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已发表的三个脉冲星星表共有384颗。采用这个样本并用一种经验的方法修正观测选择效应,获得脉冲星按银心距离的分布和银河系中可能存在的脉冲星总数。一个明显的峰值在离银心5—7KPC处。脉冲星的总数为(8.4±3.7)×10~4。采用束因子值为5和平均寿命为9×10~6年,得到诞生率为每15—38年产生一颗。  相似文献   

王龙  周洪楠 《天文学报》2002,43(3):302-326
选用银河系中29个累积光谱型为F型的球状星团样本。根据它们的视向速度,绝对自行等参数,归算处理后得出了各样本星团的空间分布和运动速度。并以此作为初始条件,在给定的3种银河系引力势模型中,采用数值积分方法计算出各样本星团的运动轨道。计算结果表明:(1)大部分样本星团都位于银心距5kpc-10kpc的范围内,相对于银心呈球对称分布,它们的速度也呈椭球分布;(2)29个样本星团按其金属度大小和基本性发类,可分属HB和MP两个次系,且样本星团数随金属度[Fe/H]而变化,在[Fe/H]=-1.6处出现一个峰值;(3)所有样本星团的轨道运动都呈周期性,大都在一个有界而不封闭的周期轨道上运动,其最大银心距大都在40kpc以内。不同的引力势模型对球状星团轨道的具体形态影响不大,在给定的引力势模型下,当某些星团的运动轨道穿越距银心1kpc附近的区域时会出现“混沌”行为。而样本星团的金属度与其轨道形态之间的相关性并不明显;(4)29个样本星团的轨道半长轴、远银心距和方位周期随金属度的变化规律基本相似。轨道偏心率与金属度有关,对于所选的晕族样本星团而言,大约有24%的样本星团的轨道偏心率低于0.4,不同的引力势模型对近银心距、偏心率和参数的不确定度等量影响较小,但是对远银心距、径向周期和方位周期等参数影响较为明显。  相似文献   

李天超  赵刚 《天文学进展》1999,17(4):334-345
银河系的形成与演化是天体物理学研究的重大前沿课题,银河系的化学演化在其中更具有极其重要的地位。随着观测资料的不断积累和理论工作的不断深入,银河系化学演化的研究取得了一系列进展。在观测方面,从太阳附近区域,整个银盘,银晕和核球等方面简要回顾了银河系化学演化模型主要观测约束的近期结果;在化学演化模型方面,回顾了银河系化学演化研究的发展历程和近期进展,并对未来的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

根据vanderVeen(1988)划分的IRASPSC的IRAS双色图区域选择了一批富氧AGB星的样本,对其银河系分布进行的分析表明:它们属于盘星系,主要分布在旋臂上,将其旋臂结构与已知的HII区的旋臂结构进行拟合,得到这批富氧AGB星的平均光度为8300L⊙(Ro=8.0kpc),  相似文献   

根据van der Veen(1988)划分的IRAS PSC的IRAS双色图区域选择了一批富氧AGB星的样本,对其银河系分布进行的分析表明:它们属于盘星系,主要分布在旋臂上,将其旋臂结构与已知的HII区的旋臂结构进行拟合,得到这批富氧AGB星的平均光度为8300L⊙(R。=8.0kpc),  相似文献   

球状星团是银河系中最古老的天体系统之一,其恒星密度极端高的核心有利于创造双星之间进行物质交换的环境,从而形成毫秒脉冲星双星、掩食脉冲双星、主序-毫秒脉冲双星、高轨道偏心率双星等双星系统,通过对这些系统进行研究有助于进一步认识球状星团的动力学、双星系统的演化和星际介质等相关问题。自30年前在球状星团中发现第一颗射电脉冲星至今,随着较高灵敏度射电望远镜的不断建成和使用,以及数据数字化处理能力的提高,天文学家在球状星团射电脉冲星的观测和理论研究方面取得很大进展。收集并分析了最新的球状星团脉冲星的数据,研究了球状星团射电脉冲星的自转周期和轨道周期的基本性质,讨论了球状星团脉冲星的搜寻,最后统计分析了双星系统,包括不同伴星类型的脉冲星的分布以及掩食双星系统的性质。  相似文献   

基于彭秋和等1978年得到的无扰动有限厚盘引力势,根据两个引力势参数(h_(z1)= 0.001kpc,h_(z2)=0.325 kpc)和两个速度分布参数(σ_(v1)=115km/s,σ_(v2)=200 km/s)组合的4种情况,对4×10~5颗脉冲星做了三维蒙特卡洛模拟.4×10~5颗脉冲星按着10~8年间隔被分成20组,计算了每组“逃逸”脉冲星所占比例.对每组中“未逃逸”脉冲星,分别在0<r<25kpc和5<r<11kpc两个区域中对|z|分布做了统计,研究了“未逃逸”脉冲星在这两个区域中的分段标高和累积标高的演化特征.“未逃逸”脉冲星的分段标高在一定空间范围内的变化不规则,但累积标高的变化却比较平滑.在相对长的时间里(>10~8年),银盘厚度对脉冲星累积标高演化有显著的复杂影响;在相对短的时间中(<2×10~7年),这种效应很小,而且累积标高对时间的依赖关系是线性的.在长时间里,初始速度分布对累积标高也有显著影响.在引力势h_(z2)=0.325 kpc的条件下,在径向范围5<r<11kpc和时间t=9.22×10~6年以及σ_(v2)=200km/s的情况下,模拟的累积标高是0.596±0.005 kpc.  相似文献   

In this paper we review the chemical evolution models for the Galactic bulge: in particular, we discuss the predictions of models as compared with the available abundance data and infer the mechanism as well as the time scale for the formation of the Galactic bulge. We show that good chemical evolution models reproducing the observed metallicity distribution of stars in the bulge predict that the [α/Fe] >0 over most of the metallicity range. This is a very important constraint indicating that the bulge of our Galaxy formed at the same time and even faster than the inner Galactic halo. We also discuss predictions for the evolution of light elements such as D and 7Li and conclude that the D astration should be maximum due to the high star formation rate required for the bulge whereas the evolution of the abundance of Li should be similar to that observed in the solar neighbourhood, but with an higher Li abundance in the interstellar medium at the present time. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The spatial distributions of pulsars with ages of less than 106 years and more than 106 years are shown to be quite different. The spatial distributions of pulsars with ages of less than 106 years and of the remnants of supernova outbursts are essentially the same. They lie near the galactic plane in a thin zone of width 400 pc. The overwhelming majority of pulsars with ages exceeding 106 years lie outside this zone. These facts suggest a genetic relationship between pulsars and supernova remnants. The spatial distribution of pulsars with different emission periods also supports this point.  相似文献   

年轻脉冲星多处于超新星遗迹(Supernova Remnant, SNR)中, 其分为转动供能脉冲星(Rotation-powered SNR-PSR)、磁星(Magnetar)和中心致密天体(Central Compact Object, CCO), 这3类年轻脉冲星有着不同的自旋周期及磁场强度分布. % 其中, 遗迹磁星(SNR-Magnetar)的平均自旋周期比转动供能遗迹脉冲星大近一个量级, 平均磁场强度高近两个量级. % 同时, 中心致密天体比转动供能遗迹脉冲星的平均磁场强度低近两个量级. % 这3类年轻脉冲星不同的物理性质, 可能源于其不同的前身星或不同的超新星爆发过程, 也可能源于其中子星诞生后的不同演化过程. % 此外, 转动供能遗迹脉冲星比年轻的转动供能非遗迹脉冲星具有更快的平均自旋周期、更大的平均磁场强度和更短的平均特征年龄. % 这暗示新诞生的中子星经时间约为$10^5$--$10^6$yr的演化过程, 其自旋速度将减小近一半, 同时其磁场强度也将衰减近一半.  相似文献   

Correlations between stellar kinematics and chemical abundances are fossil evidence for evolutionary connections between Galactic structural components. Extensive stellar surveys show that the only tolerably clear distinction between galactic components appears in the distributions of specific angular momentum. Here the stellar metal-poor halo and the metal-rich bulge are indistinguishable from each other, as are the thick disk and the old disk. Each pair is very distinct from the other. This leads to an evolutionary model in which the metal-poor stellar halo evolves into the inner bulge, while the thick disk is a precursor to the thin disk. These evolutionary sequences are distinct. The galaxy is made of two discrete 'populations', one of low and one of high angular momentum. Some (minor?) complexity is added to this picture by the debris of late and continuing mergers, which will be especially important in the outer stellar halo.  相似文献   

Millisecond pulsars (MSPs) are short-period pulsars that are distinguished from “normal” pulsars, not only by their short period, but also by their very small spin-down rates and high probability of being in a binary system. These properties are consistent with MSPs having a different evolutionary history to normal pulsars, viz., neutron-star formation in an evolving binary system and spin-up due to accretion from the binary companion. Their very stable periods make MSPs nearly ideal probes of a wide variety of astrophysical phenomena. For example, they have been used to detect planets around pulsars, to test the accuracy of gravitational theories, to set limits on the low-frequency gravitational-wave background in the Universe, and to establish pulsar-based timescales that rival the best atomic-clock timescales in long-term stability. MSPs also provide a window into stellar and binary evolution, often suggesting exotic pathways to the observed systems. The X-ray accretion-powered MSPs, and especially those that transition between an accreting X-ray MSP and a non-accreting radio MSP, give important insight into the physics of accretion on to highly magnetized neutron stars.  相似文献   

The problem of the chemical evolution of the system of Galactic planetary nebulae, starting with the early stage of development of the Galaxy, is investigated. The radial and vertical gradients of C, N, O, Ne, Ar, Cl, and S abundances are determined for different ages of the precursor stars of the nebulae. A statistically significant age dependence of the gradients is derived.  相似文献   

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