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The damping of MHD waves in solar coronal magnetic field is studied taking into account thermal conduction and compressive viscosity as dissipative mechanisms. We consider viscous homogeneous unbounded solar coronal plasma permeated by a uniform magnetic field. A general fifth-order dispersion relation for MHD waves has been derived and solved numerically for different solar coronal regimes. The dispersion relation results three wave modes: slow, fast, and thermal modes. Damping time and damping per periods for slow- and fast-mode waves determined from dispersion relation show that the slow-mode waves are heavily damped in comparison with fast-mode waves in prominences, prominence–corona transition regions (PCTR), and corona. In PCTRs and coronal active regions, wave instabilities appear for considered heating mechanisms. For same heating mechanisms in different prominences the behavior of damping time and damping per period changes significantly from small to large wavenumbers. In all PCTRs and corona, damping time always decreases linearly with increase in wavenumber indicate sharp damping of slow- and fast-mode waves.  相似文献   

Observations show that small-amplitude prominence oscillations are usually damped after a few periods. This phenomenon has been theoretically investigated in terms of non-ideal magnetoacoustic waves, non-adiabatic effects being the best candidates to explain the damping in the case of slow modes. We study the attenuation of non-adiabatic magnetoacoustic waves in a slab prominence embedded in the coronal medium. We assume an equilibrium configuration with a transverse magnetic field to the slab axis and investigate wave damping by thermal conduction and radiative losses. The magnetohydrodynamic equations are considered in their linearised form and terms representing thermal conduction, radiation and heating are included in the energy equation. The differential equations that govern linear slow and fast modes are numerically solved to obtain the complex oscillatory frequency and the corresponding eigenfunctions. We find that coronal thermal conduction and radiative losses from the prominence plasma reveal as the most relevant damping mechanisms. Both mechanisms govern together the attenuation of hybrid modes, whereas prominence radiation is responsible for the damping of internal modes and coronal conduction essentially dominates the attenuation of external modes. In addition, the energy transfer between the prominence and the corona caused by thermal conduction has a noticeable effect on the wave stability, radiative losses from the prominence plasma being of paramount importance for the thermal stability of fast modes. We conclude that slow modes are efficiently damped, with damping times compatible with observations. On the contrary, fast modes are less attenuated by non-adiabatic effects and their damping times are several orders of magnitude larger than those observed. The presence of the corona causes a decrease of the damping times with respect to those of an isolated prominence slab, but its effect is still insufficient to obtain damping times of the order of the period in the case of fast modes.  相似文献   

Oscillations of magnetic structures in the solar corona have often been interpreted in terms of magnetohydrodynamic waves. We study the adiabatic magnetoacoustic modes of a prominence plasma slab with a uniform longitudinal magnetic field, surrounded by a prominence – corona transition region (PCTR) and a coronal medium. Considering linear small-amplitude oscillations, we deduce the dispersion relation for the magnetoacoustic slow and fast modes by assuming evanescentlike perturbations in the coronal medium. In the system without PCTR, a classification of the oscillatory modes according to the polarisation of their eigenfunctions is made to distinguish modes with fastlike or slowlike properties. Internal and external slow modes are governed by the prominence and coronal properties, respectively, and fast modes are mostly dominated by prominence conditions for the observed wavelengths. In addition, the inclusion of an isothermal PCTR does not substantially influence the mode frequencies, but new solutions (PCTR slow modes) are present.  相似文献   

We study the fundamental modes of radiation hydrodynamic linear waves that arise from one-dimensional small-amplitude initial fluctuations with wave number k in a radiating and scattering grey medium by taking into account the gravitational effects. The equation of radiative acoustics is derived from three hydrodynamic equations, Poisson’s equation, and two moment equations of radiation, by assuming a spherical symmetry for the matter and radiation and by using the Eddington approximation. We solve the dispersion relation as a quintic function of angular frequency ω, the wave number k being a real parameter. Numerical results reveal that wave patterns of five solutions are distinguished into three types: the radiation-dominated, type 1, and type 2 matter-dominated cases. In the case of no gravitaional effects (Kaneko et al., 2005), the following wave modes appear: radiation wave, conservative radiation wave, entropy wave, Newtonian-cooling wave, opacity-damped and cooling-damped waves, constant-volume and constant-pressure diffusions, adiabatic sound wave, cooling-damped and drag-force-damped isothermal sound waves, isentropic radiation-acoustic wave, and gap mode. Meanwhile, the gravitaional effects being taken into account, the growing gravo-diffusion mode newly arises from the constant-pressure diffusion at the point that k agrees with Jeans’ wave number specified by the isothermal sound speed. This mode changes to the growing radiation-acoustic gravity mode near the point that k becomes Jeans’ wave number specified by the isentropic radiation-acoustic speed. In step with a transition between them, the isentropic radiation-acoustic wave splits into the damping radiation-acoustic gravity mode and constant-volume diffusion. The constant-volume diffusion emerges twice if the gravitational effects are taken into account. Since analytic solutions are derived for all wave modes, we discuss their physical significance. The critical conditions are given which distinguish between radiation-dominated and type 1 matter-dominated cases, and between type 1 and type 2 matter-dominated cases. Waves in a self-gravitating scattering grey medium are also analyzed, which provides us some hints for the effects of energy and momentum exchange between matter and radiation.  相似文献   

The damping of standing slow waves in hot (T>6 MK) coronal loops of semicircular shape is revisited in both the linear and nonlinear regimes. Dissipation by thermal conduction, compressive viscosity, radiative cooling, and heating are examined for nonstratified and stratified loops. We find that for typical conditions of hot SUMER loops, thermal conduction increases the period of damped oscillations over the sound-crossing time, whereas the decay times are mostly shaped by compressive viscosity. Damping from optically thin radiation is negligible. We also find that thermal conduction alone results in slower damping of the density and velocity waves compared to the observations. Only when compressive viscosity is added do these waves damp out at the same rate as the observed rapidly decaying modes of hot SUMER loop oscillations, in contrast to most current work, which has pointed to thermal conduction as the dominant mechanism. We compare the linear predictions with numerical hydrodynamic calculations. Under the effects of gravity, nonlinear viscous dissipation leads to a reduction of the decay time compared to the homogeneous case. In contrast, the linear results predict that the damping rates are barely affected by gravity.  相似文献   

Slow magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) standing wave oscillations in hot coronal loops for both strong (i.e. τd/P∼ 1) and weak (i.e. τd/P≥ 2) damping are investigated taking account of viscosity, thermal conductivity and optically thin radiation. The individual effect of the dissipative terms is not sufficient to explain the observed damping. However, the combined effect of these dissipative terms is sufficient to explain the observed strong damping, as well as weak damping seen by SUMER. We find that, the ratio of decay time (τd) and period (P) of wave, i.e., τd/P (which defines the modes of damping, whether it is strong or weak) is density dependent. By varying density from 108 to 1010 cm−3 at a fixed temperature in the temperature range 6 – 10 MK, observed by SUMER, we get two sets of damping: one for which τ d/P∼ 1 corresponds to strong damping that occurs at lower density and another that occurs at higher density for which τd/P ≥ 2 corresponds to weak damping. Contrary to strong-damped oscillations, the effect of optically thin radiation provides some additional dissipation apart from thermal conductivity and viscosity in weak-damped oscillations. We have, therefore, derived a resultant dispersion relation including the effect of optically thin radiation. Solutions of this dispersion relation illustrate how damping time varies with physical parameters of loops in both strong and weak damping cases.  相似文献   

The standing quasi-modes of the ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) in a zero-β cylindrical magnetic flux tube that undergoes a longitudinal density stratification and radial density structuring are considered. The radial structuring is assumed to be a linearly varying density profile. Using the relevant connection formulae of the resonant absorption, the dispersion relation for the fast MHD body waves is derived and solved numerically to obtain both the frequencies and damping rates of the fundamental and first-overtone,   k = 1, 2  , modes of both the kink  ( m = 1)  and fluting  ( m = 2)  waves, where k and m are the longitudinal and azimuthal mode numbers, respectively.  相似文献   

Pécseli  Hans  Engvold  OddbjØrn 《Solar physics》2000,194(1):73-86
The nature of thin, highly inclined threads observed in quiescent prominences has puzzled solar physicists for a long time. When assuming that the threads represent truly inclined magnetic fields, the supporting mechanism of prominence plasma against gravity has remained an open issue. This paper examines the levitation of prominence plasma exerted by weakly damped MHD waves in nearly vertical magnetic flux tubes. It is shown that the wave damping, and resulting `radiation pressure', caused predominantly by ion-neutral collisions in the `cold' prominence plasma, may balance the acceleration of gravity provided the oscillation frequency is 2 rad s–1 (f0.5 Hz). Such short wave periods may be the result of small-scale magnetic reconnections in the highly fragmentary magnetic field of quiescent prominences. In the proposed model, the wave induced levitation acts predominantly on plasma – neutral gas mixtures.  相似文献   

The properties of waves able to propagate in a relativistic pair plasma are at the basis of the interpretation of several astrophysical observations. For instance, they are invoked in relation to radio emission processes in pulsar magnetospheres and to radiation mechanisms for relativistic radio jets. In such physical environments, pair plasma particles probably have relativistic, or even ultrarelativistic, temperatures. Besides, the presence of an extremely strong magnetic field in the emission region constrains the particles to one-dimensional motion: all the charged particles strictly move along magnetic field lines.
We take anisotropic effects and relativistic effects into account by choosing one-dimensional relativistic Jűttner–Synge distribution functions to characterize the distribution of electrons and/or positrons in a relativistic, anisotropic pair plasma. The dielectric tensor, from which the dispersion relation associated with plane wave perturbations of such a pair plasma is derived, involves specific coefficients that depend on the distribution function of particles. A precise determination of these coefficients, using the relativistic one-dimensional Jűttner–Synge distribution function, allows us to obtain the appropriate dispersion relation. The properties of waves able to propagate in anisotropic relativistic pair plasmas are deduced from this dispersion relation. The conditions in which a beam and a plasma, both ultrarelativistic, may interact and trigger off a two-stream instability are obtained from this same dispersion relation. Two astrophysical applications are discussed.  相似文献   

We present radio maps at 22 and 44 GHz which show the emission before and after the eruption of a quiescent prominence located at the west limb. The observed radiation following the eruption is not consistent with thermal bremsstrahlung mechanism. It can be interpreted as due to gyrosynchrotron emission of nonthermal electrons. Our observations appear to be similar to the microwave radiation observed in post-flare loops; this radiation is due to nonthermal electrons trapped in the closed magnetic structures formed after the prominence eruption.  相似文献   

We study the fundamental modes of radiation hydrodynamic waves arising from one-dimensional small-amplitude initial fluctuations with wave number k in a radiating and scattering grey medium using the Eddington approximation. The dispersion relation analyzed is the same as that of Paper I (Kaneko et al., 2000), but is solved as a quintic in angular frequency ω while a quadratic in k 2 in Paper I. Numerical results reveal that wave patterns of five solutions are distinguished into three types of the radiation-dominated and type 1 and type 2 matter-dominated cases. The following wave modes appear in our problem: radiation wave, conservative radiation wave, entropy wave, Newtonian-cooling wave, opacity-damped and cooling-damped waves, constant-volume and constant-pressure diffusion modes, adiabatic sound wave, cooling-damped and drag–force-damped isothermal sound waves, isentropic radiation-acoustic wave, and gap mode. The radiation-dominated case is characterized by the gap between the isothermal sound and isentropic radiation-acoustic speeds within which there is not any acoustic wave propagating with real phase speed. One of the differences between type 1 and type 2 matter-dominated cases is the connectivity of the constant-volume diffusion mode, which originates from the radiative mode in the former case, while from the Newtonian-cooling wave in the latter case. Analytic solutions are derived for all wave modes to discuss their physical significance. The criterion, which distinguishes between radiation-dominated and type 1 matter-dominated cases, is given by Γ0 = 9, where Γ0 = C p (tot)/C V (tot) is the ratio of total specific heats at constant pressure and constant volume. Waves in a scattering grey medium are also analyzed, which provides us some hints for the effects of energy and momentum exchange between matter and radiation.  相似文献   

The effect of parallel electrostatic field on the amplification of whistler mode waves in an anisotropic bi-Maxwellian weakly ionized plasma for Jovian magnetospheric conditions has been carried out. The growth rate for different Jovian magnetospheric plasma parameters forL = 5.6R j has been computed with the help of general dispersion relation for the whistler mode electromagnetic wave of a drifted bi-Maxwellian distribution function. It is observed that the growth or damping of whistler mode waves in Jovian magnetosphere is possible when the wave vector is parallel or antiparallel to the static magnetic field and the effect of this field is more pronounced at low frequency wave spectrum.  相似文献   

The damping of fast kink oscillations of solar coronal loops attributable to the radiation of MHD waves into the surroundings is considered in the thin-tube approximation. The oscillation damping decrement is calculated both by using a new energy method and by solving the dispersion equation for magnetic-tube eigenmodes. The two approaches are in good agreement under appropriate assumptions. The damping is negligible if MHD waves are radiated perpendicular to the magnetic field. The low Q factor of the loop oscillations in active regions found with the TRACE space telescope is associated with the generation of running waves that propagate along magnetic field lines.  相似文献   

An extensive observational background about the existence of oscillations in quiescent solar prominences has been gathered during the last twenty years. From these observations, information about different oscillatory parameters such as period, wavelength, phase speed, damping time, etc., has been obtained. This observational background, combined with a growing number of theoretical studies about magneto-hydrodynamic waves in prominences, should allow the development of prominence seismology which, following helioseismology's approach, seeks to infer the internal structure and properties of solar prominences. The most recent observational and theoretical developments on prominence oscillations are reviewed here, with an emphasis on the aspects suitable to develop an observation versus theory feedback, but also pointing out key topics which should be the subject of future research for a further advancement of this field.  相似文献   

Inertial Alfvén waves are investigated using Maxwell-Boltzmann-Vlasov equation to evaluate the dispersion relation and growth/damping rate in inhomogeneous plasma. Expressions for the dispersion relation and growth/damping rate are evaluated in inhomogeneous plasma. The effects of density, temperature and velocity gradient are included in the analysis. The results are interpreted for the space plasma parameters appropriate to the plasma sheet boundary layer. It is found that the inhomogeneities of plasma contribute significantly to enhance the growth rate of inertial Alfvén wave. The applicability of this model is assumed for auroral acceleration region and plasma sheet boundary layer.  相似文献   

An observed relation between line-of-sight velocities and the longitudinal component of the magnetic field in quiescent prominences is discussed. Weak fields in quiescent prominences are associated with large velocities determined from Doppler shifts of resolved emission knots and Doppler line widths measured in Ca ii K line. It is suggested that the observed irregular motions in prominences are driven by photospheric horizontal convection coupled by the prominence magnetic field. An energy flux of 3 × 105 ergs cm–2 sec–1 present in the form of Alfvén waves in quiescent prominences is consistent with the observations.  相似文献   

The Lin-Shu dispersion relation is applicable in the (asymptotic) case of tight spirals (large wave numberk R). Here we reconsider the various steps leading to the Lin-Shu dispersion relation in higher approximation, under the assumption that the wave numberk R is not large [(k Rr) =O(1)], and derive a new dispersion relation. This is valid for open spiral waves and bars. We prove that this dispersion relation is the appropriate limit of the nonlinear self-consistency condition in the case where the linear theory is applicable.  相似文献   

It is shown that the emission of quiescent and loop prominences in the helium D3 line and in the 4686 Å line of He+ respectively, occurs at low temperatures, of the order of 7000 K.The ionization of neutral helium is produced by short-wave solar radiation, which is absorbed in the outer layers of filaments composing a prominence. The population of helium triplet levels in prominences is determined by recombinations and subsequent resonance scattering of photospheric radiation. Transitions from triplet to singlet levels caused by electron collisions considerably reduce the line brightness.Emission of ionized helium in the 4686 Å line arises in prominence surface layers as well. In quiescent prominences the emission is very faint and is due to recombination; the second ionization is caused by the far ultraviolet radiation.In flare-like events ionized helium emits due to charge-exchange collisions. The symmetrical resonance charge-exchange of -particles is caused by helium ions in corpuscular streams which are probably generated in photospheric layers. Due to increased radiation losses the temperature of the prominence under the action of the stream is negligibly increased. With a stream density equal to 5 × 108 cm-3 and velocity 300 km/s the theoretical intensity of the 4686 He+ line is some hundreds of microängströms and agrees with observations of Goldberg-Rogozinskaya (1962, 1965) and others.  相似文献   

The effect of radiation losses on the dispersion and damping of magnetohydrodynamic waves in the solar corona is studied. The conditions are determined under which radiation losses are most appreciable. A damping of kink modes of coronal loops with plasma temperatures within 106–106.3 K and 106.3–107 K are compared. It is concluded that the radiation damping dominates in the temperature range 106–106.3 K, which can cause the observed fast damping of kink oscillations of coronal loops. Radiation losses should be taken into account in full magnetohydrodynamic equations with radiative transfer.  相似文献   

The propagation of waves in a magnetic slab embedded in a magnetic environment is investigated. The possible modes of propagation are examined from the general dispersion relation, both analytically and numerically, for disturbances which are evanescent in the environment. Approximate dispersion relations governing propagation in a slender slab of field are derived both from the general dispersion relation and from an application of the slender flux tube approximation.Several different situations, representative of both photospheric and coronal conditions, are considered. In general, the structures are found to support both fast and slow, body and surface, waves. Under coronal conditions, for two dimensional propagation, disturbances propagate as fast and slow body waves. The fast body waves are analogous to the ducted shear waves of seismology (Love waves).  相似文献   

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