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Summary A continuous, but attenuated section through orogenic lower and middle crust overthrust by a second lower-crustal complex was distinguished at the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif. This indicates the existence of two lower-crustal “autochthonous” extrusions into middle crust that is not compatible with the model of “allochthonous” lower crustal klippen remaining after flat thrusting of the Gf?hl nappe over large distances. The base of the lower crust is represented by a granulite body exhumed from c. 15 kbar and 800 °C. A hangingwall complex of layered amphibolites gradually passes into amphibolite bearing paragneisses (the Monotonous unit) and micaschists intercalated with marbles at the top (the Varied unit). The metamorphic grade and anatexis decreases upwards and the micaschists preserve a prograde path to c. 8 kbar and 700 °C. This sequence is overthrust by a second lower crustal strongly migmatitized complex, referred to as the Raabs complex, which is marked by an eclogite-bearing belt at the base. The garnet zoning of eclogite indicates burial from 10 kbar to min. 15 kbar. In all units, relics of a steep metamorphic fabric were identified, reworked by folding and a moderately west-dipping foliation. The conditions of 7–10 kbar and approximately 750 °C for the flat foliation were obtained in all units indicating that exhumation of the lower crust into a middle crustal level occurred earlier, probably during the development of steep fabrics. The intense flat fabric is interpreted as a result of thrusting of the whole assembly over the middle crustal Brunian indentor.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the complex relation between rock emplacement and remanence acquisition in tuffs deposited by pyroclastic density currents, disclosed by systematic measurements of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and natural remanent magnetization (NRM). Thermal demagnetization shows that the NRM consists of two components with different blocking-temperature spectra. The direction of the low-temperature component is consistent with the geocentric axial dipole value, whereas the high-temperature component has dispersed directions. The magnetic fabric is oblate, the magnetic foliation is close to the bedding and the lineations are generally dispersed along a girdle within the foliation plane. The directions of the magnetic lineation and the high-temperature remanence component of individual specimens are close to each other. This correspondence suggests that the high blocking-temperature grains acquired a remanence aligned to their long dimension before deposition, while cooling within the explosive cloud and the moving pyroclastic current. Thereafter, during deposition, the traction processes at the base of the current oriented the grains along the flow direction and affected both fabric and high-temperature remanence. This NRM component results from mechanical orientation of previously magnetized grains and is thus detrital in origin. A second, thermal component was then acquired during the cooling of the low blocking-temperature grains after deposition. These results show that NRM in fine-grained pyroclastic rocks is affected by the Earth’s magnetic field as well as the emplacement processes and that magnetic fabric data are essential to unravel its complex nature.  相似文献   

Magnetic fabric and rock magnetism studies were performed on 32 mafic dikes of a Proterozoic dike swarm from the southern São Francisco Craton (SFC; Minas Gerais State, SE Brazil). Magnetic anisotropies were determined by applying anisotropy of low-field magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and anisotropy of remanent magnetization (ARM). The latter was performed imposing both anhysteretic (total (AAR) and partial pAAR)) and isothermal remanence magnetizations (AIRM). Partial anhysteretic remanence anisotropy was performed based on remanent coercivity spectra from a pilot specimen of each site. In most sites, AMS is dominantly carried by ferromagnetic minerals, however, in some sites, the paramagnetic contribution exceeds 70% of bulk susceptibility. Rock magnetism and thin section analysis allow classifying the dikes as non-hydrothermalized and hydrothermalized. Magnetic measurement shows that the mean magnetic susceptibility is usually lower than 5×10−3 (SI). Ti-poor titanomagnetites up to pure magnetite pseudo-single-domain (PSD) grain sizes carry the majority of magnetic fabrics for non-hydrothermalized dikes whereas coarse to fine grained Ti-poor titanomagnetites carry the majority of magnetic fabrics for hydrothermalized dikes.Three primary AMS fabrics are recognized which are coaxial with ARM fabric, except for two dikes, from both non-hydrothermalized and hydrothermalized dikes. Normal AMS fabric surprisingly is not dominant (31%). The parallelism between AMS, pAAR0–30, pAAR30–60 and pAAR60–90 fabrics in the hydrothermalized dikes indicates that magnetic grains formed due to late-stage crystallization or to remobilization of iron oxides due to hydrothermal alteration after dike emplacement have acquired a mimetic fabric coaxial with the primary fabric given by coarse-grained early crystallized Ti-poor titanomagnetites. This fabric is interpreted as magma flow in which the analysis of Kmax inclination permitted the inference that the dikes were fed by horizontal or subhorizontal fluxes (Kmax<30°). Intermediate AMS fabric is the most important (41%) in the investigated swarm. It is interpreted as due to vertical compaction of a static magma column with the minimum stress along the dike strike. ARM determinations for these sites also remained intermediate except for two dikes. In one of them, AIRM fabric resulted in normal AMS fabric while for the other AAR fabric resulted in inverse AMS fabric. A combination of AMS and ARM fabrics suggest that magmatic fabric for both dikes were overprinted by some late local event, probably related to Brasiliano orogenic processes after dike emplacement. InverseInverse AMS fabric is a minority (four dikes). ARM determinations also remained inverse suggesting a primary origin for inverse AMS fabric.  相似文献   

The Wadi Bidah Mineral District of Saudi Arabia contains more than 16 small outcropping stratabound volcanogenic Cu–Zn–(Pb) ± Au-bearing massive sulphide deposits and associated zones of hydrothermal alteration. Here, we use major and trace element analyses of massive sulphides, gossans, and hydrothermally altered and least altered metamorphosed host rock (schist) from two of the deposits (Shaib al Tair and Rabathan) to interpret the geochemical and petrological evolution of the host rocks and gossanization of the mineralization. Tectonic interpretations utilize high-field-strength elements, including the rare earth elements (REE), because they are relatively immobile during hydrothermal alteration, low-grade metamorphism, and supergene weathering and therefore are useful in constraining the source, composition, and physicochemical parameters of the primary igneous rocks, the mineralizing hydrothermal fluid and subsequent supergene weathering processes. Positive Eu anomalies in some of the massive sulphide samples are consistent with a high temperature (>250°C) hydrothermal origin, consistent with the Cu contents (up to 2 wt.%) of the massive sulphides. The REE profiles of the gossans are topologically similar to nearby hydrothermally altered felsic schists (light REE (LREE)-enriched to concave-up REE profiles, with or without positive Eu anomalies) suggesting that the REE experienced little fractionation during metamorphism or supergene weathering. Hydrothermally altered rocks (now schists) close to the massive sulphide deposits have high base metals and Ba contents and have concave-up REE patterns, in contrast to the least altered host rocks, consistent with greater mobility of the middle REE compared to the light and heavy REE during hydrothermal alteration. The gossans are interpreted to represent relict massive sulphides that have undergone supergene weathering; ‘chert’ beds within these massive sulphide deposits may be leached wall-rock gossans that experienced silicification and Pb–Ba–Fe enrichment from acidic groundwaters generated during gossan formation.  相似文献   

The Mirpur granite body represents a relatively small (10 km2) pluton intruded along the northern margin of the adjacent Mt. Abu batholith (∼125 km2) in NW India. It is a visibly undeformed alkali feldspar rich pink granite; in contrast, the Mt. Abu is a composite granitoid body and variably deformed. Both are intruded by rhyolitic dykes and the terminal magmatic events in both the cases are mafic dykes. The AMS (Anisotropy of Magnetic Susceptibility) data identify the Mt. Abu with SE-dipping foliations and subvertical lineations as a single structural domain while the Mirpur granite body shows two domains characterized by predominantly E — W trend of magnetic foliation in the eastern part (domain I) and N — S orientations in the western part (domain II). The domain I shows magmatic fabrics, typical for the peraluminous granites of Malani Igneous Suite (MIS). Change in fabric orientation in the domain II has resulted from cataclasis wherein the samples show destruction of the original E — W fabric and complete transposition by N — S trends. The foliations in the Mt. Abu granites have been related to SE orientation of maximum horizontal stress. The same maximum stress direction can be inferred from dyke orientation in the Mirpur granite, which is interpreted as continuation of the tectonic imprint in this region during emplacement of both the granites. Age of the cataclastic overprint with a predominant N — S orientation is not yet constrained but corresponds with the trend of the nearby Sindreth basin within the Malani Igneous Suite. The Neoproterozoic tectonic scenario for the region has been interpreted in terms of an ongoing crustal convergence and granitic magma emplacement against the back stop offered by the rigid Delhi Fold Belt.  相似文献   

The structural and magnetic fabric study of the Marimanha granite, Axial Zone of the Pyrenees, provides new data to characterize the zonation and the internal structure of the pluton. The Marimanha granite intrudes Cambro–Ordovician clastic rocks and Silurian–Devonian limestones and slates. The zonation of the low field magnetic susceptibility, consistent with the petrological zonation of the igneous body, indicates a concentric arrangement of rock types, with more basic compositions at the external areas. This pluton is characterized by a low susceptibility, and rock–magnetic studies indicate a majority of “paramagnetic” samples. Magnetic foliations strike parallel to petrographic contacts and to contours of zonation of magnetic susceptibility, and show a dominant NE–SW strike, steeply dipping towards the North. Locally, in the northern border of the pluton foliation directions become perpendicular to petrographic contacts and depict sigmoidal trajectories. Magnetic lineations are characterized by the predominance of NE–SW trends with shallow plunges to the NE and SW. These foliations and lineations are parallel to the slight elongation of internal petrographic zonation. Magnetic fabric within the granitoid body and internal elliptical shape of petrographic zonation, suggest an intrusion contemporary with a transpressional regime and NNW–SSE shortening, syntectonic with the late stages of the Variscan orogeny. These results are in accordance with anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility studies of others plutons in the Pyrenees. To explain the origin of the Marimanha granite we propose magma ascent through faults at depth and emplacement by ballooning in situ at the rheological boundary between Cambro–Ordovician and Siluro–Devonian metasediments.  相似文献   

In the Saint-Aubin-des-Chateaux quarry (Armorican Hercynian belt, western France), an epigenetic hydrothermal alteration affects an oolitic ironstone layer intercalated within the Lower Ordovician Grès armoricain Formation. The hydrothermal overprint produced pervasive and massive sulphidation with stratoid pyritised lenticular bodies within the oolitic ironstone layer. These sulphide lenses are spatially associated with strike-slip faults and extend laterally from them. After the massive sulphidation stage (Fe–As, stage 1), subsequent fracturing allowed the deposition of base metals (stage 2) and Pb–Sb–Au (stage 3) parageneses in veins. The dominant brittle structures are vertical extension veins, conjugate shear veins and strike-slip faults of various orders. All these structures are filled with the same paragenetic sequence. Deformation analysis allows the identification of structures that developed incrementally via right-lateral simple shear compatible with bulk strain affecting the Central Armorican Domain. Each increment corresponds to a fracture set filled with specific parageneses. Successive hydrothermal pulses reflect clockwise rotation of the horizontal shortening direction. Geothermometry on chlorite and arsenopyrite shows an input of hot hydrothermal fluids (maximum of 390–350°C) during the main sulphide stage 1. The subsequent stages present a marked temperature drop (300–275°C). Lead isotopes suggest that the lead source is similar for all hydrothermal stages and corresponds to the underlying Neo-Proterozoic basement. Lead isotope data, relative ages of deformation and comparison with neighbouring deposits suggest that large-scale fluid pulses occurred during the whole Hercynian orogeny rather than pulses restricted to the late Hercynian period. The vicinity of the Hercynian internal domain appears as a key control for deformation and fluid flow in the oolitic ironstones, which acted as a chemical and structural trap for the hydrothermal fluids. The epigenetic mineralisation of Saint-Aubin-des-Chateaux appears to be very similar to epigenetic sulphidation described in banded iron formation-hosted gold deposits.  相似文献   

The Ardara pluton as part of the Donegal batholith was intruded into Neoproterozoic metasediments and metadolerites at mid-crustal levels. The emplacement mechanism of the Ardara granite is very controversial, and mechanisms ranging from diapirism, ballooning and stoping followed by nested diapirism have been proposed. Magnetic fabrics, rock fabrics and K/Ar dating of micas are used here to constrain the emplacement history. The compositional zoning of the Ardara pluton is clearly reflected in the different bulk magnetic susceptibilities between the outer quartz monzodiorite and the central granodiorite, whereas the intervening tonalite is of intermediate nature. The magnetic carriers are characterized by the anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility (AMS), thermomagnetic measurements and through high field analyses (HFA). The separation of the ferrimagnetic and paramagnetic contributions revealed that biotite and magnetite control the AMS in the quartz monzodiorite. Both minerals are oriented in such a way that their summed contribution is constructive and originates from the shape fabric of magnetite and the texture of biotite. Biotite is responsible mainly for the AMS in the tonalite and granodiorite. The magnetic foliation can be directly related to the macroscopic foliation and also to the D4 structures in the country rocks. The foliation is consistent with the geometry of the roughly circular shape and has a mostly steep to vertical dip. Towards the central granodiorite the magnetic foliation dies out, although plagioclase texture measurements indicate a weak magmatic shape fabric. With the exception of the tail, the Kmax axes (magnetic lineation) vary from steeply to gently plunging. The so-called lineation factor is approximately 1.01 and therefore points to a less significant axial symmetry. These observations coincide with strain estimates on mafic enclaves that show a very consistent pattern of K ∼0 flattening strain. Texture analyses of biotite and quartz additionally support the observations made by the strain analyses and the magnetic fabric data. Microstructural investigations give evidence that the fabrics are associated with the emplacement over a range of temperatures from truly magmatic to high-temperature solid-state conditions. The age of the intrusion is still under discussion, but a new cooling age was determined by K/Ar dating of biotite at 403.7±8 Ma corresponding to a temperature range between 450 and 300°C. For a mylonite along the southern contact between the Ardara pluton and the country rock a K/Ar muscovite age of 378.8±7 Ma indicates a minimum age for the shear zone when the Ardara pluton must have already been cooled down below 350±50°C. Received: 28 January 1999 / Accepted: 28 December 1999  相似文献   


The fabric and the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of the Cabo Ortegal eclogite (NW Spain) are studied. These mafic rocks were metamorphosed and deformed under high pressures and temperatures between 390 and 370 Ma in a subduction/collision tectonic setting. Massive eclogite slices and deformed eclogite in shear zones have bulk magnetic susceptibilities of 31 to 82·10?5 S.I. and 28 to 75·10?5 S.I., respectively. The paramagnetic mineral fraction is the principal magnetic susceptibility carrier. This fraction includes notably garnet and clinopyroxene as matrix minerals, and ilmenite and rutile as accessory constituents. Though magnetic anisotropy degree varies between 3.1 % and 6.6 %, variations of this parameter in each rock type are marked. In the deformed eclogite, magnetic lineation (Kmax) and the pole to the magnetic foliation (Kmin) are coaxial and coincident with macroscopic petrofabric elements (foliation and lineation). In the massive eclogite, the magnetic fabric is dispersed along the principal structural planes and inversions are associated with samples with small degrees of anisotropy. The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility is interpreted as being due to the crystallographic preferred orientation and spatial organisation of the polymineralic aggregate. Relating the evolution of the symmetry of magnetic fabric to the symmetry of petrofabric or deformation is rather precluded since susceptibility has multiple origins and bulk magnetic fabric is due to minerals of different symmetry. © Elsevier, Paris  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》1998,11(6):271-283
The fabric and the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of the Cabo Ortegal eclogite (NW Spain) are studied. These mafic rocks were metamorphosed and deformed under high pressures and temperatures between 390 and 370 Ma in a subduction/collision tectonic setting. Massive eclogite slices and deformed eclogite in shear zones have bulk magnetic susceptibilities of 31 to 82 · 10−5 S.I. and 28 to 75 · 10−5 S.I., respectively. The paramagnetic mineral fraction is the principal magnetic susceptibility carrier. This fraction includes notably garnet and clinopyroxene as matrix minerals, and ilmenite and rutile as accessory constituents. Though magnetic anisotropy degree varies between 3.1 % and 6.6%, variations of this parameter in each rock type are marked. In the deformed eclogite, magnetic lineation (Kmax) and the pole to the magnetic foliation (Kmin) are coaxial and coincident with macroscopic petrofabric elements (foliation and lineation). In the massive eclogite, the magnetic fabric is dispersed along the principal structural planes and inversions are associated with samples with small degrees of anisotropy. The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility is interpreted as being due to the crystallographic preferred orientation and spatial organisation of the polymineralic aggregate. Relating the evolution of the symmetry of magnetic fabric to the symmetry of petrofabric or deformation is rather precluded since susceptibility has multiple origins and bulk magnetic fabric is due to minerals of different symmetry.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates techniques for pre-eruption prediction of lahar-inundation zones in areas where a volcano has not erupted within living memory and/or where baseline geological information about past lahars could be scarce or investigations to delimit past lahars might be incomplete. A lahar source (or proximal lahar-inundation) zone is predicted based on ratio of vertical descent to horizontal run-out of eruptive deposits that spawn lahars. Immediate post-eruption distal lahar-inundation zones are predicted based on “pre-eruption” distal lahar-inundation zones and on spatial factors derived from a digital elevation model. Susceptibility to distal lahar-inundation is estimated by weights-of-evidence, by logistic regression and by evidential belief functions. Predictive techniques are applied using a geographic information system and are tested in western part of Pinatubo volcano (Philippines). Predictive maps are compared with a forecast volcanic-hazard map through validation against a field-based volcanic-hazard map. The predictive model of proximal lahar-inundation zone has “true positive” prediction accuracy, “true negative” prediction accuracy, “false positive” prediction error and “false negative” prediction error that are similar to those of the forecast volcanic-hazard map. The predictive models of distal lahar inundation zones have higher “true positive” prediction accuracy and lower “false negative” prediction error than the forecast volcanic-hazard map, although the latter has higher “true negative” prediction accuracy and lower “false positive” prediction error than the former. The results illustrate utility of proposed predictive techniques in providing geo-information could be used, howbeit with caution, for planning to mitigate potential lahar hazards well ahead of an eruption that could generate substantial source materials for lahar formation.  相似文献   

In the high-grade Moldanubian Zone of the European Variscides, numerous bodies of ultramafic rocks occur embedded in granulite. The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and its low-field variation as well as the anisotropy of magnetic remanence were used to investigate magnetic fabrics of some ultramafic bodies and host granulite. In granulite, the magnetic foliation is roughly parallel to the metamorphic foliation and the magnetic lineation is near the mineral alignment lineation. In ultramafite, the magnetic foliation is relatively scattered spatially, but mostly oriented in a different way than that in granulite. The magnetic lineation is also scattered, but still relatively well defined spatially. Again, its orientation is mostly different than that of granulite. The magnetic fabric in ultramafic rocks is therefore different from that in the host granulite even though both rock types underwent at least partially common structural history. The componental movements forming the granulite fabric, mostly during amphibolite facies retrograde metamorphism, were evidently not intensive enough to strongly overprint the magnetic fabric of ultramafite. The ultramafite is therefore strong enough to maintain its pre-metamorphism fabric even at such high temperatures and pressures that are characteristic of high amphibolite facies retrograde metamorphism.  相似文献   

The magnetic fabric of Late Miocene sediments from the southern Pannonian basin was studied on oriented samples collected from 19 geographically distributed localities. All of them are characterized by near-horizontal magnetic foliation plane after tilt correction, indicating weak deformation. Well-developed lineations were observed for 16 localities, which are interpreted as due to compressional/transpressional deformation, except from three localities, where the fabric must have been formed in an extensional setting. Comparison between the orientation of the map-scale folds and faults and magnetic lineation directions shows that magnetic lineation is either related to NNE-SSW directed compression, leading to the formation of folds or it can be connected to NW–SE or NNE-SSW trending dextral faults.  相似文献   

Magnetite-bearing mylonitic garnet–micaschists close to the major suture between the Baltica and Iapetus terranes (Seve Nappe Complex, Scandinavian Caledonides) show very high anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) with corrected degree of anisotropy (P′) up to 4.8. Three different magnetic fabric types can be distinguished. They correspond to protomylonite (type I, P′ < 2), mylonite (type II, 2 < P′ < 3), and ultramylonite (type III, P′ > 3), respectively. The orientation of the ellipsoid axes from all applied magnetic fabric methods in this study is similar with shallow dips of the metamorphic foliation toward WSW and subhorizontal, mostly NW–SE trending mineral lineation. Differences between subfabrics were minimized under high shear strain as all markers tend to align parallel with the shear plane. The very high anisotropies and mostly oblate ellipsoid shapes of type III correlate with high magnetic susceptibility (k mean up to 55 × 10−3 SI units) and are related to the concentration of magnetite aggregates with shape-preferred orientation. They show a distinct field dependence of magnetic susceptibility of up to 10% in the k max-direction. We attribute this field dependence to a “memory” of high strains in the domain walls of the crystals acquired during synkinematic magnetite growth during shear zone fabric development at temperatures of 550–570°C.  相似文献   

The Chandman massif, a typical structure of the Mongolian Altai, consists of a migmatite–magmatite core rimmed by a lower grade metamorphic envelope of andalusite and cordierite‐bearing schists. The oldest structure in the migmatite–magmatite core is a subhorizontal migmatitic foliation S1 parallel to rare granitoid sills. This fabric is folded by upright folds F2 and transposed into a vertical migmatitic foliation S2 that is syn‐tectonic, with up to several tens of metres thick granitoid sills. Sillimanite–ilmenite–magnetite S1 inclusion trails in garnet constrain the depth of equilibration during the S1 fabric to 6–7 kbar at 710–780 °C. Reorientation of sillimanite into the S2 fabric indicates that the S1–S2 fabric transition occurred in the sillimanite stability field. The presence of cordierite, and garnet rim chemistry point to decompression to 3–4 kbar and 680–750 °C during development of the S2 steep fabric, and post‐tectonic andalusite indicates further decompression to 2–3 kbar and 600–650 °C. Widespread crystallization of post‐tectonic muscovite is explained by the release of H2O from crystallizing partial melt. In the metamorphic envelope the subhorizontal metamorphic schistosity S1 is heterogeneously affected by upright F2 folds and axial planar subvertical cleavage S2. In the north, the inclusion trails in garnet are parallel to the S1 foliation, and the garnet zoning indicates nearly isobaric heating from 2.5 to 3 kbar and 500–530 °C. Cordierite contains crenulated S1 inclusion trails and has pressure shadows related to the formation of the S2 fabric. The switch from the S1 to the S2 foliation occurred near 2.5–3 kbar and 530–570 °C; replacement of cordierite by fine‐grained muscovite and chlorite indicates further retrogression and cooling. In the south, andalusite containing crenulated inclusion trails of ilmenite and magnetite indicates heating during the D2 deformation at 3–4 kbar and 540–620 °C. Monazite from a migmatite analysed by LASS yielded elevated HREE concentrations. The grain with the best‐developed oscillatory zoning is 356 ± 1.0 [±7] Ma (207Pb‐corrected 238U/206Pb), considered to date the crystallization from melt in the cordierite stability ~680 °C and 3.5 kbar, whereas the patchy BSE‐dark domains give a date of 347 ± 4.2 [±7] Ma interpreted as recrystallization at subsolidus conditions. The earliest sub‐horizontal fabric is associated with the onset of magmatism and peak of P–T conditions in the deep crust, indicating important heat input associated with lower crustal horizontal flow. The paroxysmal metamorphic conditions are connected with collapse of the metamorphic structure, an extrusion of the hot lower crustal rocks associated with vertical magma transfer and a juxtaposition of the hot magmatite–migmatite core with supracrustal rocks. This study provides information about tectono‐thermal history and time‐scales of horizontal flow and vertical mass and heat transfer in the Altai orogen. It is shown that, similar to collisional orogens, doming of partially molten rocks assisted by syn‐orogenic magmatism can be responsible for the exhumation of orogenic lower crust in accretionary orogenic systems.  相似文献   

In the eastern part of southern Peninsular India, the charnockitic hills of the Madras block are cut across by the E-W trending Attur shear zone (ASZ) which is characterised by a thick (1 to 1.5 km) phyllonite zone, showing intense mylonitisation due to ductile shearing. Steeply plunging (70°–80°) stretching lineation on steeply dipping mylonitic foliation within this zone indicates a relative vertical upliftment of the adjacent blocks. A dextral shearing event from west to east is envisaged from the kinematic analysis of shear sense indicators such as S-C fabric, asymmetric folds, asymmetric augens and asymmetric porphyroclasts. Simultaneous development of these features, related to vertical and horizontal movements may be explained by the mechanism of transpressional deformation. The Attur shear zone may be correlated with the Moyar shear zone based on distinct lithological and structural similarities.  相似文献   

During the late Early Cretaceous, the shallow-water domains of the western Tethys are characterized by the widespread deposition of Urgonian-type carbonates rich in rudists, corals and other oligotrophic, shallow-marine organisms. In the Helvetic Alps, the Urgonian occurrences have been dated by ammonite biostratigraphy as Late Barremian and Early Aptian. For the more proximal occurrences in the western Swiss Jura, a recent age model based on bio-, chemo- and sequence stratigraphy has been proposed, which allows for an improved correlation with the Helvetic counterparts. In order to corroborate the recently proposed age model for the Jura, a set of well-preserved rhynchonellids collected from five different lithostratigraphical formations and members (“Marnes bleues d’Hauterive”, “Marnes d’Uttins”, basal marly layers within the “Urgonien Jaune”, “Marnes de la Russille”, “Urgonien Blanc”) has been analysed for its strontium–isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr). In addition, K–Ar dating was performed on well-preserved glauconite grains from two different levels (“Marnes d’Uttins” and a basal layer within the “Urgonien Jaune”). The correlation of the Sr–isotope data set with a belemnite-based, ammonite-calibrated reference curve provides an age model which is coherent with recently published ages based on calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and the correlation of trends in chemo- and sequence stratigraphy. K–Ar dating on well-preserved glauconite grains from the “Marnes d’Uttins” and lowermost part of the “Urgonien Jaune” delivered ages of 127.5 ± 2.3 and 130.7 ± 2.6 Ma, respectively. Whereas the age of the glauconitic level near the base of the “Urgonien Jaune” is chronostratigraphically meaningful, the K–Ar age of the “Marnes d’Uttins” appears too young relative to the presently used time scale. This may be related to rejuvenation of the K–Ar chronometer due to post-depositional Ar loss, most likely during hardground formation. The ages obtained here confirm the Late Barremian age for the onset of the Urgonian platform, an age which is conform with ages obtained in the Helvetic Alps and elsewhere along the northern Tethyan margin.  相似文献   

In the previous part of this work (Cermak, Safanda and Bodri, this volume p.MMM) we have described experimental data and quantified the heterogeneity features of the microtemperature time series. The spectral analysis and the local growth of the second moment technique revealed scaling structure of all observed time series generally similar and suggested the presence of two temperature forming processes. The longer-scale part can be attributed to the heat conduction in compositional and structural heterogeneous solid rocks, further affected by various local conditions. Short-scale temperature oscillations are produced by the intra-hole fluid convection due to inherent instability of water column filling the hole. Here we present how the observational evidence is supported by the results of the computer simulations. The exact modes of intra-hole convection may be different, ranging from quasi-periodic (“quiescent”) state to close of turbulence. As demonstrated by numerical modeling and referred on laboratory experiments, at higher Rayleigh numbers the periodic character of oscillation characteristic for “quiescent” regime is superseded by stochastic features. This so called “oscillatory” convection occurs due to instability within the horizontal boundary layers between the individual convectional cells. In spite of the fact that the basic convective cell motion is maintained and convection is characterized by slow motion, the oscillatory intra-hole flow and corresponding temperature patterns exhibit typical features of turbulence. The idea of boundary layer instability as a source of stochastic temperature fluctuations could explain many distinct features of borehole temperatures that previously cannot be interpreted.  相似文献   

The ∼340 Ma Knížecí Stolec durbachitic pluton was emplaced as a deep-seated cone-sheet-bearing ring complex into the Křišt’anov granulite body (Moldanubian Unit, Bohemian Massif). Prior to the emplacement of the durbachitic magma, the steep sub-concentric metamorphic foliation in the granulite formed due to intense ductile folding during high-grade retrograde metamorphism. Subsequently, the durbachitic pluton intruded discordantly into the granulite at around ∼340 Ma. The steep margin-parallel magmatic fabric in the durbachitic rocks may have recorded intrusive strain during emplacement. After the emplacement, but prior to the final solidification, the pluton was overprinted by the regional flat-lying fabric under lower pressure–temperature conditions (T = 765 ± 53°C; P = 0.76 ± 0.15 GPa). Based on this study and comparison with other ultrapotassic plutons, we suggest that the flat-lying fabrics, widespread throughout the exhumed lower to middle crust (Moldanubian Unit), exhibit major variations in character, intensity, kinematics, and shape of the fabric ellipsoid. These fabrics may have formed at different structural levels and in different parts of the root prior to ~337 Ma. Therefore, we suggest that this apparently “single” orogenic fabric recorded multiple deformation events and heterogenous finite deformation rather than reflecting a single displacement field within the orogenic root.  相似文献   

Summary A large-scale relict domain of granulite facies deformation fabrics has been identified within the Blansky les granulite body. The granulite facies mylonitic fabric is discordant to the dominant amphibolite facies structures of the surrounding retrograde granulite. The complex geometry of retrograde amphibolite facies fabric indicates a large-scale fold-like structure, which is interpreted to be a result of either crustal-scale buckling of an already exhumed granulite sheet or active rotation of a rigid granulite facies ellipsoidal domain in kinematic continuity with the regional amphibolite facies deformation. We argue that both concepts allow similar restoration of the original granulite facies fabrics prior to the amphibolite facies deformation and “folding”. The geometry of the granulite facies foliations coincides with the earliest fabrics in the nearby mid-crustal units suggesting complete mechanical coupling between the deep lower crust and the mid-crustal levels during the vertical movements of crustal materials. Microstructures indicate grain-size sensitive flow enhanced by the presence of silicate melts at deep crustal levels and a beginning of an exhumation process of low viscosity granulites through a vertical channel. The amphibolite facies fabrics developed at middle crustal levels and their microstructures indicate significant hardening of feldspar-made rigid skeleton of the retrograde granulite. Increase in the strength of the granulite allowed an active buckling or a rigid body rotation of the granulite sheet, which acted as a strong layer inside the weaker metasediments.  相似文献   

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