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Traditional ensemble-based history matching method, such as the ensemble Kalman filter and iterative ensemble filters, usually update reservoir parameter fields using numerical grid-based parameterization. Although a parameter constraint term in the objective function for deriving these methods exists, it is difficult to preserve the geological continuity of the parameter field in the updating process of these methods; this is especially the case in the estimation of statistically anisotropic fields (such as a statistically anisotropic Gaussian field and facies field with elongated facies) with uncertainties about the anisotropy direction. In this work, we propose a Karhunen-Loeve expansion-based global parameterization technique that is combined with the ensemble-based history matching method for inverse modeling of statistically anisotropic fields. By using the Karhunen-Loeve expansion, a Gaussian random field can be parameterized by a group of independent Gaussian random variables. For a facies field, we combine the Karhunen-Loeve expansion and the level set technique to perform the parameterization; that is, for each facies, we use a Gaussian random field and a level set algorithm to parameterize it, and the Gaussian random field is further parameterized by the Karhunen-Loeve expansion. We treat the independent Gaussian random variables in the Karhunen-Loeve expansion as the model parameters. When the anisotropy direction of the statistically anisotropic field is uncertain, we also treat it as a model parameter for updating. After model parameterization, we use the ensemble randomized maximum likelihood filter to perform history matching. Because of the nature of the Karhunen-Loeve expansion, the geostatistical characteristics of the parameter field can be preserved in the updating process. Synthetic cases are set up to test the performance of the proposed method. Numerical results show that the proposed method is suitable for estimating statistically anisotropic fields.  相似文献   

The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) has become a popular method for history matching production and seismic data in petroleum reservoir models. However, it is known that EnKF may fail to give acceptable data matches especially for highly nonlinear problems. In this paper, we introduce a procedure to improve EnKF data matches based on assimilating the same data multiple times with the covariance matrix of the measurement errors multiplied by the number of data assimilations. We prove the equivalence between single and multiple data assimilations for the linear-Gaussian case and present computational evidence that multiple data assimilations can improve EnKF estimates for the nonlinear case. The proposed procedure was tested by assimilating time-lapse seismic data in two synthetic reservoir problems, and the results show significant improvements compared to the standard EnKF. In addition, we review the inversion schemes used in the EnKF analysis and present a rescaling procedure to avoid loss of information during the truncation of small singular values.  相似文献   

并行遗传算法对硅藻软岩本构关系的求解   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
利用并行遗传算法,基于不同条件下软岩三轴压缩实验的实验数据,对正常固结领域和超固结领域硅藻软岩的本构关系进行了拟合,建立了一种新的考虑时间效应的应力-应变-时间本构模型。预测结果分析表明,所建模型很好地反映了硅藻软岩的本构关系,从而验证了该模型并行遗传算法解的合理性和可行性。研究成果在地下空间的利用和开发中具有良好的应用前景,对介于岩石和土之间复杂软岩材料力学特性研究的进一步发展具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

矿井小断层普遍存在且错综复杂,对煤层开采影响很大。根据黄河北煤田赵官井田7号煤层小断层资料,选取断层走向延展长度、断层落差和断层倾角3个因素,运用多元回归分析方法,建立了7号煤层NE、NEE和NW向小断层延伸长度的预测模型。实际应用表明,该模型的预测精度较高,比较符合实际情况。  相似文献   

Water inrush from Ordovician karst aquifer in North China coal mine has become a key issue on underground coal mining. To address this problem, it is necessary to identify fault zones, because fault zones might connect limestone aquifers and coal seams, enabling Ordovician karst water to enter the mine. In the study area, a series of parallel directional holes were drilled along Ordovician limestone at depths between 70 and 90 m under Ordovician limestone boundary. To conveniently detect fault zones and govern mine water disasters, a series of natural gamma-ray logging while drilling (GRLWD) were undertaken. The entire detecting region can be comprehensively covered by several directional borehole groups. Then, fast Fourier transform and short-time Fourier transform approaches were employed on the basis of GRLWD data and geological data to extract faults information. A segmented identification method for deep fault zones was established in this study. This method can be used to markedly improve the identification of fault zones within Ordovician limestone or the unitary lithology formation and provide crucial information relevant for deep coal mining safety.  相似文献   

基于线框架模型的三维地质断层结构模型及其构建技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于地质断层构造的特点,文中提出了一种适合三维断层模拟的数据模型——线框架模型,并基于该数据模型详细描述三维断层结构模型的构建方法,实现了从层面结构的地质模型向块体结构的地质模型进行自动转换的关键算法。线框架模型以方向线框架来表达地质模型的骨架,以方向TIN网来表达地质模型的血肉,具备地质断层结构模型所要表达的各种几何元素与拓扑关系。基于线框架模型的三维地质断层构模技术将地质界面之间的交切在地质界面三角网形成之前就进行处理,将面与面之间的切割操作简化为线与线之间的操作,这种方法不仅能有效地减轻断层地质体构模的复杂程度,而且可以将线与线之间的交线作为地质界面三角网构建时的约束边,从而有效地保证了地质界面之间交切关系的正确性。  相似文献   

基于模式匹配法的明渠紊流涡结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对涡结构进行识别是紊流涡动力学研究的难题,为了降低涡识别方法对流速测量空间分辨率的要求,消除阈值对涡识别结果可能产生的影响,提出了基于二维平面流场的涡结构模式匹配方法。应用该方法对明渠紊流中涡结构的密度、涡量、半径和强度等特征参数和涡动力学特征进行了分析。结果表明,涡结构的密度和涡量沿水深逐渐减小,涡半径沿水深逐渐增大,涡结构的环量在近壁区迅速增大而随后基本维持稳定;在相同水深处,顺向涡密度大于逆向涡且具有更强的旋转运动;顺向涡的平均流场具有典型的发夹涡群特征,部分逆向涡与顺向涡在空间上具有相关关系。  相似文献   

汶川Mw 7.9级地震同震断层陡坎类型与级联破裂模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2008年5月12日,汶川Mw7.9级地震在青藏高原东缘沿龙门山逆冲断裂带中段形成了两条NE向和一条NW向逆冲走滑型地表破裂。依据同震地表陡坎形态特征,将其分为8种类型:逆断层陡坎、上盘垮塌陡坎、挤压推覆陡坎、右旋挤压推覆陡坎、断层相关褶皱陡坎、后冲挤压陡坎、上冲叠覆陡坎和局部正断层陡坎。汶川地震所形成的同震地表破裂主要由以逆冲为主的映秀破裂段和兼具逆冲、右旋走滑的北川破裂段两部分组成,这两个破裂段分别对应于Mw7.8与Mw7.6级地震事件;它们还可进一步细分为分别对应于Mw7.5、Mw7.7、Mw7.0和Mw7.5等4个次级事件的4个次级破裂段。这些次级破裂段的级联破裂可以用来解释为什么汶川地震的持续时间长达110 s。余震震源机制分析结果表明,发震断层的倾角随深度的增加而变缓,且从西南向北东逐渐变陡可以用来解释走滑分量增加的成因。此次大地震还表明,沿青藏高原东缘地形抬高的主要驱动力可能是地壳挤压缩短,而不一定是下地壳物质流动和膨胀引起上地壳的隆升。  相似文献   

近些年来一些地震表明,强震不仅发生在地表出露的活动断裂上,还发育在一些隐伏的未出露地表的构造上.大陆内部块体间的变形带不只是一条活动断裂,而是具有很大宽度的构造变形带,这已被大量的地震活动性资料所证实.因此,要正确评估地震危险性,就要研究构造带上地层变形的模型,而不仅是单条断裂的变形.湟水河隐伏断裂为一条隐伏在西宁市的断裂,位于西宁盆地中部,长12km,走向EW,浅层地震探测结果表明该断裂由两条正断层组成地堑式构造,横跨西宁地区的地层剖面研究结果指出湟水河隐伏断裂发育在宽缓背斜的核部,而宽缓的背斜和向斜由新近系红色泥岩组成.根据褶皱与断裂的关系认为,湟水河隐伏断裂为在北东向的区域主压应力作用下,褶皱变形过程中,在背斜的核部伴生形成的次级张性地堑式正断层.该褶皱及相关断裂发育在西宁盆地滑脱面之上,属于浅表性的断层,活动性不显著.  相似文献   

基于剪切梁层间失效模型的断层冲击地压分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵扬锋  潘一山  于海军 《岩土力学》2007,28(8):1571-1576
将剪切梁层间失效模型用于分析断层冲击地压的发生,在不考虑断层的弹性时对断层冲击地压进行了解析分析,得到了剪切梁的位移和应力分布规律和断层冲击地压发生时撕开裂纹长度和临界载荷。分析了撕开裂纹长度和临界载荷与各种力学参数之间的关系。研究结果表明:当采深越大,剪切梁的剪切弹性模量越小,剪切梁厚度越厚,断层带剪切软化模量越大;断层带厚度、滑动摩擦系数、剪应力峰值强度越小时,断层冲击地压容易发生。采深、剪切梁的剪切弹性模量、断层带剪切软化模量、剪应力峰值强度、断层带厚度这些参数对断层冲击地压的发生影响较大。其结果为预测、防治断层冲击地压提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The active fault drilling at Nojima Hirabayashi after the 1995 Hyogoken-nanbu (Kobe) earthquake (MJMA = 7.2) provides us with a unique opportunity to investigate subsurface fault structure and the in-situ properties of fault and fluid. The borehole intersected the fault gouge of the Nojima fault at a depth interval of 623 m to 625 m. The lithology is mostly Cretaceous granodiorite with some porphyry dikes.The fault core is highly permeable due to fracturing. The borehole water was sampled in 1996 and 2000 from the depth interval between 630 and 650 m, just below the fault core. The chemical and isotopic compositions were analyzed. Carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of carbonates from the fault core were analyzed to estimate the origin of fluid.The following conclusions were obtained. (1) The ionic and isotopic compositions of borehole water did not change from 1996 to 2000. They are mostly derived from local ground water as mentioned by Sato and Takahashi [Sato, T., Takahashi, M., 2000. Chemical and isotopic compositions of groundwater obtained from the Hirabayashi well. Geological Survey of Japan Interim Report No. EQ/00/1, 187–192.]. (2) Geochemical speciation revealed that the borehole water was derived from a relatively deep reservoir, which may be situated at a depth of 3 to 4 km where the temperature is about 80–90 °C. (3) The shallower part of the Nojima fault (shallower than the reservoir depth) has not been healed from the hydrological viewpoints 5 years after the event, in contrast to the rapid healing detected by S wave splitting [Tadokoro, K., Ando, M., 2002. Evidence for rapid fault healing derived from temporal changes in S wave splitting, Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, 10.1029/2001GL013644.]. (4) Precipitation of calcite from the present borehole water since drilling supports the idea of precipitation of some calcite in coseismic hydraulic fractures in the fault core [Boullier, A-M., Fujimoto, K., Ohtani, T., Roman-Ross, G., Lewin, E., Ito, H., Pezard, P., Ildefonse, B., 2004. Textural evidence for recent co-seismic circulation of fluids in the Nojima fault zone, Awaji Island, Japan., Tectonophysics, 378, 165–181.]. (5) Carbon and oxygen isotope ratios of calcite indicated that the meteoric water flux had been localized at the fault core. (6) A difference in the carbon isotope ratio between the footwall and the hanging wall suggests that the fault has been acted as a hydrologic barrier, although the permeability along the fault is still high.  相似文献   

Longquanshan fault belt belongs to Longmenshan foreland uplift, which is closely related to the uplift evolution of Longmenshan in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In order to explore the fault activity model, period and era characteristics of Longquanshan fault belt, some gouge samples were collected at different fault locations of Longquanshan fault belt. SEM was adopted for trace and dissolution micromorphology observation, and ESR was used to test the latest active age. Combined with the regional seismic data, further research on the seismic potential of Longquanshan fault belt was conducted. The results show that the main model of activity in Longquanshan fault belt is stick slip, with creep characteristics. The faults are characterized by multiple periods of activity. The strong acitivity era is the Early Pleistocene-Middle Pleistocene, there were obvious activities in the Late Pleistocene, and there weren’t any obvious activities in the Pliocene. The latest active ages measured by SEM, ESR, TL range from (1210±121) to (110±10.0) ka. The latest active age and activity is characterized with segmen tation, featured with weak activity in the middle segments and strong activity in the north and south segments. Longquanshan fault belt is an active fault belt with certain seismic potential. The earthquakes are distributed zonally along Longquanshan fault belt. However, its activity has been greatly reduced, compared with Longmenshan fault belt in the western part.  相似文献   

龙泉山断裂带属龙门山前陆隆起,与青藏高原龙门山的隆升演化密切相关。为探讨龙泉山断裂带断层活动方式、期次及年代特征,在该断裂带不同部位采集了断层泥样品,通过扫描电镜(SEM)对样品中的石英颗粒进行了痕迹微形貌和溶蚀微形貌观察,通过电子自旋共振(ESR)测试了样品断层的最新活动年龄,并结合区域地震资料,进一步研究了龙泉山断裂带断层的发震潜力。结果表明: 龙泉山断裂带断层运动方式以黏滑为主,兼蠕滑; 具有多期次活动特征,强烈活动时间为早更新世—中更新世,晚更新世也有明显断层活动,全新世断层活动不明显; SEM 、ESR、热释光(TL)测得的断层最新活动年龄为(1 210±121)~(110±10.0) ka; 最新活动年代和活动性具有分段性,中段断层活动性较弱,北段和南段断层活动性较强。总之,龙泉山断裂带为1条活动性断裂带,具有一定的发震潜力,地震沿断裂带呈带状分布,但相比其西侧的龙门山断裂带,其活动性已大大降低。  相似文献   

鲜水河断裂带位于青藏高原东缘,是中国大陆内部地震活动性最强的大型活动断裂带之一。大量研究证据表明,鲜水河断裂带色拉哈—康定段未来几十年内发生破坏性强震的风险较高。目前正在规划建设的国家重大交通基础建设工程——川藏铁路,将在康定折多山地区直接穿越鲜水河活动断裂带。本研究通过高分辨率卫星影像的地质地貌解译和详细的野外构造地质填图,新发现一条发育于色拉哈断裂和折多塘断裂之间折多山花岗岩体内的长约24km的全新世活动断层,该断裂空间上可分成北、中、南三段,呈(正滑)左旋右阶雁行状排列,并将其命名为“木格措南断裂”。该活动断裂的发现对完善鲜水河断裂带色拉哈—康定段的精细几何图像和构造组合特征,准确评价鲜水河断裂带的地震危险性具有重要意义,并为川藏铁路施工建设和安全运营提供了重要科学数据支撑。  相似文献   

赵久彬  刘元雪  杨骏堂  柏准 《岩土力学》2020,41(12):4116-4126
滑坡灾害发生前夕,滑体内的局部岩土体发生爆裂、摩擦和断裂等破坏会产生次声波向外传播,基于次声信号的超前定位成为滑坡监测预警的关键技术。将波动方程通过傅里叶变换到亥姆霍兹方程,利用汉克尔变换得到波动方程的核函数,建立了基于简正波的地质声场模型,仿真分析了土层与空气、土层与岩层之间反射折射关系;提出滑坡次声信号的简正波模型匹配场超前定位算法,将垂直接收阵的测量次声信号与传播模型的拷贝次声信号进行相关匹配计算,搜索计算得到模糊函数最大值处的坐标定位为声源点,并采用12元垂直接收阵仿真分析3种匹配场算法性能,发现可变系数似然匹配场算法具有旁瓣小、定位准确的优点,可应用于滑坡定位技术;将垂直接收阵置于空气层中、土层中不同位置发现,土层中的垂直阵能够精确定位,而空气中误差较大;并将该算法应用于滑坡超前定位,定位了滑体的局部破坏位置和预测滑移线。该算法为滑坡超前定位技术提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

断层带结构和内部流体流动特性是水文地质研究领域的难点问题。石油地质领域,在油气运移与成藏方向已形成较成熟的断层封闭性定量评价技术手段。相比较,断裂的水文地质性质研究尚停留在断裂的力学性质对断层导水、阻水特性的定性评价阶段,尚未详细开展断裂带结构、渗透性各向异性等方面的研究工作。文章梳理总结国外断裂带水文地质性质研究中关于结构组成、断裂带演化、渗透率影响因素等方面的研究成果,引入断裂带渗透率结构模型,并以中国北方岩溶区碳酸盐岩与碎屑岩互层含水岩组为例,构建断裂带水文地质结构模型。断裂带研究尺度和精度不同、断裂带发育部位不同,导致其结构及水文地质性质亦不相同,如何建立起精确、典型的断裂带水文地质结构模型,需要各领域数据共享及多学科融合共同开展研究工作。  相似文献   

动态匹配追踪算法将信号的瞬时特征作为先验信息引入到信号分解中,缩小了时频原子库的搜索范围,提高了匹配追踪效率。但在利用瞬时相位获取瞬时频率信息时会得到无物理意义的负频率,不能直接应用于匹配追踪,已有文献并没有给出瞬时频率存在负异常时的解决方案。基于此,笔者通过研究主值相位与解缠相位之间的差异,提出了利用连续相位求取瞬时频率,并推导了连续相位的求取公式;然后通过实例分析,获得了反映三种不同相位数值变化的趋势图;最后通过对比三种相位求取的瞬时频率,证明由连续相位求取的瞬时频率不存在负异常,可直接应用于匹配追踪算法。  相似文献   

The Vogar Fissure Swarm is one of four en-echelon fracture swarms that connect the Reykjanes Ridge to the South Iceland Seismic Zone and the Western Volcanic Zone. Occurring in an area of flat topography, this fissure swarm is clearly visible at the surface, where it can be seen to affect recent postglacial lavas. Using remote sensing methods to identify and measure all the faults and fractures in the swarm, combined with additional field observations and measurements, we measured 478 individual fractures, 33% of them being faults and 67% being fissures. The fracture lengths show roughly log-normal distributions. Most of the individual fractures belong to 68 main composite fractures, seven of which are longer than 2500 m and correspond to the main fault scarps of the fissure swarm. We showed that these main faults are distributed along five, equally spaced zones, ∼500 m apart and a few kilometers long. We drawn 71 across-strike profiles to characterize the shape of the fault scarps, and 5 along-strike profiles to characterize the evolution of vertical throw along the main faults. Each fault consists of a coalescence of individual segments of approximately equal length. Fault throws are never larger than 10 m and are smallest at the junctions between individual segments. Analyses of along-strike throw profiles allowed us to determine the early stages of growth after coalescence. The earliest stage is characterized by an increase in the throw of the central parts of segments. This is followed by a second stage during which the throw increases at the junctions between segments, progressively erasing these small-throw zones.  相似文献   

The anomalous structure in the magnetic field of the Ural Region has been studied in the segment bounded by 52°?C64° N and 54°?C66° E. Analytical apparatus for upward continuation of airborne magnetic data to different heights was applied. To recalculate magnetic field, parallel algorithms and software for multiprocessor computers were used. Maps of magnetic anomalies for different ranges of wave lengths showing the distribution of magnetization in the layers of the Earth??s crust were built.  相似文献   

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