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概述了Web Service的特点和核心要素,依据Kylix对Web Service的支持,给出了基于Kylix3开发Web Service的过程,并用一个实例说明了开发Web Service应用程序的步骤和方法。  相似文献   

基于Web Services和.NET技术的新一代Web GIS研究与开发   总被引:38,自引:2,他引:36  
分析了当前主流Web GIS中普遍存在的问题,并基于Web Service和.NET技术。提出了新一代的网络地理信息系统技术框架——面向服务的Web GIS软件平台框架,该框架体现了“服务即是软件,软件即是服务”的全新理念。最后介绍了基于Web Service和.NET技术的新一代Web GIS平台——SuperMap IS.NET的设计与实现。  相似文献   

基于J2ME平台研究Web Service的移动商务应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合J2ME和Web Service技术研究开发一个医疗设备代理公司的移动商务平台项目.利用J2ME开发手机客户程序,调用公司应用服务器发布的Web Service,手机客户程序可以通过解析Web Service返回的XML数据动态生成用户界面,从而实现手机客户的软件功能定制,并利用Push技术实现服务器端提醒移动终端用户界面的动态更新以及商品订单流程的异步处理.  相似文献   

一种基于Web Services的事务流中间件模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍事务工作流,实现了Web服务组合的可靠和自动完成。将传统的事务工作流模型应用到Web服务的特殊环境下,提出基于Web Service的事务流模型WSTW,并设计了可扩充的事务流中间件。最后给出WSTW模型的一个实现。  相似文献   

 通过对当前矿产资源规划信息化建设现状,以及GeoData Service技术特征和优势的基础上,提出面向服务理念架构3层B/S模式的矿产资源规划信息服务系统。着重对系统的逻辑结构、空间数据库、系统功能进行了详细设计,并对封装了矿产资源规划成果数据的GeoData Service服务的构建要点、处理方法及该种处理方法的技术优势进行了阐述;同时给出了在Dotnet框架下,采用ArcGIS Server.NET ADF开发技术,开发实现的矿产资源规划信息服务系统的运行实例。最后,剖析了Web ADF异步回调技术、基于JavaScript的Web动态导航技术、ADO.NET数据访问技术、系统性能的整体优化方法等关键技术在系统中的具体实现。系统运行表明,矿产资源规划信息服务系统为矿产资源规划信息化建设领域系统建设的架构方式从Web GISystem到Web GIServices的转变及矿产资源规划成果数据信息的同步更新与管理、远程提取、网络分布式共享拓展了一种新的应用模式。  相似文献   

一种基于CS和P2P混合结构的IM系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种基于CS和P2P混合结构,采用Web Service来实现服务器端主要服务的IM系统的实现,该方法能够有效地减轻服务器的负荷。实践证明,该方法用于IM系统中是可行而且有效的。  相似文献   

介绍了如何获取兴趣点(POI,Point of Interest)的注记范围,解释了为什么需要使用工具“Tiled Labels To Annotation”获取注记范围;介绍了兴趣点拾取的技术流程,以及如何设计数据库表结构和兴趣点拾取Web Service开发等内容;介绍了兴趣点拾取技术在“天地图·泰安”平台上的应用情况,并对以后数据快速更新产生的问题进行了总结。  相似文献   

针对智慧城市背景下,分布式海量多源异构模型的共享、重用和统一管理问题,利用元模型建模技术,实现异构决策模型统一化信息表达,使用UDDI网络目录服务,结合Web Service可分布、易共享、可远程调用的特点,将地理信息决策模型发布为网络服务,实现模型的共享和重用。对异构模型的统一化表达,网络化管理等问题进行了探索,最后对系统进行了实现,验证了设计的有效性。  相似文献   

通过分析地质矿产数据集成的必要性以及数据集成的发展趋势,提出了面向服务的数据集成。与以往基于Web Service技术实现面向服务地质矿产数据集成不同,基于WCF技术,设计并实现了地质矿产数据集成管理系统,作为矿产资源与能源遥感探测评价系统的子系统,实现了地质矿产数据的集成管理与快速查询。   相似文献   

利用以Web Service形式提供的PKI证书在线查询系统,通过自动、动态的查询证书库,在收发电子邮件的程序中集成了以PKI为基础的安全特性.此系统依靠CA中心提供的查询服务,实现了对电子邮件进行透明的加解密及签名和验证过程.  相似文献   

如何使用少量的地形特征复原地形地貌一直为地学领域的难题。本文使用开源数据集提取地形特征要素,使用地形特征要素作为约束条件构建了用于生成DEM的条件生成对抗网络(Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks, CGAN),设计了基于开源DEM、开源DEM与遥感影像组合、以及5m高精度DEM提取地形特征要素生成DEM的对比实验,并对结果进行视觉效果、相关性分析以及地形因子的对比与评价。结果表明:(1)在视觉效果上,3种不同方式生成的DEM在视觉效果上均十分逼近原始5 m DEM,都远好于传统插值方法生成DEM,基于开源12.5m DEM提取要素和1m遥感影像的重建效果最接近于原始5 m DEM;(2)在相关性上,三种不同方式生成的DEM与原始5m DEM相关性均能达到0.75以上,组合开源数据提取要素重建DEM与原始5 m DEM相关性可达到0.85以上;(3)在地形因子方面,基于开源12.5 m DEM和1 m遥感影像提取要素重建DEM的坡度和坡向的分布趋势与原始5 m DEM最为一致。本文为高精度DEM建模提供了新的思路,在高精度DEM难以获取...  相似文献   

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A framework is proposed to characterize and forecast the displacement trends of slow-moving landslides, defined as the reactivation stage of phenomena in rocks or fine-grained soils, with movements localized along one or several existing shear surfaces. The framework is developed based on a thorough analysis of the scientific literature and with reference to significant reported case studies for which a consistent dataset of continuous displacement measurements is available. Three distinct trends of movement are defined to characterize the kinematic behavior of the active stages of slow-moving landslides in a velocity-time plot: a linear trend-type I, which is appropriate for stationary phenomena; a convex shaped trend-type II, which is associated with rapid increases in pore water pressure due to rainfall, followed by a slow decrease in the groundwater level with time; and a concave shaped trend-type III, which denotes a non-stationary process related to the presence of new boundary conditions such as those associated with the development of a newly formed local slip surface that connects with the main existing slip surface. Within the proposed framework, a model is developed to forecast future displacements for active stages of trend-type II based on displacement measurements at the beginning of the stage. The proposed model is validated by application to two case studies.  相似文献   


INTRODUCTIONThegenusPraebebaliawasestablishedbyRathbun ,1 91 1 .Itscarapaceisbroaderthanlongaslongasbroad ,orslightlylongerthanbroad ;theposteriorborderisusuallyarmedwithaspineortu bercleoneachside ,thehepaticandintestinalregionsaredistinctlyelevated ;thechel…  相似文献   

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The existing models of population distribution often focus on the region with a single city or even multiple centers, and lack the detailed explorations of the common and special type of urbanization areas with two centers. Taking Beijing-Tianjin region of China, which is a distinct dual-nuclei metropolitan area in the world, as an example and choosing Landsat-5 TM image in 2005, population, etc. as the data, this paper devotes to comprehending and illustrating a model of Cassini growth of population between the two metropolitan cities through the research of spatial population distribution pattern, aided with RS and GIS techniques. Main technical processes include Kriging interpolation of the population data and character simulation of the Cassini ovals. According to the calculation of a/b, a key characteristic index of Cassini growth model, the spatial structures of population distribution were given. When a/b<1, it is a curve with two separated loops with a population density more than 3000 persons/km2. When a/b=1, it is a lemniscate curve with a population density about 3000 persons/km2. When 1<a/b√2, it is a dog-bone shaped concave curve with a population density between 500–3000 persons/km2. When a/b=√2, it is an oblate curve with a population density about 500 persons/km2. When a/b>√2, there is an oval-shaped convex curve with a population density less than 500 persons/km2. The results show that owing to the combined action and influence of the regional dual-nuclei, the population distribution of Beijing-Tianjin region is in accord with Cassini model significantly. There-fore, there is Cassini growth of population between the two metropolitan cities in Beijing-Tianjin region. In addition, the process of Cassini growth has extraordinarily instructive significance for judging the development stages of the dual-nuclei metropolitan areas. Foundation item: Under the auspices of National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) (No. 2007AA12Z235), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40471058)  相似文献   

在通常的四分块矩阵求广义逆矩阵和凯利逆矩阵公式基础上,分析左上角子矩阵为秩亏、右下角子矩阵为零的特殊四分块矩阵的凯利逆矩阵存在条件,应用广义逆矩阵法和矩阵变换法推导该类特殊四分块矩阵的凯利逆矩阵显性表达公式,并用于解算约束秩亏间接平差模型的参数估计.实验数据表明,当满足存在性条件时,应用分块矩阵求逆公式解算约束秩亏间接...  相似文献   

IwrRODUcrIONNearsurface2-Dand3-DinhomogeneousdistortionsinMTdatamakeitdimculttointerpretMTdataevenwhentheregionalorbasinstruCturescanbetreatalas1-dfornsionalnyohmann,l975,Weide1t,l975,Wannamakeretal.,l984,LaTormcaetal.,l986,Zhang,l987,TorresWhrdinetal.,l992).Inthelasttwentyyears,2-Dand3-DmodelinghavebeenaanmPlishedbyusingnumricalmethods.Afteranalyringthesefor-wardmodelingresultS,wenowdeariyunderstandthemaorphySica1meCanisrnsasultingfromthesedistortionsofnear6urfaceinhomogeneities(Pa…  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effect of a weak intercalation on slope stability, a large-scale shaking table model test was conducted to study the dynamic response of rock slope models with weak intercalation. The dynamic response of the prototype slopes were studied in laboratory with the consideration of law of similitude. The initiation failure was observed in the rock slope model with a counter-tilt thin-weak intercalation firstly, not in the slope model with a horizontal thin-weak intercalation. Furthermore, it was interesting that the fracture site is shifted from crest top to the slope surface near the weak intercalation, which is different with the location of failure position in a normal layered slope. We also discussed the effect of the dip angle and the thickness of weak intercalation on the failure mechanism and instability mode of the layered rock slope. From the experimental result, it was noted that the stability of the slope with a counter-tilt weak intercalation could be worse than that of the other slopes under seismic excitation. The findings showed the difference of failure in slopes with a horizontal and counter weak intercalation, and implicated the further evaluation of failure of layered slopes caused by seismic loads.  相似文献   

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