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During the Cambrian, two types of continental margins occurred around Gondwana. The eastern margin (Antarctica, Australia and southern South America) was characterized by a narrow continental shelf with a steep slope separating the shallow water environment from a deep-oceanic one accompanied by mafidultramafic volcanics. The western margin was characterized by a wider continental shelf, probably passing gradually to an unknown outer basin. This comprised three main domains: the Asiatic shelf, composed of distinct cratonic blocks, presumably separated from each other by deeper-water/ volcanic intracontinental basins; the European shelf, characterized by the development of shallow intracontinental siliciclastic basins; and the Americanc-African shelf, morphologically and depositionally uniform. The distinction of these two Gondwana continental margins expresses their different geodynamic behaviour during Cambrian extensional tectonics. In fact, the sedimentary/palaeogeographic evolution, suggests the establishment of an active Pacific-like margin in the eastern domain, and the tentative establishment of a divergent Atlantic-like margin, in the westem one.  相似文献   

Most present-day petroliferous basins are localized in one of the five global oil and gas accumulation belts confined to continent—ocean transition zones that existed in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The Gondwana belt is formed by basins developed on continental margins of the Indian Ocean and South Atlantic (Konyukhov, 2009). All of them are riftogenic in nature and were formed during either the Late Paleozoic (basins on continental margins of the Indian Ocean) or the Late Mesozoic (basins in peripheral zones of the South Atlantic). During the most part of geological history, they were located in zones dominated by the humid climate, which determined the prevalent role of terrigenous rocks in their sedimentary cover.  相似文献   

Three variants of Atlantic-type continental margin border Southern Africa. On the west is a rifted margin with a rift phase no more than 50 m.y. in length (180–130 m.y. ago). Sedimentary basin formation was by upbuilding of a sediment terrace during the rift phase and the 30 m.y. following, with outbuilding of the terrace dominant during the Cainozoic. Little downwarping of the oceanic crust occurred but the continent—ocean transition zone appears to be wide.To the south of South Africa is an extensive sheared margin. Basin formation began here in mid-Triassic times with intermontane deposition. Local increase in lower crustal density appears to have accompanied subsidence. Truncation of the basins occurred 130–2100 m.y. ago and in places detrital influx was trapped behind a marginal fracture ridge. No continental rise sedimentary apron and characteristic deep structure were formed in these places. A ‘welding’ of the continental edge appears to have taken place.East of 30° E a complex continental margin with a protracted rift phase exists. From Triassic to Cretaceous times sedimentary basin formation was controlled by an E-W tensional stress regime resulting in N-S horsts and grabens. This was accompanied by vol-canicity and crustal thinning. Other stress systems may have prevailed during continental break-up in the Cretaceous while today the region is seismically active and the tensional stress assumed to be E-W. Following break-up sedimentary basins in Natal Valley and Mozambique Channel encroached southwards.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the Mesozoic continental flood basalts (CFBs) associated with the break-up and dispersal of Gondwana from 185-60 Ma, the conditions for melt generation in mantle plumes and within the continental mantle lithosphere, and possible causes for lithospheric extension. The number of CFB provinces within Gondwana is much less than the number of mantle plumes that are likely to have been emplaced beneath it in the 300 Ma prior to its initial break-up. Also, the difference between the age of the peak of CFB volcanism and that of the oldest adjacent ocean crust decreases with the age of volcanism during the break-up and dispersal of Gondwana. The older CFBs of Karoo and Ferrar appear to have been derived largely from source regions within the mantle lithosphere. It is only in the younger Paranâ-Etendeka and Deccan CFBs that there are igneous rocks with major, trace element and radiogenic isotope ratios indicative of melting within a mantle plume. These younger CFBs are also clearly associated with hot spot traces on the adjacent ocean floor. The widespread 180 Ma magmatic event is attributed to partial melting within the lithosphere in response to thermal incubation over 300 Ma. In the case of the Ferrar (Antarctica) this was focussed by regional plate margin forces. The implication is that supercontinents effectively self-destruct in response to the build up of heat and resultant magmatism, since these effects significantly weaken the lithosphere and make it more susceptible to break-up in response to regional tectonics. The younger CFB of Paranâ-Etendeka was generated, at least in part, because the continental lithosphere had been thinned in response to regional tectonics. While magmatism in the Deccan was triggered by the emplacement of the plume, that too may have been beneath slightly thinned lithosphere.  相似文献   

东亚陆缘中生代增生造山过程及变形响应一直以来都是中国区域地质研究的重大课题,也是东亚地质构造演化的一个难点和热点。其中一个最为关键的科学问题就是,古太平洋板块(Izanagi)何时开始启动俯冲?对中生代东亚大陆边缘产生何种影响?那丹哈达地体出露于中国东北,为一套构造混杂岩系,是中国境内由古太平洋板块俯冲-增生形成的唯一证据,为解决这一问题提供了可能。本文通过总结大量前人最新的岩石学、同位素年代学、沉积岩石组合、主干断裂、岩浆活动、古生物及古地磁等资料,试图厘定那丹哈达地体构造属性、增生过程、拼贴时间以及古太平洋板块开始俯冲的时间,并与周缘地体进行对比。结果表明:(1)那丹哈达增生杂岩分为饶河杂岩和跃进山杂岩,饶河杂岩具有洋岛玄武岩(OIB)的特征,不是前人认为的蛇绿岩,可称之为洋岛(海山)杂岩;跃进山杂岩具有洋中脊玄武岩(MORB)的特征,是典型的蛇绿岩,同时暗示古太平洋板块可能于晚三叠世开始启动俯冲,并在136~131 Ma期间就位于现今位置。(2)那丹哈达与日本丹波—美浓—尾足地体都是侏罗纪增生楔,在沉积岩石组合和年龄、放射虫类型及分布、地质构造等特征上都非常相似,在中新世日本海打开之前应是一个统一的超级地体。  相似文献   

Convergent margins, being the boundaries between colliding lithospheric plates, form the most disastrous areas in the world due to intensive, strong seismicity and volcanism. We review global geophysical data in order to illustrate the effects of the plate tectonic processes at convergent margins on the crustal and upper mantle structure, seismicity, and geometry of subducting slab. We present global maps of free-air and Bouguer gravity anomalies, heat flow, seismicity, seismic Vs anomalies in the upper mantle, and plate convergence rate, as well as 20 profiles across different convergent margins. A global analysis of these data for three types of convergent margins, formed by ocean–ocean, ocean–continent, and continent–continent collisions, allows us to recognize the following patterns. (1) Plate convergence rate depends on the type of convergent margins and it is significantly larger when, at least, one of the plates is oceanic. However, the oldest oceanic plate in the Pacific ocean has the smallest convergence rate. (2) The presence of an oceanic plate is, in general, required for generation of high-magnitude (M > 8.0) earthquakes and for generating intermediate and deep seismicity along the convergent margins. When oceanic slabs subduct beneath a continent, a gap in the seismogenic zone exists at depths between ca. 250 km and 500 km. Given that the seismogenic zone terminates at ca. 200 km depth in case of continent–continent collision, we propose oceanic origin of subducting slabs beneath the Zagros, the Pamir, and the Vrancea zone. (3) Dip angle of the subducting slab in continent–ocean collision does not correlate neither with the age of subducting oceanic slab, nor with the convergence rate. For ocean–ocean subduction, clear trends are recognized: steeply dipping slabs are characteristic of young subducting plates and of oceanic plates with high convergence rate, with slab rotation towards a near-vertical dip angle at depths below ca. 500 km at very high convergence rate. (4) Local isostasy is not satisfied at the convergent margins as evidenced by strong free air gravity anomalies of positive and negative signs. However, near-isostatic equilibrium may exist in broad zones of distributed deformation such as Tibet. (5) No systematic patterns are recognized in heat flow data due to strong heterogeneity of measured values which are strongly affected by hydrothermal circulation, magmatic activity, crustal faulting, horizontal heat transfer, and also due to low number of heat flow measurements across many margins. (6) Low upper mantle Vs seismic velocities beneath the convergent margins are restricted to the upper 150 km and may be related to mantle wedge melting which is confined to shallow mantle levels.  相似文献   

If reconstruction of major events in ancient orogenic belts is achieved in sufficient detail, the tectonic evolution of these belts can offer valuable information to widen our perspective of processes currently at work in modern orogens. Here, we illustrate this possibility taking the western European Cadomian–Avalonian belt as an example. This research is based mainly on the study and interpretation of U–Pb ages of more than 300 detrital zircons from Neoproterozoic and Early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks from Iberia and Brittany. Analyses have been performed using the laser ablation–ICP–MS technique. The U–Pb data record contrasting detrital zircon age spectra for various terranes of western Europe. The differences provide information on the processes involved in the genesis of the western European Precambrian terranes along the northern margin of Neoproterozoic Gondwana during arc construction and subduction, and their dispersal and re-amalgamation along the margin to form the Avalonia and Armorica microcontinents. The U–Pb ages reported here also support the alleged change from subduction to transform activity that led to the final break-up of the margin, the birth of the Rheic Ocean and the drift of Avalonia. We contend that the active northern margin of Gondwana evolved through several stages that match the different types of active margins recognised in modern settings.  相似文献   

The Cimmerian terrane forms an almost unbroken chain stretching >13,500 km, from central southern Europe to western Indonesia, via SE Europe, the Middle East, Afghanistan, Tibet, SW China and Myanmar. Ar-guably, it is Earth’s most spectacular example of a “sliver” terrane, dwarfing in size more recently devel-oped examples, for instance the Palawan Block in the western Philippines, and the Lord Howe Rise in the Tasman Sea. The presentation will first outline the in-triguing geological features associated with this unique tectonic entity. Following that, recently obtained results following paleomagnetic investigations of two lower Permian rift-related basalt suites will be summarized (Abor Volcanics in northeastern India and Woniusi Ba-salts in Yunnan, China). The two studies are part of a larger programme of ongoing research aimed at deducing (I) the geodynamic configuration that generated the un-usual rifting system, and (II) exactly how Cimmeria fit-ted against Gondwana prior to its dispersal in the Early Permian. The critical unit is Baoshan, which we fit against Gondwana within a narrow longitudinal belt close to where northern India and northwestern Australia were once in close proximity (Fig. 1). Furthermore, we suggest that Sibumasu lay to directly the east, offshore of Australia; Qiangtang and Lhasa almost certainly sat to the west (off northern Greater India-SE Arabia), but we are uncertain as to their exact configuration. Our findings will be compared with several rather different models that have been published in recent years. The new pa-leomagnetic constraint highlights the flexibility authors currently have in reconstructing the region, principally because of the overall lack of similar high-quality data from the various blocks. We explain how new data could resolve these ambiguities, thereby offering more robust explanations for eastern Gondwana’s late Paleozoic de-velopment.  相似文献   

Opening of the Red Sea is accompanied by convergence between the Arabian plate and Eurasia. Regional topography and structure favour gravity glide as the main driving force of plate translation. At the leading edge of the plate, the Zagros Mountains undergo coseismic serial folding which is equivalent to Holocene shortening by ∼20 mm/year and which has led to major episodes of coastal uplift of which the last was ∼1700 years BP. At the Jordan Rift transform, which bounds the Arabian plate on the west, a recurrence interval of ∼1600 years is reported for events of ML≥5.5. The palaeomagnetic record for the last 3.2 Ma indicates an average spreading rate for the Red Sea of ∼20 mm/year; there is some evidence that hydrothermal activity in the Red Sea is pulsatory, with a period of ∼2000 year, and that it reflects discontinuous spreading. The Holocene neotectonic records of the Zagros, the Jordan Rift and the Red Sea are the product of complex plate interactions and of the accumulation and release of strain in the crust along the plate margins. But they also reflect elastic strain energy storage and release within the Arabian plate, whence parallels in the period of major deformation episodes in the three deforming zones and the apparent discrepancy between the seismic moment predicted by plate kinematics and that recorded in the Zagros. Any associated intraplate deformation, if detected geodetically, would thus help the assessment of seismic hazard.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to salt tectonics in marginal oceanic salt-dome basins and is based on a wide synthesis of the literature and the author’s data. For the first time, the general pattern of global distribution of these basins has been illustrated by a map. Their localization and structure, tectonic position and evolution, and peculiar morphokinematic features of salt tectonics are characterized and compared with the attributes of salt tectonics inherent to continental regions. The geodynamic settings of the initial formation of marginal oceanic basins and their present-day arrangement have been refined, as well as the onset of salt tectonics therein, manifested in various styles. It has been shown that the geodynamic type of basin and stages of its geodynamic evolution determine the morphokinematic type of salt tectonics, character of its manifestation, and dislocations in host sedimentary complexes, and, therefore, they are auxiliary indicators of geodynamic regimes. The mechanisms of salt tectonics, its effect on the structure of overlying sedimentary sequences, and localization of hydrocarbon fields are discussed.  相似文献   

Deep seismic reflection profiles collected across Proterozoic–Archean margins are now sufficiently numerous to formulate a consistent hypothesis of how continental nuclei grow laterally to form cratonic shields. This picture is made possible both because the length of these regional profiles spans all the tectonic elements of an orogen on a particular cratonic margin and because of their great depth range. Key transects studied include the LITHOPROBE SNORCLE 1 transect and the BABEL survey, crossing the Slave and Baltic craton margins, respectively. In most cases, the older (Archean) block appears to form a wedge of uppermost mantle rock embedded into the more juvenile (Proterozoic) block by as much as 100–200 km at uppermost mantle depths and Archean lithosphere is therefore more laterally extensive at depth than at the surface. Particularly bright reflections along the Moho are cited as evidence of shear strain within a weak, low-viscosity lower crustal channel that lies along the irregular top of the indenting wedge. The bottom of the wedge is an underthrust/subduction zone, and associated late reversal in subduction polarity beneath the craton margin emerges as a common characteristic of these margins although related arc magmatism may be minor.  相似文献   

Three sources of stress at active (Andean) continental margins are considered: body forces on the plates which drive their motion, thermal stresses generated within the cooling lithosphereand bending stresses due to the flexure of the lithosphere at an ocean trench. It is argued that the bending stresses dominate. The evolution of passive (Atlantictype) continental margins is also considered. Models for the free and locked flexure of the continental and oceanic lithosphere are given. Based on observed gravity anomalies, it is argued that the continental margin fault system must remain active throughout much of the evolution of the margin. These displacements accommodate both the subsidence of the oceanic lithosphere due to its cooling and thickeningand the sedimentary loading. This loading may be responsible for the seismicity on the eastern continental margin of the United States e.g., the Charleston, South Carolina earthquake of 1884.  相似文献   

Blueschist was recently recognized within the Lhasa terrane, which is one of the NE Gondwana blocks. In this rock, the Mn and Mg contents of garnet enclosing aegirine-rich clinopyroxene, rutile and quartz decrease and increase, respectively, from core to rim. Amphibole changes from glaucophane through Na–Ca amphibole to Ca amphibole. The Si contents of phengite are high in the centre but low along the rim. The P – T path, starting above 2.5 GPa–450 °C and showing subsequently first a temperature increase to 500 °C and then a pressure release via blueschist conditions to 0.6 GPa, was reconstructed using a P – T pseudosection calculated for the P – T range 0.4–2.8 GPa and 250–650 °C. This path points to deep subduction of a cold oceanic crust probably beneath the NE Gondwana margin during Permo-Triassic times. This finding contributes to a better understanding of the pre-Cenozoic history of major terranes of NE Gondwana.  相似文献   

Although large marine basins governing the fabric of our planet in the Paleozoic disappeared later (whether or not they were oceans is a debatable issue), sedimentary basins formed at continental margins at that time played a crucial role as depositories of various fossil minerals, including ores, salts, phosphorites, coal, bauxites, and construction materials. Many of these basins are oil- and gas-bearing structures. Their oldest representatives are confined to margins of Proterozoic/Paleozoic paleoseas (Iapetus and Panthalassa), whereas other basins appeared after opening of the Central Asian, Uralian, and Rheic (Paleotethys) deep-marine basins. Study of specific features of the sedimentary cover of such basins, rock composition therein, rocks and associated oil- and gas-bearing systems revealed that the Paleozoic planet was divided into two parts: Gondwana, with the major portion confined to high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere; and other smaller near-equatorial continents. This pattern significantly governed the composition and mode of post-sedimentary transformations of natural reservoirs, as well as age and spatial distribution of the major hydrocarbon (HC) source sequences. Most Paleozoic oil- and gas-bearing basins make up specific belts because of their confinement to continental margins in paleoseas of that time.  相似文献   

对华北克拉通新太古代的构造演化模式有多种不同的认识, 需要进行更加深入的变质作用研究。通过对辽北清原地体基性麻粒岩进行系统的岩相学观察、矿物化学分析、相平衡模拟和锆石定年研究, 以阐明其变质演化过程和大地构造意义。研究选择的基性麻粒岩样品分为含石榴石域(19DJ07-GD)和不含石榴石域(19DJ07-NGD)两类, 含石榴石的区域呈条带状且分布不均匀。两种区域都发育两期麻粒岩相组合。在含石榴石域, 第一期变质矿物组合为石榴石+单斜辉石+斜方辉石+角闪石+黑云母+斜长石+石英。其中, 第一期斜长石(Pl1)发育复杂成分环带, 钙长石摩尔分数(xAn)从核部到幔部升高, 然后再向边部降低; 第一期角闪石(Amp1)的Ti成分环带同样为从核部到幔部升高再向边部降低。通过矿物组合和相应的成分环带推测第一期麻粒岩相变质作用具有逆时针型P-T轨迹, 包含峰期前升温升压阶段以及峰后降温降压阶段。通过相平衡模拟约束峰期温压条件为0.8~0.9 GPa/900~950 ℃, 达到高温—超高温(high-ultrahigh temperature)变质条件。锆石定年结果表明变质作用峰后冷却时间为2498±6.9 Ma(MSWD=0.39)。综合区域上的"穹隆-龙骨"构造、逆时针的变质轨迹以及和TTG岩浆活动晚期脉冲几乎一致的表壳岩变质时间, 表壳岩超高温麻粒岩相变质作用被认为受太古宙特有的垂向构造/沉落(sagduction)构造体制控制。第二期变质组合以局部生长的石榴石+石英±单斜辉石的后成合晶/冠状体为特征, 代表一期与古元古代造山事件有关的高压麻粒岩相变质作用。  相似文献   

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