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In present study, a distributed physics based hydrological model, MIKE SHE coupled with MIKE 11, is calibrated using multi-objective approach, i.e., minimization of error in prediction of stream flows and groundwater levels, using the data of eight years from 1991 to 1998 of Yerli sub-catchment \((\hbox {area} = 15{,}881\,\hbox {km}^{2})\) of upper Tapi basin in India. The sensitivity analyses of thirteen model parameters related with overland flow, unsaturated and saturated zones have been undertaken while simulating the runoff volume, peak runoff at catchment outlet and groundwater levels within the catchment with wide variations \((\pm 50\%)\) in the model parameters. The calibrated model has also been validated for prediction of stream flow and groundwater levels within the Yerli sub-catchment for period 1999–2004. The simulated results revealed that calibrated model is able to simulate hydrographs satisfactorily for Yerli sub-catchment (NSE \(=\) 0.65–0.89, \(r=0.80{-}0.95\)) at daily and monthly time scales. The ground water levels are predicted reasonably satisfactorily for the plain area (RMSE \(=\) 0.50–6.50 m) in the study area. The results of total water balance indicated that about 78% of water is lost from the system through evapotranspiration, out of which about 3.5% is contributed from the groundwater zone. 相似文献
Increasing rainfall intensity and frequency due to extreme climate change and haphazard land development are aggravating soil erosion problems in Korea. A quantitative estimate of the amount of sediment from the catchment is essential for soil and water conservation planning and management. Essential to catchment-scale soil erosion modeling is the ability to represent the fluvial transport system associated with the processes of detachment, transport, and deposition of soil particles due to rainfall and surface flow. This study applied a spatially distributed hydrologic model of rainfall–runoff–sediment yield simulation for flood events due to typhoons and then assessed the impact of topographic and climatic factors on erosion and deposition at a catchment scale. Measured versus predicted values of runoff and sediment discharge were acceptable in terms of applied model performance measures despite underestimation of simulated sediment loads near peak concentrations. Erosion occurred widely throughout the catchment, whereas deposition appeared near the channel network grid cells with a short hillslope flow path distance and gentle slope; the critical values of both topographic factors, providing only deposition, were observed at 3.5 (km) (hillslope flow path distance) and 0.2 (m/m) (local slope), respectively. In addition, spatially heterogeneous rainfall intensity, dependent on Thiessen polygons, led to spatially distinct net-erosion patterns; erosion increased gradually as rainfall amount increased, whereas deposition responded irregularly to variations in rainfall. 相似文献
Wetland is the conjunction of lake and terrene where human activities are concentrated. From the viewpoints of material transport and cycling in the terrene-lake system, wetland is the buffer where sand and mud, heavy metals, pollutants and nutrients are tarried. In this paper, we provide a case study based on the temporal and spatial distribution of elements in the Wangling River catchment, a small sub-catchment of Longgan Lake in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. We have found that wetland can buffer major heavy metals such as Cr, Cu, etc.significantly, but has a little buffer function to some active elements such as Fe and Mn, which are always transported as solutions. Human activities not only influence the distribution of elements, but also weaken the buffer function of wetland. Intensive human activities in the Longgan Lake area in the past 70 years have been recorded in stream, wetland and lake sediments, especially the human activity events such as deforesting and reclaiming on a large scale in 1958 and the 1980‘s. Human activities caused the increase of sedimentation rates since the 1950‘ s, as well as the increase of elements‘ concentrations. The extensive use of fertilizers and pesticides since the 1960‘ s have led to the increase of total P concentrations. Increasing SO2 emission accelerate the process of cation exchange in soil, and enhance the leaching of Mn out of soils. Permanent storing of water causes the soil gleyification that also intensifies the leaching of Mn.These are two major reasons for the obvious increase of manganese concentrations in recent 20 years in Longgan Lake. Intensive human activities since the 1950s‘ have intensified the population in this region and thus destroyed the buffer function of wetland. 相似文献
Remote sensing data and GIS techniques have been used to compute runoff and soil erosion in the catchment area along the NH-1A between Udhampur and Kud covering an area of approximately 181 km 2. Different thematic layers, for example lithology, a landuse and landcover map, geomorphology, a slope map, and a soil-texture map, were generated from these input data. By use of the US Soil Conservation Service curve number method, estimated runoff potential was classified into five levels—very low, low, moderate, high, and very high. Data integration was performed by use of the weighting rating technique, a conventional qualitative method, to give a runoff potential index value. The runoff potential index values were used to delineate the runoff potential zones, namely low, moderate, high, and very high. Annual spatial soil loss estimation was computed using the Morgan–Morgan–Finney mathematical model in conjunction with remote sensing data and GIS techniques. Greater soil erosion was found to occur in the northwestern part of the catchment area. When average soil loss from the catchment area was calculated it was found that a maximum average soil loss of more than 20 t ha −1 occurred in 31 km 2 of the catchment area. 相似文献
Performance criteria are used in the automated calibration of hydrological models to determine and minimise the misfit between observations and model simulations. In this study, a multiobjective model calibration framework is used to analyse the trade-offs between Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency of flows (NSE), the NSE of log-transformed flows (NSE logQ), and the sum-squared error of monthly discharge sums (SSE MQ). These criteria are known to put different emphasis on average and high flows, low flows, and average volume-balance components. Twenty-two upper Neckar subbasins whose catchment area ranges from 56 to 3,976 km 2 were modelled with the distributed mesoscale hydrological model (mHM) to investigate these trade-offs. The 53 global parameters required for each instance of the mHM model were estimated with the global search algorithm AMALGAM. Equally weighted compromise solutions based on the selected criteria and extreme ends of all bi-criterion Pareto fronts were used after each calibration run to analyse the trade-off between different performance criteria. Calibration results were further analysed with ten additional criteria commonly used for evaluating hydrological model performance. Results showed that the trade-off patterns were similar for all subbasins irrespective of catchment size and that the largest trade-offs were consistently observed between the NSE and NSE logQ criteria. Simulations with the compromise solution provided a well-balanced fit to individual characteristics of the streamflow hydrographs and exhibited improved volume balance. Other performance criteria such as bias, the Pearson correlation coefficient, and the relative variability remained largely unchanged between compromise solutions and Pareto extremes. Parameter sets of the best NSE fit and the compromise solution of the largest basin (gauge at Plochingen) were used to simulate streamflow at the other 21 internal subbasins for a 10-year evaluation period without re-calibration. Both parameter sets performed well in the individual basins with median NSE values of 0.74 and 0.72, respectively. The compromise solution resulted in similar NSE logQ-ranges and a 14.6 % lower median volume-balance error which indicates an overall better model performance. The results demonstrate that the performance criteria for hydrological model calibration should be selected in accordance with the anticipated model predictions. The compromise solution provides an advance to the use of single criteria in model calibration. 相似文献
Floods are natural processes that constitute a hazard to society when associated to improper land use. Anthropic activities in floodplains are a factor of vulnerability that converts a natural hazard into a threat factor, eventually leading to disaster. Nowadays, natural and social complex processes demand integrated assessments in order to improve their understanding, helping decision making over sustainable use of territory, as well as integrating society’s activity in ecosystems and potentials, restrictions and benefits that society obtain from them. In this context, the objective of this work was to build a composite vulnerability model for a floodplain under urban influence, using an integrated assessment approach. This model was based on three dimensions; threat, fragility and an ecosystem services provision. These dimensions were calculated using both primary and secondary information, and weights by specialists. Main results show that the area presents high vulnerability with an increasing gradient towards high and urbanized areas, associated with an important number and relevant ecosystem services. Also, a spatial heterogeneity of the three dimensions emerged, making evident this area’s complexity and the need of integrated assessments to approach it. The composite vulnerability model proposed presents an elevated potential for natural and social processes analysis in floodplains, which is crucial for these territory management. Moreover, these integrated dimensions could contribute to decision making in different levels, as well as generating important supplies for environmental management and land planning. 相似文献
The Calabria (Southern Italy) region is characterized by many geological hazards among which landslides, due to the geological,
geomorphological, and climatic characteristics, constitute one of the major cause of significant and widespread damage. The
present work aims to exploit a bivariate statistics-based approach for drafting a landslide susceptibility map in a specific
scenario of the region (the Vitravo River catchment) to provide a useful and easy tool for future land planning. Landslides
have been detected through air-photo interpretation and field surveys, by identifying both the landslide detachment zones
(LDZ) and landslide bodies; a geospatial database of predisposing factors has been constructed using the ESRI ArcView 3.2
GIS. The landslide susceptibility has been assessed by computing the weighting values ( Wi) for each class of the predisposing factors (lithology, proximity to fault and drainage line, land use, slope angle, aspect,
plan curvature), thus evaluating the distribution of the landslide detachment zones within each class. The extracted predisposing
factors maps have then been re-classified on the basis of the calculated weighting values ( Wi) and by means of overlay processes. Finally, the landslide susceptibility map has been considered by five classes. It has
been determined that a high percentage (61%) of the study area is characterized by a high to very high degree of susceptibility;
clay and marly lithologies, and slope exceeding 20° in inclination would be much prone to landsliding. Furthermore, in order
to ascertain the proposed landslide susceptibility estimate, a validation procedure has been carried out, by splitting the
landslide detachment zones into two groups: a training and a validation set. By means of the training set, the susceptibility
map has first been produced; then, it has been compared with the validation set. As a result, a great majority of LDZ-validation
set (85%) would be located in highly and very highly susceptible areas. The predictive power of the model is considered reliable,
since more than 50% of the LDZ fall into 20% of the most susceptible areas. The reliability of the susceptibility map is also
suggested by computing the SCAI index, true positive and false positive rates; nevertheless, the most susceptible areas are
overestimated. As a whole, the results indicate that landslide susceptibility assessment based on a bivariate statistics-based
method in a GIS environment may be useful for land planning policy, especially when considering its cost/benefit ratio and
the need of using an easy tool. 相似文献
The major obstacles for modelling flood processes in karst areas are a lack of understanding and model representations of
the distinctive features and processes associated with runoff generation and often a paucity of field data. In this study,
a distributed flood-modelling approach, WetSpa, is modified and applied to simulate the hydrological features and processes
in the karst Suoimuoi catchment in northwest Vietnam. With input of topography, land use and soil types in a GIS format, the
model is calibrated based on 15 months of hourly meteorological and hydrological data, and is used to simulate both fast surface
and conduit flows, and groundwater discharges from karst and non-karst aquifers. Considerable variability in the simulation
accuracy is found among storm events and within the catchment. The simulation results show that the model is able to represent
reasonably well the stormflows generated by rainfall events in the study catchment. 相似文献
The water characteristics of the Gucheng Lake, such as eutrophication, health and spatial distribution, were investigated.
On the basis of the trophic state index (TSI) and entropy weight, a synthesized trophic state index (STSI) model was established
to assess lake eutrophication condition through calculating STSI, choosing TP, TN, COD, BOD and NH 3-N as trophic variables. The STSI ranged from 50.58 to 62.44, which showed that the water has been between eutrophic and supereutrophic.
A histogram was applied to health risk assessment which was analyzed from carcinogenic substances (Cr +6, As and Cd) and non-carcinogenic substances (hydroxybenzene, Pb, Hg, CN − and NH 3), and the results showed that the former was much greater than the latter for effect. The total risk for each resident caused
by all pollutants ranged from 5.18E-05 to 8.34E-05, which is far higher than the standard, recommended by Sweden Bureau of
Environment Protection and Holland Ministry of Building and Environment Protection (1.0E-05). Cluster analysis was used to
detect similarities and dissimilarities among the seven sampling sites and explain the observed clustering in terms of affected
conditions. Twenty-one variables were used to divide seven sampling sites into three groups, namely, north lake, south lake
and lake center. 相似文献
绿柱石是重要的铍矿石矿物,记录了花岗伟晶岩型稀有金属矿床的成岩成矿过程。东秦岭伟晶岩区是我国重要的稀有金属产地之一。本文调查了东秦岭卢氏伟晶岩区中的南阳山矿区(703号脉锂矿化伟晶岩和302号脉铍矿化伟晶岩)、七里沟-前台矿区(前台锂矿化伟晶岩)、蔡家沟矿区(大西沟和韭菜沟锂矿化伟晶岩)和瓦窑沟矿区(西山沟和瓦窑沟铍矿化伟晶岩)的伟晶岩内部结构分带,认为东秦岭稀有金属伟晶岩主要为过铝质LCT型伟晶岩,属于稀有金属(REL)类REL-Li亚类。其中,703号脉、韭菜沟和大西沟伟晶岩属复杂型锂辉石亚型,前台伟晶岩属钠长石-锂辉石型,302号脉、瓦窑沟和西山沟伟晶岩属绿柱石型绿柱石-铌铁矿亚型。电子探针结果表明绿柱石富碱金属,贫铁和镁。绿柱石元素替代机制包括通道-八面体替代、通道-四面体替代以及通道中碱金属阳离子间的置换。西山沟和瓦窑沟绿柱石的替代机制分别是Na(Fe~(2+),Mg)_(-1)Al_(-1)和NaLi_(-1)Be_(-1)。302号脉、前台、大西沟和韭菜沟绿柱石的替代机制为(Na,Cs) Li_(-1)Be_(-1)。703号脉绿柱石的替代机制包括NaFe~(2+)_(-1)Al_(-1)、NaCs_(-1)和(Na,Cs)Li_(-1)Be_(-1)。绿柱石的Cs2O含量和Na/Cs值揭示伟晶岩分异演化程度序列(由低至高)为瓦窑沟矿区→302号脉铍矿化伟晶岩→蔡家沟矿区→前台→703号脉锂矿化伟晶岩。铍矿化伟晶岩岩浆分异演化程度低于锂矿化伟晶岩岩浆。背散射图像显示绿柱石内部分带多样,包括均一结构、条带状、正/反蚀变边、补丁分带和复杂不规则分带。与铍矿化伟晶岩相比,锂矿化伟晶岩产出的绿柱石内部分带复杂多样,反映更为强烈的液相不混溶和交代作用。随伟晶岩岩浆分异演化程度升高,绿柱石FeO含量降低,内部分带更为复杂,发育蚀变边结构、补丁分带和不规则分带等。绿柱石FeO含量和内部分带特征可作为花岗伟晶岩分异演化程度的潜在指示标志。锂矿化伟晶岩中绿柱石的化学组成和内部分带特征表明岩浆就位时是高度分异演化的稀有金属伟晶岩岩浆。大西沟、韭菜沟和前台锂矿化伟晶岩岩浆就位后未经历明显分异演化过程,而南阳山703号脉伟晶岩岩浆就位后经历了较充分的分异演化,导致稀有金属的进一步富集。锂矿化伟晶岩的稀有金属成矿机制是结晶分异和液相不混溶。 相似文献
Erosion and sediment redistribution are important processes in landscape changes in the short and long term. In this study, the RMMF model of soil erosion and the SEDD model of sediment delivery were used to estimate annual soil loss and sediment yield in an ungauged catchment of the Spanish Pre-Pyrenees and results were interpreted in the context of the geomorphic features. The Estaña Catchment is divided into 15 endorheic sub-catchments and there are 17 dolines. Gullies and slopes were the main erosive geomorphic elements, whereas the colluvial, alluvial, valley floor, and doline deposits were depositional elements. Spatially distributed maps of gross soil erosion, sediment delivery ratio (SDR), and sediment yield (SY) were generated in a GIS. Severe erosion rates (>100 Mg ha ?1 year ?1) were found in gullies, whereas mean and maximum erosion rates were very high on slopes developed on Keüper Facies and high in soils on Muschelkalk Facies. Where crops are grown, the depositional-type geoforms were predicted by the models to have an erosive dynamic. Those results were consistent with the rates of erosion quantified by 137Cs which reflects the significant role of human activities in triggering soil erosion. Catchment area was positively correlated with erosion rate, but negatively correlated with SDR and SY. The latter were negatively correlated with the proportion of the surface catchment covered with forests and scrublands. The topography of the area influenced the high SDR and SY in the dolines and valley floors near the sinks. Intra-basin stored sediment was 59.2% of the total annual eroded soil in the catchment. The combination of the RMMF and SEDD models was an appropriate means of assessing the effects of land uses on soil erosion and obtaining a better understanding of the processes that underlie the geomorphic changes occurring in mountainous environments of the Mediterranean region. 相似文献
Geothermal energy remains a largely undeveloped natural resource because of the high risk associated with its development. An accurate prediction model for easy identification of potential regions can help to lower the risk and cost associated with development. In this study, geothermal potential regions were identified through the relationship between geothermal emergencies and their controlling factors in Tengchong County, China. Publicly available databases for this analysis including epicenters, active faults, Bouguer gravity, Landsat7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus images, the magnetic data and digital elevation model data were extracted as the b-value map, distance to faults map, distance to main grabens map, land surface temperature map, magnetic anomaly map and distance to rivers map, respectively. Based on the platforms within geographic information system, an entropy theory-integrated information model was established to evaluate the geothermal potential sites within the region. Moreover, factor analysis method was applied to test the conditional independence between the map pairs before modeling application. The results of the weighted information model show that the model shows perfect performance in discovering potential geothermal regions. In the final maps, undeveloped or unexploited geothermal regions can be observed along the Mingguang River and Nu River. Undeniably, these models will help to find undiscovered geothermal regions with limited geological information publically available. 相似文献
Pollution and overexploitation of scarce groundwater resources is a serious problem in the Zarqa River catchment, Jordan. To estimate this resource’s potential, the amount and spatial distribution of groundwater recharge was calculated by applying the hydrological model J2000. The simulation period is composed of daily values gathered over a 30-year period (July 1977 to June 2007). The figure finally obtained for estimated groundwater recharge of the Zarqa River catchment is 105 × 10 6 m 3 per year (21 mm a ?1). This is 19 % higher than the value previously assumed to be correct by most Jordanian authorities. The average ratio of precipitation to groundwater recharge is 9.5 %. To directly validate modelled groundwater recharge, two independent methods were applied in spring catchments: (1) alteration of stable isotope signatures (δ 18O, δ 2H) between precipitation and groundwater and (2) the chloride mass balance method. Recharge rates determined by isotopic investigations are 25 % higher, and recharge rates determined by chloride mass balance are 9 % higher than the modelled results for the corresponding headwater catchments. This suggests a reasonably modelled safe yield estimation of groundwater resources. 相似文献
黄土高原地区的土壤侵蚀具有水力侵蚀和重力侵蚀相伴发生的特点,在大多数针对黄土高原的侵蚀模型研究中未考虑重力侵蚀的影响,使得模型的模拟精度较差。针对黄土高原的侵蚀特点,采用量化影响重力侵蚀发生的主要因素,确定重力侵蚀发生的具体沟道栅格单元的方法,从而考虑了重力侵蚀对产输沙过程的影响。所建立的分布式土壤侵蚀模型以逐网格汇流的水文模型为基础,采用逐网格侵蚀输沙的模拟方式,能够模拟上方来水来沙对侵蚀输沙的影响。经小理河流域实测资料验证,模型具有一定的计算精度。 相似文献
Hydrogeology Journal - Integrated hydrological modelling (IHM) can reliably characterize surface-water/groundwater interactions in complex hydrological systems such as hard-rock systems (HRS),... 相似文献