IntroductionVelocityanditsattenuationinformationiscloselylinkedwiththeoreticalstudiesonthegroundmovementsduringearthquake.Therecentstudy(Malagnini,1996)showedthatthevelocitystructureofshearwaveinshallowsoilabove30mplaysanimpoftantroletoestimatestfonggroundmotionofsite.However,itishardtopreciselymeasurethesoilstructuresanddynamiccharacteristics.First,theloosesoilabsorbstheseismicwaveswithhighfrequencies;Second,theeffectsoffocusinganddispersioncausedbylocallyinhomogeneoussitecannotbeneglectedin…  相似文献   

利用陕甘宁交界地区测震台网记录到的2009—2018年4423个近震波形资料,采用衰减结构层析成像方法对该地区地壳Q_S值进行成像分析,获得了陕甘宁交界地区地壳衰减模型,分析讨论了Q_S值分布与活动断裂及强震活动等之间的关系。结果显示,陕甘宁交界地区地壳剪切波衰减横向变化显著,整体上,海原-六盘山构造带和西秦岭构造带地壳Q_S值相对偏低,鄂尔多斯盆地和陇中盆地地壳Q_S值相对较高。活动构造带和活动断裂交汇区呈现低Q_S值,结合前人研究成果,推断这与活动断裂带及交汇区地壳岩石较为破碎且富含流体有关。有历史地震记录以来,研究区6级以上地震大多分布在高、低Q_S值的过渡区,分析认为这与"硬"、"软"地壳介质交界处容易积累地震应变能有关。研究区域低Q_S值分布与低横波速度和低电阻率区的主要分布特征较为一致,但是与大地热流研究结果存在区域性差异。  相似文献   

Based on the waveform data of 5,076 local earthquakes recorded at 25 stations in Xinjiang during the period from 2009 to 2014 and the observation reports provided by the Xinjiang Digital Seismic Network,a data set of 19,140 attenuation factors t*is obtained by fitting the high-frequency attenuation of S-wave spectra with a genetic algorithm. The spatial distribution of Q_S is determined by inverting the t*data with seismic tomography. The results show that the average Q0 in eastern Tianshan is 520,and there is a significant correlation between the Q_S value distribution or attenuation characteristics it disclosed and the surface structure of the study area. The Q_S value is lower in the intersection area of the mountain basin which is located on the north and south sides of the Tianshan Mountains,and the high Q_S distribution is more concentrated inside the Tianshan orogenic belt. The M≥6. 0 earthquakes have been basically located in the Low-Q_S region since 1900. 24 high heat flow points in eastern Tianshan are located at the north and south of Tianshan Mountains where low Q_S exists,indicating a negative correlation. In addition,there is a positive correlation between the velocity structure and the attenuation structure in the study area,which reflects the consistency of the 2-D attenuation structure with the velocity structure and the two-dimensional density structure.  相似文献   

李金  周龙泉  王慧琳  向元 《中国地震》2017,33(2):229-238
利用天山中东段地区25个数字地震台站记录到的2009~2014年底5076个近震波形资料以及新疆地震台网提供的观测报告,采用遗传算法对S波位移谱的高频衰减进行拟合,得到19140条衰减算子t~*数据。根据这些t*数据,反演得到该区地壳Q_s值分布。结果表明,天山中东段地区平均Q_0值为520,其Q_s值分布及其所揭示的衰减变化特征与研究区的地表构造明显相关。天山南北两侧的山区盆地交汇部位Q_s值较低,而高Q_s值较为集中地分布于天山造山带内部。1900年以来天山中东段地区6级以上强震大多位于低Q_s值区域,该区24个高热流点也大多位于上述天山南北两侧的低Q_s值区域,热流值与衰减值呈负相关;此外,研究区的速度结构与衰减结构也呈一定的正相关,反映了二维衰减结构特征与速度结构、二维密度结构的一致性。  相似文献   

Variation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) levels was assessed in Tapes philippinarum from the Lagoon of Venice. Clams were transplanted from a polluted area next to Porto Marghera to two rearing areas of the Southern Lagoon. Analyses of PAHs were made in sediments and clams by GC/MS at first sampling and after 30, 60 and 180 days. Principal component analysis was performed to elucidate bioaccumulation and depuration pattern and input sources. Biota-Sediment-Accumulation-Factor (BSAF) was applied to evaluate the PAHs input sources from sediment. Condition index was calculated to compare the seasonal variation of clam tissue to PAHs levels. To propose results not affected by seasonal changes in flesh weight of clams, the approach based on the calculation of PAHs/SW index was applied. From the results, it was concluded that PAHs/SW index is more recommendable to asses temporal variation of PAHs levels in Manila clams.  相似文献   

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