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A detailed microprobe and optical investigation of concentrates from the Driekop platinum mine, South Africa, has resulted in significant additions to, and modifications of, data which one of us (E. F. Stumpfl) has presented in 1961. The concentrates contain 50% iron-bearing platinum, 30% sperrylite (PtAs2) and geversite (PtSb2), 15% hollingworthite (RhAsS) and irarsite (IrAsS) and 5% of other platinum group minerals. Two new minerals, (Pt, Pd) (Bi, Sb) and (Pt, Pd)3Sb2 have been discovered in the course of this work. Spectral reflectance and microhardness data are given for eight platinum group minerals. The list of new minerals presented in 1961 has been included in Cabri's tabulations (1972). It should now been modified as follows: a phase of composition Pt(Ir, Os)2As4 does not exist, the mineral in question is irarsite, frequently associated with hollingworthite. Pd8CuSb3 is not a separate mineral species but copper-bearing stibiopalladinite, PtSb is actually (Pt, Pd)3Sb2. The Driekop platinum group minerals association is dominated by native platinum, arsenides, antimonides and sulpharsenides. Bismutho-tellurides, which play a significant rôle in the Merensky Reef, have not been detected. Transport and deposition of the platinum group elements is ascribed to the high-temperature aqueous fluids which have formed the dunite pipes.  相似文献   

Study of sedimentary pyrite in the form of framboids, euhedral crystals or metasomatic masses has revealed that their surfaces are commonly covered with spheroids of about 50 nm. This applies to all the examples studied, from modern to Proterozoic. These spheroids are interpreted as the pyritized corpses of nannobacterial cells; if correct, this indicates that precipitation of iron sulfide was performed by these dwarf forms of bacteria, often associated with decaying organic matter.  相似文献   

Determining the kinetics of many geologic and engineering processes involving solid/fluid interactions requires a fundamental understanding of the Gibbs free energy dependency of the system. Currently, significant discrepancies seem to exist between kinetic datasets measured to determine the relationship between dissolution rate and Gibbs free energy. To identify the causes of these discrepancies, we have combined vertical scanning interferometry, atomic force microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy techniques to identify dissolution mechanisms and quantify dissolution rates of albite single crystals over a range of Gibbs free energy (−61.1 < ΔG < −10.2 kJ/mol). During our experiments, both a previously dissolved albite surface exhibiting etch pits and a pristine surface lacking dissolution features were dissolved simultaneously within a hydrothermal, flow-through reactor. Experimental results document an up to 2 orders of magnitude difference in dissolution rate between the differently pretreated surfaces, which are dominated by different dissolution mechanisms. The rate difference, which persists over a range of solution saturation state, indicates that the dissolution mechanisms obey different Gibbs free energy dependencies. We propose that this difference in rates is the direct consequence of a kinetic change in dissolution mechanism with deviation from equilibrium conditions. The existence of this kinetic “switch” indicates that a single, continuous function describing the relationship between dissolution rate and Gibbs free energy may be insufficient. Finally, we discuss some of the potential consequences of our findings on albite’s weathering rates with a particular focus on the sample’s history.  相似文献   

Quaternary basalts, andesites and dacites from the Abu monogenetic volcano group, SW Japan, (composed of more than 40 monogenetic volcanoes) show two distinct chemical trends especially on the FeO*/MgO vs SiO2 diagram. One trend is characterized by FeO*/MgO-enrichment with a slight increase in SiO2 content (Fe-type trend), whereas the other shows a marked SiO2-enrichment with relatively constant FeO*/MgO ratios (Si-type trend). The Fe-type trend is explained by fractional crystallization with subtraction of olivine and augite from a primitive alkali basalt magma. Rocks of the Si-type trend are characterized by partially melted or resorbed quartz and sodic plagioclase phenocrysts and/or fine-grained basaltic inclusions. They are most likely products of mixing of a primitive alkali basalt magma containing olivine phenocrysts with a dacite magma containing quartz, sodic plagioclase and hornblende phenocrysts. Petrographic variation as well as chemical variation from basalt to dacite of the Si-type trend is accounted for by various mixing ratios of basalt and dacite magmas. Pargasitic hornblende and clinopyroxene phenocrysts in andesite and dacite may have crystallized from basaltic magma during magma mixing. Olivine and spinel, and quartz, sodic plagioclase and common hornblende had crystallized in basaltic and dacitic magmas, respectively, before the mixing. Within a lava flow, the abundance of basaltic inclusions decreases from the area near the eruptive vent towards the perimeter of the flow, and the number of resorbed phenocrysts varies inversely, suggesting zonation in the magma chamber.The mode of mixing changes depending on the mixing ratio. In the mafic mixture, basalt and dacite magmas can mix in the liquid state (liquid-liquid mixing). In the silicic mixture, on the other hand, the basalt magma was quenched and formed inclusions (liquid-solid mixing). During mixing, the disaggregated basalt magma and the host dacite magma soon reached thermal equilibrium. Compositional homogenization of the mixed magma can occur only when the equilibrium temperature is sufficiently above the solidus of the basalt magma. The Si-type trend is chemically and petrographically similar to the calc-alkalic trend. Therefore, a calc-alkalic trend which is distinguished from a fractional crystallization trend (e.g. Fe-type trend) may be a product of magma mixing.  相似文献   

A grospydite from Roberts Victor contains the most Ca-rich garnets yet found in South African kimberlite xenoliths and also sub-micron sized sodic nepheline in melted and quenched clinopyroxene. Three stages can be recognised in the textural evolution of the grospydite. The first is the development of a layering of large kyanite laths. Kyanite together with complex aluminous clinopyroxene precipitated and accumulated from an evolved residual eclogitic liquid which has penetrated across the garnet join so that garnet no longer precipitated. Solidus conditions for the Roberts Victor grospydite are estimated as T = 1350–1550 ° C, P = 27–39 kbars. Adjacent layers in the grospydite have slightly different mineral compositions suggesting that the small-scale layering (1–5 cm) in this, and associated rocks, may be related to varying activities of R2O3 components and possibly to f o 2.The second stage is represented by a necklace texture in which all the garnet and some kyanite developed along grain boundaries of clinopyroxenes with triple-point textures. This is interpreted as an example of incoherent, grain-boundary exsolution resulting from large subsolidus volume changes. The conditions for subsolidus equilibration are estimated to be T= 1120–1320 ° C, P = 42–56 kbars.Moderate Ca-contents in garnet and excess Al[6] in clinopyroxene may be subsolidus indicators of eclogite samples evolving towards grospydite at the solidus.The third stage is represented by the melting of jadeite-rich clinopyroxenes and quenching to glass, nepheline and plagioclase. Most of the glass has a composition similar to clinopyroxene, except for K2O, though local areas of different glass, possibly the result of phase separation, also occur. The melting process seems to be a low-pressure feature involving limited addition of H2O at temperatures between 900–1000 ° C. Water-absent melting could indicate temperatures up to 1500 ° C.The temperatures and pressures assigned to the three-stage evolution of this grospydite imply formation at moderate pressures and subsolidus equilibration at higher pressures. This is equated with downgoing mantle/asthenosphere tectonic processes. After entrainment in a kimberlite magma the grospydite fragment apparently ascended rapidly, thus allowing low-pressure melting and quenching.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the petrology and geochemistry of a diamondiferous peridotite xenolith from the Premier diamond mine in South Africa.

The xenolith is altered with pervasive serpentinisation of olivine and orthopyroxene. Garnets are in an advanced state of kelyphitisation but partly fresh. Electron microprobe analyses of the garnets are consistent with a lherzolitic paragenesis (8.5 wt.% Cr2O3 and 6.6 wt.% CaO). The garnets show limited variation in trace element composition, with generally low concentrations of most trace elements, e.g. Y (<11 ppm), Zr (<18 ppm) and Sr (<0.5 ppm). Garnet rare earth element concentrations, when normalised against the C1 chondrite of McDonough and Sun (Chem. Geol. 120 (1995) 223), are characterised by a rare earth element pattern similar to garnet from fertile lherzolite.

All diamonds recovered are colourless. Most crystals are sharp-edged octahedra, some with minor development of the dodecahedral form. A number of crystals are twinned octahedral macles, while aggregates of two or more octahedra are also common. Mineral inclusions are rare. Where present they are predominantly small black rosettes believed to consist of sulfide. In one instance a polymineralic (presumably lherzolitic) assemblage of reddish garnet, green clinopyroxene and a colourless mineral is recognised.

Infrared analysis of the xenolith diamonds show nitrogen contents generally lower than 500 ppm and variable nitrogen aggregation state, from 20% to 80% of the ‘B’ form. When plotted on a nitrogen aggregation diagram a well defined trend of increasing nitrogen aggregation state with increasing nitrogen content is observed. Carbon isotopic compositions range from −3.6 ‰ to −1.3 ‰. These are broadly correlated with diamond nitrogen content as determined by infrared spectroscopy, with the most negative C-isotopic compositions correlating with the lowest nitrogen contents.

Xenolith mantle equilibration temperatures, calculated from nitrogen aggregation systematics as well as the Ni in garnet thermometer are on the order of 1100 to 1200 °C.

It is concluded that the xenolith is a fertile lherzolite, and that the lherzolitic character may have resulted from the total metasomatic overprinting of pre-existing harzburgite. Metasomatism occurred prior to, or accompanied, diamond growth.  相似文献   

Xenotime (YPO4) of detrital, diagenetic, and hydrothermal origin within siliciclastic rocks of the Archaean Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa, has been identified on the basis of petrography and in situ ion microprobe (SHRIMP) age data. The chemical composition of xenotime, determined by in situ electron microprobe analysis, can be correlated with its origin. This allows the origin of any xenotime grain to be assessed by a non-destructive microanalytical method prior to ion microprobe geochronology. The main chemical discriminators are MREE-HREE abundance, normalised HREE slope and Eu anomaly, and, in some cases, U and Th contents. Igneous-detrital xenotime (> 2800 Ma) is distinguished from diagenetic (∼2780 Ma) and hydrothermal (< 2780 Ma) xenotime in having lower Eu, Dy, and Gd concentrations and a distinctively lower Gd/Yb ratio. Hydrothermal xenotime has distinctively lower U and Th concentrations when compared to igneous-detrital and diagenetic xenotime. Three separate hydrothermal fluid events and episodes of post-diagenetic xenotime growth are recognised in the geochemical and geochronological data, which correspond in time to the extrusion of the Ventersdorp lavas at ∼2720 Ma, the emplacement of the Bushveld Igneous Complex at ∼2061 Ma, and an event of unknown affinity at ∼2210 Ma. Although geochemical discrimination of the xenotime types from the Witwatersrand Basin, in combination with careful petrography, appears achievable, universal application of these discriminators to xenotime in other sedimentary basins remains untested.  相似文献   

The influence of artificial UV light and sunlight on natural glow curves were compared for K-feldspar and quartz from a fluvial and an aeolian deposit. The results for feldspar grains show that the use of a UV lamp for bleaching instead of sunlight does not influence the accumulated dose plateau. Results on the quartz sample on the other hand show clear differences. This fact makes dating using quartz grains more complicated. The problem of finding the correct residual reached at sedimentation by using the regenaration technique starting from different artificial residuals is also discussed.  相似文献   

In autolithic breccia of a kimberlite pipe in South Africa, the ordered mixed-layer lizardite–saponite phase was first identified in rocks containing a mechanical mixture of lizardite and saponite or only saponite in association with lizardite. The mixed-layer phase consists of 52% lizardite and 48% saponite layers. The trioctahedral type of this phase indicates its formation in a closed system and reducing environment, whereas the high content of expanding layers suggests low PT parameters.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes were used to determine the sources and fate of dissolved inorganic C (DIC) in the circumneutral pH drainage from an abandoned bituminous coal mine in western Pennsylvania. The C isotope signatures of DIC (δ13CDIC) were intermediate between local carbonate and organic C sources, but were higher than those of contemporaneous Pennsylvanian age groundwaters in the region. This suggests a significant contribution of C enriched in 13C due to enhanced carbonate dissolution associated with the release of H2SO4 from pyrite oxidation. The Sr isotopic signature of the drainage was similar to other regional mine waters associated with the same coal seam and reflected contributions from limestone dissolution and cation exchange with clay minerals. The relatively high δ34SSO4 and δ18OSO4 isotopic signatures of the mine drainage and the presence of presumptive SO4-reducing bacteria suggest that SO4 reduction activity also contributes C depleted in 13C isotope to the total DIC pool. With distance downstream from the mine portal, C isotope signatures in the drainage increased, accompanied by decreased total DIC concentrations and increased pH. These data are consistent with H2SO4 dissolution of carbonate rocks, enhanced by cation exchange, and C release to the atmosphere via CO2 outgassing.  相似文献   

The origin of the Vredefort structure in South Africa is still debated. Several causes have been discussed, namely asteroid impact, internal gas explosion or tectonic processes. Evidence of dynamic rock deformation is pervasive in the form of planar features in quartz grains, shatter cones, veins of pseudotachylite and occurrence of coesite and stishovite (high-pressure quartz polymorphs). A number of these characteristics is widely believed to support an impact origin. However, the planar features in quartz, which are generally considered as one of the strongest indicators of impact, are in the Vredefort case considered as anomalous when compared with those from accepted impact structures.

We have investigated by optical and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) the defect microstructures in quartz grains from different lithologies sampled at various places at the Vredefort structure. Whatever the locality, only thin mechanical Brazil twin lamellae in the basal plane are observed by TEM. So far, such defects have only been found in quartz from impact sites, but always associated with sets of thin glass lamellae in rhombohedral planes 10−1n with n = 1, 2, 3, and 4. At the scale of the optical microscope, Brazil twins in (0001) are easily detected in Vredefort quartz grains because of the numerous tiny fluid inclusions which decorate them. Similar alignments of tiny fluid inclusions parallel to other planes are also detected optically, but at the TEM scale no specific shock defects are detected along their traces. If these inclusion alignments initially were shock features, they are now so severely weathered that they can no longer be recognized as unambiguous shock lamellae. Fine-grained coesite was detected in the vicinity of narrow pseudotachylite veinlets in a quartzite specimen, but stishovite was not found, even in areas where its occurrence was previously reported. Finally, definite evidence of high-temperature annealing was observed in all the samples. These observations lead us to the conclusion that our findings regarding microdeformation in quartz are consistent with an impact origin for the Vredefort structure. Most of the original shock defects are now overprinted by an intense post-shock annealing episode. Only the thin mechanical twin lamellae in the basal plane have survived.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》1986,34(2):175-203
The Archaean Nsuze Group in southeast South Africa represents an important volcano-sedimentary succession that is markedly different compositionally and lithologically from older and contemporaneous sequences elsewhere in southern Africa.The Nsuze volcanic rocks cropping out in the vicinity of the Pongola River in northern Natal display a complete spectrum of chemical compositions from basalt to rhyolite, with lavas of intermediate compositions predominant but ultramafic lavas absent. Flows of different compositions are complexly interdigitated. The uppermost rocks of the Nsuze Group reflect a gradual decrease in volcanic activity accompanied by an increase in sedimentation.The Nsuze lavas are tholeiitic with total Fe (as Fe2 O3) contents approaching 17% in the basaltic andesites. All lithologies are characterized by moderate to strong light rare earth element (REE) enrichment. Heavy REE slopes range from moderate in the basalts and basaltic andesites to flat in the rhyolites, with the exception of two basaltic andesites and a dacite which have flat heavy REE slopes. Basalts have small or no negative Eu anomalies but increasingly larger negative anomalies are a feature of the intermediate and acid lavas. Variations in Cr content appear to be related to stratigraphic position. Basalts and basaltic andesites in the lower part of the volcanic sequence have higher Cr contents (by a factor of six to eight times) than lavas with similar MgO abundances in the upper part of the sequence.Provisional modelling of the available chemical data favours low pressure, crystal fractionation from and evolved basaltic parent, that could be derived by initial non-modal melting of a garnet-lherzolite source. Variable degrees of crustal contamination of the evolved magmas are considered probable.  相似文献   

Composition and evolution of fluids depositing tin and tungsten ores in Kibaran quartz vein deposits allow the modelling of devolatizing evolved granites as their source at depth. Fluids forming gold quartz veins and breccias are different from the first, especially by showing characteristics of a high-pressure environment. All deposits are controlled by compressional deformation whose fading phases affect earlier formed veins. These findings lead to the conclusion that both anatectic melting resulting in intrusion of fertile granites, and the generation of fluids forming gold deposits are the final consequence of deep crustal metamorphism. The latter was caused by crustal thickening immediately preceding the metallogenetic climax.  相似文献   

Poor, rural communities are vulnerable to adversity. To secure their livelihoods, people adopt multiple livelihood strategies, including using non-timber forest products (NTFPs). NTFPs have been identified as important to rural livelihoods, as an alternative land-use option as well as in fulfilling an important safety-net function although empirical evidence on the latter’s strength is limited. Whilst NTFPs may contribute towards alleviating poverty, this safety-net function needs more critical and quantitative investigation. This includes the establishment of an applicable definition so this function can be communicated to policy makers and taken into account in national poverty alleviation strategies and, in attempts to promote resource-conserving behaviour by highlighting the value of natural resources (including NTFPs) compared to alternative land-use options. Poverty in rural households is complex and households are vulnerable to a range of shocks. During adversity households can turn to a range of possible safety-nets. What determines the use of NTFPs as a safety-net, how this safety-net function manifests and the strength of this function is poorly understood and there is need for further investigation.  相似文献   

Abstract Dehydration-melting reactions, in which water from a hydrous phase enters the melt, leaving an anhydrous solid assemblage, are the dominant mechanism of partial melting of high-grade rocks in the absence of externally derived vapour. Equilibria involving melt and solid phases are effective buffers of aH2,o. The element-partitioning observed in natural rocks suggests that dehydration melting occurs over a temperature interval during which, for most cases, aH2o is driven to lower values. The mass balance of dehydration melting in typical biotite gneiss and metapelite shows that the proportion of melt in the product assemblage at T± 850°C is relatively small (10–20%), and probably insufficient to mobilize a partially melted rock body. Granulite facies metapelite, biotite gneiss and metabasic gneiss in Namaqualand contain coarse-grained, discordant, unfoliated, anhydrous segregations, surrounded by a finer grained, foliated matrix that commonly includes hydrous minerals. The segregations have modes consistent with the hypothesis that they are the solid and liquid products of the dehydration-melting reactions: Bt + Sil + Qtz + PI = Grt ° Crd + Kfs + L (metapelite), Bt + Qtz + Pl = Opx + Kfs + L (biotite gneiss), and Hbl + Qtz = Opx + Cpx + Pl + L (metabasic gneiss). The size, shape, distribution and modes of segregations suggest only limited migration and extraction of melt. Growth of anhydrous poikiloblasts in matrix regions, development of anhydrous haloes around segregations and formation of dehydrated margins on metabasic layers enclosed in migmatitic metapelites all imply local gradients in water activity. Also, they suggest that individual segregations and bodies of partially melted rock acted as sinks for soluble volatiles. The preservation of anhydrous assemblages and the restricted distribution of late hydrous minerals suggest that retrograde reaction between hydrous melt and solids did not occur and that H2O in the melt was released as vapour on crystallization. This model, combined with the natural observations, suggests that it is possible to form granulite facies assemblages without participation of external fluid and without major extraction of silicate melt.  相似文献   

We present a study of carbonate-bearing polyphase inclusions in garnets from leucocratic granitoids intruding metapelitic granulites of the Southern Marginal Zone (SMZ) of the Neoarchean Limpopo high-grade complex, South Africa, during the post-peak stage (2710–2650 Ma; U-Pb ages for zircons and monazites). Ternary feldspar thermometry suggests that the granitoid magma cooled from temperatures 800–900 °C at a pressure of ca. 6.5 kbar. Abundant CO2 fluid inclusions in quartz and T-XCO2 phase equilibria modeling via PERPLE_X imply action of an essentially carbonic fluid in the granitoids. Cores of almandine-rich garnet grains from the granitoids contain polyphase carbonate-bearing inclusions with a distinct negative crystal shape. The major carbonate in the inclusions is a strongly zoned magnesite-siderite variety, whereas pyrophyllite is the predominant silicate phase. Raman spectra of unexposed inclusions revealed a presence of CO2, as well as CH4 and H2O. The carbonate-bearing inclusions coexist with larger polyphase inclusions composed of biotite, quartz, K-feldspar, plagioclase, sillimanite, which are interpreted as relics of granitic melts. Modeling the mineral assemblage preserved within the carbonate-bearing inclusions shows that their present mineral and chemical compositions are a product of interaction of the trapped aqueous‑carbonic fluid with host garnet during cooling below 400 °C. Despite strong modifications, the inclusions bear evidence for initial saturation of the fluid with Mg‑carbonate. This is taken as an evidence for an origin of the fluids by devolatilization of the Mg-rich carbonate-bearing ultrabasic greenstone rocks of the Kaapvaal Craton that were buried under the SMZ. Being generated at temperatures between 650 and 700 °C, the fluid subsequently participated in anatexis and coexisted with the granite magma during exhumation and interaction of the SMZ granulites with cratonic rocks.  相似文献   

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