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The reactivity of dissolved iron compounds towards different pollutants and photooxidants in atmospheric liquid water depends upon the oxidation state and speciation of iron. Our measurements of the oxidation state of dissolved iron eluted from aerosol particles (Dae: 0.4–1.6 m) collected in the urban atmosphere of Ljubljana showed that a large fraction of the iron content is present as Fe(II). The concentration ratio [Fe(II)]/[Fe(III)] varied between 0.9 and 3.1. The kinetics of S(IV) autoxidation catalyzed by Fe(II) under the conditions representative for acidified atmospheric liquid water and the influence of oxalate on this reaction under dark conditions was investigated. The reaction rate is the same if Fe(II) or Fe(III) is used as a catalyst under the condition that Fe(II) can be oxidized in Fe(III), which is the catalytically active species. Oxalate has a strong inhibiting effect on the S(IV) autoxidation in the presence of Fe(II). The reaction is autocatalytic with an induction period, that increases with higher concentrations of oxalate. The inhibiting effect of oxalate differs according to whether iron is initially in the Fe(II) or Fe(III) state. However, in both cases the inhibition by oxalate is a result of the formation of complexes with the catalyst.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted with real atmospheric aerosol particles as well as with synthetic solutions under dark conditions, to simulate some of the chemical features of aerosols. In solutions obtained by the leaching of aerosols (size range >D ae: 0.4–1.6 m) that contained sufficient amounts of transition metal ions (e.g. Fe) and organic species (e.g. oxalate), S(IV) oxidation rates were significantly lower than those expected from the Fe-catalyzed S(IV) autoxidation in Milli-Q water. The results suggest that oxalate is responsible for much of the observed inhibition. Acetate and formate also inhibit the reaction, but to a much lesser extent. Oxalate has a strong inhibiting effect on the Fe-catalyzed S(IV) autoxidation at all investigated pH values (2.8, 3.7 and 4.5). It was established that Fe(III)-oxalato complexes affect the redox cycling of Fe(II)/Fe(III) and that the observed decrease of the reaction rate is caused by the reduced amount of catalytically active Fe(III) due to the complexation with oxalate. For the system Fe-S(IV)-O2-oxalate at initial pH 3.7 the reaction rate was calculated using exponential simplification to account for oxalate influence on the amount of free Fe(III) by the following equation:–rS(IV) = k · [S(IV)] · [Fe(III))] · e -b·[Ox]  相似文献   

This study demonstrates that oxalate has a strong inhibiting effect onFe-catalyzed S(IV) oxidation by oxygen in aqueous solution. While thepseudo-first order rate constant of S(IV) oxidation was determined to be1.6 × 103 M-1 s-1 in experimentswithout oxalate, the oxidation of S(IV) was totally inhibited at a molarconcentration ratio of iron:oxalate = 1:5 at an oxalate concentration of 4M. Under these conditions, the Fe(II)/Fe(III) ratio remained nearlyconstant during the observed reaction time. The determined rate constants wereindependent of the initial oxidation state of iron. However, with increasingconcentrations of oxalate, a longer induction period is observed forexperiments with iron initially in the Fe(II) oxidation state.  相似文献   

The reaction kinetics of S(IV) autoxidation catalyzed by Mn(II) in the pH range 3–5 typical for atmospheric liquid water, was investigated. For reactions with pH maintained constant during the reaction course, the predictions obtained by a simple integral approach cover kinetic results only for concentrations of HSO 3 up to 0.2 mM at pH 4.5. Thus, a generalized simple kinetic model, which can be used for predicting the reaction kinetics in wider concentration, pH and temperature ranges, was derived. This model is based on the assumption that the reaction rate is proportional to the concentration of a transient manganese-sulfito complex formed in the initial step of a radical chain mechanism. In the proposed power law rate equation
the concentration of complex is calculated from the stability constant K and concentrations of reactants at a specific reaction time. This rate equation adequately predicts the reaction kinetics in the pH range 3–5, in the concentration ranges 0.1 ≤ [HSO 3 ] ≤ 0.4 mM and 2 ≤ [Mn(II)] ≤ 14.6 μM. For the temperature range 15–35 °C, the estimated value for activation energy is 92.0 ± 0.1 kJ mol−1 and the Gibbs free energy of formation of the manganese-sulfito complex is −20.4 ± 0.3 kJ mol−1. Furthermore, the kinetics for catalytic reactions with pH maintained constant during the reaction course as well as with initial pH adjusted only at the start of the reaction, is described satisfactorily by the present model.  相似文献   

An experimental study is described of Fe(III)-S(IV) formation constants measured as a function of pH (1–3), ionic strength (0.2–0.5 M) and [Fe(III)] T (2.5–5.0×10–4 M) using a continuous-flow spectrophotometric technique to make observations 160 ms after mixing. Preliminary experiments using pulse-accelerated-flow (PAF) spectrophotometry to measure rate constants on a microsecond timescale are also described. The conditional formation constant at 25 °C can be modeled with the following equation: {ie307-1} where {ie307-2}K 7 andK 8 can be interpreted as intrinsic constants for the coordination of HSO 3 by FeOH2+ and Fe3+, respectively, but until further evidence is obtained they should be regarded as fitting constants. PAF spectrophotometry showed that the initial reaction of Fe(III) with S(IV) (pH 2.0) is characterized by a second-order rate constant of 4×106 M–1 s–1 which is comparable to rate of reaction of FeOH2+ with SO 4 2– . However, the PAF results should be regarded as preliminary since unexpected features in the initial data indicate that the reaction may be more complex than expected.  相似文献   

徐戈  孙继明  牛生杰  周碧  王永庆 《大气科学》2016,40(6):1297-1319
霰和冻滴是深对流降水的主要来源。由于二者密度差异造成的不同下落末速度必然会导致云微物理过程的变化以及降水时空分布的改变。我们在以色列特拉维夫大学二维轴对称对流云全分档模式的基础上,将水成物粒子从34档增加到40档,修改了霰和雪的密度,加入冻滴分档处理的微物理过程,发展了一个包括液滴、冰晶、雪、霰和冻滴更为详细的云微物理分档模式。利用改进后的模式模拟了一次理想的强对流天气过程,分析了改进模式与原模式模拟的云微物理量场以及水成物粒子的时空分布特征,模拟结果表明:(1)由于冻滴的产生,较大的下落末速度导致在云内-3℃至-8℃较早地出现了冻滴,并造成了大量的冰晶繁生。(2)冻滴形成前期,液态水中心区域位于垂直上升速度大值中心上方,形成液态水累积区;冻滴形成期,液态水累积区位于0℃层以上,雨滴冻结生成冻滴,霰与半径大于100 μm的液滴碰并生成冻滴;冻滴增长期,在垂直上升气流的支撑下,冻滴碰并过冷水增长,导致冻滴含量增大,液态水含量减小。因此,改进模式能较好的模拟冻滴的形成过程,可以将该分档处理的微物理方案耦合到三维WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting model)模式中,更深入地研究强雷暴风切变在冰雹生成过程中的作用。  相似文献   

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