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利用地面加密自动站观测资料、多普勒天气雷达及NCEP格点再分析资料,对2018年第22号台风“山竹”登陆前后环境场、动力热力场结构变化特征进行了分析,并初步探讨台风造成广西强降水分布异常的成因。(1) 200 hPa南亚高压稳定维持、西南季风与越赤道气流、西太平洋气流卷入提供水汽和能量是台风登陆后强度减弱缓慢的重要因素。(2)台风登陆移入广西过程中,其中高层θse漏斗状结构、正涡度柱状结构维持,东侧和北侧低层有深厚入流辐合上升,高层有明显出流。(3)水平风场的不对称分布导致台风东侧到北侧存在明显的风向切变和风速辐合,出现垂直螺旋度正值中心和强水汽辐合区,对应有螺旋对流回波带发展、维持,这可能是“山竹”强降水出现在台风偏北侧的重要原因。(4)云贵高原冷空气的侵入加剧了热力不稳定,加上地形抬升增幅作用,导致桂北和桂西持续强降水。(5) “山竹”降水分布与低层湿位涡负值区有较好对应,强降水主要出现在湿正压项(MPV1)负值中心附近和MPV1负值区与湿斜压项(MPV2)正值区相叠加的区域。   相似文献   

This paper tests the impacts of cloud-induced mass forcing on the moist potential vorticity(MPV) anomaly associated with torrential rains caused by Typhoon No.9914 (Dan) by using fine modelsimulation data outputted by the Fifth-Generation NCAR / Penn State Mesoscale Model (MM5). Thediagnostic results show that the positive MPV anomaly region, which is obtained by integrating the MPVfrom 600 hPa to 300 hPa in the vertical, roughly coincides with the precipitation at their synchronousstages either in position or in the distribution pattern, and the maximum positive MPV area of Dan islocated mainly between 600 hPa and 300 hPa, which is much higher than torrential rain cases. Furtheranalyses also showed that the value of positive MPV anomaly increased or decreased with the developmentof Dan, and the positive MPV anomaly may also be served as a tracer to indicate the evolution of tropicalcyclone intensity.  相似文献   

In this paper,by carrying out sensitivity tests of initial conditions and diagnostic analysis of physical fields,the impact factors and the physical mechanism of the unusual track of Morakot in the Taiwan Strait are discussed and examined based on the potential vorticity(PV)inversion.The diagnostic results of NCEP data showed that Morakot’s track was mainly steered by the subtropical high.The breaking of a high-pressure zone was the main cause for the northward turn of Morakot.A sensitivity test of initial conditions showed that the existence of upper-level trough was the leading factor for the breaking of the high-pressure zone.When the intensity was strengthened of the upper-level trough at initial time,the high-pressure zone would break ahead of time,leading to the early northward turn of Morakot.Conversely,when the intensity was weakened,the breaking of the high-pressure zone would be delayed.Especially,when the intensity was weakened to a certain extent,the high-pressure zone would not break.The typhoon,steered by the easterly flow to the south of the high-pressure zone,would keep moving westward,with no turn in the test.The diagnostic analysis of the physical fields based on the sensitivity test revealed that positive vorticity advection and cold advection associated with the upper-level trough weakened the intensity of the high-pressure zone.The upper-level trough affected typhoon’s track indirectly by influencing the high-pressure zone.  相似文献   

By using WRF mesoscale model, this paper carries out a numerical simulation and diagnostic analysis of the structural characteristics of the asymmetric spiral rain bands around the landing of Typhoon Haitang during the period of July 19 to 20, 2005. The result indicated that the two rainbands associated with the precipitation centre was mainly located northeast of the typhoon centre. The movement and intensity of the southern rainband corresponded well with the 850-hPa positive vorticity band from 0200 to 1800 UTC July 19, 2005. Under the effect of cyclonic circulation, the positive vorticity band at 850 hPa connected with a southern rain band, leading to the intensification of rainfall in the southern centre of the precipitation. The southward rainband gradually moved toward and then merges with the northward one, strengthening the rainfall in the northern centre of the precipitation. Besides, the relationship between the heavy rainfall and the divergence field of vertical shear wind in the high altitude is analyzed. Finally, the relationship is revealed between the development of the vertical component of convective vorticity vector and the rainfall near the two centres of precipitation in the low altitude.  相似文献   

While previous studies indicate that typhoons can decrease sea surface temperature(SST) along their tracks, a few studies suggest that the cooling patterns in coastal areas are different from those in the open sea. However, little is known about how the induced cooling coupled with the complex ocean circulation in the coastal areas can affect tropical cyclone track and intensity. The sea surface responses to the land falling process of Typhoon Morakot(2009) are examined observationally and its influences on the activity of the typhoon are numerically simulated with the WRF model. The present study shows that the maximum SST cooling associated with Morakot occurred on the left-hand side of the typhoon track during its landfall. Numerical simulations show that, together with the SST gradients associated with the coastal upwelling and mesoscale oceanic vortices, the resulting SST cooling can cause significant difference in the typhoon track, comparable to the current 24-hour track forecasting error. It is strongly suggested that it is essential to include the non-uniform SST distribution in the coastal areas for further improvement in typhoon track forecast.  相似文献   

Using real analysis data of 1°×1° resolution of the National Center for EnvironmentalPrediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR), the nondivergent wind componentand irrotational wind component obtained by the harmonic-cosine(H-C) method, and the wind structure ofTyphoon Fung-Wong (coded 0808 in China) in 2008 was analyzed. The results indicated that theirrotational component was advantageous over the total wind in reflecting both the changes in convergentheight and the asymmetrical convergence of Fung-Wong. In Fung-Wong, the nondivergent component waslarger than the irrotational component, but the latter was much more variable than the former, which wasobtained only from the wind partition method. Further analyses on the irrotational componentdemonstrated that the location of the convergent center at lower levels was almost the same as thedivergent center during the development of Fung-Wong, and its convergent level was high in its life cycle,with the most highest up to 400 hPa when it became stronger. After the typhoon landed in the provinces ofTaiwan and Fujian, respectively, its convergent center at lower levels was slowly detached from thedivergent center at high levels and the convergent height was also depressed from high levels to lowerlevels. Gradually, this weakened the intensity of Fung-Wong. This kind of weakening was slow andFung-Wong maintained its circulation for a long time over land because of its very thick convergent height.Analyses on wind partitioning provided one possible explanation to why Fung-Wong stayed for a long timeafter it landed. Furthermore, the asymmetric vertical ascending motion was induced by the asymmetricconvergence at lower levels. In general, when typhoons (such as Fung-Wong) land, the rainfall regioncoincides with that of the convergence region (indicated by the irrotational component at lower layers).This means that the possible rainfall regions may be diagnosed from the convergent area of the irrotationalcomponent. For an observational experiment on typhoons, the convergent region may be considered as akey observational region.  相似文献   

8805号登陆台风特大暴雨的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
应用中尺度模式MM4,使用了一种简单的模式台风处理方法,成功地模拟了8805号台风登陆前后的演变及其伴随的特五暴雨过程,即对分析的台风中心物理量场进行修正而形成与实况极为一致的初值,以期能更好地模拟台风过程。从模拟结果可以看出,台风降水强度中心基本上是随台风登陆移动而变化的,每一时期的降水中心基本上与台风移动的路径一致或略偏前方,在登陆时的降水最大,这种降水变化与台风上升运动的烛一致的,上升运动越  相似文献   

华南、华东沿海登陆台风暴雨和大风的分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
利用国家气象局出版的1949~1996年台风资料,研究了华南、华东沿海登陆台风暴雨和大风特征.得出:华南沿海登陆台风主要集中在6~11月,8~9月的降水量最大,风速最大是8~9月;华东沿海登陆台风主要集中在7~9月,其降水量和风速都不亚于华南沿海登陆台风;华南和华东沿海各时段的登陆台风具有3~5年的周期振荡,一般在厄尔尼诺期间登陆台风次数减少,反厄尔尼诺期间登陆台风次数增加;西北太平洋副热带高压脊线位置与华南沿海6~7月登陆台风次数和副高北界位置与华南沿海6~7月及8~9月登陆台风次数的相关系数在统计学上达到0.05的显著性水平  相似文献   

台风“珍珠”登陆期间动量通量的多尺度分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用台风"珍珠"登陆前后的近地层湍流观测资料,分析了该台风经过观测场地前后地面气象要素的变化及其动量通量特征。结果表明,台风"珍珠"经过观测场地前后的近地层气象要素发生了急剧的变化,并且在台风前部存在强的中尺度对流系统,反映在风速能谱密度结构上,频率f在3×10-4~2×10-3Hz之间的中尺度信号对能谱的贡献比平稳天气形势下的能谱贡献大很多,尤其是顺风方向风速的能谱密度的峰值与湍流信号的峰值相当;动量通量分析结果表明,台风中心经过观测场地的前后三小时,近地层通量以向下输送的中尺度通量为主,湍流通量的贡献相对于中尺度通量较小,也是向下输送的;而在其他时段,近地层通量主要以向上输送的湍流通量为主,中尺度通量量值很小,可以忽略。  相似文献   

There is distinct difference in the tangential wind profile between different typhoons in the western North Pacific. At present, only two parameters, maximum wind and radius of maximum wind, are used in NCAR-AFWA bogus for MM5 mesoscale numerical model. As a result, sometimes the outer structure of typhoon cannot be described accurately. The tangential wind profile of NCAR-AFWA bogus is improved by introducing radii of 25.7 m/s and 15.4 m/s, and then the track and intensity of Typhoon Nockten (No.0425) are simulated. The results show that the simulations of track and intensity of typhoon both have been improved by simultaneously introducing the radii in the tangential wind profile of typhoon bogus. At the same time, there is improvement in the gale wind range of the typhoon simulated.  相似文献   

西北太平洋台风切向风廓线存在明显的差异,目前MM5中尺度数值模式NCAR-AFWA的模型台风(bogus)方案中仅使用了最大风速和最大风速半径两个参数,有时不能准确地描述台风的外围结构。通过引入十级风圈平均半径和七级风圈平均半径对NCAR-AFWA的bogus切向风廓线进行改进,然后对0425号台风“洛坦”的路径和强度进行模拟,结果发现:在台风bogus切向风廓线中同时引入十级风圈平均半径和七级风圈平均半径对台风路径和强度模拟均有改进,同时对台风大风范围的模拟也有改进。  相似文献   

台风“天鹅”、“巨爵”登陆过程风场结构特征的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
通过广东沿海的四部固定风廓线仪和一部移动风廓线仪的观测资料,对2009年两个登陆台风“天鹅”、“巨爵”的边界层风场结构进行分析。结果表明:(1) 在两个台风登陆过程中,路径两侧不同的下垫面造成两侧风场结构的明显差异;(2) 两个台风登陆过程都出现比较明显的入流和出流,但由于速度和强度不同,入流、出流的位置有明显的差异;(3) 两个登陆台风眼区外围混合层的高度均在3 500 m以上。   相似文献   

Typhoon eye, one of the most outstanding features in the evolution of typhoon, has various complex configurations: circular, elliptic, oval, square, polygonal, or irregular shapes. It is very interesting to note that some typhoons show the concentric double-eyes encircled with two concentric cloud towers.The concentric double-eye structure and intensity of typhoons are investigated and discussed by using reconnaissance aircraft data, radar echo photos and satellite images, 76 double-eye typhoons were observed during 1949-1983. The results indicate that the concentric double-eye structure, generally appearing in intense typhoons over the northwestern Pacific Ocean, is closely related to typhoon’s intensity. This kind of structure has apparent characteristics in geographical and seasonal distributions.Based on the observational data, an idealized structure model for the concentric double-eye typhoons is proposed.  相似文献   

Five prediction experiments are carried out with two typhoons in 1992 using a limitedarca primitiveequations and two-way interactive model in a movable,nested mesh. The result indicates good agreementin terms of motion between the prediction and observation. Studying the asymmetric structure in the cases selected, a close link is uncovered between the temporal evolutions of the structure and the track of motion in a tropical cyclone. Understanding of real asymmetric structure will help to improve the skill offorecasting tropical cyclones.  相似文献   

9608台风内区云系结构演变与路径变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
林毅 《气象科学》1997,17(4):350-357
本文利用逐时数字化卫星云图,详细分析了9608(HERB)台风在近海区的路经变化趋势与台风内区云系结构演变的相互关系。结果表明:台风云人区强对流云团的非对称发展,使台风内力发生变化,是导致台风路径两次打转和波浪式前进的主要原因。  相似文献   

While previous studies indicate that typhoons can decrease sea surface temperature(SST) along their tracks, a few studies suggest that the cooling patterns in coastal areas are different from those in the open sea. However, little is known about how the induced cooling coupled with the complex ocean circulation in the coastal areas can affect tropical cyclone track and intensity. The sea surface responses to the land falling process of Typhoon Morakot(2009) are examined observationally and its influences on the activity of the typhoon are numerically simulated with the WRF model. The present study shows that the maximum SST cooling associated with Morakot occurred on the left-hand side of the typhoon track during its landfall. Numerical simulations show that, together with the SST gradients associated with the coastal upwelling and mesoscale oceanic vortices, the resulting SST cooling can cause significant difference in the typhoon track, comparable to the current 24-hour track forecasting error. It is strongly suggested that it is essential to include the non-uniform SST distribution in the coastal areas for further improvement in typhoon track forecast.  相似文献   

消除噪音和速度模糊、进行水平风场的反演并检验是正确使用和充分利用多普勒雷达探测资料的前提.对2005年8月山东烟台多普勒雷达探测到的0509号台风"麦莎"的存在速度模糊的径向速度资料首先进行噪音和速度模糊消除处理,检验结果表明对资料的退模糊处理是成功的;其次进行了水平风场的反演,并对反演的风场从雷达径向速度的特征、大尺度环境风场特征、与卫星云图云带的对比和以台风中心为圆心计算的径向风垂直剖面特征等方面进行检验.结果表明,利用单多普勒雷达探测资料得到的水平风场能够清晰地给出登陆热带气旋内部存在的中小尺度系统,及其水平和垂直结构,并表明与台风外围雨带强降水区域相对应的是明显的中尺度水平风场的切变与辐合区.反演风场也可以为进一步利用单多普勒雷达探测资料分析和研究登陆台风内部的中尺度结构提供高分辨率的可靠的分析资料.同时证明,使用的退速度模糊方法能够有效地应用于较完整资料的速度模糊的自动消除,以及VAP方法对于中小尺度风场分析的实用性.  相似文献   

The major purpose of this study was to develop a predictive model of the yearly frequency of typhoon.Based on historical data, a predictive model of yearly frequency of typhoon that landed in South China was proposed during the season of typhoon using the basic thinking and its algorithm of Pro.jcction Pursuit Regression (PPR). The results show that the predictive precision of PPR model is much better than that of stepwise regression (SR) model.  相似文献   

Leveraging the commercial CFD software FLUENT, the fine-scale three-dimensional wind structure over the Paiya Mountains on the Dapeng Peninsula near Shenzhen, a city on the seashore of South China Sea, during the landfall of Typhoon Molave has been simulated and analyzed. Through the study, a conceptual wind structure model for mountainous areas under strong wind condition is established and the following conclusions are obtained as follows: (1) FLUENT can reasonably simulate a three-dimensional wind structure over mountainous areas under strong wind conditions; (2) the kinetic effect of a mountain can intensify wind speed in the windward side of the mountain and the area over the mountain peak; and (3) in the leeward side of the mountain, wind speed is relatively lower with relatively stronger wind shear and turbulence.  相似文献   

Using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, the structure of a wintertime typhoon named Nanmadol that landed on Taiwan 4 December, 2004 has been examined in this paper, it is found that Nanmadol looks similar in structure and time evolution to summer typhoons; the central part of it is warm and humid, and the convergence is observed in the lower troposphere while there is divergence in the upper troposphere. The differences between wintertime and summertime typhoons are found. The southwest stream flow in the lower troposphere and cyclonic disturbance in the upper troposphere seem significantly weaker in Nanmadol than in summertime typhoons. The EOF analysis performed for sea level pressure (SLP) of Nanmadol shows that about 90% of the total variance of temporal changes in typhoon circulation can be explained by two leading EOF modes of EOF1 and EOF2. EOF1 shows the structure and intensity variations of Nanmadol while EOF2 shows the changes in environmental SLP distributions that influences the moving direction of Nanmadol.  相似文献   

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