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Densities of 21 silicate liquids have been determined from 1,000 ° to 1,600 ° C. The compositions studied contain from two to eight oxide components and have the following ranges in composition (mole %): SiO2, 35–79%; TiO2, 4–36%; Al2O3, 5–25%; FeO, 11–41%; MgO, 7–28%; CaO, 7–35%; Na2O, 5–50%; and K2O, 4–20%. The compositions thus cover the upper range observed in magmas for each oxide. Precision for each determination of liquid density is always better than ±1%.Volumes/gfw (gram formula weight) calculated from the density measurements and the chemical compositions of the analyzed liquids have been combined with data on 96 silicate liquids reported in the literature. From this data set we derive, by using multiple linear regression, partial molar volumes of the components SiO2, TiO2, A12O3, FeO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, and K2O at five temperatures. The standard deviation of the multiple regression is 1.8% of the molar volumes, which is considered about equal to the total errors due to compositional and instrumental uncertainties.These derived partial molar volumes have been used to calculate volumes/gfw of natural silicate liquids which are found to agree within 1% of the measured values. No compositional dependence of the partial molar volumes can be detected within the error considered to be typical of the measurements. This is further supported by the close agreement between the calculated volumes of CaMgSi2O6 and Fe2SiO2 liquids derived from the initial slopes of their fusion curves and their heats of fusion, and the volumes obtained by summing the respective partial molar volumes. The experimental data indicate that silicate liquids mix ideally with respect to volume, over the temperature and composition range of this data set.  相似文献   

Enthalpies of dissolution in HF solutions have been measured at 323 K for a series of hydrous trachyte glasses. Enthalpies of mixing between water and molten trachyte have then been calculated from heat capacity data for the same set of samples and available enthalpy for pure water. The moderately negative enthalpies of mixing suggested at 1 bar by the measurements made on glasses almost disappear when trachyte liquids and water are referred to the same temperature, and particularly so when enthalpies of mixing are calculated for a few kbars pressure. As found for albite and phonolite liquids, trachyte melts thus appear to mix nearly ideally as far as enthalpy is concerned. These results imply that the enthalpy of exsolution of water from magmas is very small or negligible under the P-T-X conditions relevant to trachytic volcanism, even for complete degassing of up to 5 wt% H2O. Furthermore, the viscosity increase associated with exsolution-driven cooling is negligible compared to the decrease caused directly by water exsolution.  相似文献   

Dynamics of Na in sodium aluminosilicate glasses and liquids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
23Na NMR measurements on Na2Si3O7, Na3AlSi6O15, and NaAlSi3O8 glasses from room temperature to 1200°C show that the dynamics and local structure of sodium in silicate/aluminosilicate glasses and melts vary with composition and temperature.The peak positions decrease in frequency between room temperature and 200°C indicating that the Na sees a larger average site as temperature is increased. Between 200°–300° and 700°C, line widths, nutation frequencies and peak positions are consistent with motional averaging of quadrupolar satellites. Above 700°C there is little or no change in the peak positions with temperature. Chemical shifts of the materials at 1000°C (Na2Si3O7: 3.6; Na3AlSi6O15:-1.3; NaAlSi3O8:-6.4 ppm) indicate a slight change in the average Na coordination number from 6–7 for the silicate to 7–8 for the aluminosilicates.  相似文献   

The heat capacities of several dozen silicate glasses and liquids composed of SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, FeO, MgO, CaO, BaO, Li2O, Na2O, K2O, and Rb2O have been measured by differential scanning and drop calorimetry. These results have been combined with data from the literature to fit C pas a function of composition. A model assuming ideal mixing (linear combination) of partial molar heat capacities of oxide components (each of which is independent of composition), reproduces the glass data within error. The assumption of constancy of ¯C p,iis less accurate for the liquids, but data are not sufficient to adequately constrain a more complex model. For liquids containing alkali metal and alkaline earth oxides, heat capacities are systematically greater in liquids with high field strength network modifying cations. Entropies of fusion (per g-atom) and changes of configurational entropy with temperature, are similarly affected by composition. Both smaller cation size and greater charge are therefore inferred to lead to greater development of new structural configurations with increasing temperature in silicate liquids.  相似文献   

Density measurements on nine liquids in the CaCO3–Li2CO3–Na2CO3–K2CO3 quaternary system were performed at 1 bar between 555 and 969 °C using the double-bob Archimedean method. Our density data on the end-member alkali carbonate liquids are in excellent agreement with the NIST standards compiled by Janz (1992). The results were fitted to a volume equation that is linear in composition and temperature; this model recovers the measured volumes within experimental error (±0.18% on average, with a maximum residual of ±0.50%). Our results indicate that the density of the CaCO3 component in natrocarbonate liquids is 2.502 (±0.014) g/cm3 at 800 °C and 1 bar, which is within the range of silicate melts; its coefficient of thermal expansion is 1.8 (±0.5)×10–4 K–1 at 800 °C. Although the volumes of carbonate liquids mix linearly with respect to carbonate components, they do not mix linearly with silicate liquids. Our data are used with those in the literature to estimate the value of in alkaline silicate magmas (20 cm3/mol at 1400 °C and 20 kbar), where CO2 is dissolved as carbonate in close association with Ca. Our volume measurements are combined with sound speed data in the literature to derive the compressibility of the end-member liquids Li2CO3, Na2CO3, and K2CO3. These results are combined with calorimetric data to calculate the fusion curves for Li2CO3, Na2CO3, and K2CO3 to 5 kbar; the calculations are in excellent agreement with experimental determinations of the respective melting reactions.Editorial responsibility: I Carmichael  相似文献   

We have experimentally studied the process of bubble coalescence in rhyolite and phonolite melts of natural composition. The experiments involved decompression of water-saturated melts equilibrated at pressures and temperatures from 100 to 150 MPa and 775 to 840 °C in vertically oriented, rapid-quench capable, cold seal pressure vessels. One type of experiments (rhyolite MCR-100, 120, 150 and phonolite LSP-120 series') approximates a “static” bubble coalescence case, where we held the decompressed samples for ∼5 seconds to 4320 minutes (3 days) before quenching. The second type (rhyolite LPC-100 series) replicates an “expanding” bubble coalescence environment, where we continually decompressed the experiments at a rate of 0.5 MPa/s, examining samples quenched at ending pressures between 10 and 80 MPa. Our “static” case (MCR-100, 120, and 150, and LSP-120) results show significant increases in the modal bubble sizes and in the sizes of the largest bubbles, corresponding to measurable broadening in the size distributions. Their bubble number densities (NV) decrease as a function of hold time at their final pressures (PF), and can be fit well by power law functions. Our “expanding” case experiments (LPC-100) show a significant drop in NV during the duration of the experiments that can be fit by an exponential equation as NV vs. either time or PF. Average estimates of bulk coalescence rates indicate a ∼1 order of magnitude drop in NV for “static” case rhyolites in a 2-3 day period, and ∼2 orders of magnitude for phonolites within a 3 day period. Despite a ∼2 order of magnitude difference in viscosity, coalescene in the phonolite is only slightly faster than the rhyolite. The “expanding” case experiments show a ∼1 order of magnitude drop in NV over 180 seconds. Thus, NV's decrease 4 orders of magnitude faster in expanding vs. static bubbly rhyolite melts. Our results imply that significant bubble coalescence can occur in rhyolite magmas at relatively fast (∼20 m/s) ascent rates in the conduit. Thus, bubble interconnectivity, leading to high permeability, is possible during ascent. Bubble coalescence may occur during second boiling in magma bodies that are stalled in the crust. The timescales over which this occurs is much faster than the estimated rise rates for bubbles to reach the top of the magma chamber.  相似文献   

Indexed powder X-ray data are given for synthetic 2 M-paragonite (Table 1); this set of data will supersede those published earlier (Chatterjee 1970). From refined cell dimensions of three synthetically prepared 2 M-paragonite, the molar volume is calculated as 3.1545±0.0012 cal/bar-gfw. Review of literature suggests that this is presently the best value for the molar volume of paragonite.  相似文献   

Measurement of solubility as a function of pressure allows calculation of 3V?1. Using this experimental approach, the best estimate of 3V?1 for the dissolution of aged amorphous silica in salt water or seawater at 0–2°C is ?9.9 cm3 mol?1 (standard error = 0.4 cm3 mol?1). This gives V?Si(OH)4(aq)= 55 ± 5 cm3mol?1, which compares well with other published values of V?Si(OH)4(aq).  相似文献   

The development of an accurate analytical procedure for determination of dissolved water in complex alumino-silicate glasses via micro-Raman analysis requires the assessment of the spectra topology dependence on glass composition. We report here a detailed study of the respective influence of bulk composition, iron oxidation state and total water content on the absolute and relative intensities of the main Raman bands related to glass network vibrations (LF: ∼490 cm−1; HF: ∼960 cm−1) and total water stretching (H2OT: ∼3550 cm−1) in natural glasses. The evolution of spectra topology was examined in (i) 33 anhydrous glasses produced by the re-melting of natural rock samples, which span a very large range of polymerisation degree (NBO/T from 0.00 to 1.16), (ii) 2 sets of synthetic anhydrous basaltic glasses with variable iron oxidation state (Fe3+/FeT from 0.05 to 0.87), and (iii) 6 sets of natural hydrous glasses (CH2OT from 0.4 to 7.0 wt%) with NBO/T varying from 0.01 to 0.76.In the explored domain of water concentration, external calibration procedure based on the H2OT band height is matrix-independent but its accuracy relies on precise control of the focusing depth and beam energy on the sample. Matrix-dependence strongly affects the internal calibrations based on H2OT height scaled to that of LF or HF bands but its effect decreases from acid (low NBO/T, SM) to basic (high NBO/T, SM) glasses. Structural parameters such as NBO/T (non-bridging oxygen per tetrahedron) and SM (sum of structural modifiers) describe the matrix-dependence better than simple compositional parameters (e.g. SiO2, Na2O + K2O). Iron oxidation state has only a minor influence on band topology in basalts and is thus not expected to significantly affect the Raman determinations of water in mafic (e.g. low SiO2, iron-rich) glasses. Modelling the evolution of the relative band height with polymerisation degree allows us to propose a general equation to predict the dissolved water content in natural glasses:

We present the results of a LA–ICPMS study of titanites and associated glasses from the mixed-magma phonolitic Fasnia Member of the Diego Hernández Formation, Tenerife, Canary Islands. We employ a method of identifying equilibrium mineral–melt pairs from natural samples using REE contents and a linear form of the lattice strain model equation (Blundy and Wood, 1994), where the Young's modulus (EM) for the 7-fold coordinated site is an output variable. For felsic magmas that contain crystals potentially derived from a variety of environments within the system, this approach is more rigorous than the use of solely textural criteria such as mineral–glass proximity. We then estimate titanite/melt partition coefficients for Y, Zr, Nb, REE, Hf, Ta, U and Th. In common with prior studies, we find that middle REE partition more strongly into titanite than either light or heavy REE, and that REE partitioning behavior in titanite is reasonably predicted by the lattice strain model. Titanite also fractionates Y from Ho, Zr from Hf, and Nb from Ta. Comparison with experimental data indicates that melt structure effects on partitioning are significant, most particularly in very highly polymerized melts. We use the data to estimate 7-fold coordination radii for trivalent Pr, Nd, Ho, Tm and Lu, and to make approximate predictions of titanite/melt partitioning of Ra, Ac and Pa. Interpolation of data for heavy REE does not predict the behavior of Y, indicating that factors other than charge and radius are involved in partitioning. Variations in Y/Ho induced by magmatic processes appear to be negatively correlated with temperature, and are expected to be greatest in near-minimum melts.  相似文献   

 Interstitial glasses and glasses in small inclusions in Mg-rich phenocrysts of 14 boninites from New Caledonia, the Mariana Trench, Cape Vogel and Chichi-jima were analysed by electron microprobe and the water contents measured in situ by ion microprobe. The glasses are remarkably fresh and abundant (∼30–90 vol.%), and the phenocrysts are often skeletal with glass inclusions. Broad-beam analyses (∼1030) of interstitial glasses and ∼180 point analyses of glass inclusions were carried out, as well as ∼100 hydrogen analyses. Most glasses have low water-free totals, high water contents, very low MgO, and low total iron; they are almost entirely quartzofeldspathic and with few exceptions (Q+or+ab+ an+C) lies in the range 83–96. The interstitial glasses from New Caledonia, the Marianas and most of the glasses from Chichi-jima are dacitic, those from Cape Vogel straddle dacitic and andesitic compositions, whereas the glasses in a highly glassy sample from Chichi-jima are high-Mg andesitic or boninitic with up ∼9 wt% MgO, and are, with the exception of a few high-Ca boninites from Tonga, the most Mg-rich interstitial glasses so far described in boninites. Glasses included in orthopyroxene, olivine or clinoenstatite are boninitic or high-Mg andesitic in the highly glassy rock and dacitic to high-silica dacitic in the others. They are in general slightly more differentiated than the interstitial glasses, because of more-extensive crystallization on the host crystal in small inclusions. The interstitial glass compositions show a direct relationship between silica and Al2O3 and, for most glasses, alkalis, and inverse relationships between silica and CaO, FeO and MgO; alkalis and TiO2 show, however, a broad spread in values in glasses from the Marianas and New Caledonia. Included glasses show similar variations. Water contents in interstitial glasses are ∼2 wt% for the highly glassy high-Mg andesitic glasses from Chichi-jima, ∼5.4 wt% for the more differentiated andesitic to dacitic glasses from Cape Vogel, and ∼6.7–7.0 wt% in the most differentiated dacitic ones from the Marianas and New Caledonia. Water contents in glass inclusions in olivine, orthopyroxene and clinoenstatite are in the range ∼1.9–3.3 wt%. The interstitial glasses are black and not vesicular, showing that the liquids did not reach supersaturation after eruption on or intrusion near the sea floor, or were insufficiently so to allow nucleation of water vapour bubbles. The water is inferred to be primary and to increase strongly with crystallization in the residual liquid down to the glass-transition T. Received: 19 December 1994 / Accepted: 5 October 1995  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy was used to analyze quantitatively water in silicate glasses and melt inclusions and to monitor H2O–OH speciation. Calibration is based on synthetic glasses with various water contents (0.02–7.67% H2O); water determination and OH–H2O differentiation on the area of the Si–O broad band at 468 cm–1 and the asymmetric O–H band at 3,550 cm–1. Each Raman spectrum has been decomposed into four Gaussian + Lorentzian components centered at 3,330, 3,458, 3,560, and 3,626 cm–1 using the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm. These components are interpreted to be two different types of H2O molecule sites. The influence of the temperature on the loss of water is more important for molecular water than for the hydroxyl groups. The H2O–OH partition confirms the typical evolution of water speciation in rhyolitic glasses as a function of the bulk water content. Method limitations have been studied for the application to natural melt inclusions.Editorial responsibility: T.L Grove  相似文献   

Variation in NbTa ratio through a suite of phonolitic volcanics is reported. Sphene, a phenocryst mineral, shows preferential incorporation of Ta relative to Mb, consistent with the bulk rock variation, where NbTa increases with fractionation. Nb in these magmas may be partly present in the Nb3+ state.  相似文献   

Sodium-silicate glasses with varying water contents were studied by 23Na NMR and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The 23Na NMR spectrum is made up of two Gaussian-Lorentzian components corresponding to rigidly bound and free Na ions. The rigidly bound Na is allocated in the disilicate-like domains corresponding to Q3 species of sodium-silicate glasses. Unbound Na is associated with Q2 and Q1 species. It was shown that, during water dissolution, some hydroxyls are incorporated into the disilicate unit of the structure to form NaHSi2O5, while others hydrate silica (Q4species). Our 23Na NMR data are consistent with available data on Q speciation and the proportions of water species in sodium-silicate glasses in the frameworks of a proposed detailed structural scheme of water dissolution.  相似文献   

The effect of water on heat capacity has been determined for four series of hydrated synthetic aluminosilicate glasses and supercooled liquids close to albite, phonolite, trachyte, and leucogranite compositions. Heat capacities were measured at atmospheric pressure by differential scanning calorimetry for water contents between 0 and 4.9 wt % from 300 K to about 100 K above the glass transition temperature (Tg). The partial molar heat capacity of water in polymerized aluminosilicate glasses, which can be considered as independent of composition, is (J/mol K). In liquids containing at least 1 wt % H2O, the partial molar heat capacity of water is about 85 J/mol K. From speciation data, the effects of water as hydroxyl groups and as molecular water have tentatively been estimated, with partial molar heat capacities of 153 ± 18 and 41 ± 14 J/mol K, respectively. In all cases, water strongly increases the configurational heat capacity at Tg and exerts a marked depressing effect on Tg, in close agreement with the results of viscosity experiments on the same series of glasses. Consistent with the Adam and Gibbs theory of relaxation processes, the departure of the viscosity of hydrous melts from Arrhenian variations correlates with the magnitude of configurational heat capacities.  相似文献   

Infrared spectroscopy was used to determine the concentrations of molecular water and hydroxyl groups in hydrous rhyolitic, orthoclasic, jadeitic, and Ca–Al-silicate glasses synthesized by quenching of melts from elevated presure and temperature. The rhyolitic glasses and some of the Ca–Al-silicate glasses were quenched from water-vapor-saturated melts and used to determine the solubility of water in melts of these compositions. For all compositions studied, hydroxyl groups are the dominant hydrous species at low total water contents, whereas molecular water dominates at elevated water contents. Although the trends in species concentrations in all these compositions are similar, the proportions of the two hydrous species are influenced by silicate chemistry: increasing silica content and K relative to Na both favor molecular water over hydroxyl. Results on rhyolitic glass demonstrate that molecular water is also favored by decreasing temperature at T<850°C. For rhyolitic glasses quenched from vapor-saturated melts, the mole fraction of molecular water is proportional to water fugacity for P(H2O)1500 bars, demonstrating that the behavior of molecular water is approximately Henrian at total water contents up to at least several weight percent. Data on water solubility for albitic, orthoclasic, and Ca–Al-silicate melts to higher pressures can also be fit by assuming Henrian behavior for molecular water and can be used to set constraints on the partial molar volume of water in these melts. The demonstration of Henry's law for molecular water in these liquids provides a link between spectroscopic measurements of microscopic species concentrations and macroscopic thermodynamic properties.  相似文献   

The investigation of hydrous boro(alumino)silicate melts and glasses with near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy revealed an important effect of boron on the water speciation. In the NIR spectra of B-bearing glasses new hydroxyl-related bands develop at the high frequency side of the 4500 cm−1 peak. In NaAlSi3O8 + B2O3 glasses this new peak is present as a shoulder at 4650 cm−1, and in NaAlSi3O8-NaBSi3O8 (Ab-Rd) glasses it appears as a resolved peak at 4710 cm−1. These bands increase with increasing boron concentration, suggesting that they are due to B-OH complexes. Furthermore, the variations in the NIR spectra indicate that with increasing B-content, but constant total water concentration, the amount of structurally bonded hydroxyl groups increases at the expense of molecular H2O. For example, at a total water concentration of 4 wt.%, pure Rd-glass contains ∼50% more water as hydroxyl groups than pure Ab-glass.In-situ NIR spectroscopy at high P and T using a hydrothermal diamond-anvil cell was used to gain information about the temperature dependence of the water speciation in NaBSi3O8 melts. The data demonstrate the conversion of molecular H2O to hydroxyl groups with increasing temperature. However, a fully quantitative evaluation of the high T spectra was hampered by problems with defining the correct baseline in the spectra. As an alternative approach annealing experiments on a Rd-glass containing 2.8 wt.% water were performed. The results confirm the conversion of H2O to OH groups with increasing T, but also suggest that the OH groups represented by the 4710 cm−1 peak (B-OH) participate much less in the conversion reaction compared to X-OH, represented by the 4500 cm−1 peak.  相似文献   

The major and trace element chemistry of phonolites containing spinel Iherzolite xenoliths from Bokkos (Nigeria), Phonolite Hill (northeastern Australia) and Heldburg (East Germany) is consistent with an origin by fractional crystallization of basanitic magmas at upper mantle pressures (10–15 kbar). At Bokkos, spatially associated lavas ranging from hawaiitic nepheline mugearite to nepheline benmoreite can be modeled very well by fractional crystallization of kaersutitic amphibole + olivine + Fe-Ti-spinel + apatite, a crystal extract consistent with experimentally-determined near-liquidus phase relationships for mugearitic liquids. Further fractional crystallization of aluminous clinopyroxene + mica + apatite will yield the phonolites. A similar model relating the unusual Iherzolite-bearing mafic nepheline benmoreite from Pigroot (New Zealand) to basanitic lavas of the East Otago province is not supported by major and trace element data. The Pigroot lava is possibly the product of melting of a mantle source region previously enriched in Sr and light rare earth elements, with subsequent minor fractional crystallization of olivine + kaersutite. Dynamic flow crystallization processes operating within conduit systems from mantle pressures are capable of yielding large volumes of evolved phonolitic liquids from primary basanitic liquids, if magma flow rates are appropriate. This mechanism may provide an explanation for the volumetric bias towards salic differentiates in some alkalic provinces.  相似文献   

Micro-Raman spectroscopy, even though a very promising technique, is not still routinely applied to analyse H2O in silicate glasses. The accuracy of Raman water determinations critically depends on the capability to predict and take into account both the matrix effects (bulk glass composition) and the analytical conditions on band intensities. On the other hand, micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy is commonly used to measure the hydrous absorbing species (e.g., hydroxyl OH and molecular H2O) in natural glasses, but requires critical assumptions for the study of crystal-hosted glasses. Here, we quantify for the first time the matrix effect of Raman external calibration procedures for the quantification of the total H2O content (H2OT = OH + H2Om) in natural silicate glasses. The procedures are based on the calibration of either the absolute (external calibration) or scaled (parameterisation) intensity of the 3550 cm−1 band. A total of 67 mafic (basanite, basalt) and intermediate (andesite) glasses hosted in olivines, having between 0.2 and 4.8 wt% of H2O, was analysed. Our new dataset demonstrates, for given water content, the height (intensity) of Raman H2OT band depends on glass density, reflectance and water environment. Hence this matrix effect must be considered in the quantification of H2O by Raman spectroscopy irrespective of the procedure, whereas the parameterisation mainly helps to predict and verify the self-consistency of the Raman results. In addition, to validate the capability of the micro-Raman to accurately determine the H2O content of multicomponent aluminosilicate glasses, a subset of 23 glasses was analysed by both micro-Raman and micro-FTIR spectroscopy using the band at 3550 cm−1. We provide new FTIR absorptivity coefficients (ε3550) for basalt (62.80 ± 0.8 L mol−1 cm−1) and basanite (43.96 ± 0.6 L mol−1 cm−1). These values, together with an exhaustive review of literature data, confirm the non-linear decline of the FTIR absorptivity coefficient (ε3550) as the glass depolymerisation increases. We demonstrate the good agreement between micro-FTIR and micro-Raman determination of H2O in silicate glasses when the matrix effects are properly considered.  相似文献   

Phase relations of three samples of the Laacher See Tephra (LST) have been determined experimentally as a function of temperature (760 to 880 °C), pressure (200, 300 and 400 MPa), water content of the melt and oxygen fugacity (ƒO2). The crystallization experiments were carried out at ƒO2=NNO buffer and at NNO=+ 2.3 log units. The melt water contents varied between 6 and more than 8 wt% H2O, corresponding to water-undersaturated and water saturated conditions respectively. The synthetic products are compared to the natural phases to constrain pre-eruptive conditions in the Laacher See magma chamber. The major phases occurring in the LST have been reproduced. The stability of hauyne is favoured at high ƒO2 (≈NNO + 2.3). The CaO contents in melt and plagioclase synthesized under water-saturated conditions are significantly higher than in the natural phases, implying that most of the differentiation of the phonolites took place under water-undersaturated conditions. However, this does not exclude the presence of a S-, Cl- and CO2-rich fluid phase in the upper parts of the magma chamber. The phase relationships and the TiO2 contents of melts show that the temperature was lower than 760 °C in the upper part of the magma column (probably down to 720 °C in the most differentiated levels) and that temperatures above 840–860 °C prevailed in the lower part. The variation of the X Mg of ferromagnesian minerals observed in both natural and experimental phases reflects the strong variations in ƒO2 in the lower magma chamber just prior to eruption (probably variation of about 2 log units). The most probable explanation for these ƒO2 variations is the injection of an oxidized alkali-rich magma, containing Mg-rich phenocrysts, at the base of a chemically zoned and more reduced magma column prior to eruption. Although the amount of injected magma may not have been very important, it was sufficient to change the ƒO2 conditions locally, explaining the heterogeneous X Mg of ferromagnesian minerals and the formation of hauyne at the base of the chamber. Received: 30 May 2000 / Accepted: 12 August 2000  相似文献   

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