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Lakes along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are unique shallow lake group faced with serious problems of eutrophication. In shallow lakes, there are strong interactions between surface sediment and overlying water, and the chemical, biological processes are complicated in the system. The mechanism of shallow lake eutrophication is still insufficient to instruct the harness practice. Water samples were collected quarterly in each lake center from 2000 to 2003. Chemical variables and ionic concentrations were measured in laboratory. This paper focused on the seasonal variations of NO2-N, NO3-N, NH4-N, DIP, chlorophyll a and TN : TP ratios in 49 lakes along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The cooperating mechanisms between N and P were investigated through the analysis of their relationships at different nutrient levels.  相似文献   

Lead is one of the major heavy-metal contaminants in water environments. It can exert a stress on the growth of submersed plants through changing the activities of carbon-fixation enzymes in their photosynthesis. In this work, a worldwide distributed species of submersed plants- Potamogeton pectinatus, which can survive in different water environments such as in Dianchi Lake, a severe eutrophic lake, was cultivated in improved Hoagland's solution and treated with different concentrations of lead. In order to realize the effect of lead on the photosynthesis of this plant, the chlorophyll contents were determined and the activities of carbon-fixation enzymes including ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPc), phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPc) and carbonic anhydrase (CA) were analyzed.  相似文献   

The Dongdao Island of the Xisha atolls is located in the center of the South China Sea. The nearby ambient sea, with thousands of reefs, atolls, submerged reefs and banks, is probably one of the most biologically diverse bodies of water on the planet. Due to the distance from the mainland of China and unaccessibility to this coral island, little research work has been conducted to date. Because only Chinese troops and a few fishermen are allowed to reside in some islands, however, the Xisha region is at a relatively pristine condition and provides an ideal site for investigating geochemical characteristics and processes of trace heavy metals. The levels and depth distributions of As, Cd, Cu, Zn, Pb, Hg and P in two sediment cores DY2 and DY4 collected from the "Cattle Pond" of the Dongdao Island, South China Sea, were determined and analyzed with the main objective to identify the sources of these elements and evaluate the corresponding sedimentological and geochemical processes. Lithological characters and sedimentary parameters such as LOI 950℃, CaO, LOI 550℃ and TOC indicate that the depths of 96 cm and 87 cm are the critical points for DY2 and DY4 cores, respectively. As, Cd, Cu, Zn, Hg and P are remarkably enriched in the ornithogenic sediments above the critical depth points; their concentration-versus-depth profiles are similar to those of TOC and LOI 550℃; the ratios of As, Cd, Cu, Zn, Hg over Ca are significantly correlated with P/Ca. Statistical and comparative analyses of these elements' levels in the ornithogenic sediments of DY2 and DY4 strongly suggest that seabird droppings are the main source of these elements, and these heavy metals are very likely transported into the sediments through sorptive or complexing reactions with humic phosphate compounds leached from guano. Additionally, for the upper sediment layers of DY2 and DY4 cores, Fe oxide sorption mechanism, like organic matter, may also play an important role in the abundance of heavy metals.  相似文献   

An "International Workshop on Central Asian Orogenesis and Metallogeny", sup- ported by Department of Science and Tech- nology of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the Geosciences Department of the Natural Science Foundation of China, the Bureau of Science and Technology for Resources and Environment, the Chinese Academy of Science, Xinjiang Petroleum Company, and China National Petroleum Corporation, was held in Urumqi, Xinjiang, from 18-24 September, 2007 (hosted by the National 305 Project Office).  相似文献   

Temporal variations in the concentration and N isotopic ratios of inorganic N (NH4– and NO3–N) as affected by the soil temperature regime together with the input of bird excreta were analyzed in a sedentary soil under a dense colony (1.6 nests/m2) of breeding Black-tailed Gulls (Laruscrassirostris: a ground-nesting seabird). Surface soil samples were taken monthly from mid-March to late July 2005 from Kabushima Island, Hachinohe, northeastern Japan. The spatial concentration of inorganic N in the soils varied considerably on all sampling dates. There may be a statistically significant trend, showing increased NH4–N content from settlement up to early June when the input of fecal N attains its maximum, and then decreases towards the end of breeding activity (early August). Abundant NO3–N was observed in all soils, particularly in the later stage of breeding (up to 3800 mg-N/kg dry soil), refuting earlier claims that nitrification is unimportant in the soils. δ15N values of NH4 in the soils showed unusually high values up to +51‰, reflecting N isotope fractionation due to volatilization of NH3 during the mineralization. Mean δ15N values of the monthly collected totals of NH4 and NO3 were not significantly different at the 5% level based on ANOVA and significant differences were observed only among the three means of NO3–N collected in mid-March (settlement of colony: δ15N = −0.2 ± 3.5‰) and late July (later stages of breeding: δ15N = +22.1 ± 7.0‰, +23.3 ± 7.8‰) at the 1% and 5% levels by t-test, respectively. Such an observation of significantly increased δ15N values for NO3–N in soils from the fledgling stage indicates the integration of denitrification coupled with nitrification under a limited supply of fecal N.  相似文献   

水下火山喷发作用机制不同于陆地环境喷发,随着水参与程度的变化,喷发机制趋向复杂。本文以雷琼火山群的湛江硇洲岛作为研究对象,聚焦浅海火山产物的判断依据和水下火山喷发机制。硇洲岛是我国最大的第四纪火山岛,其上的那晏湾剖面保留了完整的火山喷发堆积序列。在那晏湾剖面的凝灰岩中,主要有三类火山成因的大粒径原生碎屑(2-5mm):塑变熔岩碎屑、碎玄玻璃及玄武玻璃,推断为不同程度水-岩浆相互作用的产物,根据水的参与程度大致排序为:碎玄玻璃>玄武玻璃>塑变熔岩碎屑。通过对硇洲岛水-火山作用机制研究,发现水-岩浆混合质量比(Mwater/Mmelt)是控制爆炸强度和火山碎屑粒度的关键因素。火山喷发序列分析表明,硇洲岛的喷发过程总体可分为三期,早期是冰岛苏特塞式喷发的浅水环境蒸汽爆炸与“火喷泉”喷发;中期过渡转为“火喷泉”喷发,伴随陆上的射汽岩浆喷发;最终以岩浆溢流式喷发结束。  相似文献   

华北山地“距今二、三百万年”的“冰臼”绝大部分位于第四纪河谷内,“距今1~2万年”的“冰川壶穴”位于全新世河谷内,与华北山地地貌演化相矛盾;所谓的“冰川地貌”组合不是真正的地貌组合,而是不同时代、不同成因地貌的混合,因此,华北山地不存在冰臼.所谓的“冰臼”是不同时代、多种成因的壶穴——距今2.50Ma前后的河蚀壶穴,距今10~ 20 ka的雪蚀壶穴,距今10ka以来的溶蚀穴、溶蚀—河蚀壶穴、风化—风蚀壶穴、现代壶穴和水潭.  相似文献   

Snowmelt runoff is a valuable water resource in Northwest China. In the past few decades, progress has been achieved in snowmelt runoff simulation in mountainous areas, including observation and simulation of snow melt process, improvement and development of distributed snow melt runoff model, and ability for application of snow melt runoff model with temporal and spatial distribution driving data. The development of interpolation algorithm, remote sensing and data assimilation technology provides data support for the widespread application of distributed snowmelt runoff model in northwest mountainous regions of China. Climate warming and economic and social development will further aggravate the contradiction between supply and demand of water resources in the arid regions of Northwest China, which requires higher precision and detail spatial and temporal resolution of snowmelt runoff simulation. Based on the progress and challenges on snowmelt runoff simulation in mountainous regions of Northwest China, following studies need more attention:the mechanism of snow accumulation and ablation, snow cover spatial and temporal distribution monitoring and high precision of snow distribution data acquisition, quantitative climate change impact on river basin snowmelt runoff. © 2022 The authors.  相似文献   

对冻结路基填料开展一系列恒围压和动围压分级循环加载三轴试验,采用轴向及径向双向同步循环加载方式来模拟原位列车荷载下路基填料的复杂循环应力状态,试验结果表明:轴向累积塑性应变随冻结负温的升高而增大,随粗颗粒含量的增大而减小。体变随冻结负温的降低先减小再增大,而体变在粗颗粒含量增加下的三阶段演化特征被试验确定。最后采用现有的三类路基安定性评估理论对冻结路基填料的累积塑性变形进行评估,Werkmeister-准则和马-准则分别在动围压和恒围压的条件下易进入塑性蠕变阶段,陈-准则在两条件下的评判结果均属于塑性安定范围,后循环压实阶段与二次循环变形阶段间临界点不同的确定方法对安定性的评估结果有不可忽视的影响。  相似文献   

Based on the daily precipitation data of 16 national meteorological observation stations on the north⁃ ern slope of Tianshan Mountains from 2000 to 2020(September to April the following year),28 blizzard weath⁃ er processes were screened out. Then NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and HYSPLIT model were used to simulate backward tracking of the water vapor during the snowstorm,analysis of the circulation background of the snow⁃ storm process on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains,as well as the main sources and transport of wa⁃ ter vapor and its contribution to the snowstorm. The research showed that the snowstorm area in the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains was located on the right side of the axis of the southwest jet at 300 hPa high,the southwest airflow in front of the West Siberia trough at 500 hPa,the front convergence of the exit area of the southwest jet at low level at 700 hPa,and the convergence area of water vapor flux divergence and the overlap near the ground cold front area. The water vapor affecting the blizzard on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains mainly came from the Mediterranean Sea,the Black Sea and its vicinity,Southwest Asia,Central Asia,the Atlantic Ocean and its coasts,as well as the 850 hPa water vapor in Europe and northern Xinjiang. The water vapor from North America and other places had a relatively small contribution to the blizzard;after each water vapor source reaches the key area with the westerly airflow,under suitable circulation conditions. It mainly entered the blizzard area along the westward(southwest)and the northwest paths. But there were some differences between the layers. Based on the above characteristics,the structure of the source and transport of wa⁃ ter vapor in the snowstorm process on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains was established and the char⁃ acteristics of vapor transport at various heights were revealed. © 2023 The Author(s).  相似文献   

板块汇聚边缘的陆壳厚度变化与构造和岩浆过程的动态相互作用有着错综复杂的联系,也是对深部地球动力学背景的直接响应。西拉木伦构造带是中亚造山带东部重要的汇聚板块边界,查明其浅部构造变形及深部动力学过程对于理解中亚造山带构造演化具有重要意义。本文通过野外地质工作查明晚二叠世-早三叠世西拉木伦构造带的上地壳发育一系列北东向、轴面向南东倾的宽缓褶皱以及向南东逆冲的断层,变形样式属于薄皮构造,显示出由北西向南东挤压的单向构造应力背景,平衡剖面恢复显示此时期构造变形造成地表~30%的缩短以及~4km的浅部地壳增厚。利用林西地区火成岩全岩La/Yb比值和锆石Eu/Eu*参数构建的年龄-地壳厚度曲线揭示,二叠纪早-中期地壳厚度从49km连续减薄到33km,反映此时期整体处于伸展环境。二叠纪晚期至三叠纪初期,地壳厚度增加了~15km,峰值厚度达~48km,这个迅速的地壳增厚过程可能是岩浆作用导致的地壳垂向增生和构造作用产生的造山带物质堆叠综合作用的结果。本文根据构造带同汇聚期岩浆岩面积和地壳厚度估算造山作用形成了~11%的新生陆壳。同时,两个时期的深部壳幔相互作用方式也有不同,二叠纪早期西拉木伦构造带火成岩锆石的εHf(t)值相对较高(6.1~19.9;均值10.1),δ^(18 )O值较分散(5.1‰~8.3‰),指示岩浆在形成过程中有幔源物质的加入,示踪了林西地区深部与软流圈上涌有关的伸展过程;而晚二叠世至三叠纪初期花岗岩锆石εHf(t)值相对下降(-1.1~17.2;均值9.3),δ^(18 )O值仍高于幔源值(>5.9‰),揭示同源地幔岩浆的持续重融改造过程。综合沉积环境、地壳厚度变化、岩浆岩同位素变化、地壳增生量及地表单向构造应力背景等特征,本文提出西拉木伦构造带可能经历了地幔俯冲;而早-中二叠世的软流圈上涌和晚二叠世-早三叠世的下地壳及岩石圈地幔密度增大,可能是发生地幔俯冲的深部地球动力学原因。  相似文献   

An extinct hydrothermal barite-silica chimney from the Franklin Seamount of the Woodlark Basin, in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, was investigated for mineral distribution and geochemical composition. Six layers on either side of the orifice of a chimney show significant disparity in color, mineral assemblage and major element composition. Electron microscope(SEM) images reveal that the peripheral wall of the chimney is composed of colloform silica, suggesting that incipient precipitation of silica-saturated hydrothermal fluid initiated the development of the chimney wall. Intermediate layers, between the exterior wall and the inner fluid-orifice, dominate with barite and sulfides. Low Sr-to-Ba ratios(SrO/BaO = 0.015–0.017) indicate restricted fluid-seawater mixing, which causes relatively high-temperature formation of the intermediate layers. Whereas the innermost layer bordering the chimney orifice is characterized by more silica and a higher Sr-to-Ba ratio(SrO/BaO = 0.023), could have formed due to a paragenetic shift from a high-temperature active phase to a cooler waning stage of formation. A paragenetic shift is also probably responsible for the change in mineral formation mechanism that resulted in the textural variation of barite and colloform silica developed during different growth phases of this barite-silica chimney.  相似文献   

<正>The Tengchong geothermal area,an active tectonic region with frequent earthquakes,is located in Yunnan Province of southwestern China.This area contains abundant active hot springs, which often display high metal concentrations and obvious mineralization phenomena.At 19:19 on 9 July 2009,an earthquake occurred in Yao'an,Chuxiong,Yunnan Province,which is 300 km to the northeast of the Tengchong geothermal area.We sampled water in the hot springs in the Tengchong area from 4 July to 9 July 2009 and from 10 July to 15 July 2009 to study the changes of elemental concentrations before and after the earthquake and discuss the influence of the earthquake on the mineralization of the hot springs.The concentrations of most trace elements increased slightly,but the concentration of REE(rare earth elements) decreased by 50%after the earthquake in the hot springs around a NS-trending fault.The elemental concentrations remained unchanged in Longtan and Suanshuigou,which are related to an inactive crater.The elemental concentrations in other springs controlled by superficial and small-scale faults decreased after the earthquake.The earthquake can stimulate the activity of deep faults and magma chambers,as is responsible for the increase of metal concentrations in the hot springs along the NS-trending deep fault;whereas it can decrease the porosity of permeable rocks,resulting in the decline of the flux of ore-bearing fluids and the corresponding mineralization in the hot springs related to superficial faults.  相似文献   

In recent years,more and more attention has been paid to the problem of the cryosphere changes on the Tibetan Plateau,and it has gradually become a hot issue for scholars. Known as the“water tower of Asia”,the Tibetan Plateau is the source of many major rivers in Asia. Under the combined influence of climate change and human activities,water resources on the Tibetan Plateau have undergone profound changes,especially soil water,as an important component of water resources,which plays an important role in regulating vegetation and crop growth,rainfall and runoff. However,global warming leads to the degradation of permafrost and seasonal⁃ ly frozen soil,which affects the original water cycle process and the spatial and temporal pattern of water re⁃ sources by changing the properties of soil water storage and water transport. In the Tibetan Plateau,where there are few data,it is difficult to directly study the soil water cycle process under freezing-thawing by using original data. Therefore,it is an important means to simulate the variation characteristics of soil water and temperature under freezing-thawing in seasonally frozen soil regions of the Tibetan Plateau by using coupling model of soil water and heat. Aiming at the key problem of the difference of soil temperature and moisture characteristics in typical seasonally frozen soil regions under different meteorological conditions,this paper simulated the charac⁃ teristics of soil moisture and temperature change in Maqu,Naqu(Nagqu)and Shiquanhe from 2017 to 2018 by using SHAW(Simultaneous Heat and Water)model and three soil moisture characteristic curve models. The simulation effect and variation characteristics of soil moisture and temperature under different meteorological conditions were analyzed,and the influence of soil moisture characteristic curve model on the simulation effect was studied. The results show that SHAW model can well simulate the temporal variation and vertical distribu⁃ tion of soil temperature and moisture under different meteorological conditions. The simulation effect of soil tem⁃ perature is better than that of soil moisture. The average NSE,R2 and RMSE of soil temperature are 0. 88,0. 96 and 2. 20 ℃,respectively. The mean NSE,R2 and RMSE of soil moisture are 0. 60,0. 72 and 0. 03 m3·m-3,respec⁃ tively. In terms of different meteorological conditions,the simulation effect of soil temperature in relatively dry region was significantly better than that in humid region,while the simulation effect of soil water in relatively hu⁃ mid region was significantly better than that in arid region. From different depths in soil,the simulation effect of soil temperature decreases gradually with the increase of depth,while the simulation effect of soil moisture in the middle and lower layers is better than that in the surface layer. From the view of different soil moisture character⁃ istic curve models,different soil water characteristic curve models have no significant effect on soil temperature simulation effect,but there are significant differences in soil moisture simulation effect. In addition,there are great differences and uncertainties in simulating soil temperature and moisture in different freezing-thawing stag⁃ es. With the increasing trend of climate warming,permafrost and seasonally frozen soil on the Tibetan Plateau may continue to degrade,may change the current water resources pattern,resulting in frequent extreme weather events. Therefore,from the perspective of numerical simulation,this paper verified the applicability of soil moisture and heat coupling model in soil temperature and moisture simulation under different meteorological con⁃ ditions,revealed the influence of precipitation and temperature on soil temperature and moisture simulation at different depths in seasonally frozen soil regions,and analyzed the differences in simulation effects of different soil moisture characteristic curve models. The results provide reference for the study of soil water resources vari⁃ ation under freezing-thawing conditions. © 2023 Chinese Journal of General Practitioners. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Mo et al. (2005) determined that magma mixing and mingling took place extensively in the Gangdisê magmatic belt around 50 Ma, and argued that magma mixing was genetically related to underplating of mantle-derived magmas beneath that belt. Underplating, as one of the major mechanisms for crustal growth, can occur in the environments of convergent plate boundaries, subduction and collision zones, and in intra-plate settings such as continental flood basalt provinces (Wilson, 19…  相似文献   

There are two factors, source composition and magmatic differentiation, potentially controlling W-Sn mineralization. Which one is more important is widely debated and may need to be determined for each individual deposit. The Xitian granite batholith located in South China is a natural laboratory for investigating the above problem. It consists essentially of two separate components, formed in the Triassic at ca. 226 Ma and Jurassic at ca. 152 Ma, respectively. The Triassic and Jurassic rocks are both composed of porphyritic and fine-grained phases. The latter resulted from highly-differentiated porphyritic ones but they have similar textural characteristics and mineral assemblages, indicating that they reached a similar degree of crystal fractionation. Although both fine-grained phases are highly differentiated with elevated rare metal contents, economic W–Sn mineralization is rare in the Triassic granitoids and this can be attributed to less fertile source materials than their Jurassic counterparts, with a slightly more enriched isotopic signature and whole-rock εNd(226 Ma) of ?10.4 to ?9.2 (2σ = 0.2) compared with εNd(152 Ma) of ?9.2 to ?8.2 (2σ = 0.2) for the Jurassic rocks. The initial W-Sn enrichment was derived from the metasedimentary rocks and strongly enhanced by reworking of the continental crust, culminating in the Jurassic.  相似文献   

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