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M. Waldmeier 《Solar physics》1975,43(2):351-358
Coronal interferograms in the lines of Fe xiv 5303 Å, He i 5876 Å and Fe x 6374 Å were obtained during the total solar eclipse of 10 July, 1972 (see Figure 2). He i emission was found in the chromosphere only. The upper limit of the D3 equivalent width in terms of the coronal continuous background is 0.013 Å in the inner corona (r=1.15 R⊙). The λ6374 negative was taken with low contrast. The half width of 16374 is 1.0–1.08 Å for a limited area of the corona (P=88?104°, r=1.30?1.44 R⊙). A detailed photometry of the 5303 Å line was carried out and the behaviour of the half widths and equivalent widths were studied in different regions of the corona. The half width of λ5303 increases with distance from the Sun's center in almost all the studied regions (1.2 R⊙ ? r ? 1.7 R⊙). This increase corresponds to an increase of the non-thermal velocities with a gradient of 1–2 km s-1 per 0.1 R⊙. The equivalent widths, expressed in the coronal continuous background intensity remain constant on the average.  相似文献   

In an effort to detect motion of material in the corona, photographs were made with identical cameras from Nejapa, Mexico and from Kinston, North Carolina, U.S.A. The time separation of these two places from the point of view of the Moon's shadow arrival is almost exactly one hour. Two Questars, equipped with Nikon camera bodies were employed. The focal length is such (1440 mm) that the corona just nicely fills a standard 35 mm frame. Eastman XR film was used, in order to look at various radial portions of the corona, and a range of exposures from 0.1 to 4 s was programmed. The intent of the experiment was to seek some identifiable feature such as a condensation or intenser region and to determine whether it had moved appreciably in the time available. No motion was detected in any feature observable, from which a conclusion is drawn that the velocities were less than about 20 km/s. The data was sought in connection with our studies of the possible mechanisms of acceleration of particles in the Sun.Supported in part by NASA contracts NAS 1-5209 and NAS 1-10282.  相似文献   

J. Dürst 《Solar physics》1976,50(2):457-464
Polarigraphic observations of the 7 March, 1970 eclipse were made at Miahuatlán (Mexico) with a camera of 120 cm focal length. A polarizing filter in front of the objective could be adjusted at 8 different positions, 22.5° apart. Reduction of eight photographs of the white light corona yields polarization at 72 position angles and from r = 1.1 up to 2.1. High polarization which cannot be explained with Thomson scattering was not observed. An analysation of the measuring accuracy shows, that it is not possible to determine exactly the direction of polarization in the outer corona with the classical method of measuring polarization with a small number of photographs. The coronal hole in the south-west quadrant is analysed. The low intensity and polarization can be explained by a hole with an extent in longitude between 1 and 2 times its extent in latitude and with a minimum electron density between 0 and 0.3 of that outside the hole.Astronomische Mitteilungen der Eidgenössischen Sternwarte Zürich, No. 347.  相似文献   

The locations of seven principal coronal features observed in projection at the 7 March 1970 eclipse are established from synoptic coronagraphic measurements.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Direct images of the Sun were photographed in continuum emission centered at 6900 Å by the jumping film method near the second contact of the Mexico eclipse on 7 March 1970. The band width was 150 Å defined by a combination of a sharp cut filter and KODAK IV F film. The intensity distribution of the solar outer layers obtained shows a steep decrease by a factor of 0.9 in logarithmic units around 2500 km. This is interpreted as the boundary of the chromosphere and corona. Spicules observed at 3500 km are explained by log n e = 11.25 and T e 6000 K. Discussions are made in relation to the other observations and some chromosphere models.  相似文献   

The magnetic field in the outer corona and in interplanetary space has been calculated from the photospheric magnetic fields measured around the time of the 7 March, 1970 eclipse. The field-line maps are compared with eclipse photographs showing coronal structures out to about 12 r . The projected field lines as well as the observed streamers appear straight. This is caused by the rapid expansion of the outer corona and is not an indication of corotation. The calculations show that the angular velocity of the coronal plasma decreases rapidly with distance.The relation between magnetic fields and density enhancements is discussed. The field strength in the photosphere seems to determine the amount of mechanical heating of the lower corona. The density structure higher up in the corona will, however, depend decisively on the topology of the field, particularly on whether we are on open or closed field lines, and not simply on field strength.The calculations show a sector structure of the interplanetary field, which agrees well with spacecraft observations. Also the magnitudes of the observed and calculated interplanetary field agree after the Mt. Wilson magnetograph data have been corrected to account for the temperature and saturation effects in the spectral line Fei 5250 Å.On leave from the Astronomical Observatory, Lund, Sweden.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The common observation that where photospheric magnetic fields are strong, the overlying corona is bright is examined quantitatively. White light coronal brightness is employed because it is independent of coronal temperature and is directly related to coronal electron density. Brightness data for the inner corona on 7 March, 1970, taken from isodensitometer traces having a resolution of 10 arc sec, are utilized. The data were obtained from photographs which exhibit distinct chromospheric features 5 arc sec or smaller. These data are quantitatively compared, using cross correlation and scatter plot techniques, with the corresponding photospheric magnetic field data provided by Kitt Peak National Observatory. Cross correlation coefficients are computed between latitudes ±55° at specified heights. In general, a statistically significant positive correlation is found. The correlation decreases with height in the corona. However, a range of values in several parameters remains to be investigated so the physical significance of the presently observed correlation is not yet entirely clear. We expect that refinement of our input parameters will produce a more sensitive correlation and lead to an expression for the relationship of electron density to photospheric magnetic field strength.NAS/NRC Research Associate.  相似文献   

The spectrum of the solar corona obtained during the eclipse of 7 March, 1970 has been studied. From the analysis of the line halfwidths it is concluded that the emission of coronal lines of various groups arises in different volumes of the corona. The lines 5303 and 4231 are analyzed in detail and by the use of the equations of excitation and ionization balance. The distribution of electron temperature T e and density n e vs height in the solar corona has been found. The usually adopted n e and T e are noticeably less than those values obtained in present analysis. This discrepancy may be due to the fact that the considered area of the corona seems to be in an unusual condition.  相似文献   

Conclusions At the 7 March, 1970 total eclipse, there were no significant differences between intensity levels between K-line and H-line, nor were there any finely structured features in the upper atmosphere of the sun in H larger than 2.5. The two H features close to the limb, though unexpected, do not appear to be remarkable.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, under contract with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

By high resolution observations at 3 mm wavelength during the eclipses of September 11, 1969 and March 7, 1970 we have observed two filaments on the solar disc in absorption. We analyze in detail the 3.3 mm eclipse data and 9.5 mm (non-eclipse) data we have pertaining to the large filament observed on September 11, 1969. At 3.3 mm the plasma temperature in the filament is about 3900K, and at 9.5 mm it is about 6400K, indicating a multicomponent model. An upper bound of N e 2 L < 1028 for the emission measure of a hot component at T > 104K is obtained.  相似文献   

A rocket-borne coronagraph utilizing external occulting disks was used to photograph the solar corona from 3 to 9 R s at 1931 UT on 7 March, 1970. Comparison of the rocket and ground-based observations shows a one-to-one correspondence between major streamers from the inner to the outer corona. In particular streamers over the poles are clearly visible against the background corona from 3 to 8 R s. These rocket data had a scattered light level of 1.2 × 10–10 B s. The derived quiet equatorial and polar K + F corona was within 10% of the absolute brightness of standard coronal models and displayed identical radial gradients to those models. The photometric profiles of the NE limb streamer were analyzed assuming a model in which the core density follows a Gaussian distribution in directions perpendicular to the radius vector. This streamer was assumed to be rooted on the visible disk at 55 to 60° from the plane-of-the-sky as based on K-coronameter and XUV data. An uncertainty of as much as a factor of three still remains for the value of the axis density owing to uncertainty in the line-of-sight dimension of the streamer.  相似文献   

An occultation of X-ray emission from a solar flare occurred during the eclipse of 7 March, 1970 and was observed by an NRL instrument aboard the OSO-5 satellite. Ionization chamber photometers covering the wavelength ranges 0.5–3 Å, 1–8 Å, and 8–16 Å provided flux measurements once every 15 s providing a spatial resolution of 20 arc sec at the solar surface. Within this limitation the X-ray flare was observed to be confined within a region 136 000 km in one dimension.However, the measurements indicate the existence of a denser core 54 000 km wide in the direction of advance of the Moon's limb. Comparison of these results with X-ray photographs of flare regions are made and a model for the development of the soft X-ray flare is proposed.  相似文献   

The 7 March, 1970 total solar eclipse was observed at wavelengths of 3.2 and 8.3 mm; the object being to use the knife edge of the Moon as it passed across the Sun to improve angular resolution on the Sun. This in turn would provide a radial brightness distribution of the Sun with an angular resolution of a few seconds of arc.Excellent eclipse curves were obtained at 3 mm; however, some external interference marred the 8 mm record near totality.The 8 mm brightness distribution is subject to some uncertainty, but tends to show limb brightening. The 3 mm brightness distribution shows a well defined complex limb brightening within about 1 arc min of the optical limb. The maximum brightening is approximately 30% above the average disc temperature.  相似文献   

We have analyzed daily Mgx 625 spectroheliograms acquired by the Harvard College Observatory experiment on OSO-6 for a 28-day period centered on 7 March, 1970, the date of a well-observed total solar eclipse. These data are used to construct maps of the variation across the solar disk of the electron density at the base of the corona. The correspondence of high and low density regions with regions of enhanced and reduced emission in white light and Mgx pictures made during or near the time of the eclipse are described.  相似文献   

Emission lines of the Balmer series, D3 and H and K are reported present on a coronal spectrogram obtained at the March 7, 1970 eclipse. Arguments are presented to show that these could not have originated from scattering in the Earth's atmosphere and hence possibly have a coronal origin.  相似文献   

A survey of the infrared coronal spectrum between 1 and 3 was made from a high altitude aircraft during the 7 March, 1970, solar eclipse. The observations were made with a Fourier transform spectrometer and were confined to the outer chromosphere and inner corona. In addition to well known chromospheric lines of Hi and Hei, nine additional lines were seen. Evidence is presented for the tentative assignment of these lines to forbidden transitions in highly ionized atoms of magnesium, aluminum, silicon, sulphur, and chromium.  相似文献   

An anomalous enhancement of brightness of the lunar surface was observed on March 26, 1970, during photometric and polarimetric observations of the Moon made by the 91-cm reflector of the Dodaira Station of the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory. The region near the Aristarchus was 0.3 mag. brighter compared with that corresponding to the ordinary brightness variation curve. The polarimetric results also showed evidence quite consistent with the phenomenon of the luminescence. The colour index diminished by about 0.1 mag. The results of the photographic photometry also confirmed the enhancement of brightness over a wide part of the lunar surface that night. This brightening may be related to the large solar flare observed on March 25, 12h UT, 1970, twenty-nine hours before our observations.  相似文献   

Slit spectrograms of a quiescent prominence and the inner corona (h2.5 arc min) in the range 3400–7000 Å (dispersion 6–10 Å/mm) were obtained. From an analysis of the Stark effect on the Balmer lines (up to number 36) the electron density in the prominence n e = (7 ± 3) × 1010 cm–3 was deduced. The kinetic temperature T k and the non-thermal velocities t, found from a simultaneous consideration of the Balmer and metal lines, are T k 10 000 K and v t6 km/s. Also the emission measure of the prominence along the line-of-sight was found: ME = 1031 cm–5.In the coronal spectrum 24 coronal lines were found. Thirteen of these lines were identified and measured photometrically to get their absolute intensities, profiles and halfwidths. For nine lines the intensities as a function of the height were studied and on this basis the coronal lines were divided into a few groups. The line-of-sight and non-thermal velocities are r 10 km/s and t 25 km/s. The coronal lines originate in at least three types of regions with different temperatures. The emission measure as a function of the ionization temperature was determined. The abundances of four elements of the iron group (V, Cr, Mn, Co) were estimated. The abundances of the other elements of the same group (A, Ca, Fe, Ni), found from EUV-data, are in a good agreement with our observations. The degree of inhomogeneity in the corona was estimated: .  相似文献   

Radio emission of 10 cm from the whole disk was monitored during the eclipse of 7 March, 1970 by the Aerospace San Fernando Observatory and AFCRL Sagamore Hill Solar Radio Observatory. For both, the active region associated with sunspot 17 774, McMath region 10 618, was occulted. At Sagamore Hill the entire region was occulted. At SFO only the southern half of the sunspot group and the hydrogen plage southeast of the group was occulted. This region produced an importance class 1N flare and 10 cm burst beginning at 1601 UT and was enhanced about 15 flux units above the mean value of 190 units at onset.The Sagamore Hill data indicate the region was about 3.8 and contributed about 0.21 of the total radiation from the disk. The SFO data gave about 5.4 for the size of the southern half of the region and showed that about 0.20 of the total radiation came from there. Radiation came primarily from the hydrogen plage southeast of the major spot of the group. The hydrogen plage northwest of the group did not contribute significantly. Although the small flare occurred in this region, it did not contribute more than 0.04 of the total (0.20 of the active region) at occultation of region 10 618.  相似文献   

Correlated optical, radio and X-ray observations are presented for a pair of consequently homologous flares which occurred on March 17, 1970. A rich complexity of behavior in a bright sub-flare with maximum at 1444 UT is repeated in a flare of importance 1B with maximum at 22:49 UT. The unusual and interesting aspect of these flares is that the second flare developed at approximately half the rate of the first. A difference in the trigger mechanism of the two flares is suggested as a possible explanation.  相似文献   

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