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The measurement of the temperature of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) with the Far InfraRed Absolute Spectrophotometer (FIRAS) on the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite gives a possibility for determination of all mutually related parameters of the ultrastable expansive nondecelerative Universe (ENU) with deviations smaller than 0.4%.The measurement of the large-scale anisotropy of the CMBR with the Differential Microwave Radiometers (DMR) on the COBE satellite allows us to determine the mass density of gravitationally bound systems of large-scale structures of the ENU.  相似文献   

The hypothetical final parameters of the Universe result from the model properties of the expansive non-decelerative universe and properties of the hypothetical primordial black holes.  相似文献   

From the assumption of symmetry of ratio of Fermion masses and masses of bosons ratio results the hypothetical mass of quark-lepton bosonm wes and hypothetical mass of electron neutrinom ve.  相似文献   

Using the see-saw mechanism and estimation of the hypothetical mass of the electron neutrinom e we find the hypothetical mass of muon neutrinom µ and hypothetical mass of the tau neutrinom .  相似文献   

The maximal entropy and the final parameters of the expansive-creative evolution phase of the ultrastable Universe can be determined from model properties of the expansive nondecelerative Universe.The possibility of existence of primordial black holes with temperature of the Universe follows from the initial entropy of the Universe. This fact throws new light on the problem of dark matter.  相似文献   

From the observed present parameters of the Universe and the model properties of an expansive non-decelerative universe it results that the value of Boltzmann's constant (coefficient)k does not change only before the end of radiation era, but also in the matter era; with the increase of gauge factora, it decreases as (a –1)1/4.  相似文献   

Using cosmological data on the CMB anisotropy and large-scale structure of the Universe, we have obtained new constraints on the sum of the masses of three generations of active neutrinos: Σm ν < 1.05 eV (95% confidence level). Data of the third year of the WMAP mission served as the source of CMB anisotropy data. The mass functions of X-ray clusters of galaxies were taken as the data on the large-scale structure of the Universe. The observational properties of the clusters were obtained during the ROSAT mission and the assumption that the baryon fraction is universal in the Universe was used to determine the total cluster mass.  相似文献   

In the light of the experiments /3,4/ showing that neutrinos may have a non-zero rest-mass, we discuss the constraints placed on the cosmological term Λ and the Hubble constant Ho by such a mass and the age of the universe in the Lemaitre model. An upper limit of Λ of 15 × 10?57/cm2 and possible ranges of Ho are given.  相似文献   

We consider the possibility of low-mass primordial black holes being formed in terms of the inflationary theory of the early Universe. We found a condition on the reheating temperature under which the relic remnants of primordial black holes had been formed by now. These relic remnants may account for a part of the dark matter in our Universe.  相似文献   

Cosmological and astrophysical measurements provide powerful constraints on neutrino masses complementary to those from accelerators and reactors. Here we provide a guide to these different probes, for each explaining its physical basis, underlying assumptions, current and future reach.  相似文献   

In a two-component Universe which consists of fluid (visible matter) plus collisinless massive neutrino gas (dark matter), the remarkable difference between the developed inhomogeneities in two components could be formed after the decoupling time. Whether the initial perturbation was in which of the two components, the inhomogeneities developed in visible matter are larger than that in neutrinos, especially on smaller scales. The necessary condition for such a situation to arise is only that the density of neutrinos in the Universe is dominant. That means the non-dominant visible component in the Universe is strongly clustered especially on smaller scales, while the distribution of the dominant dark matter (neutrinos) is fairly uniform.  相似文献   

The constraints on total neutrino mass and effective number of neutrino species based on CMB anisotropy power spectrum, Hubble constant, baryon acoustic oscillations and galaxy cluster mass function data are presented. It is shown that discrepancies between various cosmological data in Hubble constant and density fluctuation amplitude, measured in standard ΛCDM cosmological model, can be eliminated if more than standard effective number of neutrino species and non-zero total neutrino mass are considered. This extension of ΛCDM model appears to be ≈3σ significant when all cosmological data are used. The model with approximately one additional neutrino type, N eff ≈ 4, and with non-zero total neutrino mass, Σ ≈ 0.5 eV, provide the best fit to the data. In the model with only one massive neutrino the upper limits on neutrino mass are slightly relaxed. It is shown that these deviations from ΛCDM model appearmainly due to the usage of recent data on the observations of baryon acoustic oscillations. The larger than standard number of neutrino species is measured mainly due to the comparison of the BAO data with direct measurements of Hubble constant, which was already noticed earlier. As it is shown below, the data on galaxy cluster mass function in this case give the measurement of non-zero neutrino mass.  相似文献   

We derive the cosmic energy equation for the non-point mass system of galaxies (galaxies with halos) by using the adiabatic approximation for the growth of gravitational clustering of galaxies in the expanding Universe. The cosmic energy equation so derived represents the general form of conservation of energy for the expanding volume. Using the derived form of cosmic energy equation we try to study the evolution of correlation potential energy of the system. We also try to explore the condition under which the approximation of extensivity may be applied to the infinite gravitating non-point mass system of galaxies.  相似文献   

We consider cosmological models with dynamical dark energy (dDE) coupled to cold dark matter (CDM), while simultaneously allowing neutrinos to be massive. Using a MCMC approach, we compare these models with a wide range of cosmological data sets. We find a strong correlation between this coupling strength and the neutrino mass. This correlation persists when BAO data are included in the analysis. We add then priors on ν mass from particle experiments. The claimed detection of ν mass from the Heidelberg–Moscow neutrinoless double-β decay experiment would imply a 7–8σ detection of CDM–DE coupling. Similarly, the detection of ν mass from coming KATRIN tritium β decay experiment will imply a safe detection of a coupling in the dark sector. Previous attempts to accommodate cosmic phenomenology with such possible ν mass data made recourse to a w<-1 eoS. We compare such an option with the coupling option and find that the latter allows a drastic improvement.  相似文献   

In recent papers it was claimed that SN 1987A data supports the existence of 4.0 eV and 21.4 eV active neutrino mass eigenstates, and it was suggested that such large active neutrino masses could be made consistent with existing constraints including neutrino oscillation data and upper limits on the neutrino flavor state masses. The requirement was that there exist a pair of sterile neutrino mass states nearly degenerate with the active ones, plus a third active-sterile doublet that is tachyonic (m 2<0). Here, independent evidence is presented for the existence of sterile neutrinos with the previously claimed masses based on fits to the dark matter distributions in the Milky Way galaxy and four clusters of galaxies. The fits are in excellent agreement with observations within the uncertainties of the masses. In addition, sterile neutrinos having the suggested masses address the “cusp” problem and the missing satellites problem, as well as that of the “top down” scenario of structure formation—previously a chief drawback of HDM particles. Nevertheless, due to the highly controversial nature of the claim, and the need for two free parameters in the dark matter fits, additional confirming evidence will be required before it can be considered proven.  相似文献   

We analyze the influence of neutrino helicity conversion, ν Lν R, on the neutrino flux from a supernova attributable to the interaction of the Dirac neutrino magnetic moment with a magnetic field.We show that if the neutrino has a magnetic moment in the interval 10−13μB < μν < 10−12μB and provided that a magnetic field of ∼1013–1014 G exists in the supernova envelope, a peculiar kind of time evolution of the neutrino signal from the supernova attributable to the resonance transition ν Lν R in the magnetic field of the envelope can appear.  相似文献   

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