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刘文远,山东省临朐县治源镇人,受祖辈赏石受砚的影响,从小酷爱金石尽收眼底画、各种名砚,年轻时,师从中国工艺美术大师刘克唐先生,对书法。绘画、诗词、篆刻均有涉猎,尤擅长砚台制作。  相似文献   



彭树立,中国摄影家协会会员,中国民俗摄影家肋、会会员,河南省摄影家协会会员。1995年开始学习摄影,至今已有多幅作品发表了期刊、报纸,多幅作品荣获国家级、省级大奖,出版《记忆》《收藏界》《风骨太行》等多部画册。  相似文献   

蔡辉,洛阳伊川人,自由摄影师,现任河南省国土资源厅机关服务中心主任。摄影感悟:每次拿起相机列准这片我深爱的土地时,越来越感到她的迷人魅力。我用“长焦”去刻画这里的一草一木,用“鱼眼”记录宇宙浩瀚的天际,用“滤错”滤去世俗的浮躁,  相似文献   

忠贞刚烈的南宋名相赵鼎,两度拜相两度被贬,却矢志不渝。赵鼎59岁时贬往吉阳路经雷州,"敬贤如师"的雷州人民敬仰他的气节学术和人品胸襟,把他请进"十贤祠"以纪念以瞻仰。  相似文献   

1Introduction GamakBay,anegg shapedseasurfaceareaofap proximately112km2,isasemi enclosedshallowwaterareawithameandepthof9mandhasbotheastandsouthchannelstoreceiveseawaterfromoutside(seeFig.1).Similarscalesoftidalwavesalmostsimultane ouslyenterorexitthrough…  相似文献   

都江堰外江灌区地理信息系统应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要介绍开发外江灌区地理信息系统的方法和实现过程.系统采用SQL Server 2000进行数据库的开发,实现地理信息数据和属性数据的统一管理,并通过基于MapX控件和 VC 编程环境下开发的GIS平台,提供灌区相关信息查询及分析功能.  相似文献   

这次会议的主要任务是,传达贯彻国务院在西安召开的征地拆迁工作座谈会和全国国土资源厅局长会议精神,汇报交流情况,研究部署今年加强用地管理、保障经济发展的工作措施,按照孙文盛部长、张高丽书记和韩寓群省长的要求,动员大家提高认识,统一思想,落实措施,进一步抓好治理整顿土地市场秩序工作,确保全国第一批检查验收顺利通过。  相似文献   

鲁迅、赵树理和高晓声都是农村题材创作的代表,然而三大作家的创作都带有明显的时代特点。深入文本,结合作家生活的时代背景和作家的人生经历探究三大作家创作特质及其创作风格的形成,可以让我们更明确地看到时代大环境和个体经历对文学创作的影响。  相似文献   

The present paper reports on comparative studies of R-phycoerythrin (R-PE) from 30 species of the red seaweeds in Bangiophyceae and in Florideophyceae from Qingdao. The measured absorption spectra show that R-PE from these red seaweeds have two spectral types, namely type I having two absorption peaks and type II having three absorption peaks. 9 specise of a lower red seaweed belonging to Bangiophyceae are all type I R-PE. 3 species of a higher red seaweed belonging to Florideophyceae are also type I R-PE. The remaining 18 species are all type II R-PE. According to the distribution of two types of R-PE in red algae, an evolutionary trend from type I R-PE to type II R-PE, can be seen, but this evolutionary process is more complicated and without a definite line of demarcation between the two spectral types of R-PE. The occurrence of two types of R-PE in red algae is of taxonomic significance. Project supported by the Science Fund of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Contribution No. 1357 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

目前一些城市的公安巡逻车,警卫车,警务车上安装了GPS,在指挥中心的电子地图上就能清楚地看到车辆运行的状况,包括车辆的地理位置,时速,轨迹等,可以快速地查明该车辆的编号,车号,所属单位,了解所在地的地名,运行状态。  相似文献   

This article presents the evidence in support of the direct magma degassing as the principal mechanism of volatiles releasing into the hydrothermal fluids in the Okinawa Trough, as contrasted to the argument for the hydrothermal stripping of volatiles from the volcanic rocks. Laser Raman microprobe and stepped-heating techniques are employed to determine the compositions and contents of the volatiles in pumices in the middle Okinawa Trough. The results show that the volatiles are similar to the gases in the hydrothermal fluids and hydrothermal minerals in composition, the mean percent content of each component and variation trend. This indicates the direct influence of magma degassing on the hydrothermal fluid. In addition, the contents of volatiles in pumices are rather low and do not support the hydrothermal stripping as the main mechanism to enrich the fluids with gases. The results are consistent with the idea that the direct magma degassing is more important than hydrothermal stripping in supplying gases to the hydrothermal fluids in the Okinawa Trough.  相似文献   

CCC plasmid was isolated from an economically important blue-green alga —Spirulina platensis (1.7×106 dalton from the S6 strain and 1.2×106 dalton from the F3 strain) using a rapid method based on ultrasonic disruption of algal cells and alkaline removal of chromosomal DNA. The difference in the molecular weight of the CCC DNAs from the two strains differing in form suggests that plasmid may be related with the differentiation of algal form. This modified method, which does not use any lysozyme, is a quick and effective method of plasmid isolation, especially for filamentous blue-green algae. Contribution No. 79 of the Experimental Marine Biology Laboratory and 2153 of the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica. This research was supported in part by The President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Foundation.  相似文献   

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