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广西姑婆山岩体侵位构造及侵位机制研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从环形构造和线性构造特征、侵位断裂—岩墙、岩脉、定向构造和挤压变形构造、外接触带的褶皱构造、岩体的应变测量等方面,系统地对姑婆山花岗岩的侵位构造进行了研究,并得出了该岩体属“气球膨胀”的侵位机制。  相似文献   

花岗岩构造与侵位机制研究进展   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
近年来对造山带花岗岩构造与侵位机制的研究表明,花岗岩不但可以侵位在区域伸展的构造背景,也可以侵位在区域挤压(缩短)的构造背景。花岗岩侵位受断裂的控制并不是像以前认为的那样明显,而是受多种侵位机制的共同作用,而构造样式和变形组构则是侵位机制研究的基础。提出了一些新的研究思路和方法。此外,对大别山中生代花岗岩构造、侵位机制作了简要讨论。  相似文献   

崔召花岗岩岩体的磁组构特征及其构造侵位意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
侵入岩体的磁组构形成于岩浆运移侵位、固化的过程中,必然保留了岩体的构造侵位过程的信息.以玲珑复式花岗岩岩基南部的崔召岩体为例,对岩体磁组构的详细研究,可以揭示岩浆运移,就位和变形等一系列特征.崔召岩体的磁线理不发育,反映岩体侵位速度慢,岩体边部磁面理比内部发育,并且岩体边缘磁各向异性度P值明显大于岩体内部,磁线理倾角小,反映岩体侵位过程中侧向挤压作用比较强烈,具有类似于气球膨胀作用的侵位机制.并且此磁组构特征再没有受到后期构造热事件的影响.  相似文献   

湘东板杉铺岩体构造样式与侵位机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据板杉铺岩体的基本特征(形态、产状、主体单元的空间分布、接触关系)、围岩构造(褶皱、断层、片理等)、内部构造(片麻理、包体、断层、节理、岩脉、岩石磁性组构)等构造样式认为,板杉铺岩体侵位经历了重熔岩浆的产生→底辟上升→多次脉动式上侵的逆旋-气球膨胀的过程,为花岗岩体构造样式研究与就位机制分析开拓了新的思路。  相似文献   

国外花岗岩体构造研究的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

湘南大义山岩体地质特征及其侵位机制分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用单元-超单元填图法,对大义山岩体进行了岩石谱系单位划分,并对其岩石学、矿物学、岩石化学等特征进行了研究。在此基础上,提出岵浆演化从南东向北西、从早期至晚期有由酸性向酸碱性方向演化的规律,并认为花岗岩(尤其燕山期)独特的地球化学背景是大义山岩体内部及接触带盛产锡铅锑钨多金属矿之主因所在。岩体构造研究表明,岩体受北西向邵阳-郴县构造岩浆成矿带严格控制;岩体内部构造及接触带围岩的构造位态显示为“被动”  相似文献   

大别山金鸡寨花岗岩体岩石化学特征及侵位机制初步探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
】大别山金鸡寨花岗岩体位于大别山碰撞造山带东端,紧邻郯庐断裂,是由碱长石英正长岩和碱长花岗岩组成。这两种岩石的组成矿物均为碱性长石、石英、斜长石、角闪石、黑云母、磁铁矿及副矿物榍石、磷灰石,但矿物含量不同。它们的岩石化学特征也不相同:(1)碱长石英正长岩中常量元素的平均含量(wt%)SiO2为67.11%,Al2O3为17%,Na2O+K2O为10.97%,其中K2O>Na2O,微量、稀土元素均较富集,但高场强元素、轻稀土含量及LREE/HREE均大于碱长花岗岩中的相应数值。(2)碱长花岗岩中常量元素的平均含量(wt%)SiO2为75.13%,Al2O3为13%,Na2O+K2O为8.23%,其中K2O>Na2O,微量、稀土元素含量较高,但大离子亲石元素、重稀土元素含量则大于碱长石英正长岩中的含量。根据野外调查、岩石学特征及常量、微量、稀土元素研究表明,这两种岩石是同一岩浆不同演化阶段的产物,是于造山后形成的A型花岗岩,其形成经历了部分熔融和结晶分异两个阶段,源岩可能来自于北大别变质杂岩。金鸡寨岩体的侵位是以“半汽球”膨胀机制进行的,并与龙井关断裂密切相关。  相似文献   

铜陵凤凰山岩体侵位构造变形特征   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
张达  李东旭 《地球学报》1999,20(3):239-245
通过对凤凰山岩体的野外研究,显微构造,包体测量及磁组构分析,详尽解析凤凰山岩体的侵位构造变形特征,并厘定了岩体变形过程中的应变状。结果表明表明凤凰山岩体NNE向水平左旋剪切应力及重力的联合用用下呈气囊膨胀式同构造侵位的机制。  相似文献   

Contacts within nested plutons are crucial for constraining the relative timing of pluton emplacement and the internal geometry of composite plutons. Exposures in orogenic belts are commonly discontinuous, however, disguising these contacts. In this paper, the Merrimac plutons in the northern Sierra Nevada of California are used as an example of how composition and foliation patterns can allow the definition of unexposed contacts and identify nested plutons. Image analysis techniques were used to determine modal compositions of a total of 52 samples from the Merrimac plutons. The integrated analysis of compositional data and foliations patterns reveals a critical contact within the plutons, and suggests that the Merrimac plutons indicate way-up towards the north-east at the time of emplacement 142 ± 3 Ma ago. This paper provides guidelines for recognizing nested plutons in poorly exposed areas and shows that consistent structural and compositional assymmetries within nested plutons can be used as regional top-direction indicators.  相似文献   

桂东北海洋山岩体锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年和地球化学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
桂东北海洋山岩体为岩性单一的二长花岗岩岩基。锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年显示海洋山岩体主结晶年龄为431±7 Ma(MSWD=3.14),与赣湘桂内陆加里东期花岗闪长岩-二长花岗岩形成时代相似,为同一期成岩事件的产物。元素地球化学研究表明,绝大多数样品具有富硅(~68%),富钾(K2O/Na2O〉1.5),弱过铝质(A/CNK均值1.05)和低Al2O3/TiO2值(〈100)、高CaO/Na2O值(〉0.3)的特征。与临区浅变质基底一致的εNd(t)值(-8.0~-8.6)和T2DM值(1.82~1.87 Ga),指示其理想源区为成熟度较低的古老变质杂砂岩。进一步的宏观地质特征和华南加里东造山带构造演化序列分析表明,海洋山岩体属于陆壳改造型花岗岩,其形成的构造环境很可能为汇聚造山向非造山转化的后造山伸张环境。  相似文献   

The Fada N′Gourma area in Burkina Faso is underlain by Paleoproterozoic rocks that make the northeastern West-African Craton. This region is composed of NE-trending volcano-sedimentary belts and foliated tonalites, affected by several shear zones. A generation of younger, ∼2100 Ma-old, non-foliated biotite-bearing granites intrudes the former rock units. We have investigated the younger granite pluton of Kouare that was previously considered as forming a single body with the pluton of Satenga to the west, a pluton which likely belongs to the ∼20 Ma more recent Tenkodogo-Yamba batholith. Magnetic fabric measurements have been combined with microstructural observations and the analysis of field and aeromagnetic data. The granite encloses angular enclaves of the host tonalites. Magmatic microstructures are preserved inside the pluton and solid-state, high-temperature deformation features are ubiquitous at its periphery. The presence of steeply plunging lineations in the pluton of Kouare and its adjacent host-rocks suggests that large volumes of granitic magmas became crystallized while they were ascending through the crust that was softened and steepened close to the contact. Around Kouare, the foliation in the host tonalites conforms with a map-scale, Z-shaped fold in between NNE-trending shear zones, implying a bulk clockwise rotation of the material contained in-between the shear zones, including the emplacing pluton. Regionally, the Fada N′Gourma area is concluded to result from NW-shortening associated with transcurrent shearing and vertical transfer of granitic magmas. This study concludes that the ∼2200 Myears old juvenile crust of Burkina Faso was brittle before the intrusion of the biotite-granites, became softened close to them and that gravity-driven and regional scale wrench tectonics were active together.  相似文献   




东昆仑西段巴什尔希花岗岩与白干湖钨锡矿床的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
自2001年吉林省地质调查院在东昆仑西段发现白干湖钨、锡矿床后,国家地质调查局在该区外围相继布置了大面积的1/5万矿产远景调查项目。据区域地质调查资料并结合白干湖钨、锡矿床勘查成果资料分析,白干湖一带钨锡矿产的成矿作用与巴什尔希二长花岗岩关系密切。  相似文献   

能量地球化学在花岗岩岩石谱系单位建立中的初步应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩浆的侵位和演化过程不仅仅表现为物质上的演化趋势 ,而且也是能量的释放和转移过程。以海洋山花岗岩体为例 ,通过对岩体岩石能量的计算 ,初步探讨了岩石能量地球化学在花岗岩体岩石谱系单位建立中的应用 ,并通过圆石山岩体和栗木岩体对该方法进行了验证。在同源岩浆演化的条件下 ,无论岩石结构是由粗粒到细粒或者是由细粒到粗粒演化 ,岩石的能量从早期侵位单元到晚期侵位单元是逐渐增大的。  相似文献   

花岗岩体的累积生长与高结晶度岩浆的分异   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
马昌前  李艳青 《岩石学报》2017,33(5):1479-1488
花岗岩成因研究是认识大陆地壳形成和分异的有效方式。野外地质和地球物理观测、岩石学和地质年代学研究以及热演化模拟证明,很多花岗岩体是在数百万年甚至更长的时间跨度内、由多次岩浆累积添加侵位而成的。地壳内可能不存在岩基尺度的大岩浆房,具有流动能力的岩浆体一般规模很小(宽度1000m)。1000m宽的岩浆体冷凝到固相线只需要数千年时间。复式岩体的形成一般要经历三个阶段,即源区岩浆沿岩墙的上升、在脆-韧性地层界面处岩墙转化为岩床以及无数的岩床的垂向堆垛导致侵入体长大。存在于上地壳的岩浆储库,特别是多次先后侵位产生的岩浆体,主体上是晶粥体,其晶体含量高,粘度大,活动性弱,不利于发生对流、分异和混合。当幔源镁铁质岩浆大规模注入到地壳时,使粘稠的晶粥状岩浆受到加热,熔体含量增大,岩浆的粘度降低,引起岩浆体内部的成分分异和不同成分的岩浆之间的混合;当逐渐加厚的熔体层产生了足够大的浮力后,特别是有挥发份加入后,就会快速上升,甚至穿透上部的晶粥体,触发大规模的火山喷发。幔源岩浆的通量越大,地壳岩浆的活动性也越强,大规模的长英质岩浆聚集就可能发生大喷发,形成超级火山。本文提出,只有将侵入岩与火山岩相结合、长英质岩石与镁铁质岩石相结合,重点从侵入体形成的时间长短、岩浆相互作用的规模和频率、岩浆通量的演变、高结晶度的岩浆分异机理、侵入岩与火山岩的关系、地幔热和物质的贡献、挥发份在岩浆分异和火山喷发中的作用等方面入手,开展野外地质、岩石学、地球化学、同位素年代学及岩浆动力学的综合研究,才能深入认识花岗岩的成因机制,深化对大陆地壳形成和演化过程的理解。  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2014,346(9-10):233-243
In northern Portugal, large volumes of granitoids were emplaced during the last stage (D3) of the Variscan orogeny and display a wide range of petrological signatures. We studied the morphologies and internal structures of zircons from syn-, late- and post-D3 granitoids. The sin-D3 granitoids include the Ucanha–Vilar, Lamego, Felgueiras, Sameiro, and Refoios do Lima plutons, the late- and post-D3 granitoids are represented by the Vieira do Minho and the Vila Pouca de Aguiar plutons, respectively. Typological investigations after Pupin (1980) along with scanning electron microprobe imaging reveal that the external morphology of zircon changes consistently with a decrease in the crystallization temperature. Zircon populations from the Refoios do Lima and the Vieira do Minho granites show gradual changes in the internal morphologies and their typologic evolution trends are consistent with their mainly crustal origin. The Sameiro, Felgueiras, Lamego and Ucanha-Vilar granites have more complex internal and external morphology and typological evolution trends that cross the domain of the calc-alkaline to the aluminous granites compatible with a mixing process. Finally, the morphological types of the Vila Pouca de Aguiar granites are found both in calc-alkaline and sub-alkaline granites and their typological evolutionary trends follow the calc-alkaline/sub-alkaline trend, suggesting crustal sources with some mantle contribution.  相似文献   

Two contrasting granite types: 25 years later   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The concept of I‐ and S‐type granites was introduced in 1974 to account for the observation that, apart from the most felsic rocks, the granites in the Lachlan Fold Belt have properties that generally fall into two distinct groups. This has been interpreted to result from derivation by partial melting of two kinds of source rocks, namely sedimentary and older igneous rocks. The original publication on these two granite types is reprinted and reviewed in the light of 25 years of continuing study into these granites.  相似文献   

Ion probe U‐Th‐Pb dating of zircons from the Late Archaean granites of the Norseman region of the southeastern Yilgarn shows the existence of two distinct magmatic episodes. Large regional tonalite and granodiorite plutons were emplaced between 2685 and 2690 Ma, whereas large regional granite, and small tonalite and leucogranite plutons that intrude the greenstones have ages of 2660–2665 Ma. A small body of granite that intrudes the western edge of the greenstones has an inferred emplacement of 2672 ± 7Ma, and contains inherited zircon that is ~2800 Ma. The monzogranite core from a second pluton in a similar structural position also contains ~2800 Ma zircon; this age is similar to published Sm‐Nd and Rb‐Sr whole rock ages for banded gneisses associated with other members of this suite of domal plutons and is interpreted as representing the age of a significant component within the source region for these distinctive rocks.

Available geochemical and isotopic data are interpreted as indicating derivation of both the older granodiorite and younger granite suites through anatexis of pre‐existing crust of broadly andesitic composition, whereas both the domal granites and the small, late tonalite plutons could have been derived by anatexis of heterogeneous material similar to that represented by the banded gneisses.

If regional metamorphism was related to the emplacement of large volumes of felsic magma within the upper crust, as suggested by Binns et al. (1976), then the Norseman area has probably undergone two periods of regional metamorphism of comparable intensity at approximately 2660 and 2685 Ma.  相似文献   

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