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本文着重研究了岩石在循环荷载作用下的强度及变形特征。实验结果表明,岩石在循环荷载作用下的强度低于其静力强度,而这个循环疲劳强度极限与振幅、频率有关;岩石在循环荷载作用下的变形特征类似于静力蠕变特征。  相似文献   

Static diametrical compression tests conducted on inclined cracked chevron notched Brazilian disc (CCNBD) Brisbane tuff specimens showed that the notched cracks at the centre of the specimens opened (Mode I) up to 30° crack inclination angle (β), whereas crack closure (Mode II) started for β > 33°, and closure became more pronounced at even higher β of 45° and 70°. Both the experimental and numerical results showed that the crack initiation angle (θ) was a function of the β. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images showed that fatigue damage on cyclic loading of Brisbane tuff is strongly influenced by the failure of the matrix due to both intergranular and transgranular fracturing.  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - Cemented paste backfill (CPB), a man-made soil undergoing cementation, is extensively applied to support underground mine openings or spaces and provide...  相似文献   

A series of laboratory tests were performed to examine the fatigue behavior of granite subjected to cyclic loading under triaxial compression condition. In these tests, the influences of volumetric change and residual strain on the deformation modulus of granite under triaxial cyclic compression were investigated. It is shown that the fatigue behavior of granite varies with the tendency for volumetric change in triaxial cyclic compression tests. In the stress–strain space, there are three domains for fatigue behavior of rock subjected to cyclic loading, namely the volumetric compaction, volumetric dilation with strain-hardening behavior, and volumetric dilation with strain-softening behavior domains. In the different domains, the microscopic mechanisms for rock deformation are different. It was also found that the stress level corresponding to the transition from volumetric compaction to volumetric dilation could be considered as the threshold for fatigue failure. The potential of fatigue deformation was compared with that of plastic deformation. The comparison shows that rocks exhibit higher resistances to volumetric deformation under cyclic loading than under plastic loading. The influence of residual strain on the fatigue behavior of rock was also investigated. It was found that the axial residual strain could be a better option to describe the fatigue behavior of rock than the loading cycle number. A constitutive model for the fatigue behavior of rock subjected to cyclic loading is proposed according to the test results and discussion. In the model, the axial residual strain is considered as an internal state variable. The influences of confining pressure and peak deviatoric stress on the deformation modulus are considered in a term named the equivalent stress. Comparison of test results with model predictions shows that the proposed model is capable of describing the prepeak fatigue behavior of rock subjected to cyclic loading.  相似文献   

李江  邓斌 《岩土力学》1989,10(4):31-43
本文首先介绍厦门某地两种具有代表性的原状残积土(花岗岩残积土)室内三轴不排水动力剪切实验所得到的残积土在循环荷载作用下表现出来的诸如周期抗剪强度,动弹性模量以及等效阻尼比等动力学性质及其有关的重要参数;继而分析了花岗岩残积土在周期剪切过程中强度、变形、应力路径及孔隙压力等方面所具有的特点,以图揭示它们的内在规律;最后讨论了残积土周期荷载作用下归一化性状及动强度的确定方法。  相似文献   

Li Jiang  Den Bin 《岩土力学》1989,10(4):31-43
In order to determine behavior of Xiamen residual soil under cyclic loading, triaxial test with undrained conditions has been conducted in this paper. First, some important dynamic parameters such as strength, elastic modulus and damping ratio have been determined. Secondly, behavior of stress-strain, stress path and excess pore water pressure under cyclic loading has been analyzed. Finally, both the normalization and the determination of dynamic strength index ∅d and ?d for residual soil have been discussed.  相似文献   

Using a sequential procedure of undrained cyclic and post cyclic tests, the strength and stiffness degradation characteristics of compacted composite clays are studied immediately after various cyclic loading paths by triaxial and hollow cylinder tests. The effects of cyclic loading paths, sand contents, cyclic loading amplitude and confining pressure on the post-cyclic mechanical behavior of the composite clays are evaluated. The results point out different peculiarities which can be of interest in assessing the mechanical behavior of the composite clays under post seismic shaking. The results show that effect of cyclic loading on post cyclic pore water pressure build-up is significant when pore water pressure build-up is considerably lower than the associated value in monotonic loading. The effect of sand content and cyclic loading path on degradation of stiffness is more remarkable than shear strength. Test results also reveal that the effect of sand content on the post cyclic pore water pressure build-up is minor. However, when the aggregate content increases the shear strength increases.  相似文献   

大理岩静态和特环荷载试件的电镜试验分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
In this paper, crack propagation laws were studied by means of observing marble specimens, which were conducted uniaxial static and cyclic loading tests, with electron-microscope. The studying results showed: (1) Different parts of rock specimen suffer differential degree damage; (2) Failure models and characteristics of rock specimens change with loading paths; (3) Rock cracks are to be closed, when amplitude of cyclic stress is smaller than “fatigue threshold stress” of rock. This is mainly testimony of “rock fatigue threshold stress” existence.  相似文献   

大理岩静态和循环荷载试件的电镜试验分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文对单轴静态和循环荷载试验前后的大理岩试件进行了电镜试验分析,从中得出三个结论:(1) 试件中不同的部位,其破坏程度不同;(2) 对试件用不同的加载方式,其破坏方式和特征不同;(3) 在疲劳应力门槛值(疲劳应力极限值。以下,称疲劳应力门槛值)以下的循环幅值荷载作用下,岩石内部的裂隙等发生闭合,这是证明岩石疲劳应力门槛值存在的一个重要试验证据。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of laboratory experiments during the investigation of the stress–strain characteristics of Brisbane tuff disc specimens under diametral compressive cyclic loading. Two different cyclic loading methods were used: namely, sinusoidal cyclic loading and cyclic loading with increasing mean level. The first method applied the SN curve approach to the indirect tensile strength (ITS) of rock specimens for the first time in the literature, and the second method investigated the effect of increasing cyclic loading on the ITS of rock specimens. The ITS of Brisbane tuff disc specimens was measured using the Brazilian tensile strength test. The reduction in ITS was found to be 33% with sinusoidal loading tests, whereas increasing cyclic loading caused a maximum reduction of 37%. It is believed that the fracturing under cyclic loading starts at contact points between strong grains and weak matrices, and that contact points at grain boundaries are the regions of stress concentration (i.e., indenters). Transgranular cracks emanate from these regions and intergranular cracks sometimes pass through the contact points. Once cracking begins, there is a steady progression of damage and a general ‘loosening’ of the rock, which is a precursor to the formation of intergranular cracks.  相似文献   

周期荷载作用下粘性土变形及强度特性述评   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
白冰  周健 《岩土力学》1999,20(3):84-90
周期荷载作用下粘性土变形及强度特性的研究所涉及的内容非常广泛,而我国在该领域的研究成果还较少。文中对其国内外研究现状作了较为详尽的评述,以期引起岩土工作者足够的重视。  相似文献   

Engineering research has shown that the surrounding rock of deep roadways experienced many times of post-peak cyclic loading and unloading. So studying on rock mechanical characteristics of post-peak loading and unloading is helpful to control the deep surrounding rocks. The test using RMT-150B rock mechanics testing system, to experiment on the mechanical properties of sandstone of post-peak cyclic loading and unloading. The results show that: the stress–strain curves of post-peak cyclic loading and unloading have significant plastic hysteretic loops. The area of plastic hysteretic loops gloss back. The enveloping outer enclosure of cycle loading curve is the similar as the stress–strain curves of strain softening stage when the samples failure, which shows that post-peak failure of rocks have significant memory. With the increase of cycles, the cumulative deterioration parameters are gradually increased, and the ultimate bearing capacity, elastic of loading section of samples and cumulative deterioration parameters conform with the exponential attenuation function with constant term. With the increase of surrounding pressure, the total energy, dissipated energy and elastic energy of samples are gradually increased. With the increase of cycles, the total energy, dissipated energy and elastic energy of samples all are gradually decreasing, the rate of reduction decreases gradually. The samples exist in vertical splitting and transverse shear combination failure under the post-peak uniaxial cycles, or exist in shear failure under the post-peak triaxial cycles. The shear plane exists slip traces.  相似文献   

The present study aims to test the application of remote sensing to address the impact of bioturbation on physical sediment properties. Therefore, a laboratory experiment was developed, using microcosms mimicking a marine intertidal water–sediment interface to test the influence of Corophium volutator densities on sediment properties. Three main variables (water content, clay content, and mean grain size) were measured in three treatments (no Corophium, 5,000 Corophium per square meter, and 20,000 Corophium per square meter) after 16 days of bioturbation. Results obtained with conventional—destructive—techniques showed a significant increase of water content and a significant, but small decrease of clay content in the presence of Corophium. The remote sensing technique detected the impact of Corophium on water content as an increase in absorption at 1,450 nm, but was not able to detect the animal impact on clay content. This study demonstrates that remote sensing data could be significantly modified by bioturbation activities and that remote sensing can be applied in the laboratory to address the impact of bioturbation on sediment properties. This possibly opens new perspectives for long-term experiments concerning the role of bioturbation on sedimentary processes.  相似文献   

Summary Evaluation of the effects of small repetitive earthquakes on the strength parameters of rock joints in active seismic zones is of interest of the designers of underground constructions. In order to evaluate these effects, it is necessary to study the behaviour of rock joints under dynamic and cyclic loadings. This paper presents the results of a systematic study on the behaviour of artificial rock joints subjected to cyclic shearing. More than 30 identical replicas have been tested using triaxial compression devices under different conditions of monotonic and cyclic loading. At the first stage a few samples have been tested in monotonic loading modes under various confining pressures and rate of displacement. In the second series of tests, small cyclic loads were applied on the samples for increasing number of cycles, frequency levels and stress amplitudes. These were then followed by monotonic loading again. The variations of maximum and residual shear strengths for each test have been studied. The results show increase of shear strength as a result of the increase in confining pressure and they display decrease of shear strength due to the increase of rate of loading, number of cycles, frequency levels and stress amplitudes.  相似文献   

周期荷载下岩石大型三轴试件的变形和强度特性研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
葛修润 《岩土力学》1987,8(2):11-19
本文介绍了作者在联邦德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学土岩力学研究所利用该所研制的大型三轴试验机进行周期荷载下大型三轴试验的情况和结果。岩石为薄层灰岩,试件直径为60cm,高为120cm。整个研究工作是基于分析不可逆变形的观点来探讨变形和强度特性的。在周期荷载作用下,不可逆变形的总量随着循环次数的增加而增长;但在不同的应力水平下,不可逆变形的发展趋势具有显著的,甚至是质的差异。应力水平很低时,最初几次的循环荷载将导致产生较大的不可逆变形;随着循环次数之增加,其不可逆变形的增长率逐步衰减,最终趋向于一个比较稳定的常值。但是当应力水平达到某一“门槛”值后,情景则迥然不同;循环次数之增加将促使不可逆变形的加速增长,最终导致整个试件的破坏。试验结果表明,这一特征应力值略低于常规三轴试验中的所谓“屈服值”。研究结果表明,每一个加荷-卸荷循环过程中的不可逆变形主要发生在超过这一“门槛”值后的区段内。研究这样的特征值对于探讨周期荷载作用下岩体的力学性质是十分重要的。由试验获得的不可逆变形与循环次数的关系曲线在形态上与流变曲线十分相似。  相似文献   

Ge Xiurun 《岩土力学》1987,8(2):11-19
When in Institute of Soil and Rock Mechanics, Karlsruhe University, Federal Germany, the author of this paper performed some cyclic loading tests on the large-sized triaxial testing machine developed in this institute. The rock sample used were 60cm in diameter and 120cm in height. The work mainly included the study of deformation and strength behavior of the samples and was based on the viewpoint of analyzing the irreversible deformation. Under cyclic loading, although the irreversible deformation generally increased with the n umber of cycles, the deformation trends obtained at various stress levels distinctly differed from each other. At low stress levels a comparatively large irreversible deformation arouse from the first few cycles of loading. With the increase of the number of cycles its growth decayed gradually and tended finally to a stable constant value. When the stress level reached a certain “threshold” value, the situation became entirely different. The increase of the number of cycles caused an acclecrated growth of the irreversible deformation till a complete failure of the whole sample. The test results also illustrated that this characteristic stress value was slightly lower than the so-called “yield” value. The study of such a characteristic value is of great importance for under-standing the mechanical properties of rock masses under cyclic loading. The experimental curves of irreversible deformation vs. the number of cycles show a remarkable resemblance to corresponding rheological curves, which, perhaps, may not be accidental. It is propose in this paper that the relation of the strength obtained in conventional tests, the long-term strength in rheological tests and the strength under cyclic loading should be studied. Undoubtedly, it is significant for evaluating the strength and safety factor in rock engineering problems.  相似文献   

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