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An explicit simulation with a fine mesh at intervals of 6 km is used to explore the inner-corestructures of Vongfong (0214). The dynamic mechanism for the inshore strengthening of Vongfong isexamined. It is found as follows. (1) The radius of maximum wind of the axisymmetric structures of thetyphoon decreased with height during its mature stage. When Vongfong was inshore, the strongestlow-layer inflow located in front of it and the outflow was to the rear of it, which was just reversed fromthe Atlantic hurricanes and other Pacific typhoons. (2) The dynamic and thermodynamic fields were highlyasymmetric in structure. Convection was stronger in the northwest quadrant of the typhoon than in thesoutheast; the strongest convective cloud bands were consistent with the maximum wind region. During itsstrengthening stage, it was cold west of and warm east of the eye in the lower layer but warm in the westand cold in the east of the mid-upper layer. During its mature stage, a warm-core structure was evident inthe lower and middle-upper layer. (3) The interactions between a mid-latitude cold low in themiddle-upper troposphere and the typhoon were responsible for the latter to strengthen inshore. Firstly, theouter circulation of the cold low entered the typhoon from the middle troposphere when an outer coldairflow from the cold low flowed into the northwest quadrant of the typhoon so that geopotentially instableenergy increased and convection developed. Secondly, the downdraft in the cold low was just thecorresponding branch of the secondary circulation of the typhoon system; when the cold low weakenedwhile moving south, the typhoon strengthened inshore. Due to the CISK mechanism, these two phenomenamight be realized.  相似文献   

Forecasting the rapid intensification of tropical cyclones over offshore areas remains difficult. In this article, the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model was used to study the rapid intensification of Typhoon Haikui (1211) off the shore of China. After successful simulation of the intensity change and track of the typhoon, the model output was further analyzed to determine the mechanism of the rapid change in intensity. The results indicated that a remarkable increase in low-level moisture transportation toward the inner core, favorable large-scale background field with low-level convergence, and high-level divergence played key roles in the rapid intensification of Typhoon Haikui in which high-level divergence could be used as an indicator for the rapid intensity change of Typhoon Haikui approximately 6 h in advance. An analysis of the typhoon structure revealed that Typhoon Haikui was structurally symmetric during the rapid intensification and the range of the eyewall was small in the low level but extended outward in the high level. In addition, the vertically ascending motion, the radial and tangential along wind speeds increased with increasing typhoon intensity, especially during the process of rapid intensification. Furthermore, the intensity of the warm core of the typhoon increased during the intensification process with the warm core extending outward and toward the lower layer. All of the above structural changes contributed to the maintenance and development of typhoon intensity.  相似文献   

我国登陆台风引起的大风分布特征的初步分析   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
用1949~2001年我国台风大风实测纪录对此期间台风引起的大风进行研究,具体分析了台风引起的6级及以上、8级及以上大风的频数,和大风风速的平均值、极端最大值的分布特征,并对台风登陆的地段、季节对上述要素的影响和台风登陆前、后上述要素的变化做了进一步分析.结果表明:在引起我国境内大风天气的台风中,有62%在我国登陆;而登陆我国的台风中,有89%会引起大风过程.台风引起的我国境内大风主要出现在东南沿海,等频数线几乎与海岸线平行,向内陆急剧减小,在杭州湾以北地区较少出现8级以上的台风大风,而极端最大风速与大风频数有类似的分布;在华南登陆的台风引起的大风频数明显高于华东和华北,华东又高于华北,引起的大风风速的大值区与登陆地段较为一致;登陆台风在4~8月间逐渐增多,引起的大风范围逐步向北推进,在9~11月间登陆台风逐渐减少,大风范围逐步往南消退;台风登陆前引起的大风主要集中在沿海地带,登陆后台风大风出现范围明显扩大.  相似文献   

Daily and weekly sea surface temperature data of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System sensors are used as forcing of the underlying sea surface in the mesoscale numerical model to simulate Typhoon Dujuan that moved across the South China Sea in 2003. The numerical results show that different SSTs near the typhoon center result in differences in the atmospheric wind field, indicating that the model has a fast and obvious response to SSTs. Different SST influences the intensity and track of Dujuan to some degree and has significant impacts on its precipitation and latent heat flux near the eye. The SST influence on Dujuan is mainly fulfilled by changing the latent heat flux between the ocean surface and the atmosphere above.  相似文献   

南海异常路径台风预报的数值试验   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用广州热带海洋气象研究所最近发展的热带有限区台风数值预报模式,对1991年登陆广东的9116号强热带风暴(Joel)进行了数值预报试验。结果表明:模型台风的加入,模式水平和垂直分辨率的提高,物理过程的完善,能大大提高台风路径的预报准确率。  相似文献   

台风玛姬(9903)数值模拟试验   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
通过对台风“玛姬”(9903)个例进行数值模拟,探讨了海温和地形作用对台风“玛姬”(9903)路径的影响,分析了环境气流、台风非对称结构与台风移动路径之间的关系。结果表明:海温对台风“玛姬”(9903)路径有一定的影响,地形作用对台风“玛姬”(9903)路径的影响不可忽视,台风非对称结构对9903号台风异常路径的作用非常重要。  相似文献   

环流非对称结构与台风移速关系的数值研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
余晖 《气象科学》1999,19(1):66-72
利用准地转正压模式,在无环境气流的情况下,对初始轴对称和非轴对称理想台风实施两组共13个数值试验,研究台风环流不同区域的非对称性与其移速的关系。结果表明:(1)台风环流某些区域的非对称性与其移速有稳定的强相关,如,大风半径外围50~100KM附近东—西向东北—西南向的非对称性;(2)大风半径的位角,使台风外围环流的非对称性与其移速相关增强,而最大风速和初始非对称方位用的变化对上述相关性几乎没有影响。  相似文献   

Based on the Typhoon Yearbook data (1980–2000), some wind-pressure fitting relationships were established for different typhoon intensity at the different latitudes of the western North Pacific. As shown in validations with the 2001-2005 data, the relationships (namely, those between minimum sea level pressure (SLP) and maximum sustained wind near a typhoon center) are stable. They may be applied to correct the overestimated typhoon wind speeds in earlier years (1950–1979). Statistical analysis showed that the stronger the typhoon, the more stable this wind-pressure relationship is. Moreover, it is more stable at the lower latitude belt (10°N–30°N). On the basis of this result, a methodology of correcting typhoon’s wind speeds and frequency in these years was put forward, and the climatological series were reconstructed of yearly total typhoon frequencies over the western North Pacific in 1950-1979 and indices were determined of destructive power of typhoons in the offshore regions of China.  相似文献   

Using the 2006 Global Emissions Data and 2011 NCEP Final Analysis data as the initial and boundary condition, we simulated the three-dimensional distribution of atmospheric chemical pollutants (such as sea salt, PM10, COx, SO2, NOx, O3, etc) during the onset stage of South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon from 25 April to 25 May in 2011 over the monsoon area of 70°–160°E, 0°–40°N. Simulation results shows that, many changes have taken place in the distribution of atmospheric chemical pollutants near 950 hPa and 400 hPa due to the enhancement of the westerlies and southerlies over the SCS as a result of the monsoon outbreak. Especially, the concentration of pollutants over the SCS is much higher than that over other places because of the strong wind convergence near the surface in situ. Moreover, the vertical distribution of pollutants is also greatly affected by the westerlies and southerlies in the onset process of SCS summer monsoon. Meanwhile, the concentration over land is much greater than that at sea in pre-monsoon period, while the difference between land and sea in the concentration of most pollutants decreases greatly with the onset of SCS summer monsoon.  相似文献   

In this paper, some 2-D features of the down- and up-slope winds and sea-land-breeze generated over the com-plex terrain of the Qingdao area and the interaction between them are numerically analysed by use of a 2-Dnon-hydrostatic mesoscale model. The simulated results in the west-east vertical cross-section show that (1) when thelarge-scale wind is a southerly gentle one, the generated easterly down-slope wind is much stronger than with an oppo-site background wind, and the down-slope wind can trigger and intensify the land breeze corresponding to the easterncoast of Jiaozhou Bay; (2) a gentle westerly background wind will reduce the eastward sea breeze and up-slope windduring the daytime due to a cold advection, but shows a little effect on the mesoscale circulation formed in the nighttime.  相似文献   

基于CCMP风场的近22年中国海海表风场特征分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用ESE(NASA Earth Science Enterprise)提供的1987 年7 月-2009 年12 月CCMP(Cross-Calibrated,Multi-Platform)风场资料,对中国海近22 年的海表风场特征进行分析.结果表明,中国海的海表风场具有明显的季节变化;6 级以上大风频率的高值中心集...  相似文献   

As an approach to the technological problem that the wind data of QuikSCAT scatterometercannot accurately describe the zone of typhoon-level strong wind speed, some objective factors such as thetyphoon moving speed, direction and friction are introduced in this study to construct the asymmetricstrengthening of the QuikSCAT wind field. Then by adopting a technology of four-dimensional dataassimilation, an experiment that includes both the assimilation and forecasting phases is designed tosimulate Typhoon Rananim numerically. The results show that with model constraints and adjustment, thistechnology can incorporate the QuikSCAT wind data to the entire column of the model atmosphere,improve greatly the simulating effects of the whole-column wind, pressure field and the track as well as thesimulated typhoon intensity covered by the forecast phase, and work positively for the forecasting oflandfall locations.  相似文献   

In this paper,the processes of the occurrence and development of a mid-tropospheric cyclone (MTC hereinafter)over the South China Sea are successfully simulated,adopting the convective heating profile calculated from the ana-lysed data.And a series of numerical experiments show that the convective heating rate, especially its vertical profile,plays a key role in the occurrence,development and maintenance of the MTC.When there is highly concentratedconvective heating in middle layer(400—450hPa),the MTC could occur and maintain for longer time.And the key tosuccessfully predict the MTC by numerical model is to correctly specify the convective heating profile in the model.  相似文献   

阵风预报对于输电铁塔线路设计、风力发电、建筑和桥梁设计以及航空气象安全等至关重要。目前,基于不同观测资料和计算方法,学者们给出了不同的阵风或阵风因子参数化公式,没有公认的一致结果。利用中国气象局南海(博贺)海洋气象科学试验基地离岸4.5 km和6.5 km的两个海洋气象观测塔在2008—2018年七个台风期间观测的10 Hz高频湍流脉动数据,分析了观测高度、平均时间、下垫面特征和大气稳定度对阵风因子计算结果的影响,研究了近海海上台风过程中阵风因子与平均风速和湍流特征参数的关系。不同于以往研究给出阵风因子是常数,给出了阵风因子随10 m风速变化的计算公式,为阵风预报及相关防灾减灾提供参考依据。  相似文献   

以计算流体力学软件FLUENT为工具,模拟台风“莫拉菲”登陆期间深圳大鹏半岛排牙山周边的风场三维结构。通过研究得到了强风条件下山地风场的概念模型,并得到以下结论:(1) FLUENT可较合理地模拟出强风条件下复杂地形的三维风场结构,描述山体对于风场和湍流场的影响;(2) 山体的动力学效应可使高大山体迎风侧和山顶之上的局地风速加大;(3) 高大山体背风侧为弱风区、风速强切变区和强湍流区。   相似文献   

"5.24"华南中尺度暴雨系统结构的数值模拟分析   总被引:16,自引:16,他引:16  
对华南暴雨试验期一次造成华南沿海特大暴雨的锋面过程进行了高分辨数值模拟,并从不同侧面分析了该中尺度系统的结构特征和成因。本文的模拟分析表明,此次中-β尺度暴雨云团系统发生在锋面中尺度切变线附近,水平尺度小于100km,是华南锋面暴雨的一种典型结构。系统发生在地面锋线区域,近地层有中尺度辐合扰动,高层200hPa附近有强的中尺度辐散,中间各层为准无辐散。200hPa以下各层有深厚的强上升运动,最强在中层,其中在700hPa附近有明显的补偿下沉运动。中-β度的强上升运动使云系发展至200hPa以上。系统有一定的暖心结构,有别于中纬系统,也有利于层结呈准中性。湿位涡分析表明系统发展的因子是:(1)切变线扰动附近层结呈近中性;(2)近地层能量锋特明显;(3)扰动附近中低层有强的风垂直切变。这三个因子的正效应相迭加,导致了本中-β尺度系统的发展。  相似文献   

南海区域台风路径数值预报业务模式的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
提出一套解决台风数值预报初始场的方案,构造一个与模式物理过程相协调的人造台同环流,并在此基础上产生人造资料,将人造资料与常规资料混合起来分析,再经过正规模初始化,使模型台风进一步与作者新近研制的有限区域数值预报模式相协调,最后对南海区域台风路径预报作了多方面的敏感性试验,对1993、1994两年在华南登陆的台风逐一进行预报的结果说明,本模式对华南区域台风的路径完全具有预报能力。  相似文献   

成熟台风边界层作用的数值研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用TL6模式,在对一次台风过程成熟阶段进行成功模拟的基础上,通过各种对比试验,研究了成熟台风边界层的作用。结果表明:在24小时内,台风边界层内各种通量的垂直输送对其路径影响很小而对成熟台风的维持却有非常重要的作用。其中,潜热输送成为成熟台风的主要能源,其影响最为重要。感热输送对成熟台风几乎无影响。边界层的动量垂直输送具有双重作用,摩擦辐合使上升运动增大,但明显对下层涡旋有削弱作用,这近似于在台风  相似文献   

设计了一个套网格的准地转正压模式,对模式的可用性进行了检验。用该模式实施了两组不同初始场的试验,分析了初始场结构对台风路径的影响,指出台风移动具有内在随机性的特征。  相似文献   

温度,盐度和风应力对南海海流模拟的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用美国普林斯顿大学海洋模式(POM)对南中国海的年平均海流进行了数值模拟,对温盐结构和风应力在海流形成中的作用进行了较详细的讨论。结果表明,仅有温盐水平不均匀分布也可以驱动海水而生成南海海流,但此种海流的结构较乱,最大流速只有30~40cm·s-1。若温盐无水平结构,则在风应力驱动下,南海海流的结构较为有序,且最大流速可增至60~70cm·s-1。在温盐水平分布不均匀并有风应力的作用时,生成的南海海流与仅有风应力作用时的海流场较相似,说明在南海海流的形成中,风应力的作用更为重要。海面自由高度的分析也证明了上述结论。  相似文献   

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