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Earlier work on the simultaneous accumulation of the asteroid belt and the terrestrial planets is extended to investigate the relative contribution to the final planets made by material from different heliocentric distances. As before, stochastic variations intrinsic to the accumulation processes lead to a variety of final planetary configurations, but include systems having a number of features similar to our solar system. Fifty-nine new simulations are presented, from which thirteen are selected as more similar to our solar system than the others. It is found that the concept of "local feeding zones" for each final terrestrial planet has no validity for this model. Instead, the final terrestrial planets receive major contributions from bodies ranging from 0.5 to at least 2.5 AU, and often to greater distances. Nevertheless, there is a correlation between the final heliocentric distance of a planet and its average provenance. Together with the effect of stochastic fluctuations, this permits variation in the composition of the terrestrial planets, such as the difference in the decompressed density of Earth and Mars. Biologically important light elements, derived from the asteroidal region, are likely to have been significant constituents of the Earth during its formation.  相似文献   

A time table showing the history of the terrestrial planets is submitted in this paper. The planetary evolution is presented within the framework of global tectonics, whereby a distinction is made between exogenous and endogenous processes. Beginning with the age of 4.5 × 109 years and extending to the age of 3.0 × 109 years all terrestrial planets are characterized by a primordial-meteoric-vulcanic period. The development of the Moon and Mercury had been terminated with the end of this primordial period. Even until most recent times endogenous mantle processes and exogenous erosion processes shape the lithospheres on Mars, Venus, and the Earth. The Earth represents here the extreme case with highly dynamic plate tectonics. The degree of evolution of a planet is proportional to its mass. This leads to the following evolutionary scheme:
Zusammenfassung Eine Zeittafel zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der terrestrischen Planeten wird vorgelegt. Die Planetengeschichte wird in den Rahmen einer globalen Tektonik gestellt, wobei exogene und endogene Prozesse unterschieden werden. Von ca. 4.5 bis 3.0 × 109 Jahre werden alle terrestrischen Planeten von einer ur-meteorischen-vulkanischen Periode geprägt. Damit ist für den Mond und den Merkur die Entwicklung im wesentlichen abgeschlossen. Bei dem Mars, der Venus und der Erde formen bis in die jüngste Zeit endogene Mantelprozesse und exogene Erosionsprozesse die Lithosphäre, wobei die Erde den Extremfall mit einer hochdynamischen Plattentektonik repräsentiert. Der Entwicklungsgrad eines Planeten ist proportional seiner Masse. Das führt zu folgendem Entwicklungsschema:

Résumé Une table chronologique décrivant l'évolution des planètes terrestres est proposée dans cette publication. L'évolution des planètes est présentée dans le cadre de la tectonique globale, où distinction est faite entre processus exogènes et endogènes. Entre environ 4.5 et 3.0 × 109 années toutes les planètes terrestres sont caractérisées par une période primordiale-météorique-volcanique. Le développement de la Lune et de Mercure s'est terminé vers la fin de cette période primordiale. Dans Mars, Vénus et la Terre, les processus endogènes du manteau et une érosion exogène ont formé la lithosphère jusque dans les périodes les plus récentes; la Terre représente le cas extrème avec une tectonique de plaques à caractère dynamique très prononcé. Le degré d'évolution d'une planète est proportionnel à sa masse. Ceci conduit au schéma d'évolution suivant:

. , . 4,5 3,0×10–9 - . . , , , , . , . . :

Advances in earthquake data acquisition and processing techniques have allowed for improved quantification of source parameters for local Australian earthquakes. Until recently, only hypocentral locations and local magnitudes (ML) had been determined routinely, with little attention given to the inversion of additional source parameters. The present study uses these new source data (e.g. seismic moment, stress drop, source dimensions) to further extend our understanding of seismicity and the continental stress regime of the Australian landmass and its peripheral regions.

Earthquake activity within Australia is typically low, and the proportion of small to large events (i.e. the b value) is also low. It is observed that average stress drops for southeastern Australian earthquakes appear to increase with seismic moment to relatively high levels, up to approximately 10 MPa for ML 5.0 earthquakes. This is thought to be indicative of high compressive crustal stress, coupled with strong rocks and fault asperities. Furthermore, the data indicates that shallow focus earthquakes (shallower than 6 km) appear to produce lower than average stress drops than deeper earthquakes (between 6 and 20 km) with similar moment.

Recurrence estimates were obtained for a discrete seismogenic zone in southeastern Australia. Decreasing b values with increasing focal depth for this zone indicate that larger earthquakes (with high stress drops) tend to occur deeper in the crust. This may offer an explanation for the apparent increase of stress drop with hypocentral depth. Consequently, earthquake hazard estimates that assume a uniform Gutenburg–Richter distribution with depth (i.e. constant b value) may be too conservative and therefore slightly overestimate seismic hazard for surface sites in southeastern Australia.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2007,339(14-15):907-916
Collisions played a very important role in the formation of terrestrial planets. These planets are believed to have formed from a system of planetary embryos, with masses comparable to that of the Moon or of Mars. Giant collisions between proto-planets and embryos were, therefore, the rule. The collision which gave origin to the Earth’s moon was just one of these collisions. We review the state of the art concerning numerical modeling of the terrestrial planets accretion process and we compare the results with the available observational or geochemical constraints. After the completion of the formation process, the history of the bombardment of the terrestrial planets was peculiar. After a period most likely characterized by a weak bombardment rate, about 3.9 Gyr ago, the planets experienced the ‘Late Heavy Bombardment’, a cataclysmic episode characterized by a bombardment rate of about 20,000 times the current one, during a time-span of 50–150 Myr. We review a recent model that has been proposed to explain the origin of this cataclysm.  相似文献   

The geological characterization of the shallow subsurface in the unconsolidated sediments of the Atlantic Coastal Plain, and other unconsolidated sediment regimes, may involve jointing, faulting, and channeling not readily detectable by conventional drilling and mapping. A knowledge of these features is required in environmental, geotechnical, and geomorphological studies. Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) may be used to routinely map these structures. Three principal shallow subsurface features are readily detectable using GPR: paleochannels, joints or fractures, and faults. The detection of paleochannels is dependent on the scale of the GPR survey and the attitude of the channel within the survey area. Channel morphological features such as scour surfaces, point bars, and thalwegs are observable. Joints and fractures are more difficult to detect depending upon size, patterns, orientation, and fill material. Vertical joints may not be visible to radar unless they are wider than the sampling interval or are filled with radar-opaque materials such as limonite. Angled joints or fractures may be distinguished by an apparent continuous reflector on the radar profile. Faulting on radar profiles may be observed by the offset of reflectors, the image of the fault plane, or the coherent interpretation of a fault system.  相似文献   

London lies mainly within an area of long-term tectonic stability known as the London Platform. This is characterised by relatively thin Cretaceous and Palaeogene sequences overlying Palaeozoic basement at shallow depths, less seismic activity than surrounding areas and, according to published geological maps, little faulting.  相似文献   

麦盖提斜坡是塔里木盆地西南坳陷的一个次级构造单元,经历多期构造运动和翘倾活动,形成多期断裂活动和复杂的构造变形。这些断裂对研究区的油气成藏有直接的控制作用。本文在大量地震解释基础上,对断裂的期次、性质进行系统厘定;然后,分析其构造样式,落实其平面展布;进而,结合前人对主力烃源岩和成藏期次的研究结果和钻探资料,将断裂划分为沟通油气源断裂、岩溶期断裂、主成藏期断裂、成藏调整期断裂等4大断裂体系;最后,刻画4大断裂体系分布与作用范围。这些断裂构造分析成果,为麦盖提斜坡油气成藏规律研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

It now appears probable that all of the terrestrial planets underwent some form of global chemical differentiation to produce crusts, mantles, and cores of variable relative mass fractions. There is direct seismic evidence for a crust on the Moon, and indirect evidence for distinct crusts on Mars and Venus. Substantial portions of these crusts have been in place since the time that heavy bombardment of the inner solar system ceased 4 Ga ago. There is direct evidence for a sizeable core on Mars, indirect evidence for one on Mercury, and bounds on a possible small core for the Moon. Core formation is an important heat source confined to times prior to 4 Ga ago for Mercury and the Earth, but was not closely linked to crustal formation on the Moon nor, apparently, on Mars. The tectonic and volcanic histories of the surfaces of the terrestrial planets Moon, Mars, and Mercury can be used, with simple thermal history models, to restrict the earliest chemical differentiation to be shallow (outer 200–400 km) for the first two bodies and much more extensive for Mercury. Extension of these models to an Earth-size planet leads to the prediction of a hot and vigorously convecting mantle with an easily deformable crust immediately following core formation, and of the gradual development of a lithosphere and of plates with some lateral rigidity in Late Archean—Proterozoic times.  相似文献   

The use of quantum mechanics methods within the formalism of density functional theory requires a method to represent the electron wave functions. We compare the use of strictly localized basis functions based on atomic orbitals with the use of plane waves for the study of mineral properties and behaviour. Strictly localized functions enable the computational resources to scale linearly with the size of the system, whereas plane-wave methods scale more as the cube power of the system size, and for this reason the use of localized functions will be preferred for studies of large sizes. We present test results obtained from studies of cation ordering in spinel, garnet and amphibole phases, the high-pressure displacive phase transition in cristobalite, and the intercalation of organic molecules into pyrophyllite. We conclude that the use of localized basis sets provides a useful route forward for quantum mechanical studies of large-scale mineral problems.Received: 5 July 2001  相似文献   

Faults have been documented on nearly every solid surface in the solar system, from asteroids to moons to planets, and they provide a remarkable suite of data sets and critical problems for investigation and analysis by structural geologists. The lack of significant atmospheres on Mercury, the Moon, and most outer planet satellites, along with slow erosion rates and a lack of crustal recycling and Earth-like plate tectonics on most planetary bodies, allows for excellent preservation of fault scarp morphologies for study of fault populations and developmental sequences.  相似文献   

空间尺度转换是近年来区域生态水文研究领域的一个基本研究问题。其需要主要是源于模型的输入数据与所能提供的数据空间尺度不一致以及模型所代表的地表过程空间尺度与所观测的地表过程空间尺度不吻合。综述了目前区域生态水文模拟研究中常用的空间尺度转换研究方法,包括向上尺度转换和向下尺度转换。详细论述了2种向下尺度转换方法: 统计学经验模型和动态模型。前者是通过将GCM大尺度数据与长期的历史观测数据比较从而建立统计学相关模型, 然后利用这个统计学经验模型进行向下的空间尺度转换. 然而动态模型并不直接对GCM数据进行向下尺度的转换,而是对与GCM进行动态耦合的区域气候模型(RCM) 的输出数据进行空间尺度转换. 通常后者所获得的数据精度要比前者高,但是一个主要缺点就是并不是全球所有的研究区域都有对应的RCM。还详细论述了2种向上尺度转换方法: 统计学经验模型和斑块模型。前者是建立一个能代表小尺度信息在大尺度上分布的密度分布概率函数, 然后利用这个函数在所需的大尺度上进行积分而求得大尺度所需的信息。而后者是根据相似性最大化原则将大尺度划分为若干个可操作的小尺度斑块,然后将计算的每个小尺度斑块的信息平均化得到大尺度所需的信息。通常在计算这种斑块化的小尺度信息的时候,对每个小尺度也会采用统计学经验模型来计算代表整个斑块小尺度的信息。建议用斑块模型与统计学经验模型相集合的方法来实现向上的空间尺度转换  相似文献   

The 182Hf-182W systematics of meteoritic and planetary samples provide firm constraints on the chronology of the accretion and earliest evolution of asteroids and terrestrial planets and lead to the following succession and duration of events in the earliest solar system. Formation of Ca,Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) at 4568.3 ± 0.7 Ma was followed by the accretion and differentiation of the parent bodies of some magmatic iron meteorites within less than ∼1 Myr. Chondrules from H chondrites formed 1.7 ± 0.7 Myr after CAIs, about contemporaneously with chondrules from L and LL chondrites as shown by their 26Al-26Mg ages. Some magmatism on the parent bodies of angrites, eucrites, and mesosiderites started as soon as ∼3 Myr after CAI formation and may have continued until ∼10 Myr. A similar timescale is obtained for the high-temperature metamorphic evolution of the H chondrite parent body. Thermal modeling combined with these age constraints reveals that the different thermal histories of meteorite parent bodies primarily reflect their initial abundance of 26Al, which is determined by their accretion age. Impact-related processes were important in the subsequent evolution of asteroids but do not appear to have induced large-scale melting. For instance, Hf-W ages for eucrite metals postdate CAI formation by ∼20 Myr and may reflect impact-triggered thermal metamorphism in the crust of the eucrite parent body. Likewise, the Hf-W systematics of some non-magmatic iron meteorites were modified by impact-related processes but the timing of this event(s) remains poorly constrained.The strong fractionation of lithophile Hf from siderophile W during core formation makes the Hf-W system an ideal chronometer for this major differentiation event. However, for larger planets such as the terrestrial planets the calculated Hf-W ages are particularly sensitive to the occurrence of large impacts, the degree to which impactor cores re-equilibrated with the target mantle during large collisions, and changes in the metal-silicate partition coefficients of W due to changing fO2 in differentiating planetary bodies. Calculated core formation ages for Mars range from 0 to 20 Myr after CAI formation and currently cannot distinguish between scenarios where Mars formed by runaway growth and where its formation was more protracted. Tungsten model ages for core formation in Earth range from ∼30 Myr to >100 Myr after CAIs and hence do not provide a unique age for the formation of Earth. However, the identical 182W/184W ratios of the lunar and terrestrial mantles provide powerful evidence that the Moon-forming giant impact and the final stage of Earth’s core formation occurred after extinction of 182Hf (i.e., more than ∼50 Myr after CAIs), unless the Hf/W ratios of the bulk silicate Moon and Earth are identical to within less than ∼10%. Furthermore, the identical 182W/184W of the lunar and terrestrial mantles is difficult to explain unless either the Moon consists predominantly of terrestrial material or the W in the proto-lunar magma disk isotopically equilibrated with the Earth’s mantle.Hafnium-tungsten chronometry also provides constraints on the duration of magma ocean solidification in terrestrial planets. Variations in the 182W/184W ratios of martian meteorites reflect an early differentiation of the martian mantle during the effective lifetime of 182Hf. In contrast, no 182W variations exist in the lunar mantle, demonstrating magma ocean solidification later than ∼60 Myr, in agreement with 147Sm-143Nd ages for ferroan anorthosites. The Moon-forming giant impact most likely erased any evidence of a prior differentiation of Earth’s mantle, consistent with a 146Sm-142Nd age of 50-200 Myr for the earliest differentiation of Earth’s mantle. However, the Hf-W chronology of the formation of Earth’s core and the Moon-forming impact is difficult to reconcile with the preservation of 146Sm-142Nd evidence for an early (<30 Myr after CAIs) differentiation of a chondritic Earth’s mantle. Instead, the combined 182W-142Nd evidence suggests that bulk Earth may have superchondritic Sm/Nd and Hf/W ratios, in which case formation of its core must have terminated more than ∼42 Myr after formation of CAIs, consistent with the Hf-W age for the formation of the Moon.  相似文献   

Multidimensional scaling is a powerful technique for analysis of data. The latitudinal dependence of geomagnetic field variation in horizontal component (H) during magnetic storms is analysed in this paper by employing this technique.  相似文献   

Apatite preserves a record of the halogen and water fugacities that existed during the waning stages of crystallization of planetary magmas, when they became saturated in phosphates. We develop a thermodynamic formalism based on apatite-merrillite equilibria that makes it possible to compare the relative values of halogen and water fugacities in Martian, lunar and terrestrial basalts, accounting for possible differences in pressure, temperature and oxygen fugacities among the planets. We show that each of these planetary bodies has distinctive ratios among volatile fugacities at apatite saturation and that these fugacities are in some cases related in a consistent way to volatile fugacities in the mantle magma sources. Our analysis shows that the Martian mantle parental to basaltic SNC meteorites was dry and poor in both fluorine and chlorine compared to the terrestrial mantle. The limited data available from Mars show no secular variation in mantle halogen and water fugacities from ∼4 Ga to ∼180 Ma. The water and halogens found in present-day Martian surface rocks have thus resided in the planet’s surficial systems since at least 4 Ga, and may have been degassed from the planet’s interior during a primordial crust-forming event. In comparison to the Earth and Mars, the Moon, and possibly the eucrite parent body too, appear to be strongly depleted not only in H2O but also in Cl2 relative to H2O. Chlorine depletion is strongest in mare basalts, perhaps reflecting an eruptive process characteristic of large-scale lunar magmatism.  相似文献   

易颖  周伟  马刚  杨利福  常晓林 《岩土力学》2016,37(6):1799-1808
基于Feng Y T提出的精确缩尺方法,即根据几何相似、静力相似、动力相似3个相似原理建立一套缩尺准则,使得缩尺前后模型的力学响应保持一致。首次将该理论应用于颗粒材料的流变分析当中,采用Burgers黏塑性蠕变模型,引入流变参数,在原缩尺准则上进行理论推导,得到在二维和三维条件下的缩尺准则;其次在理论推导的基础上进行数值仿真验证。研究结果表明:严格按照拟定的缩尺准则选取参数后,缩尺后模型的力学响应能够保证和原尺寸模型完全一致,计算误差在3%以内,同时简要探讨了时间步长、黏性系数、颗粒数目、比尺数对数值试验的影响,为数值试验中相关参数的选取以及如何让数值模型反映材料真实的力学行为提供了有效参考。另外,由于缩尺模型采用与原模型相同的颗粒数目、颗粒形状、颗粒压实状态和比尺数,揭示了等比例缩尺对材料流变行为的影响。  相似文献   

 Since 1985, apatite fission-track analysis was applied to more than 70 samples from surface outcrops and shallow boreholes at the western margin of the Bohemian massif. Apatite ages were determined by the grain-population method. Additional information from the frequency distributions of fully confined spontaneous tracks was used for modelling of t–T paths in the low-temperature range (<120 °C). Seven zircon samples were dated by the external detector method. Zircon ages between 283 and 215 Ma indicate unroofing during the Permian molasse stage and the Triassic. Tectonic quiescence and slow subsidence prevailed from the Jurassic until the middle Cretaceous. In the basement area south of Weiden, a Mesozoic partial annealing zone (for apatite fission tracks) is now exposed at the surface. Farther north, the basement was affected by stronger Cretaceous and Palaeogene erosion, which yielded cooling ages between 110 and 49 Ma. This second period of post-Variscan denudation was correlated to reverse faulting along the Franconian Line. Received: 30 June 1996 / Accepted: 24 October 1996  相似文献   

Many stable continental regions have subregions with poorly defined earthquake hazards. Analysis of minor structures (folds and faults) in these subregions can improve our understanding of the tectonics and earthquake hazards. Detailed structural mapping in Pottawatomie County has revealed a suite consisting of two uplifted blocks aligned along a northeast trend and surrounded by faults. The first uplift is located southwest of the second. The northwest and southeast sides of these uplifts are bounded by northeast-trending right-lateral faults. To the east, both uplifts are bounded by north-trending reverse faults, and the first uplift is bounded by a north-trending high-angle fault to the west. The structural suite occurs above a basement fault that is part of a series of north–northeast-trending faults that delineate the Humboldt Fault Zone of eastern Kansas, an integral part of the Midcontinent Rift System. The favored kinematic model is a contractional stepover (push-up) between echelon strike-slip faults. Mechanical modeling using the boundary element method supports the interpretation of the uplifts as contractional stepovers and indicates that an approximately east–northeast maximum compressive stress trajectory is responsible for the formation of the structural suite. This stress trajectory suggests potential activity during the Laramide Orogeny, which agrees with the age of kimberlite emplacement in adjacent Riley County. The current stress field in Kansas has a N85°W maximum compressive stress trajectory that could potentially produce earthquakes along the basement faults. Several epicenters of seismic events (<M2.0) are located within 10 km of the structural suite. One epicenter is coincident with the northwest boundary of the uplift. This structural suite, a contractional stepover between echelon northeast-trending right-lateral faults, is similar to that mapped in the New Madrid Seismic Zone, and both areas currently feature roughly east–west maximum compressive stress trajectory. Based on these similarities, the faults in Pottawatomie County have the potential for seismicity. The results demonstrate that mechanical analysis of minor structural features can improve our knowledge of local earthquake hazards.  相似文献   

The explanation normally given for the tectonics of Sainte-Victoire Mountain, a dozen kilometres east of Aix-en-Provence, to the north of the limestone Provence, is incorrect. To the east, the morphology of the Sainte-Victoire is subdued, whereas to the west, before the mountain breaks savagely, the morphology is that of a young mountain as appears in Alpine landscapes. This unusual aspect in the region and the large subvertical faults with vertically striated surfaces that mark the massif to the south and to the west, induce the idea of strong vertical uplifts and caste doubt on the tectonic interpretation given in 1962 by Corroy et al. According to those authors, the Sainte-Victoire is a unit of Jurassic and Cretaceous formations overthrusting 1800 m to the south conglomerates of the Late Cretaceous or Palaeocene. New observations about the conglomerate transgression over the Jurassic and Cretaceous beds, and about the faults around and on the massif do not give evidence of an overthrusting but, on the contrary, induce the idea of a uplift, perhaps still active, in the form of a ‘piano key’ inclined to the northeast. To cite this article: J. Ricour et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

Super-chondritic 142Nd signatures are ubiquitous in terrestrial, Martian and lunar samples, and indicate that the terrestrial planets may have accreted from material with Sm/Nd ratio higher than chondritic. This contradicts the long-held view that chondrites represent a reference composition for the 147Sm-143Nd system. Using coupled 146Sm-142Nd and 147Sm-143Nd systematics in planetary samples, we have proposed a new set of values for the 147Sm/144Nd and 143Nd/144Nd ratios of the bulk silicate Earth (Caro et al., 2008). Here, we revise the Bulk Silicate Earth estimates for the 87Rb-87Sr and 176Lu-176Hf systems using coupled Sr-Nd-Hf systematics in terrestrial rocks. These estimates are consistent with Hf-Nd systematics in lunar samples. The implications of a slightly non-chondritic silicate Earth with respect to the geochemical evolution of the mantle-crust system are then examined. We show that the Archean mantle has evolved with a composition indistinguishable from that of the primitive mantle until about 2 Gyr. Positive ε143Nd and ε176Hf values ubiquitous in the Archean mantle are thus accounted for by the non-chondritic Sm/Nd and Lu/Hf composition of the primitive mantle rather than by massive early crustal formation, which solves the paradox that early Archean domains only have a limited extension in the present-day continents. The Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf evolution of the depleted mantle for the past 3.5 Gyr can be entirely explained by continuous extraction of the continents from a well-mixed mantle. Thus, in contrast to the chondritic Earth model, Sm-Nd mass balance relationships can be satisfied without the need to call upon hidden reservoirs or layered mantle convection. This new Sm-Nd mass balance yields a scenario of mantle evolution consistent with trace element and noble gas systematics. The high 3He/4He mantle component is associated with 143Nd/144Nd compositions indistinguishable from the bulk silicate Earth, suggesting that the less degassed mantle sources did not experience significant fractionation for moderately incompatible elements.  相似文献   

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