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ENSO背景下印度洋偶极子海温异常对中国冬季降水的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用1950—2009年Hadley环流中心全球月平均海表温度资料、1960—2009年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及中国气象局整编的160站降水资料,研究分析了印度洋偶极子(IOD)和太平洋异常海温(ENSO)对中国冬季降水的协同影响和不同作用,通过对比分析,揭示了IOD独立发生、ENSO独立发生以及IOD与ENSO联合发生时中国冬季降水的差异。研究结果表明: IOD异常海温和ENSO异常海温的出现虽然具有较高的协同性,但二者对我国冬季降水的影响效应不尽相同,IOD与ENSO的同时发生并不是两者单独发生时各自作用的叠加,而是具有协同或抵消作用。仅有IOD发生时,其正位相年使得中国西南(云南西部除外)、华南以及华北、东北地区的冬季降水出现正异常,在江淮流域出现负异常,反之亦然。但是IOD正位相比负位相对中国冬季降水的影响更显著。当IOD与ENSO同时出现时,IOD的作用使得ENSO对我国西南(云南西部除外)、内蒙、东北地区冬季降水的影响作用更为显著。此外还初步分析了IOD与中国冬季降水关系影响的环流成因。   相似文献   

Based on the data of 1950 – 1999 monthly global SST from Hadley Center, NCAR/NCEP reanalysis data and rainfall over 160 weather stations in China, investigation is conducted into the difference of summer rainfall in China (hereafter referred to as the “CS rainfall”) between the years with the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) occurring independently and those with IOD occurring along with ENSO so as to study the effects of El Ni?o - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on the relationship between IOD and the CS rainfall. It is shown that CS rainfall will be more than normal in South China (centered in Hunan province) in the years of positive IOD occurring independently; the CS rainfall will be less (more) than normal in North China (Southeast China) in the years of positive IOD occurring together with ENSO. The effect of ENSO is offsetting (enhancing) the relationship between IOD and summer rainfall in Southwest China, the region joining the Yangtze River basin with the Huaihe River basin (hereafter referred to as the “Yangtze-Huaihe basin”) and North China (Southeast China). The circulation field is also examined for preliminary causes of such an influence.  相似文献   

通过对ENSO循环的两个不同位相中印度洋地区海表温度变化特征的分析,指出印度洋地区的海温变化与赤道东太平洋地区的海温变化有较好 的相关关系,是ENSO循环的重要组成部分,对应于赤道东太平洋暖位相期,印度洋地区的海温分布为东冷西暖,与此相反,在赤道东太平洋冷位相,印度洋地区的温分布为东暖西冷,进一步的分析还发现,印度洋东,西部地区海温变化纬向差异最明显的区域位于印度洋赤道以南0-25℃附近,且这种差异具有明显的年季变化特征,在整个夏季风期间差异较大,而冬季风期间较小,其中冷位相期间的纬向差异比暖位相期间的纬向差异大,代表印度洋纬向差异的IDM(偶极指数)变化与赤道东太平洋地区的海温变化有很好的正相关关系。  相似文献   

印度洋地区异常海温的偶极振荡与中国降水及温度的关系   总被引:42,自引:15,他引:42  
利用1951-1997年近47年的印度洋海温距平场资料以及相应中国160站降水资料,通过相关普查得出,印度洋地区东西海温的偶极振荡与中国6-8月汛期的降水有较好的相关关系,特别是前期3-5月份的印度洋地区东西海温的偶极指数与中国6-8月降水的相关较好。分析1958-1995年NCEP 500hPa北半球高度场资料发现,印度洋偶极指数与欧亚中高纬度地区的高度场异常有密切的联系,其中印度洋偶极指数IODI负位相年有明显的PJ波列存在,印度洋偶极海湿异常很可能是通过PJ波列来影响中国的降水。同时,对印度洋地区海温偶极指数和中国地区温度的相关分析表明,印度洋地区海温偶极指数与冬季中国南部地区的温度也有较好的相关关系。  相似文献   

Based on the data of SST and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the relationship is analyzed of spring SSTA in the Kuroshio region with summer precipitation in China, summer 500 hPa field and water vapor transport, using the methods of Morlet wave, correlation and composite analysis. The results show that annual and interdecadal change of spring SST in the Kuroshio region is distinct. Spring SST displays a significantly increasing trend and there exist different periodic oscillations in the Kuroshio region, with the 23-year periodic oscillation being the most obvious. Troughs and ridges in the mid- and higher- latitudes turn deeper in high Kuroshio SSTA years. At the same time, the western Pacific subtropical high strengthens and stretches westwards. As a result, the warm / wet air from the west of the subtropical high locates in the mid- and lower- reaches of the Yangtze River and south China and summer rainfall in the above regions increases accordingly. Composite anomalous water vapor flux fields indicate that the vapor transport from the South China Sea and western Pacific and the vapor from the north converge over the mid- and lower- reaches of the Yangtze River and south China, which results in the increase of the summer rainfall in the mid- and lower- reaches of the Yangtze River and south China. On the contrary, the summer rainfall in the mid- and lower- reaches of the Yangtze River and south China decreases correspondingly in low Kuroshio SSTA years.  相似文献   

春季黑潮区海温异常与我国夏季降水的关系   总被引:6,自引:7,他引:6  
利用海温资料、NCEP/NCAR 53 a(1951~2003年)再分析资料和全国160个站的月降水资料,采用小波、合成和相关分析等方法,分析了春季黑潮区域海表温度异常与我国夏季(6~8月)降水及其与夏季500 hPa高度场、水汽输送的关系。结果表明:春季黑潮区域海表温度具有明显的年际和年代际变化特征,海温的增加趋势非常显著,存在不同尺度的周期振荡,其中23 a左右的周期最显著。春季黑潮海温偏高时,中高纬地区的槽和脊加深,西北太平洋副热带高压加强、西伸,导致副热带高压西侧的暖湿气流输送到长江中下游及华南地区,从而使长江中下游及华南地区的夏季降水增多;水汽输送合成场表明来自南海、西太平洋的水汽输送较气候平均年偏强,向长江流域以北的水汽输送减少,使长江中下游及华南地区夏季降水增多;相反,海温偏低时,长江中下游及华南地区的夏季降水减少。  相似文献   

Near 100-year observed data sets are analyzed, and the results show that the variation of seasurface temperature(SST)in the equatorial Indian Ocean has a feature as a dipole oscillation.Thesituation of the dipole oscillation mainly shows the positive phase pattern(higher SST in the westand lower SST in the east than normal)and the negative phase pattern(higher SST in the east andlower SST in the west).The amplitude of the positive phase is larger than that of the negativephase.The dipole is stronger in September—November and weaker in January—April than inother months.It principally shows obviously inter-annual(4—5 year period)and inter-decadalvariation(25—30 year period).Although the Indian Ocean dipole in the individual year seems tobe independent of ENSO in the equatorial Pacific Ocean,in general,the Indian Ocean dipole hasobviously negative correlation with the Pacific Ocean “dipole”(similar to the inverse phase ofENSO).The atmospheric zonal(Walker) circulation is fundamental for relating the two dipoles toeach other.  相似文献   

印度洋春、夏季海温对西藏高原夏季降水的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
周顺武  丁锋  假拉 《气象科学》2003,23(2):168-175
利用NCEP提供的1950—1997年全球月平均海表面温度场资料,首先通过EOF分解得到不同季节印度洋海温场空间分布特征,并在此基础上使用合成分析、相关分析和SVD分解等多种方法讨论了印度洋前期和同期海温异常与西藏高原夏季降水变化的关系。寻找出影响高原夏季降水的关键海区,目的为高原夏季早涝预测提供参考依据。  相似文献   

热带印度洋秋季偶极子模态与南海夏季风强度变化的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用多年的Reynolds月平均海表温度资料和NCEP/NCAR全球大气再分析资料,采用经验正交函数(EOF)分析和滑动相关方法,研究了热带印度洋秋季偶极子模态和南海夏季风强度变化的关系。结果表明:(1)热带印度洋秋季海表温度距平(SSTA)的主要模态是全区一致型和偶极子(IOD)型,全区一致型模态主要代表了秋季SSTA全海盆一致的年代际及其以上时间尺度的变化,IOD型模态主要反映热带印度洋秋季SSTA年际时间尺度的变化。(2)当前期秋季热带印度洋存在正(负)IOD模态时,南海的夏季风强度减弱(增强)。二者年际变化的负相关关系在长期趋势的冷位相期不显著,而在暖位相期显著。(3)当南海夏季风强度增强(减弱)时,后期秋季热带印度洋出现正(负)IOD模态。二者年际变化的正相关关系在长期趋势的冷、暖位相期显著,在冷、暖位相转换期前后不显著。  相似文献   

西南地区冬季气温年代际变化及可能成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用西南地区1970—2015年气象台站逐月气温资料,结合NCEP/NCAR再分析资料等,分析了西南地区冬季气温的年代际变化特征,并探讨了其年代际转折的可能物理机制。结果表明,西南地区冬季气温于1990年代前期发生暖突变。夏季热带西太平洋海温关键区(120~160 °E,10 °S~20 °N)与西南地区冬季气温在同时期发生暖突变,由于大气对海洋变暖的响应,在其西北侧激发了异常的气旋式环流,这种准GILL态使得西南地区恰好处于偏东偏南的暖湿气流中,配合西风急流偏强偏北,东亚大槽浅薄,不利于冷空气南下,西太副高偏强偏西使西南地区受下沉气流控制增温,并处于暖平流影响下,造成西南地区冬季年代际变暖。   相似文献   

基于我国160个台站的降水资料和西太平洋副热带高压指数,利用典型相关分析和合成分析等方法,研究了热带印度洋-太平洋热力异常联合模对我国夏季降水的影响,并探讨了该联合模与西太平洋副热带高压的关系。结果表明,该联合模对我国夏季降水有一年到半年的超前影响,且以冬季联合模对次年夏季降水的影响最显著。当冬季联合模出现正异常时,次年夏季我国四川地区、长江流域、华北南部降水偏多,而华北北部和江南大部分地区降水偏少;反之亦然。进一步分析表明,冬季热带印度洋-太平洋热力异常联合模对我国夏季降水的影响可能是通过夏季西太平洋副热带高压的变动来实现的。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION In the recent years, more and more researches have shown that the effect of Tropical Ocean is very evident in the process of ocean-air interaction; Sea-Surface Temperature Anomaly (SSTA) takes on global configuration and SSTA in different areas are interrelated and also have their respective characteristics. The SSTA over Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean are interrelated. WU et al.[1] and MENG et al.[2] indicated that the evident positive correlation of inter-annual…  相似文献   

印度洋海表温度主模态及其与亚洲夏季季风的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
分析了印度洋SST主模态的时空特征,并探讨其对亚洲夏季季风的影响,结果表明:印度洋SST主模态的主要特征为整个海盆一致的增温趋势,主要具有准3a和准11a周期,在1976/1977年和1997/1998年分别具有两次年代际显著增温.印度洋SST主模态与中国雨区夏季降水有很好的关系,其增温趋势与华北、东北南部、华南东部和西南西部降水减少,长江中下游地区、东北北部和西北地区降水增多具有很好的关系,并与长江中下游梅雨雨量具有较好的正相关关系;其变化趋势对亚洲夏季季风系统具有显著影响,在高空,使南亚高压、高原南侧的高空东风以及从南海、东南亚至西南印度洋的高空越赤道气流减弱,但增强10°-20°N、40°-110°E的北风;在中层,使西北太平洋副热带高压强度偏强,面积偏大;在低层,增强索马里越赤道气流,但却削弱印度夏季季风低层环流,并且在加强东亚地区的低层南风在中国长江中下游地区及其以南地区的同时减弱华北地区的低层西南风;地面,使亚洲大陆的气压升高;与对流层整层垂直积分水汽输送通量的相关分布与低层环流的相似.因此,印度洋SST主模态的上升趋势是亚洲夏季季风趋于减弱和中国雨带南移的一个原因.  相似文献   

印度洋偶极子研究进展综述   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
印度洋偶极子(IOD)是影响亚洲气候异常的重要系统之一。自1999年IOD提出以来,国内外学者对其形成机理及其与ENSO相互作用的研究取得了很大进展。综述了近年来国内外学者关于印度洋偶极子的定义、时空分布特征、形成机理、与ENSO的关系、对东亚气候的影响等问题的研究成果,提出了目前该领域存在的科学问题。  相似文献   

热带印度洋的大尺度海气相互作用事件   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:24  
巢纪平  袁绍宇  蔡怡 《气象学报》2003,61(2):251-256
分析了热带温跃层上海温距平资料后指出 ,在印度洋东西方向的海温距平分布呈现出距平符号相反的偶极子现象 ,在大气中的纬圈环流即Walker环流上也呈现出与海温距平相协调的或匹配的上升和下沉分支 (距平意义下 )分布。这一分析表明 ,印度洋也存在和太平洋类似ENSO的大尺度海气相互作用事件  相似文献   

Near 100-year observed data sets are analyzed, and the results show that the variation of sea surface temperature(SST)in the equatorial Indian Ocean has a feature as a dipole oscillation.The situation of the dipole oscillation mainly shows the positive phase pattern(higher SST in the west and lower SST in the east than normal)and the negative phase pattern(higher SST in the east and lower SST in the west).The amplitude of the positive phase is larger than that of the negative phase.The dipole is stronger in September—November and weaker in January—April than in other months.It principally shows obviously inter-annual(4—5 year period)and inter-decadal variation(25—30 year period).Although the Indian Ocean dipole in the individual year seems to be independent of ENSO in the equatorial Pacific Ocean,in general,the Indian Ocean dipole has obviously negative correlation with the Pacific Ocean "dipole"(similar to the inverse phase of ENSO).The atmospheric zonal(Walker) circulation is fundamental for relating the two dipoles to each other.  相似文献   

Decadal circulation differences between more and less rainfall periods in the annually first rainy season of Guangxi and their association with sea surface temperature (SST) of the austral Indian Ocean are investigated by using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. The results are shown as follows. A pattern in which there is uniform change of the Guangxi precipitation shows a 20-year decadal oscillation and a 3-year interannual change. In contrast, a pattern of reversed-phase change between the north and the south of Guangxi has a 6-year interannual periodicity and quasi-biennial oscillation. In the period of more precipitation, the surface temperature in Eurasia is positively anomalous so as to lead to stronger low pressure systems on land and larger thermal contrast between land and ocean. Therefore, the air column is more unstable and ascending flows over Guangxi are intensified while the Hadley cell is weakened. Furthermore, the weaker western Pacific subtropical high and South Asia High, together with a stronger cross-equatorial flow, result in the transportation of more humidity and the appearance of more precipitation. The correlation analysis indicates that the Indian Ocean SST in Southern Hemisphere is closely associated with the variation of the seasonal precipitation of Guangxi on the decadal scale by influencing the Asian monsoon through the cross-equatorial flow.  相似文献   

Sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) exerts great influence on the generation of global weather and climate. Much progress has been made with respect to SSTA in the Pacific Ocean region in contrast to the Indian Ocean. The IAP9L model, which is developed at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Science, is used to simulate the influence of the Indian Ocean SSTA on the general circulation and weather/climate anomalies in the monsoon region of Asia. It is found that the warm (cool) SSTA in the equatorial low latitudes of the Indian Ocean triggers winter (summer) teleconnection patterns in middle and higher latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere that are similar to PNA or EAP. They play a very important role in the anomaly of circulation or weather and climate in the middle and lower latitudes of the Asian summer monsoon region. With the warm (cool) SSTA forcing in the Indian Ocean, the Asian summer monsoon sets up at a late (early) date and withdraws at a early (late) date, lasting for a short (long) duration at a weak (strong) intensity. The Indian Ocean SSTA is shown to be an indicator for precipitation variation in China.  相似文献   

广西前汛期降水年代际变化与南半球印度洋海温的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料对广西前汛期降水年代际变化的环流差异及其与前期南半球印度洋海温的关系进行研究,结果表明:广西前汛期整体一致变化的降水分布型具有20年左右年代际振荡及3年左右的年际周期,桂南、桂北反相变化的降水空间型具有6年和准两年振荡.在前汛期降水偏多期,欧亚大陆地表温度偏高,热力作用增强,造成大陆热低压偏强,海陆差异加大,广西区域气柱不稳定性增强,上升气流显著增强,Hadley环流减弱,西太平洋副高及南亚高压减弱,南北半球越赤道气流增强,高原南侧南支槽气流加强,水汽输送增多,造成广西降水偏多;降水偏少期形势相反.相关分析表明前期2~3月南半球中纬度印度洋海温与广西前汛期降水年代际变化呈明显负相关,意味着南半球海温对广西前汛期降水年代际变化有调控作用,这种作用是通过海温异常影响越赤道气流从而影响亚洲季风的强弱而实现的.  相似文献   

The work is a general survey SSTA data of the Indian Ocean and of precipitation at 160 Chinese weather stations over 1951~1997(47years).It reveals that the dipole oscillation of SST,especially the dipole index of March~May,in the eastern and western parts of the ocean correlates well with the precipitation during the June~August raining season in China.As shown in analysis of 500-hPa Northern Hemisphere geopotential height height by NCEP for 1958-1995,the Indian Ocean dipole index(IODI) is closely related with geopotential height anomalies in the middle-and higher-latitudes in the Eurasian region.As a negative phase year of IODI corresponds to significant Pacific-Japan(PJ) wavetrain,it is highly likely that the SST for the dipole may affect the precipitation in China through the wavetrain.Additionally,correlation analysis of links between SST dipole index of the Indian Ocean region and air temperature in China also shows good correlation between the former and wintertime temperature in southern China.  相似文献   

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