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We used fresh and brackish water shrimp (Desmoscaris trispinosa and Palaemonetes africanus), in sediment bioassays to assess the toxicity of an industrial detergent containing high levels of anionic surfactant (linear alkylbenzene sulphonate (LAS)). The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), # 218 direct sediment toxicity assessment was employed. The organisms were exposed to different concentrations (31.25, 62.5, 125,250 and 500 mg/kg) of the chemical (Neatex) in replicate treatments. Percentage mortality was measured as the ecological endpoint. Mean mortality and estimated lethal concentration LCso values varied with species type, concentration and exposure duration. The statistical variation in the observed mean mortality of the test organisms in the chemical and the control treatment shows that mortality may be induced by the effect of the chemicals. The lethal concentration (LCso) was significantly different at levels ofp 〈 0.05 for the fresh and brackish water experiments. Consequently, assessment of water and sediment quality as a result of chemical pollutants was necessary for protecting some of the more sensitive benthic invertebrates representing the major proportion of the diet of many species in the Niger Delta ecological zone.  相似文献   

不同碳源对球孢鱼腥藻生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了有机碳源和无机碳源对球胞鱼腥藻生长的影响,结果表明:有机碳源中葡萄糖以0.5—1.0μg/mL、蔗糖以5.0μg/mL促进其生长效果最好;无机碳源中,碳酸钠以10.0—15.0μg/mL、碳酸氢钠以10.0μg/mL效果最好。葡萄糖和蔗糖的浓度高低对球孢鱼腥藻叶绿素a的含量没有明显影响,但前者略高于后者。碳酸钠和碳酸氢钠的浓度在5.0μg/mL时均提高了叶绿素a含量。四种碳源都提高了球孢鱼腥藻的同氮活性,有机碳源中蔗糖优于葡萄塘,无机碳源中碳酸钠优于碳酸氢钠。  相似文献   

Growth, stem morphology and some biochemical parameters were studied of one completely submerged (Myriophyllum spicatum) and two floating leaved macrophytes (Nymphoides peltata and Trapa japonica) under different turbulence velocities. The root mean square velocities of the high, medium and low amount of turbulence that was generated for the experiment were 2.18 ± 0.66, 1.48 ± 0.26 and 0.70 ± 0.07 cm s−1, respectively, in the microcosm. All three experimental plants survived exposed to all turbulence conditions provided, although a decrease in shoot elongation rate was associated with an increase in turbulence. Acceleration of tissue H2O2 generation and MDA content increased during the study period in all plant species. Oxidative enzymatic activities (POD, IAA and CKX) increased with time in plants under medium and high turbulence velocities. The shoot elongation rate, stem and leaf diameter, chlorophyll content and carbohydrate fractionations were found to be affected by this abiotic stress. It is evident from this study that high turbulence velocity inhibits normal metabolic activities of all three plants, while low to medium turbulence does not harm the floating leaved plants. Moreover, floating leaved plants were found to possess highly capable strategies to cope with this mechanical stress than completely submerged species.  相似文献   

Leakage of electrolytes from discs of treated fronds of Laminaria digitata and Fucus serratus was the criterion used to study the effect of oils over 24 h on cell membrane permeability. Motor fuel oil increased cell membrane permeability in both algae at 1 h, or longer, after treatment. Laminaria changed to a green colour after 3 h, but Fucus was unaffected visibly by the oil. White spirit, diesel oil, or aviation fuel did not alter cell membrane permeability or visibly affect either alga over 24 h.  相似文献   

To better understand the factors controlling the shapes of lava domes, laboratory simulations, measurements from active and prehistoric flows and dimensional analysis were used to explore how effusion history and cooling rate affect the final geometry of a dome. Fifty experiments were conducted in which a fixed volume of polyethylene glycol wax was injected into a tank of cold sucrose solution, either as one continuous event or as a series of shorter pulses separated by repose periods. When the wax cooling rates exceeded a critical minimum value, the dome aspect ratios (height/diameter) increased steadily with erupted volume over the course of a single experiment and the rate at which height increased with volume depended linearly on the time-averaged effusion rate. Thus the average effusion rate could be estimated from observations of how the dome shape changed with time. Our experimental results and dimensional analyses were compared with several groups of natural lava flows: the recently emplaced Mount St Helens and Soufrière domes, which had been carefully monitored while active; three sets of prehistoric rhyolite domes that varied in eruptive style and shape; and two sets of Holocene domes with similar shapes, but different compositions. Geometric measurements suggest that dome morphology can be directly correlated with effusion rate for domes of similar composition from the same locality, and that shape alone can be related to a dimensionless number comparing effusion rate and cooling rate. Extrapolation to the venusian pancake domes suggests that they formed from relatively viscous lavas extruded either episodically or at average effusion rates low enough to allow solidified surface crust to exert a dominating influence on the final morphology.  相似文献   

尹娟  韩博平 《湖泊科学》2008,20(3):344-350
模糊秀体潘是热带水体中枝角类的主要优势种,它在竞争及对热带水体的适应方面的优势尚不清楚。本文以模糊秀体潘为研究对象,观察不同食物浓度下其生长和繁殖的特点,探讨模糊秀体潘成热带水体优势种的原因。以蛋白核小球藻为食物,浓度梯度设为0.05mg/L、0.1mg/L、0.3mg/L、0.6mg/L和1.0mg/L小球藻浓度为0.05mg/L的培养液中,模糊秀体潘存活率很低且未观察到繁殖现象其它4个浓度小球藻喂养的模糊秀体潘体长生长率和最大体长均随食物浓度的升高而增加,最大体长分别达到1.087mm、1.125mm、1.225mm、1.313mm;食物浓度对模糊秀体溢的胚胎发育时间,平均寿命,个体累计产幼数无显著影响:随着食物浓度的升高,模糊秀体滏初次怀卵体长显著增加,繁殖前期的历时相应缩短,平均每胎产幼数增加:内禀增长率随食物浓度升高而增大,达到0.6mg/L后比较稳定。浓度为0.6mg/L时,模糊秀体潘的净生殖率也达到最大值。1.0mg/L组的世代时间最短,内禀增长率接近最大值。0.6mg/L和1.0mg/L为模糊秀体潘生长比较适宜的食物浓度。热带自然水体中,模糊秀体潘相对其它浮游动物个体小和怀卵率低的现象并非食物不足所致;食物充足条件下的最大成体的个体大小与野外样品接近,也说明自然水体中捕食并没有显著影响成体的个体大小。模糊秀体潘体型较小、身体透明、行动敏捷,容易逃避鱼类的捕食,可能是模糊秀体潘能在食物丰富的热带水体中,特别是透明度较低的富营养化湖泊中能够成为枝角类中优势种的主要原因。  相似文献   

The contamination of aquatic environments has become the focus of increasing regulation and public concern due to their potential and unknown negative effects on the ecosystems. The present work develops a monitoring and statistical study, based on the analysis of variance test (ANOVA) and the multivariable analysis, both for insoluble soap and LAS in order to compare the behavior of different anionic surfactants in this environmental compartment. First, a novel and successfully validated methodology to analyze insoluble soap in these samples is developed. The matrix effect and the comparison of different extraction techniques were also performed. The optimized analytical methodologies were applied to 48 representative samples collected from the Almeria Coast (Spain) and then a statistical analysis to correlate anionic surfactant concentration and several variables associated with marine sediment samples was also developed. The results obtained showed relevant conclusions related to the environmental behavior of anionic surfactants in marine sediments.  相似文献   

苦草(Vallisneria natans)生长期对沉积物磷形态及迁移的影响   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
模拟湖泊系统构建了“沉积物-水-苦草”(Vallisneria natans)系统,研究了在苦草生长期沉积物、水和苦草三相中磷含量的变化,结果表明:苦草在生长期,能显著降低沉积物中各形态磷的含量,沉积物总磷(TP)、NaOH提取磷(NaOH-P)、HCl提取磷(HCl-P)、无机磷(IP)和有机磷(OP)含量分别降低了...  相似文献   

Suspended particles (SP) are increasing dramatically in Bohai Bay, China and may affect the growth and composition of phytoplankton assembly. To determine the effects of SP on the growth of two dominant phytoplankton species, Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin and Gymnodinium sp., we cultured and tested their growth characteristics under SP concentrations ranging from 0 g L−1 to 0.8 g L−1. Our results show that the increase in the SP concentrations results in significant decrease in the maximum cell densities and the maximum specific growth rates of these two species. The half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) of SP to P. tricornutum and Gymnodinium sp. were 1.07 g L−1 and 0.68 g L−1 respectively, indicating the inhibitory effect of SP on Gymnodinium sp. was greater than on P. tricornutum. These results suggest that SP inhibits the growth of the two algal species and P. tricornutum is more tolerant to SP than Gymnodinium sp.  相似文献   

为了探究生物质炭作为生长基质对水生植物种子萌发和生长的影响,选用典型沉水植物苦草(Vallisneria spiralis)作为受试植物,测定不同氮、磷营养盐浓度和不同粒径的生物质炭作用下对苦草种子萌发率、幼苗形态与生物量,同时分析水体中硝态氮、亚硝态氮、氨氮和正磷酸盐磷浓度变化过程.结果表明:生物质炭存在使水体中亚硝态氮浓度低于检测限,使水体正磷酸盐磷浓度上升至1.28~2.43 mg/L,为最高添加磷浓度的3.2~6.1倍,从而改变了苦草生长环境.小粒径生物质炭(0.25~0.5 mm)组中水体最终氨氮浓度(0.05 mg/L)远远低于大粒径生物质炭(1~2 mm)组中水体最终氨氮浓度(0.39~0.85 mg/L),即生物质炭粒径大小会影响水体最终营养盐浓度和氮素赋存形态.与大粒径生物质炭组和石英砂对照相比,小粒径组苦草种子萌发率明显升高,可达80%以上,并促进苦草幼苗生长.因此,小粒径生物质炭能提高苦草种子萌发和幼苗生长,在大型水生植物恢复工程中具有一定的应用前景.  相似文献   

于婷  戴景峻  雷腊梅  彭亮 《湖泊科学》2014,26(3):441-446
以从南亚热带水库中分离的拟柱孢藻(Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii N8)为材料,研究了不同温度(12、16、20、24、28、32℃)、光照强度(6.6、12.4、21.5、30.7、62.9、106.4μmol/(m2·s))和硝态氮浓度(0.5、1、2、4、8、16、32、64、128 mg/L)下拟柱孢藻的生长特性.结果表明:在实验设置的温度范围(16~32℃)内拟柱孢藻能够正常生长;最适温度范围为24~28℃,在28℃条件下,具有最大比生长速率,为0.189 d-1;当温度为12℃时,拟柱孢藻叶绿素a浓度一直降低,显著低于其他温度组(16~32℃).在6.6~106.4μmol/(m2·s)光照强度范围内,拟柱孢藻均呈指数增长趋势,最适光照强度为30.7μmol/(m2·s),其比生长速率达到最大值,为0.156 d-1;高光照强度(62.9~106.4μmol/(m2·s))下拟柱孢藻的比生长速率显著大于低光照强度(6.6~12.4μmol/(m2·s))处理组.拟柱孢藻开始指数增长的最低硝态氮浓度为4 mg/L;硝态氮浓度为8 mg/L时,拟柱孢藻达到最大比生长速率(0.155 d-1);当硝态氮浓度高于16 mg/L时比生长速率增加不显著.高硝态氮浓度组(16~128 mg/L)拟柱孢藻的叶绿素a浓度和比生长速率显著高于低硝态氮浓度组(0.5~2 mg/L).研究结果说明拟柱孢藻对温度、光照和氮源均有较宽的生态位,有利于在较大空间尺度上进行扩散.  相似文献   

The clam Ruditapes decussatus L. was collected from Ria Formosa, Faro, southern Portugal, and exposed to a sublethal copper concentration of 0.01 mg l−1 for 20 days. Physiological measurements, respiration rates, clearance rates and absorption efficiency, were undertaken initially and after 2, 5, 9, 14 and 20 days and used to calculate Scope for Growth. Copper accumulation rate was calculated through the analysis of copper in the tissues at the same sampling times. The experiment showed two phases. Initially, copper was rapidly accumulated (1.95 μg Cu g−1 dw day−1 in the first 48 h), clearance rates declined markedly (lowest value 13.5% of control) and respiration rates increased (116% of control), resulting in a rapid decline of Scope for Growth, which showed a negative value after 5 days. In the second phase, (from day 9 on), the rate of copper uptake declined to 0.55 μg Cu g−1 day−1 and physiological responses were more stable. After 20 days, copper concentration in the tissues was 38.4 μg Cu g−1 dw (bioconcentration factor 3840). Clearance rates were 50% of control rates and respiration rates were still high, 145% of control rates. Therefore, Scope for Growth and performance of the clams was still greatly affected (ca. 23% of the control values), indicating that though animals partially recovered through detoxifying mechanisms, excess copper caused sustained impairment of physiological functions. This experiment confirms that the physiological energetics approach and the integrated Scope for Growth measurement is a sensitive methodology to detect deviations from normal performance and assess stress at environmental realistic copper concentrations.  相似文献   

水位埋深对菖蒲萌发和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘玉  王国祥  潘国权 《湖泊科学》2009,21(4):530-537
在直径35.5cm、深100cm的试验桶内装填厚度80cm的江沙,选择形态和节数一致的菖蒲根状茎栽种到桶内江沙中,调节并控制试验桶水位埋深,模拟研究湿地水位埋深变化对菖蒲萌发和幼苗生长的影响.为湿地生态系统保育和受损区域植被恢复提供理论依据.试验结果表明:(1)水位埋深对菖蒲萌发和幼苗生长有不同程度的影响,水位埋深为-60cm至-20cm条件下菖蒲皆能萌发,且随着水位埋深减小,萌发率降低.试验70d,-20cm试验组菖蒲萌发率达到90%,分别为-50cm和-60cm试验组的2.25和3倍.而0cm水位埋深条件下,菖蒲不萌发;(2)菖蒲幼苗叶长、叶宽和叶面积随水位埋深减小而减小.各试验组间差异极显著(P<0.01),叶片数量也随水位埋深减小而减小,-20cm和-40cm试验组极显著高于-50cm和-60cm试验组(P<0.01),且-60cm水位埋深严重影响菖蒲幼苗的存活,试验70d后菖蒲幼苗相继死亡;(3)随水位埋深减小,菖蒲幼苗叶片Ch1.a和Ch1.b含量下降,Ch1.a/b升高,类胡萝卜素(Car)含量升高,植物通过形态调节和减少色素含量来减少叶片对光能的捕获;(4)水位埋深过小导致的低土壤水分含量还使菖蒲幼苗叶片细胞膜脂过氧化加剧,细胞质膜透性迅速增大;(5)水位埋深影响菖蒲幼苗叶片快速光响应曲线,水位埋深越小,ETRmax和最小饱和光照强度越低,光响应能力越弱,  相似文献   

为研究滇池海菜花衰退消亡的原因,探讨其恢复的可能性,通过模拟实验研究了光照对海菜花种子萌发和幼苗生长及生理的影响.结果表明光照强度对海菜花种子萌发的影响不显著;光照强度显著影响海菜花幼苗的生长,其中71.8%和91.5%遮光条件下海菜花的平均叶片长度、叶片宽度和株高均显著高于无遮光和97.6%遮光条件下其平均叶片长度、叶片宽度和株高,平均生物量显著高于97.6%遮光条件下其平均生物量;实验中期不同光照条件下,海菜花叶片叶绿素a含量差异显著,其中71.8%遮光条件下海菜花叶片叶绿素a含量显著高于无遮光和97.6%遮光条件下其含量;光照强度对海菜花叶片过氧化物酶活性影响不显著.富营养化导致的水体透明度低、光照强度弱不影响海菜花种子萌发,但影响了海菜花的生长发育和生理特性,进而可能影响了海菜花的繁殖,这可能是滇池海菜花消亡的原因之一.因此恢复海菜花必须提高水体透明度,改善光照强度.  相似文献   

种植水生植物,尤其是沉水植物,是目前广泛应用于受损水体的最主要的生态修复方法之一.研究不同生长型沉水植物组合对水体理化因子的影响及营养物质的去除效率可为受损水生生态系统修复提供重要的科学依据.本研究以我国水体修复中常用的3种不同生长型沉水植物苦草(Vallisneria natans)、黑藻(Hydrilla vertiillata)和穗状狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum)为研究对象,采用1种生长型种植和2种生长型及3种生长型混种模式,研究不同生长型沉水植物组合及其不同生长阶段对实验系统水质指标及氮、磷等营养物质去除率的影响.结果表明,所有植物组合处理均显著提高了系统中总氮、总磷和氨氮去除率;在实验前中期总氮、总磷和氨氮去除率最高.从本实验受试物种组合来看,1种和2种生长型组合比3种生长型组合具有更高的生物量累积量和总氮去除率.Pearson相关性分析显示,实验系统中的pH、DO浓度与植物总生物量呈显著正相关,总氮、总磷、氨氮浓度均与植物总生物量呈显著负相关.建议在受损浅水水生态系统修复过程中,根据生态修复不同阶段考虑不同生活型、生长型和功能群的水生植物组合;在生态修...  相似文献   

The effect of chronic exposure to Escherichia coli on morphometrical parameters, different antioxidant defenses, lipid peroxidation and protein oxidation has been studied in digestive gland of the freshwater mussel Diplodon chilensis in the laboratory during 6 weeks. In, a parallel field study, we evaluated morphometrical and oxidative stress parameters in digestive glands of mussels collected from a sewage polluted area (SMA) and from a pristine area (control). Both sites were characterized by analyzing bacteriological and physic-chemical parameters. In the laboratory D. chilensis was able to filter bacteria at high concentrations with a clearing rate of 0.510 ± 0.036 L/h per gram of dry soft tissue mass. The digestive gland mass to shell length ratio (DGM/SL), reduced glutathione (GSH), lipid peroxidation, as concentration of thiobartituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activity of mussels fed with bacteria were significantly higher than those of control mussels after the fourth week. Fecal bacteria in lake water samples were undetectable in the control, and higher than 24,000 MPN (most probable number)/100 mL in SMA. DGM/SL was higher in SMA. No differences between sites were observed in total lipid and protein content, neither in superoxide dismutase activity. GSH content was higher in SMA, with no difference in the oxidized form. GST activity and MDA were significantly higher in SMA but protein oxidation was not affected.  相似文献   

地表糙度是衡量地表径流形成的一个重要指标.以东北区典型泥炭沼泽——金川泥炭沼泽为例,考虑地表坡度影响,用链条法对不同群落中糙度系数指标进行计算,并以泥炭沼泽中物种多样性、踏头个数以及踏头形态差异变率系数为主,初步分析泥炭泥泽地表糙度的变化机制,结果表明:在芦苇-臌囊苔草群落、臌囊苔草群落和油桦-臌囊苔草-泥炭藓群落三个植物群落中,糙度系数指标的变化与群落中物种丰富度和生物多样性变化相一致;糙度系数变化与踏头个数呈负相关关系,与踏头形态差异变率系数呈正相关关系说明物种多样性越小,生态优势度越大,优势种植物越少,踏头个数越多,踏头形态变率系数越小,微地貌形态发育相对较一致,糙度系数越小;反之,则地表糙度系数越大。  相似文献   

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