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台湾浅滩浅海水深SAR遥感探测实例研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文基于浅海地形SAR遥感成像机理,提出星载SAR图像浅海水深遥感探测新技术.利用该遥感探测新技术与浅海地形SAR遥感图像,在台湾浅滩海域进行了浅海水深SAR遥感探测实例研究.SAR遥感探测水深值与实测水深值的比较结果显示,SAR遥感探测水深值的均方根误差达到2.5 m,误差小于10%.表明SAR具有探测浅海水深的能力,本文提出的浅海水深SAR遥感探测技术是收敛与可行的.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,人们越来越注重水资源开发,水域空间的利用。本文结合工程实例探讨GPS-RTK与数字测深仪集成技术在水下地形测量中的原理和作业流程。  相似文献   

为验证地震波在浅海探测的可行性,并评估地震波对舰船等目标的探测能力,在我国南海某浅海海域开展了合作目标地震波探测试验.结果显示,通过接收合作声源发射信号证明在浅海环境下利用地震波进行探测具备很强的可行性;同时,验证了单矢量地震波探测设备所具备的测向能力,为下一步地震波组网探测奠定基础;通过合作目标拉距试验表明,针对600 t级船只航行激发的地震波信号可探测距离超过12 km,地震波信号明显且信号能量与目标和设备之间距离呈正相关关系;本文合作/非合作目标地震波探测试验结果表明,地震波手段可作为在浅海海域目标探测的一种新的选择和手段.  相似文献   

星载SAR海洋内波遥感研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
星载SAR已成为海洋内波研究的重要技术手段之一.本文回顾了SAR海洋内波遥感研究进展,特别是有关国内外SAR海洋内波的遥感成像机理研究、遥感成像仿真研究和遥感探测研究的发展,同时针对目前SAR海洋内波遥感研究存在的问题和今后有待研究的方向进行了探讨.  相似文献   

海底地形影响着海洋自然灾害、资源开发以及军事国防.海底地形的探测手段由过去传统的船载声呐技术发展到依靠重力数据反演水深.国外从1980年代就开始利用船载和卫星测高数据开发全球水深模型,截至目前发布的水深模型空间分辨率达到15″.本文总结了声呐、激光测深雷达、卫星测高重力数据和遥感影像反演水深的研究现状,并分析每种测深手...  相似文献   

合成孔径雷达(SAR)遥感是城镇建筑震害监测的重要手段之一.随着SAR传感器技术的最新发展,利用高分辨率、多极化SAR图像对城镇建筑地震灾害损毁进行探测和评估成为当前的研究趋势和热点.文中首先分析了建筑物及其震害损毁SAR成像特点,并系统综述了近15年来国内外基于SAR图像进行城镇建筑震害损毁探测与评估技术方法的研究和应用现状,评述了各类方法的优缺点,最后针对当前SAR传感器高分辨率、全极化的发展趋势,对有待于进一步研究的问题和技术发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

浅海瞬变电磁全波形响应特征及探测能力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
赵越  许枫  李貅  鲁凯亮 《地球物理学报》2019,62(4):1526-1540



合成孔径雷达(SAR)凭借其全天候、全天时的优势,在震后灾情信息的快速获取以及灾情评估上发挥着越来越重要的作用。本文分析了建筑物在SAR影像上的成像特征及不同震害等级的建筑物在SAR影像上的特点,总结了利用SAR技术进行建筑物震害检测的方法,并将其归纳为目视解译、震前震后变化检测、震后单幅影像的震害检测方法。同时分析了这些方法的特点,并对SAR建筑物震害检测方法进行了展望。  相似文献   




《Marine pollution bulletin》2014,78(1-2):190-195
Increased frequency and enhanced damage to the marine environment and to human society caused by green macroalgae blooms demand improved high-resolution early detection methods. Conventional satellite remote sensing methods via spectra radiometers do not work in cloud-covered areas, and therefore cannot meet these demands for operational applications. We present a methodology for green macroalgae bloom detection based on RADARSAT-2 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. Green macroalgae patches exhibit different polarimetric characteristics compared to the open ocean surface, in both the amplitude and phase domains of SAR-measured complex radar backscatter returns. In this study, new index factors are defined which have opposite signs in green macroalgae-covered areas, compared to the open water surface. These index factors enable unsupervised detection from SAR images, providing a high-resolution new tool for detection of green macroalgae blooms, which can potentially contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms related to outbreaks of green macroalgae blooms in coastal areas throughout the world ocean.  相似文献   

R. OBERSTADLER  H. H NSCH  D. HUTH 《水文研究》1997,11(10):1415-1425
GAF examined, under contract to DARA (German Space Agency), the applicability of ERS-1 SAR data for flood mapping under operational conditions. The flood event investigated was the flooding in the Rhine valley in winter 1993–1994. In order to carry out an examination close to the end-user needs, the specific user requests concerning information about flood events were identified. The mapping accuracy in view of the flood extent and the flood level, the production of flood maps as well as the demonstration of the runoff turned out to be the most interesting points. The specific user information needs were considered in the project objectives to define the applicability as well as the deficits of ERS-1 data concerning an operational use for flood mapping. After a detailed analysis of the time aspects of the traditional mapping method and a satellite data analysis, a visual interpretation as well as an automatic classification were applied, including various filter steps to derive the flood boundary. As a result, the visual interpretation proved to be the more accurate method. Crucial domains for both the visual interpretation and the automatic classification turned out to be settlements, forests and bushes as well as regions with layover and foreshortening effects. The comparison between the flood level derived from satellite data and the flood level registered by the water authority boards brought a height difference which ranged between 0·5 and 2·0 m. The relatively coarse resolution and problems with correct interpretation of the flood line proved to be the reason for this difference. In general the results are convenient, but in relation to field measurements of the water level they are too inaccurate. A cost and benefit analysis as well as a proposal for an operational GIS system using ERS-1 SAR data are still under investigation. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wetlands play an important role in watershed eco-hydrology. The occurrence and distribution of wetlands in a landscape are affected by the surface topography and the hydro-climatic conditions. Here, we propose a minimalist probabilistic approach to describe the dynamic behaviour of wetlandscape attributes, including number of inundated wetlands and the statistical properties of wetland stage, surface area, perimeter, and storage volume. The method relies on two major assumptions: (a) wetland bottom hydrologic resistance is negligible; and (b) groundwater level is parallel to the mean terrain elevation. The approach links the number of inundated wetlands (depressions with water) to the distribution of wetland bottoms and divides, and the position of the shallow water table. We compared the wetlandscape attribute dynamics estimated from the probabilistic approach to those determined from a parsimonious hydrologic model for groundwater-dominated wetlands. We test the reliability of the assumptions of both models using data from six cypress dome wetlands in the Green Swamp Wildlife Management Area, Florida. The results of the hydrologic model for groundwater-dominated wetlands showed that the number of inundated wetlands has a unimodal dependence on the groundwater level, as predicted by the probabilistic approach. The proposed models provide a quantitative basis to understand the physical processes that drive the spatiotemporal hydrologic dynamics in wetlandscapes impacted by shallow groundwater fluctuations. Emergent patterns in wetlandscape hydrologic dynamics are of key importance not only for the conservation of water resources, but also for a wide range of eco-hydrological services provided by connectivity between wetlands and their surrounding uplands.  相似文献   

本研究将边界层相似理论与对流理论应用到具有海洋大气边界层(Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer, MABL)对流特征的星载合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR)遥感图像,探讨了星载SAR遥感图像描述海气应力作用下水平扰动尺度变化的潜在可能性.针对具有三维对流涡旋Cell和二维水平滚轴涡旋Roll特征的星载SAR遥感图像,反演了中国海海域MABL高度,并与同步实验获取的MABL高度结果进行对比.结果表明,利用具有对流特征的星载SAR遥感图像反演MABL高度是可行的,展示了以高分辨率、大面积观测为特点的星载SAR遥感图像探测MABL的广阔前景.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, remote sensing data have led to tremendous progress in advancing flood inundation modelling. In particular, low‐cost space‐borne data can be invaluable for large‐scale flood studies in data‐scarce areas. Various satellite products yield valuable information such as land surface elevation, flood extent and water level, which could potentially contribute to various flood studies. An increasing number of research studies have been dedicated to exploring those low‐cost data towards building, calibration and evaluation, and remote‐sensed information assimilation into hydraulic models. This paper aims at reviewing these recent scientific efforts on the integration of low‐cost space‐borne remote sensing data with flood modelling. Potentials and limitations of those data in flood modelling are discussed. This paper also introduces the future satellite missions and anticipates their likely impacts in flood modelling. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Tal Ezer 《Ocean Dynamics》2017,67(5):651-664
Two aspects of the interactions between the Gulf Stream (GS) and the bottom topography are investigated: 1. the spatial variations associated with the north-south tilt of mean sea level along the US East Coast and 2. the high-frequency temporal variations of coastal sea level (CSL) that are related to Gulf Stream dynamics. A regional ocean circulation model is used to assess the role of topography; this is done by conducting numerical simulations of the GS with two different topographies–one case with a realistic topography and another case with an idealized smooth topography that neglects the details of the coastline and the very deep ocean. High-frequency oscillations (with a 5-day period) in the zonal wind and in the GS transport are imposed on the model; the source of the GS variability is either the Florida Current (FC) in the south or the Slope Current (SC) in the north. The results demonstrate that the abrupt change of topography at Cape Hatteras, near the point where the GS separates from the coast, amplifies the northward downward mean sea level tilt along the coast there. The results suggest that idealized or coarse resolution models that do not resolve the details of the coastline may underestimate the difference between the higher mean sea level in the South Atlantic Bight (SAB) and the lower mean sea level in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB). Imposed variations in the model’s GS transport can generate coherent sea level variability along the coast, similar to the observations. However, when the bottom topography in the model is modified (or not well resolved), the shape of the coastline and the continental shelf influence the propagation of coastal-trapped waves and impact the CSL variability. The results can explain the different characteristics of sea level variability in the SAB and in the MAB and help understand unexpected water level anomalies and flooding related to remote influence of the GS.  相似文献   

电离层对SAR干涉测量的影响综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
InSAR是一种能够全天候、高精度、大面积获取地形、形变细部信息的高效工具,而大气层中的电离层是制约InSAR精度和可靠性其中一个很重要的因素,对L波段及低频InSAR的影响尤为严重.本文着重从电离层延迟误差,距离向和方位向偏移现象以及法拉第效应等三个方面介绍电离层TEC及闪烁对InSAR相干系数、干涉相位及其产品的影响,并给出相应的改正方案.紧接着,给出一些应用实例.最后,对InSAR中的电离层效应进行了总结和展望.  相似文献   

A technique for reconstruction of the 2d surface velocity field from radar observations is proposed. The method consecutively employs two processing techniques: At the first stage raw radial velocity data are subject to EOF analysis, which enables to fill gaps in observations and provides estimates of the noise level and integral parameters characterizing small-scale variability of the sea surface circulation. These parameters are utilized at the second stage, when the cost function for variational interpolation is constructed, and the updated radial velocities are interpolated on the regular grid.Experiments with simulated and real data are used to assess the method's skill and compare it with the conventional 2d variational (2dVar) approach. It is shown that the proposed technique consistently improves performance of the 2dVar algorithm and becomes particularly effective when a radar stops operating for 1–2 days and/or a persistent gap emerges in spatial coverage of a basin by the HFR network.  相似文献   

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